def test_multiple_catchers(capture_stdout): resource = "123" task_state = TaskState("Task", resource=resource) timeout_state = PassState("Timeout") task_failed_state = PassState("Task Failed") task_state.add_catcher(["States.Timeout"], next_state=timeout_state).add_catcher( ["States.TaskFailed"], next_state=task_failed_state ) state_machine = StateMachine(start_state=task_state) assert state_machine.compile() == { "StartAt": "Task", "States": { "Task Failed": {"Type": "Pass", "End": True}, "Timeout": {"Type": "Pass", "End": True}, "Task": { "Type": "Task", "End": True, "Catch": [ {"ErrorEquals": ["States.Timeout"], "Next": "Timeout"}, {"ErrorEquals": ["States.TaskFailed"], "Next": "Task Failed"}, ], "Resource": "123", }, }, } def failure_mock_fn(event, context): # Will cause a TaskFailedError assert False # noqa: PT015 stdout = capture_stdout( lambda: state_machine.simulate(resource_to_mock_fn={resource: failure_mock_fn}) ) assert ( stdout == """Starting simulation of state machine Executing TaskState('Task') State input: {} State input after applying input path of $: {} TaskFailedError encountered in state Checking for catchers Found catcher, transitioning to PassState('Task Failed') State output: {} Executing PassState('Task Failed') State input: {} State input after applying input path of $: {} Output from applying result path of $: {} State output after applying output path of $: {} State output: {} Terminating simulation of state machine """ )
def test_duplicate_names_catcher(): duplicate_name = "Duplicated" task_state = TaskState(duplicate_name, resource="123") transition_state = FailState(duplicate_name, error="MyError", cause="Negligence") task_state.add_catcher(["Something"], next_state=transition_state) with pytest.raises( AWSStepFuncsValueError, match= "Duplicate names detected in state machine. Names must be unique", ): StateMachine(start_state=task_state)
def test_result_path_only_state_input(dummy_resource): task_state = TaskState("Task", resource=dummy_resource, result_path=None) state_machine = StateMachine(start_state=task_state) # Check the output from compiling assert state_machine.compile() == { "StartAt":, "States": { { "Resource": dummy_resource, "ResultPath": None, "Type": "Task", "End": True, }, }, } # Simulate the state machine state_input = { "comment": "This is a test of the input and output of a Task state.", "details": "Default example", "who": "AWS Step Functions", } def mock_fn(event, context): return "Hello, AWS Step Functions!" state_output = state_machine.simulate( state_input, resource_to_mock_fn={dummy_resource: mock_fn}, ) # Keeps the only the state output assert state_output == state_input
def test_task_state(dummy_resource, capture_stdout): pass_state = PassState("Pass", comment="The starting state") timeout_seconds = 10 task_state = TaskState( "Task", resource=dummy_resource, timeout_seconds=timeout_seconds ) # Define the state machine pass_state >> task_state state_machine = StateMachine(start_state=pass_state) # Check the output from compiling assert state_machine.compile() == { "StartAt":, "States": { { "Comment": pass_state.comment, "Type": "Pass", "Next":, }, { "Type": "Task", "Resource": dummy_resource, "TimeoutSeconds": timeout_seconds, "End": True, }, }, } # Simulate the state machine def mock_fn(event, context): event["foo"] *= 2 return event stdout = capture_stdout( lambda: state_machine.simulate( {"foo": 5, "bar": 1}, resource_to_mock_fn={dummy_resource: mock_fn}, ) ) assert ( stdout == """Starting simulation of state machine Executing PassState('Pass') State input: {'foo': 5, 'bar': 1} State input after applying input path of $: {'foo': 5, 'bar': 1} Output from applying result path of $: {'foo': 5, 'bar': 1} State output after applying output path of $: {'foo': 5, 'bar': 1} State output: {'foo': 5, 'bar': 1} Executing TaskState('Task') State input: {'foo': 5, 'bar': 1} State input after applying input path of $: {'foo': 5, 'bar': 1} Output from applying result path of $: {'foo': 10, 'bar': 1} State output after applying output path of $: {'foo': 10, 'bar': 1} State output: {'foo': 10, 'bar': 1} Terminating simulation of state machine """ )
def test_state_has_invalid_result_selector(dummy_resource): invalid_result_selector = {"ClusterId.$": "$.dataset*"} with pytest.raises( AWSStepFuncsValueError, match='Unsupported Reference Path operator: "*"' ): TaskState( "My Task", resource=dummy_resource, result_selector=invalid_result_selector, )
def test_compile_parameters(): y_state = PassState("Y") x_state = TaskState( "X", resource="arn:aws:states:us-east-1:123456789012:task:X", parameters={ "first": 88, "second": 99 }, ) _ = x_state >> y_state assert x_state.compile() == { "Type": "Task", "Resource": "arn:aws:states:us-east-1:123456789012:task:X", "Next": "Y", "Parameters": { "first": 88, "second": 99 }, }
def test_result_selector(dummy_resource): result_selector = { "ClusterId.$": "$.output.ClusterId", "ResourceType.$": "$.resourceType", "SomethingElse.$": "$.keyDoesntExist", } task_state = TaskState( "Task", resource=dummy_resource, result_selector=result_selector ) state_machine = StateMachine(start_state=task_state) # Check the output from compiling assert state_machine.compile() == { "StartAt":, "States": { { "Resource": dummy_resource, "ResultSelector": result_selector, "Type": "Task", "End": True, }, }, } # Simulate the state machine def mock_fn(event, context): return { "resourceType": "elasticmapreduce", "resource": "createCluster.sync", "output": { "SdkHttpMetadata": { "HttpHeaders": { "Content-Length": "1112", "Content-Type": "application/x-amz-JSON-1.1", "Date": "Mon, 25 Nov 2019 19:41:29 GMT", "x-amzn-RequestId": "1234-5678-9012", }, "HttpStatusCode": 200, }, "SdkResponseMetadata": {"RequestId": "1234-5678-9012"}, "ClusterId": "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE", }, } state_output = state_machine.simulate( resource_to_mock_fn={dummy_resource: mock_fn}, ) assert state_output == { "ResourceType": "elasticmapreduce", "ClusterId": "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE", }
def test_compile_retrier_and_catcher(): task_state = TaskState("Task", resource="123").add_retrier( ["SomeError"], max_attempts=0 ) transition_state = TaskState("Cleanup", resource="456") task_state.add_catcher(["States.ALL"], next_state=transition_state) assert task_state.compile() == { "Type": "Task", "End": True, "Retry": [{"ErrorEquals": ["SomeError"], "MaxAttempts": 0}], "Catch": [{"ErrorEquals": ["States.ALL"], "Next": "Cleanup"}], "Resource": "123", }
def test_retrier_zero_max_attempts(): task_state = TaskState("Task", resource="123").add_retrier( ["SomeError"], max_attempts=0 ) fail_state = FailState("Fail", error="SomeError", cause="I did it!") task_state >> fail_state
def test_catcher(capture_stdout): resource = "123" task_state = TaskState("Task", resource=resource) succeed_state = SucceedState("Success") pass_state = PassState("Pass") fail_state = FailState("Failure", error="IFailed", cause="I failed!") task_state >> succeed_state pass_state >> fail_state task_state.add_catcher(["States.ALL"], next_state=pass_state) state_machine = StateMachine(start_state=task_state) def failure_mock_fn(event, context): assert False # noqa: PT015 stdout = capture_stdout( lambda: state_machine.simulate(resource_to_mock_fn={resource: failure_mock_fn}) ) assert ( stdout == """Starting simulation of state machine Executing TaskState('Task') State input: {} State input after applying input path of $: {} TaskFailedError encountered in state Checking for catchers Found catcher, transitioning to PassState('Pass') State output: {} Executing PassState('Pass') State input: {} State input after applying input path of $: {} Output from applying result path of $: {} State output after applying output path of $: {} State output: {} Executing FailState('Failure', error='IFailed', cause='I failed!') State input: {} FailStateError encountered in state Checking for catchers State output: {} Terminating simulation of state machine """ ) # Test no catcher matched task_state.catchers.pop() # Remove States.ALL catcher task_state.add_catcher(["Timeout"], next_state=pass_state) stdout = capture_stdout( lambda: state_machine.simulate(resource_to_mock_fn={resource: failure_mock_fn}) ) assert ( stdout == """Starting simulation of state machine Executing TaskState('Task') State input: {} State input after applying input path of $: {} TaskFailedError encountered in state Checking for catchers No catchers were matched State output: {} Terminating simulation of state machine """ )
def iterator(resource): task_state = TaskState("Validate", resource=resource) return StateMachine(start_state=task_state)