예제 #1
def read_batch_status(batch_id):
    with trace("Reading status for batch_id={}", batch_id):
        object_key = "{}/status.json".format(batch_id)
        s3_object = s3_resource.Object(WORK_BUCKET, object_key)
        data = s3_object.get()['Body'].read()
        json_doc = json.loads(data)
        return json_doc
예제 #2
async def handle_event(event, lambda_context):
    logger.info("Event: {}".format(json.dumps(event, indent=2)))

    async with aioaws.resource("s3") as s3_resource:
        records = [json.loads(record["body"]) for record in event["Records"]]
        await asyncio.gather(
            *[__gather(record, s3_resource) for record in records])
예제 #3
def read_task_result(batch_id, index):
    object_key = "{}/done/{}.json".format(batch_id, index)
    with trace("Reading task result {}/{} to s3", WORK_BUCKET, object_key):
        s3_object = s3_resource.Object(WORK_BUCKET, object_key)
        data = s3_object.get()['Body'].read()
        json_doc = json.loads(data)
        return json_doc
예제 #4
async def read_batch_output(batch_id, s3_resource) -> dict:
    object_key = "{}.json".format(batch_id)
    s3_object = await s3_resource.Object(OUTPUT_BUCKET, object_key)
    response = await s3_object.get()
    async with response["Body"] as stream:
        data = await stream.read()
        json_doc = json.loads(data)
        return json_doc
예제 #5
async def read_pending_chunk(s3_bucket, s3_object_key, s3_resource):
    async with trace("Reading pending chunk bucket={}/key={}", s3_bucket, s3_object_key):
        s3_object = await s3_resource.Object(s3_bucket, s3_object_key)
        response = await s3_object.get()
        async with response["Body"] as stream:
            data = await stream.read()
            json_doc = json.loads(data)
            return json_doc
예제 #6
async def read_batch_status(batch_id, s3_resource):
    async with trace("Reading status for batch_id={}", batch_id):
        object_key = "{}/status.json".format(batch_id)
        s3_object = await s3_resource.Object(WORK_BUCKET, object_key)
        response = await s3_object.get()
        async with response["Body"] as stream:
            data = await stream.read()
            json_doc = json.loads(data)
            return json_doc
예제 #7
async def read_chunk_result(batch_id, index, s3_resource):
    async with trace("Reading chunk result batch_id={}/index={}", batch_id, index):
        object_key = "{}/done/{}.done.json".format(batch_id, index)
        s3_object = await s3_resource.Object(WORK_BUCKET, object_key)
        response = await s3_object.get()
        async with response["Body"] as stream:
            data = await stream.read()
            json_doc = json.loads(data)
            return json_doc
예제 #8
def read_batch_input(bucket_name, object_key) -> dict:
    with trace("Reading input {}/{} from s3", bucket_name, object_key):
        if bucket_name != INPUT_BUCKET:
            raise ValueError("Expected bucket {}, but was {}.".format(
                INPUT_BUCKET, bucket_name))

        s3_object = s3_resource.Object(bucket_name, object_key)
        json_data = s3_object.get()['Body'].read()
        json_doc = json.loads(json_data)
        return json_doc
예제 #9
async def read_batch_input(bucket_name, object_key, s3_resource) -> dict:
    async with trace("Reading input {}/{} from s3", bucket_name, object_key):
        if bucket_name != INPUT_BUCKET:
            raise ValueError("Expected bucket {}, but was {}.".format(INPUT_BUCKET, bucket_name))

        s3_object = await s3_resource.Object(bucket_name, object_key)
        response = await s3_object.get()
        async with response["Body"] as stream:
            data = await stream.read()
            json_doc = json.loads(data)
            return json_doc
예제 #10
async def handle_event(event, lambda_context):
    logger.info("Event: {}".format(json.dumps(event, indent=2)))

    async with aioaws.client("sqs") as sqs_client, \
        aioaws.resource("s3") as s3_resource, \
        aioaws.resource("dynamodb") as dynamodb_resource, \
        await items_table.new_batch_writer(dynamodb_resource) as batch_writer:
        chunks = [json.loads(record["body"]) for record in event["Records"]]
        await asyncio.gather(*[__process(chunk, s3_resource, batch_writer) for chunk in chunks])

        batch_ids = {chunk["batchId"] for chunk in chunks}
        await asyncio.gather(*[__check_if_complete(batch_id, s3_resource, sqs_client) for batch_id in batch_ids])
예제 #11
def handle_event(event, lambda_context):
    logger.info("Event: {}".format(json.dumps(event, indent=2)))
    records = event["Records"]
    with items_table.new_batch_writer() as batch_writer:
        for record in records:
            record = json.loads(record["body"])
            with trace("Processing {}", json.dumps(record)):
                index = record["index"]
                batch_id = record["batchId"]
                request = record["request"]
                item_no = request["itemNo"]
                        "itemNo": str(item_no),
                        "updateTimestamp": now_epoch_millis()
                    }, batch_writer)
                work_bucket.write_task_result(batch_id, index, request, {
                    "success": True,
                    "message": "Ok"
                work_bucket.delete_pending_task(batch_id, index)
                if not work_bucket.exists_pending_task(batch_id):
예제 #12
def read_batch_output(batch_id) -> dict:
    object_key = "{}.json".format(batch_id)
    s3_object = s3_resource.Object(OUTPUT_BUCKET, object_key)
    json_data = s3_object.get()['Body'].read()
    json_doc = json.loads(json_data)
    return json_doc