def volume_create(config, name, size=256, snapshot_name=None, wait=False): """Create an EBS volume. Args: config (aws_ml_helper.config.Config): Configuration name (str): Name of the volume size (int): Volume size snapshot_name (str): Name of the snapshot from which the volume should be created wait (bool): Wait for the volume to become `available` """ ec2 = boto.resource('ec2', config) from aws_ml_helper.snapshot import get_snapshot snapshot = get_snapshot(config, snapshot_name) snapshot_id = (snapshot and or None volume = ec2.create_volume(AvailabilityZone=config.availability_zone, Size=size, SnapshotId=snapshot_id, VolumeType='gp2', TagSpecifications=[{ 'ResourceType': 'volume', 'Tags': [{ 'Key': 'Name', 'Value': name }] }]) if wait: while volume.state != 'available': time.sleep(1) volume.reload()
def snapshots(config): """List all snapshots Args: config (aws_ml_helper.config.Config): Configuration """ ec2 = boto.resource('ec2', config) data = [] for i in ec2.snapshots.filter(OwnerIds=[config.account]): data.append([ name_from_tags(i.tags),, i.state, i.volume_size, i.description ]) print( tabulate(data, ['name', 'id', 'state', 'size', 'description'], config.table_format))
def get_snapshot(config, name): """Get snapshot by name""" ec2 = boto.resource('ec2', config) snapshot_list = list( ec2.snapshots.filter(Filters=[{ 'Name': 'tag:Name', 'Values': [name] }])) if len(snapshot_list) == 0: click.secho(f'Snapshot "{name}" not found') return None elif len(snapshot_list) > 1: click.secho(f'Multiple snapshots with name "{name}" found.') return None return snapshot_list[0]
def images(config): """List instances and their state Args: config (aws_ml_helper.config.Config): Configuration """ ec2 = boto.resource('ec2', config) data = [] for i in ec2.images.filter(Owners=[config.account]): data.append([,, i.state, ]) print(tabulate(data, ['name', 'id', 'state'], config.table_format))
def instances(config): """List instances and their state Args: config (aws_ml_helper.config.Config): Configuration """ ec2 = boto.resource('ec2', config) data = [] for i in ec2.instances.all(): data.append([ name_from_tags(i.tags),, i.state['Name'], i.public_ip_address or 'no ip' ]) print( tabulate(data, ['name', 'id', 'state', 'public ip'], config.table_format))
def volumes(config): """List volumes and their attributes Args: config (aws_ml_helper.config.Config): Configuration """ ec2 = boto.resource('ec2', config) data = [] for v in ec2.volumes.all(): data.append([ name_from_tags(v.tags),, v.size, v.state, ', '.join([a['InstanceId'] for a in v.attachments]) ]) print( tabulate(data, ['name', 'id', 'size', 'state', 'attachments'], config.table_format))
def get_instance(config, name): """Returns an instance object with selected name or returns `None` if the instance is not found. Args: config (aws_ml_helper.config.Config): Configuration name (str): Instance name Returns: Instance if found or None """ ec2 = boto.resource('ec2', config) instance_list = list( ec2.instances.filter(Filters=[{ 'Name': 'tag:Name', 'Values': [name] }])) if len(instance_list) == 0: click.secho(f'Instance "{name}" not found') return None elif len(instance_list) > 1: click.secho(f'Multiple instances with name "{name}" found.') return None return instance_list[0]
def get_image(config, name): """Returns an image object with selected name or returns `None` if the image is not found. Args: config (aws_ml_helper.config.Config): Configuration name (str): Volume name Returns: Volume if found or None """ ec2 = boto.resource('ec2', config) image_list = ec2.images.filter(Owners=[config.account], Filters=[{ 'Name': 'Name', 'Values': [name] }]) if len(image_list) == 0: click.secho(f'Volume "{name}" not found') return None elif len(image_list) > 1: click.secho(f'Multiple volumes with name "{name}" found.') return None return image_list[0]
def start_spot_instance(config, name, bid_price, ami_id=None, instance_type=None, snapshot_name=None, mount_point=None): """Starts a spot instance. Args: config (aws_ml_helper.config.Config): Configuration name (str): Spot instance name bid_price (int): Bidding price for the instance ami_id (str): AMI id to use. If not provided, value form the configuration will be used instance_type (str): Instance type to use. If not provided, value from the configuration will be used. snapshot_name (str): Name of the snapshot from which the attached volume will be created mount_point (str): Path where the volume should be mounted """ ec2 = boto.client('ec2', config) response = ec2.request_spot_instances( InstanceCount=1, Type='one-time', LaunchSpecification={ 'ImageId': ami_id or config.ami_id, 'InstanceType': instance_type or config.instance_type, 'KeyName': f'access-key-{config.vpc_name}', 'EbsOptimized': True, 'Placement': { 'AvailabilityZone': config.availability_zone, }, # 'BlockDeviceMappings': [ # { # 'DeviceName': '/dev/sda1', # 'Ebs': { # 'DeleteOnTermination': False, # 'VolumeSize': 128, # 'VolumeType': 'gp2' # }, # }, # ], 'Monitoring': {'Enabled': True}, 'NetworkInterfaces': [ { 'DeviceIndex': 0, 'AssociatePublicIpAddress': True, 'Groups': [config.ec2_security_group_id], 'SubnetId': config.subnet_id }, ], }, SpotPrice=f'{bid_price}', InstanceInterruptionBehavior='terminate' ) click.echo('Spot instance request created.') request_id = response['SpotInstanceRequests'][0]['SpotInstanceRequestId'] waiter = ec2.get_waiter('spot_instance_request_fulfilled') waiter.wait(SpotInstanceRequestIds=[request_id]) response = ec2.describe_spot_instance_requests( SpotInstanceRequestIds=[request_id] ) instance_id = response['SpotInstanceRequests'][0]['InstanceId'] waiter = ec2.get_waiter('instance_running') waiter.wait(InstanceIds=[instance_id]) click.echo(f'Spot Instance ID: {instance_id}') ec2.create_tags(Resources=[instance_id], Tags=[{'Key': 'Name', 'Value': name}]) response = ec2.describe_instances( InstanceIds=[instance_id], Filters=[{'Name': 'instance-state-name', 'Values': ['running']}] ) instance_ip = ( response['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0]['PublicIpAddress'] ) click.echo(f'Spot Instance IP: {instance_ip}') mount_point = mount_point or config.mount_point if mount_point in ('', None): # Mount point is not defined we don't know where to mount the volume return ec2 = boto.resource('ec2', config) # Search for a volume with the same name volume = get_volume(config, name) if volume is not None: click.echo(f'Volume "{name}" found - attaching') # Attach the volume volume_attach(config, name, name, device='xvdh') run(config, name, f'sudo mount /dev/xvdh {mount_point}') else: if snapshot_name is not None: snapshot = get_snapshot(config, snapshot_name) elif config.snapshot_id not in ('', None): snapshot = ec2.Snapshot(config.snapshot_id) snapshot_name = name_from_tags(snapshot.tags) else: # Snapshot not found return return click.echo(f'Creating volume "{name}" from snapshot "{snapshot_name}"') volume_create(config, name, size=snapshot.volume_size, snapshot_name=snapshot_name, wait=True) click.echo(f'Attaching volume "{name}"') volume_attach(config, name, name, device='xvdh') run(config, name, f'sudo mount /dev/xvdh {mount_point}')
def start(config, name, ami_id, instance_type, ebs_size=128): """Start an instance. If an instance with this name already exists and it's stopped, it will just start the instance. If the instance does not exist, it will start it. Args: config (aws_ml_helper.config.Config): Configuration name (str): Instance name ami_id (str): AMI id to use. If not provided, value form the configuration will be used instance_type (str): Instance type to use. If not provided, value from the configuration will be used. ebs_size (int): Size of the EBS Volume in GB """ ec2 = boto.resource('ec2', config) instance = get_instance(config, name) if instance is None: # Create an instance instance_list = ec2.create_instances( ImageId=ami_id or config.ami_id, InstanceType=instance_type or config.instance_type, KeyName=f'access-key-{config.vpc_name}', MinCount=1, MaxCount=1, BlockDeviceMappings=[ { 'DeviceName': '/dev/sda1', 'Ebs': { 'DeleteOnTermination': True, 'VolumeSize': ebs_size, 'VolumeType': 'gp2' }, }, ], Monitoring={'Enabled': True}, Placement={ 'AvailabilityZone': config.availability_zone, }, InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior='stop', NetworkInterfaces=[ { 'DeviceIndex': 0, 'AssociatePublicIpAddress': True, 'Groups': [config.ec2_security_group_id], 'SubnetId': config.subnet_id }, ], TagSpecifications=[ { 'ResourceType': 'instance', 'Tags': [{ 'Key': 'Name', 'Value': name }] }, ], ) instance = instance_list[0] else: # Start an instance instance.start() # Wait for the instance instance.wait_until_running() print(f'Instance ID: {}')