def object_to_json(object: Any) -> Any: """Convert an Ax object to a JSON-serializable dictionary. The root node passed to this function should always be an instance of a core Ax class or a JSON-compatible python builtin. The sub-fields of the input will then be recursively passed to this function. e.g. if we pass an instance of Experiment, we will first fall through to the line `object_dict = ENCODER_REGISTRY[_type](object)`, which will convert the Experiment to a (shallow) dictionary, where search subfield remains "unconverted", i.e.: {"name": <name: string>, "search_space": <search space: SearchSpace>}. We then pass each item of the dictionary back into this function to recursively convert the entire object. """ object = numpy_type_to_python_type(object) _type = type(object) if _type in (str, int, float, bool, type(None)): return object elif _type is list: return [object_to_json(x) for x in object] elif _type is tuple: return tuple(object_to_json(x) for x in object) elif _type is dict: return {k: object_to_json(v) for k, v in object.items()} elif _type is OrderedDict: return { "__type": _type.__name__, "value": [(k, object_to_json(v)) for k, v in object.items()], } elif _type is datetime.datetime: return { "__type": _type.__name__, "value": datetime.datetime.strftime(object, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"), } elif _type is pd.DataFrame: return {"__type": _type.__name__, "value": object.to_json()} elif _is_named_tuple(object): return { "__type": _type.__name__, **{k: object_to_json(v) for k, v in object._asdict().items()}, } elif issubclass(_type, enum.Enum): return {"__type": _type.__name__, "name":} elif _type is np.ndarray or issubclass(_type, np.ndarray): return {"__type": _type.__name__, "value": object.tolist()} elif isclass(object) and issubclass(object, Transform): # There is no other way to check is object is of type Type[Transform]. _type = Type[Transform] if _type not in ENCODER_REGISTRY: err = ( f"Object {object} passed to `object_to_json` (of type {_type}) is " f"not registered with a corresponding encoder in ENCODER_REGISTRY." ) raise JSONEncodeError(err) object_dict = ENCODER_REGISTRY[_type](object) return {k: object_to_json(v) for k, v in object_dict.items()}
def object_to_json(obj: Any) -> Any: """Convert an Ax object to a JSON-serializable dictionary. The root node passed to this function should always be an instance of a core Ax class or a JSON-compatible python builtin. The sub-fields of the input will then be recursively passed to this function. e.g. if we pass an instance of Experiment, we will first fall through to the line `object_dict = ENCODER_REGISTRY[_type](object)`, which will convert the Experiment to a (shallow) dictionary, where search subfield remains "unconverted", i.e.: {"name": <name: string>, "search_space": <search space: SearchSpace>}. We then pass each item of the dictionary back into this function to recursively convert the entire object. """ obj = numpy_type_to_python_type(obj) _type = type(obj) # Type[MyClass] encoding (encoding of classes, not instances) if isclass(obj): for class_type in CLASS_ENCODER_REGISTRY: if issubclass(obj, class_type): obj_dict = CLASS_ENCODER_REGISTRY[class_type](obj) return {k: object_to_json(v) for k, v in obj_dict.items()} raise ValueError( f"{obj} is a class. Add it to the CLASS_ENCODER_REGISTRY " "(and remove it from the ENCODER_REGISTRY if needed).") if _type in ENCODER_REGISTRY: obj_dict = ENCODER_REGISTRY[_type](obj) return {k: object_to_json(v) for k, v in obj_dict.items()} # Python built-in types + `typing` module types if _type in (str, int, float, bool, type(None)): return obj elif _type is list: return [object_to_json(x) for x in obj] elif _type is tuple: return tuple(object_to_json(x) for x in obj) elif _type is dict: return {k: object_to_json(v) for k, v in obj.items()} elif _is_named_tuple(obj): return { # pragma: no cover "__type": _type.__name__, **{k: object_to_json(v) for k, v in obj._asdict().items()}, } elif dataclasses.is_dataclass(obj): return { "__type": _type.__name__, **{ k: object_to_json(v) for k, v in dataclasses.asdict(obj).items() }, } # Types from libraries, commonly used in Ax (e.g., numpy, pandas, torch) elif _type is OrderedDict: return { "__type": _type.__name__, "value": [(k, object_to_json(v)) for k, v in obj.items()], } elif _type is datetime.datetime: return { "__type": _type.__name__, "value": datetime.datetime.strftime(obj, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"), } elif _type is pd.DataFrame: return {"__type": _type.__name__, "value": obj.to_json()} elif issubclass(_type, enum.Enum): return {"__type": _type.__name__, "name":} elif _type is np.ndarray or issubclass(_type, np.ndarray): return {"__type": _type.__name__, "value": obj.tolist()} elif _type is torch.Tensor: return { "__type": _type.__name__, # TODO: check size and add warning for large tensors: T69137799 "value": obj.tolist(), "dtype": object_to_json(obj.dtype), "device": object_to_json(obj.device), } elif _type.__module__ == "torch": # Torch does not support saving to string, so save to buffer first return { "__type": f"torch_{_type.__name__}", "value": torch_type_to_str(obj) } err = (f"Object {obj} passed to `object_to_json` (of type {_type}) is " f"not registered with a corresponding encoder in ENCODER_REGISTRY.") raise JSONEncodeError(err)