def test_role_arn_invalid_values(self): # role_arn must be a string c = configuration.Configuration() c.region = "sample_region" c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.password = "******" c.username = "******" c.role_arn = 1234 with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as e: c.raise_if_invalid() self.assertIn("Expected role_arn to be None or a string.", str(e.exception)) # role_arn be a arn-looking string c = configuration.Configuration() c.region = "sample_region" c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.password = "******" c.username = "******" c.role_arn = "bad_string" with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as e: c.raise_if_invalid() self.assertIn("Expected role_arn to contain 'arn:aws:iam::'", str(e.exception))
def test_unicode_password(self): c = configuration.Configuration() c.password = u"hunter2" c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.username = "******" c.raise_if_invalid()
def setUp(self): self.c = configuration.Configuration() # Pick a profile name that is clear it's for testing. We'll delete it # after, but in case something goes wrong we don't want to use # something that could clobber user input. self.c.profile = "aws_google_auth_test_{}".format(randint(100, 999)) # Pick a string to do password leakage tests. self.c.password = "******".format( randint(100, 999)) self.c.region = "us-east-1" self.c.ask_role = False self.c.keyring = False self.c.duration = 1234 self.c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" self.c.role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::sample_arn" self.c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" self.c.u2f_disabled = False self.c.username = "******" self.c.raise_if_invalid() self.c.write(None) self.config_parser = configparser.RawConfigParser()
def resolve_config(args): # Shortening Convenience functions coalesce = util.Util.coalesce # Create a blank configuration object (has the defaults pre-filled) config = configuration.Configuration() # Have the configuration update itself via the ~/.aws/config on disk. # Profile (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) config.profile = coalesce(args.profile, os.getenv('AWS_PROFILE'), config.profile) # Now that we've established the profile, we can read the configuration and # fill in all the other variables. # Ask Role (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) config.ask_role = bool( coalesce(args.ask_role, os.getenv('AWS_ASK_ROLE'), config.ask_role)) # Duration (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) config.duration = int( coalesce(args.duration, os.getenv('DURATION'), config.duration)) # IDP ID (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) config.idp_id = coalesce(args.idp_id, os.getenv('GOOGLE_IDP_ID'), config.idp_id) # Region (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) config.region = coalesce(args.region, os.getenv('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'), config.region) # ROLE ARN (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) config.role_arn = coalesce(args.role_arn, os.getenv('AWS_ROLE_ARN'), config.role_arn) # SP ID (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) config.sp_id = coalesce(args.sp_id, os.getenv('GOOGLE_SP_ID'), config.sp_id) # U2F Disabled (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) config.u2f_disabled = coalesce(args.disable_u2f, os.getenv('U2F_DISABLED'), config.u2f_disabled) # Resolve AWS aliases enabled (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) config.resolve_aliases = coalesce(args.resolve_aliases, os.getenv('RESOLVE_AWS_ALIASES'), config.resolve_aliases) # Username (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) config.username = coalesce(args.username, os.getenv('GOOGLE_USERNAME'), config.username) config.keyring = coalesce(args.keyring, config.keyring) config.print_creds = coalesce(args.print_creds, config.print_creds) return config
def test_u2f_disabled_is_optional(self): c = configuration.Configuration() c.password = "******" c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.username = "******" self.assertFalse(c.u2f_disabled) c.raise_if_invalid()
def test_region_defaults_to_ap_southeast_2(self): c = configuration.Configuration() c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.username = "******" c.password = "******" self.assertEqual(c.region, "ap-southeast-2") c.raise_if_invalid()
def test_profile_defaults(self): c = configuration.Configuration() c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.password = "******" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.username = "******" self.assertEqual(c.profile, 'sts') c.raise_if_invalid()
def test_ask_role_valid_values(self): c = configuration.Configuration() c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.password = "******" c.username = "******" c.ask_role = True self.assertTrue(c.ask_role) c.raise_if_invalid() c = configuration.Configuration() c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.password = "******" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.username = "******" c.ask_role = False self.assertFalse(c.ask_role) c.raise_if_invalid()
def test_duration_invalid_values(self): # Duration must be an integer c = configuration.Configuration() c.region = "sample_region" c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.password = "******" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.username = "******" c.duration = "bad_type" c.region = "sample_region" with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as e: c.raise_if_invalid() self.assertIn("Expected duration to be an integer.", str(e.exception)) # Duration can not be negative c = configuration.Configuration() c.region = "sample_region" c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.password = "******" c.username = "******" c.duration = -1 with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as e: c.raise_if_invalid() self.assertIn("Expected duration to be greater than or equal to 900.", str(e.exception)) # Duration can not be greater than MAX_DURATION valid = configuration.Configuration() valid.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.password = "******" valid.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" valid.username = "******" valid.duration = 900 c = configuration.Configuration() c.region = "sample_region" c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.password = "******" c.username = "******" c.duration = (valid.max_duration + 1) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as e: c.raise_if_invalid() self.assertIn( "Expected duration to be less than or equal to max_duration", str(e.exception))
def test_role_arn_is_optional(self): c = configuration.Configuration() c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.password = "******" c.username = "******" self.assertIsNone(c.role_arn) c.raise_if_invalid()
def test_duration_defaults_to_max_duration(self): c = configuration.Configuration() c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.password = "******" c.username = "******" self.assertEqual(c.duration, c.max_duration) c.raise_if_invalid()
def test_sp_id_invalid_values(self): # sp_id must not be None c = configuration.Configuration() c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.password = "******" c.username = "******" with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as e: c.raise_if_invalid() self.assertIn("Expected sp_id to be set to non-None value.", str(e.exception))
def test_password_invalid_values(self): # password must be set c = configuration.Configuration() c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.username = "******" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as e: c.raise_if_invalid() self.assertIn("Expected password to be a string.", str(e.exception)) # password must be be string c = configuration.Configuration() c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.password = 123456 c.username = "******" with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as e: c.raise_if_invalid() self.assertIn("Expected password to be a string.", str(e.exception))
def test_ask_role_optional(self): c = configuration.Configuration() c.region = "sample_region" c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.password = "******" c.username = "******" self.assertFalse(c.ask_role) c.raise_if_invalid()
def test_u2f_disabled_valid_values(self): c = configuration.Configuration() c.region = "sample_region" c.password = "******" c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.username = "******" c.u2f_disabled = True self.assertTrue(c.u2f_disabled) c.raise_if_invalid() c = configuration.Configuration() c.region = "sample_region" c.password = "******" c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.username = "******" c.u2f_disabled = False self.assertFalse(c.u2f_disabled) c.raise_if_invalid()
def test_region_defaults_to_none(self): c = configuration.Configuration() c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.username = "******" c.password = "******" self.assertEqual(c.region, None) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as e: c.raise_if_invalid() self.assertIn("Expected region to be a string.", str(e.exception))
def test_region_invalid_values(self): # region must be a string c = configuration.Configuration() c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.password = "******" c.username = "******" c.region = 1234 with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as e: c.raise_if_invalid() self.assertIn("Expected region to be a string.", str(e.exception))
def test_sp_id_valid_values(self): c = configuration.Configuration() c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.username = "******" c.password = "******" self.assertEqual(c.sp_id, "sample_sp_id") c.raise_if_invalid() c.sp_id = 123456 self.assertEqual(c.sp_id, 123456) c.raise_if_invalid()
def test_ask_role_invalid_values(self): # ask_role must be a boolean c = configuration.Configuration() c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.password = "******" c.username = "******" c.ask_role = "bad_value" with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as e: c.raise_if_invalid() self.assertIn("Expected ask_role to be a boolean.", str(e.exception))
def test_u2f_disabled_invalid_values(self): # u2f_disabled must be a boolean c = configuration.Configuration() c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.username = "******" c.password = "******" c.u2f_disabled = 1234 with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as e: c.raise_if_invalid() self.assertIn("Expected u2f_disabled to be a boolean.", str(e.exception))
def test_region_valid_values(self): c = configuration.Configuration() c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.password = "******" c.username = "******" c.region = "us-east-1" self.assertEqual(c.region, "us-east-1") c.raise_if_invalid() c.region = "us-west-2" self.assertEqual(c.region, "us-west-2") c.raise_if_invalid()
def test_password_valid_values(self): c = configuration.Configuration() c.region = "sample_region" c.password = "******" c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.username = "******" self.assertEqual(c.password, "hunter2") c.raise_if_invalid() c.password = "******" self.assertEqual(c.password, "123456") c.raise_if_invalid()
def test_profile_valid_values(self): c = configuration.Configuration() c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.password = "******" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.username = "******" c.profile = "default" self.assertEqual(c.profile, "default") c.raise_if_invalid() c.profile = "sts" self.assertEqual(c.profile, "sts") c.raise_if_invalid()
def test_role_arn_valid_values(self): c = configuration.Configuration() c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.username = "******" c.password = "******" c.role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::some_arn_1" self.assertEqual(c.role_arn, "arn:aws:iam::some_arn_1") c.raise_if_invalid() c.role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::some_other_arn_2" self.assertEqual(c.role_arn, "arn:aws:iam::some_other_arn_2") c.raise_if_invalid()
def test_duration_valid_values(self): c = configuration.Configuration() c.idp_id = "sample_idp_id" c.sp_id = "sample_sp_id" c.password = "******" c.username = "******" c.duration = 100 self.assertEqual(c.duration, 100) c.raise_if_invalid() c.duration = c.max_duration self.assertEqual(c.duration, c.max_duration) c.raise_if_invalid() c.duration = (c.max_duration - 1) self.assertEqual(c.duration, c.max_duration - 1) c.raise_if_invalid()
def test_can_read_all_values(self): test_configuration = configuration.Configuration() # Reading won't get password, so we need to set for the configuration # to be considered valid test_configuration.password = "******" test_configuration.raise_if_invalid() self.assertEqual(test_configuration.profile, self.c.profile) self.assertEqual(test_configuration.idp_id, self.c.idp_id) self.assertEqual(test_configuration.role_arn, self.c.role_arn) self.assertEqual(test_configuration.sp_id, self.c.sp_id) self.assertEqual(test_configuration.username, self.c.username) self.assertEqual(test_configuration.region, self.c.region) self.assertEqual(test_configuration.ask_role, self.c.ask_role) self.assertEqual(test_configuration.u2f_disabled, self.c.u2f_disabled) self.assertEqual(test_configuration.duration, self.c.duration)
def resolve_config(args): # Shortening Convenience functions coalesce = util.Util.coalesce # Create a blank configuration object (has the defaults pre-filled) config = configuration.Configuration() # Have the configuration update itself via the ~/.aws/config on disk. # Profile (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) config.profile = coalesce(args.profile, os.getenv('AWS_PROFILE'), config.profile) # Now that we've established the profile, we can read the configuration and # fill in all the other variables. # Ask Role (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) config.ask_role = bool( coalesce(args.ask_role, os.getenv('AWS_ASK_ROLE'), config.ask_role)) # Duration (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) config.duration = int( coalesce(args.duration, os.getenv('DURATION'), config.duration)) # Automatic duration (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) config.auto_duration = coalesce(args.auto_duration, os.getenv('AUTO_DURATION'), config.auto_duration) # IDP ID (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) config.idp_id = coalesce(args.idp_id, os.getenv('GOOGLE_IDP_ID'), config.idp_id) # Region (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) config.region = coalesce(args.region, os.getenv('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'), config.region) # ROLE ARN (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) config.role_arn = coalesce(args.role_arn, os.getenv('AWS_ROLE_ARN'), config.role_arn) # SP ID (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) config.sp_id = coalesce(args.sp_id, os.getenv('GOOGLE_SP_ID'), config.sp_id) # U2F Disabled (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) config.u2f_disabled = coalesce(args.disable_u2f, os.getenv('U2F_DISABLED'), config.u2f_disabled) # Resolve AWS aliases enabled (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) config.resolve_aliases = coalesce(args.resolve_aliases, os.getenv('RESOLVE_AWS_ALIASES'), config.resolve_aliases) # Username (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) config.username = coalesce(args.username, os.getenv('GOOGLE_USERNAME'), config.username) # Shell cmd to get password (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) config.password_cmd = coalesce(args.password_cmd, os.getenv('PASSWORD_CMD'), config.password_cmd) # Shell cmd to get password (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) # e.g. "ssh user@host oathtool --totp -b $(cat authenticator-code)" config.token_cmd = coalesce(args.token_cmd, os.getenv('TOKEN_CMD'), config.token_cmd) # Account (Option priority = ARGS, ENV_VAR, DEFAULT) config.account = coalesce(args.account, os.getenv('AWS_ACCOUNT'), config.account) config.keyring = coalesce(args.keyring, config.keyring) config.print_creds = coalesce(args.print_creds, config.print_creds) # Quiet config.quiet = coalesce(args.quiet, config.quiet) config.bg_response = coalesce(args.bg_response, os.getenv('GOOGLE_BG_RESPONSE'), config.bg_response) return config
def valid_config(self): return configuration.Configuration(idp_id="IDPID", sp_id="SPID", username="******", password="******")