예제 #1
 def set_seed(self, seed):
     """Sets a random seed for the Match, for reproducibility. Initializes
     a match-wide RNG instance which is used to propagate seeds to the Players
     and to generate random values for noise. Seeds are only set for stochastic players.
     Any seeds set on Players before being passed to Match will be overwritten.
     However, Evolvable Players may have already used their seeds to initialize
     their parameters, if underspecified.
     self.seed = seed
     self._random = RandomGenerator(seed=self.seed)
예제 #2
 def test_sample_length(self):
     for seed, prob_end, expected_length in [
         (0, 0.5, 2),
         (1, 0.5, 1),
         (2, 0.6, 1),
         (3, 0.4, 2),
         rng = RandomGenerator(seed)
         r = rng.random()
         self.assertEqual(axl.match.sample_length(prob_end, r),
예제 #3
 def set_seed(self, seed):
     """Set a random seed for the player's random number generator."""
     if seed is None:
             "Initializing player with seed from Axelrod module random number generator. "
             "Results may not be seed reproducible.")
         self._seed = _module_random.random_seed_int()
         self._seed = seed
     self._random = RandomGenerator(seed=self._seed)
예제 #4
# isort:skip_file

# The order of imports matters!
from axelrod.version import __version__
from axelrod.action import Action
from axelrod.random_ import Pdf, RandomGenerator, BulkRandomGenerator

# Initialize module level Random
# This is initially seeded by the clock / OS entropy pool
# It is not used if user specifies seeds everywhere and should only be
# used internally by the library and in certain tests that need to set
# its seed.
_module_random = RandomGenerator()

from axelrod.load_data_ import load_pso_tables, load_weights
from axelrod import graph
from axelrod.plot import Plot
from axelrod.game import DefaultGame, Game
from axelrod.history import History, LimitedHistory
from axelrod.player import Player
from axelrod.classifier import Classifiers
from axelrod.evolvable_player import EvolvablePlayer
from axelrod.mock_player import MockPlayer
from axelrod.match import Match
from axelrod.moran import MoranProcess, ApproximateMoranProcess
from axelrod.strategies import *
from axelrod.deterministic_cache import DeterministicCache
from axelrod.match_generator import *
from axelrod.tournament import Tournament
from axelrod.result_set import ResultSet
예제 #5
class Match(object):
    """The Match class conducts matches between two players."""
    def __init__(self,
        players : tuple
            A pair of axelrod.Player objects
        turns : integer
            The number of turns per match
        prob_end : float
            The probability of a given turn ending a match
        game : axelrod.Game
            The game object used to score the match
        deterministic_cache : axelrod.DeterministicCache
            A cache of resulting actions for deterministic matches
        noise : float
            The probability that a player's intended action should be flipped
        match_attributes : dict
            Mapping attribute names to values which should be passed to players.
            The default is to use the correct values for turns, game and noise
            but these can be overridden if desired.
        reset : bool
            Whether to reset players or not
        seed : int
            Random seed for reproducibility

        defaults = {
            (True, True): (DEFAULT_TURNS, 0),
            (True, False): (float("inf"), prob_end),
            (False, True): (turns, 0),
            (False, False): (turns, prob_end),
        self.turns, self.prob_end = defaults[(turns is None, prob_end is None)]

        self.result = []
        self.noise = noise


        if game is None:
            self.game = Game()
            self.game = game

        if deterministic_cache is None:
            self._cache = DeterministicCache()
            self._cache = deterministic_cache

        if match_attributes is None:
            known_turns = self.turns if prob_end is None else float("inf")
            self.match_attributes = {
                "length": known_turns,
                "game": self.game,
                "noise": self.noise,
            self.match_attributes = match_attributes

        self.players = list(players)
        self.reset = reset

    def set_seed(self, seed):
        """Sets a random seed for the Match, for reproducibility. Initializes
        a match-wide RNG instance which is used to propagate seeds to the Players
        and to generate random values for noise. Seeds are only set for stochastic players.
        Any seeds set on Players before being passed to Match will be overwritten.
        However, Evolvable Players may have already used their seeds to initialize
        their parameters, if underspecified.
        self.seed = seed
        self._random = RandomGenerator(seed=self.seed)

    def players(self):
        return self._players

    def players(self, players):
        """Ensure that players are passed the match attributes"""
        newplayers = []
        for player in players:
        self._players = newplayers

    def _stochastic(self):
        A boolean to show whether a match between two players would be
        return is_stochastic(self.players, self.noise)

    def _cache_update_required(self):
        A boolean to show whether the deterministic cache should be updated.
        return (not self.noise and self._cache.mutable
                and not (any(Classifiers["stochastic"](p)
                             for p in self.players)))

    def _cached_enough_turns(self, cache_key, turns):
        Returns true iff there are is a entry in self._cache for the given key and
        it's at least turns long.
        if cache_key not in self._cache:
            return False
        return len(self._cache[cache_key]) >= turns

    def simultaneous_play(self, player, coplayer, noise=0):
        """This pits two players against each other."""
        s1, s2 = player.strategy(coplayer), coplayer.strategy(player)
        if noise:
            # Note this uses the Match classes random generator, not either
            # player's random generator. A player shouldn't be able to
            # predict the outcome of this noise flip.
            s1 = self._random.random_flip(s1, noise)
            s2 = self._random.random_flip(s2, noise)
        player.update_history(s1, s2)
        coplayer.update_history(s2, s1)
        return s1, s2

    def play(self):
        The resulting list of actions from a match between two players.

        This method determines whether the actions list can be obtained from
        the deterministic cache and returns it from there if so. If not, it
        calls the play method for player1 and returns the list from there.

        A list of the form:

        e.g. for a 2 turn match between Cooperator and Defector:

            [(C, C), (C, D)]

        i.e. One entry per turn containing a pair of actions.
        if self.prob_end:
            r = self._random.random()
            turns = min(sample_length(self.prob_end, r), self.turns)
            turns = self.turns
        cache_key = (self.players[0], self.players[1])

        if self._stochastic or not self._cached_enough_turns(cache_key, turns):
            for p in self.players:
                if self.reset:
                # Generate a random seed for the player, if stochastic
                if Classifiers["stochastic"](p):
            result = []
            for _ in range(turns):
                plays = self.simultaneous_play(self.players[0],
                                               self.players[1], self.noise)

            if self._cache_update_required:
                self._cache[cache_key] = result
            result = self._cache[cache_key][:turns]

        self.result = result
        return result

    def scores(self):
        """Returns the scores of the previous Match plays."""
        return iu.compute_scores(self.result, self.game)

    def final_score(self):
        """Returns the final score for a Match."""
        return iu.compute_final_score(self.result, self.game)

    def final_score_per_turn(self):
        """Returns the mean score per round for a Match."""
        return iu.compute_final_score_per_turn(self.result, self.game)

    def winner(self):
        """Returns the winner of the Match."""
        winner_index = iu.compute_winner_index(self.result, self.game)
        if winner_index is False:  # No winner
            return False
        if winner_index is None:  # No plays
            return None
        return self.players[winner_index]

    def cooperation(self):
        """Returns the count of cooperations by each player."""
        return iu.compute_cooperations(self.result)

    def normalised_cooperation(self):
        """Returns the count of cooperations by each player per turn."""
        return iu.compute_normalised_cooperation(self.result)

    def state_distribution(self):
        Returns the count of each state for a set of interactions.
        return iu.compute_state_distribution(self.result)

    def normalised_state_distribution(self):
        Returns the normalized count of each state for a set of interactions.
        return iu.compute_normalised_state_distribution(self.result)

    def sparklines(self, c_symbol="█", d_symbol=" "):
        return iu.compute_sparklines(self.result, c_symbol, d_symbol)

    def __len__(self):
        return self.turns
예제 #6
    def __init__(self,
                 players: List[Player],
                 turns: int = DEFAULT_TURNS,
                 prob_end: float = None,
                 noise: float = 0,
                 game: Game = None,
                 deterministic_cache: DeterministicCache = None,
                 mutation_rate: float = 0.0,
                 mode: str = "bd",
                 interaction_graph: Graph = None,
                 reproduction_graph: Graph = None,
                 fitness_transformation: Callable = None,
                 seed=None) -> None:
        An agent based Moran process class. In each round, each player plays a
        Match with each other player. Players are assigned a fitness score by
        their total score from all matches in the round. A player is chosen to
        reproduce proportionally to fitness, possibly mutated, and is cloned.
        The clone replaces a randomly chosen player.

        If the mutation_rate is 0, the population will eventually fixate on
        exactly one player type. In this case a StopIteration exception is
        raised and the play stops. If the mutation_rate is not zero, then the
        process will iterate indefinitely, so mp.play() will never exit, and
        you should use the class as an iterator instead.

        When a player mutates it chooses a random player type from the initial
        population. This is not the only method yet emulates the common method
        in the literature.

        It is possible to pass interaction graphs and reproduction graphs to the
        Moran process. In this case, in each round, each player plays a
        Match with each neighboring player according to the interaction graph.
        Players are assigned a fitness score by their total score from all
        matches in the round. A player is chosen to reproduce proportionally to
        fitness, possibly mutated, and is cloned. The clone replaces a randomly
        chosen neighboring player according to the reproduction graph.

            The number of turns in each pairwise interaction
        prob_end :
            The probability of a given turn ending a match
            The background noise, if any. Randomly flips plays with probability
        game: axelrod.Game
            The game object used to score matches.
            A optional prebuilt deterministic cache
            The rate of mutation. Replicating players are mutated with
            probability `mutation_rate`
            Birth-Death (bd) or Death-Birth (db)
        interaction_graph: Axelrod.graph.Graph
            The graph in which the replicators are arranged
        reproduction_graph: Axelrod.graph.Graph
            The reproduction graph, set equal to the interaction graph if not
            A function mapping a score to a (non-negative) float
            A string indicating if the mutation method should be between original types ("transition")
            or based on the player's mutation method, if present ("atomic").
            A bool indicating if the process should stop on fixation
        seed: int
            A random seed for reproducibility
        m = mutation_method.lower()
        if m in ["atomic", "transition"]:
            self.mutation_method = m
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid mutation method {}".format(mutation_method))
        assert (mutation_rate >= 0) and (mutation_rate <= 1)
        assert (noise >= 0) and (noise <= 1)
        mode = mode.lower()
        assert mode in ["bd", "db"]
        self.mode = mode
        if deterministic_cache is not None:
            self.deterministic_cache = deterministic_cache
            self.deterministic_cache = DeterministicCache()
        self.turns = turns
        self.prob_end = prob_end
        self.game = game
        self.noise = noise
        self.initial_players = players  # save initial population
        self.players = []  # type: List
        self.populations = []  # type: List
        self.score_history = []  # type: List
        self.winning_strategy_name = None  # type: Optional[str]
        self.mutation_rate = mutation_rate
        self.stop_on_fixation = stop_on_fixation
        self._random = RandomGenerator(seed=seed)
        self._bulk_random = BulkRandomGenerator(self._random.random_seed_int())
        # Build the set of mutation targets
        # Determine the number of unique types (players)
        keys = set([str(p) for p in players])
        # Create a dictionary mapping each type to a set of representatives
        # of the other types
        d = dict()
        for p in players:
            d[str(p)] = p
        mutation_targets = dict()
        for key in sorted(keys):
            mutation_targets[key] = [
                v for (k, v) in sorted(d.items()) if k != key
        self.mutation_targets = mutation_targets

        if interaction_graph is None:
            interaction_graph = complete_graph(len(players), loops=False)
        if reproduction_graph is None:
            reproduction_graph = Graph(interaction_graph.edges,
        # Check equal vertices
        v1 = interaction_graph.vertices
        v2 = reproduction_graph.vertices
        assert list(v1) == list(v2)
        self.interaction_graph = interaction_graph
        self.reproduction_graph = reproduction_graph
        self.fitness_transformation = fitness_transformation
        # Map players to graph vertices
        self.locations = sorted(interaction_graph.vertices)
        self.index = dict(
            zip(sorted(interaction_graph.vertices), range(len(players))))
        self.fixated = self.fixation_check()
예제 #7
class MoranProcess(object):
    def __init__(self,
                 players: List[Player],
                 turns: int = DEFAULT_TURNS,
                 prob_end: float = None,
                 noise: float = 0,
                 game: Game = None,
                 deterministic_cache: DeterministicCache = None,
                 mutation_rate: float = 0.0,
                 mode: str = "bd",
                 interaction_graph: Graph = None,
                 reproduction_graph: Graph = None,
                 fitness_transformation: Callable = None,
                 seed=None) -> None:
        An agent based Moran process class. In each round, each player plays a
        Match with each other player. Players are assigned a fitness score by
        their total score from all matches in the round. A player is chosen to
        reproduce proportionally to fitness, possibly mutated, and is cloned.
        The clone replaces a randomly chosen player.

        If the mutation_rate is 0, the population will eventually fixate on
        exactly one player type. In this case a StopIteration exception is
        raised and the play stops. If the mutation_rate is not zero, then the
        process will iterate indefinitely, so mp.play() will never exit, and
        you should use the class as an iterator instead.

        When a player mutates it chooses a random player type from the initial
        population. This is not the only method yet emulates the common method
        in the literature.

        It is possible to pass interaction graphs and reproduction graphs to the
        Moran process. In this case, in each round, each player plays a
        Match with each neighboring player according to the interaction graph.
        Players are assigned a fitness score by their total score from all
        matches in the round. A player is chosen to reproduce proportionally to
        fitness, possibly mutated, and is cloned. The clone replaces a randomly
        chosen neighboring player according to the reproduction graph.

            The number of turns in each pairwise interaction
        prob_end :
            The probability of a given turn ending a match
            The background noise, if any. Randomly flips plays with probability
        game: axelrod.Game
            The game object used to score matches.
            A optional prebuilt deterministic cache
            The rate of mutation. Replicating players are mutated with
            probability `mutation_rate`
            Birth-Death (bd) or Death-Birth (db)
        interaction_graph: Axelrod.graph.Graph
            The graph in which the replicators are arranged
        reproduction_graph: Axelrod.graph.Graph
            The reproduction graph, set equal to the interaction graph if not
            A function mapping a score to a (non-negative) float
            A string indicating if the mutation method should be between original types ("transition")
            or based on the player's mutation method, if present ("atomic").
            A bool indicating if the process should stop on fixation
        seed: int
            A random seed for reproducibility
        m = mutation_method.lower()
        if m in ["atomic", "transition"]:
            self.mutation_method = m
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid mutation method {}".format(mutation_method))
        assert (mutation_rate >= 0) and (mutation_rate <= 1)
        assert (noise >= 0) and (noise <= 1)
        mode = mode.lower()
        assert mode in ["bd", "db"]
        self.mode = mode
        if deterministic_cache is not None:
            self.deterministic_cache = deterministic_cache
            self.deterministic_cache = DeterministicCache()
        self.turns = turns
        self.prob_end = prob_end
        self.game = game
        self.noise = noise
        self.initial_players = players  # save initial population
        self.players = []  # type: List
        self.populations = []  # type: List
        self.score_history = []  # type: List
        self.winning_strategy_name = None  # type: Optional[str]
        self.mutation_rate = mutation_rate
        self.stop_on_fixation = stop_on_fixation
        self._random = RandomGenerator(seed=seed)
        self._bulk_random = BulkRandomGenerator(self._random.random_seed_int())
        # Build the set of mutation targets
        # Determine the number of unique types (players)
        keys = set([str(p) for p in players])
        # Create a dictionary mapping each type to a set of representatives
        # of the other types
        d = dict()
        for p in players:
            d[str(p)] = p
        mutation_targets = dict()
        for key in sorted(keys):
            mutation_targets[key] = [
                v for (k, v) in sorted(d.items()) if k != key
        self.mutation_targets = mutation_targets

        if interaction_graph is None:
            interaction_graph = complete_graph(len(players), loops=False)
        if reproduction_graph is None:
            reproduction_graph = Graph(interaction_graph.edges,
        # Check equal vertices
        v1 = interaction_graph.vertices
        v2 = reproduction_graph.vertices
        assert list(v1) == list(v2)
        self.interaction_graph = interaction_graph
        self.reproduction_graph = reproduction_graph
        self.fitness_transformation = fitness_transformation
        # Map players to graph vertices
        self.locations = sorted(interaction_graph.vertices)
        self.index = dict(
            zip(sorted(interaction_graph.vertices), range(len(players))))
        self.fixated = self.fixation_check()

    def set_players(self) -> None:
        """Copy the initial players into the first population, setting seeds as needed."""
        self.players = []
        for player in self.initial_players:
            if (self.mutation_method == "atomic") and issubclass(
                    player.__class__, EvolvablePlayer):
                # For reproducibility, we generate random seeds for evolvable players.
                seed = next(self._bulk_random)
                new_player = player.create_new(seed=seed)
        self.populations = [self.population_distribution()]

    def fitness_proportionate_selection(
            scores: List,
            fitness_transformation: Callable = None) -> int:
        """Randomly selects an individual proportionally to score.

        scores: Any sequence of real numbers
        fitness_transformation: A function mapping a score to a (non-negative) float

        An index of the above list selected at random proportionally to the list
        element divided by the total.
        if fitness_transformation is None:
            csums = np.cumsum(scores)
            csums = np.cumsum([fitness_transformation(s) for s in scores])
        total = csums[-1]
        r = self._random.random() * total

        for i, x in enumerate(csums):
            if x >= r:
        return i

    def mutate(self, index: int) -> Player:
        """Mutate the player at index.

            The index of the player to be mutated

        if self.mutation_method == "atomic":
            if not issubclass(self.players[index].__class__, EvolvablePlayer):
                raise TypeError(
                    "Player is not evolvable. Use a subclass of EvolvablePlayer."
            return self.players[index].mutate()

        # Assuming mutation_method == "transition"
        if self.mutation_rate > 0:
            # Choose another strategy at random from the initial population
            r = self._random.random()
            if r < self.mutation_rate:
                s = str(self.players[index])
                j = self._random.randrange(0, len(self.mutation_targets[s]))
                p = self.mutation_targets[s][j]
                return p.clone()
        # Just clone the player
        return self.players[index].clone()

    def death(self, index: int = None) -> int:
        Selects the player to be removed.

        Note that the in the birth-death case, the player that is reproducing
        may also be replaced. However in the death-birth case, this player will
        be excluded from the choices.

            The index of the player to be removed
        if index is None:
            # Select a player to be replaced globally
            i = self._random.randrange(0, len(self.players))
            # Record internally for use in _matchup_indices
            self.dead = i
            # Select locally
            # index is not None in this case
            vertex = self._random.choice(
            i = self.index[vertex]
        return i

    def birth(self, index: int = None) -> int:
        """The birth event.

            The index of the player to be copied
        # Compute necessary fitnesses.
        scores = self.score_all()
        if index is not None:
            # Death has already occurred, so remove the dead player from the
            # possible choices
            # Make sure to get the correct index post-pop
            j = self.fitness_proportionate_selection(
                scores, fitness_transformation=self.fitness_transformation)
            if j >= index:
                j += 1
            j = self.fitness_proportionate_selection(
                scores, fitness_transformation=self.fitness_transformation)
        return j

    def fixation_check(self) -> bool:
        Checks if the population is all of a single type

            True if fixation has occurred (population all of a single type)
        classes = set(str(p) for p in self.players)
        self.fixated = False
        if len(classes) == 1:
            # Set the winning strategy name variable
            self.winning_strategy_name = str(self.players[0])
            self.fixated = True
        return self.fixated

    def __next__(self) -> object:
        Iterate the population:

        - play the round's matches
        - chooses a player proportionally to fitness (total score) to reproduce
        - mutate, if appropriate
        - choose a player to be replaced
        - update the population

            Returns itself with a new population
        # Check the exit condition, that all players are of the same type.
        if self.stop_on_fixation and self.fixation_check():
            raise StopIteration
        if self.mode == "bd":
            # Birth then death
            j = self.birth()
            i = self.death(j)
        elif self.mode == "db":
            # Death then birth
            i = self.death()
            self.players[i] = None
            j = self.birth(i)
        # Mutate and/or replace player i with clone of player j
        self.players[i] = self.mutate(j)
        # Record population.
        return self

    def _matchup_indices(self) -> Set[Tuple[int, int]]:
        Generate the matchup pairs.

            A set of 2 tuples of matchup pairs: the collection of all players
            who play each other.
        indices = set()  # type: Set
        # For death-birth we only want the neighbors of the dead node
        # The other calculations are unnecessary
        if self.mode == "db":
            source = self.index[self.dead]
            self.dead = None
            sources = sorted(self.interaction_graph.out_vertices(source))
            # birth-death is global
            sources = sorted(self.locations)
        for i, source in enumerate(sources):
            for target in sorted(self.interaction_graph.out_vertices(source)):
                j = self.index[target]
                if (self.players[i] is None) or (self.players[j] is None):
                # Don't duplicate matches
                if ((i, j) in indices) or ((j, i) in indices):
                indices.add((i, j))
        return indices

    def score_all(self) -> List:
        """Plays the next round of the process. Every player is paired up
        against every other player and the total scores are recorded.

            List of scores for each player
        N = len(self.players)
        scores = [0] * N
        for i, j in self._matchup_indices():
            player1 = self.players[i]
            player2 = self.players[j]
            match = Match((player1, player2),
            match_scores = match.final_score_per_turn()
            scores[i] += match_scores[0]
            scores[j] += match_scores[1]
        return scores

    def population_distribution(self) -> Counter:
        """Returns the population distribution of the last iteration.

            The counts of each strategy in the population of the last iteration
        player_names = [str(player) for player in self.players]
        counter = Counter(player_names)
        return counter

    def __iter__(self) -> object:
        return self

    def reset(self) -> None:
        """Reset the process to replay."""
        self.winning_strategy_name = None
        self.score_history = []
        # Reset all the players

    def play(self) -> List[Counter]:
        Play the process out to completion. If played with mutation this will
        not terminate.

            Returns a list of all the populations
        if not self.stop_on_fixation or self.mutation_rate != 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "MoranProcess.play() will never exit if mutation_rate is"
                "nonzero or stop_on_fixation is False. Use iteration instead.")
        while True:
            except StopIteration:
        return self.populations

    def __len__(self) -> int:
            The length of the Moran process: the number of populations
        return len(self.populations)

    def populations_plot(self, ax=None):
        Create a stackplot of the population distributions at each iteration of
        the Moran process.

        ax: matplotlib axis
            Allows the plot to be written to a given matplotlib axis.
            Default is None.

        A matplotlib axis object

        player_names = self.populations[0].keys()
        if ax is None:
            _, ax = plt.subplots()
            ax = ax

        plot_data = []
        labels = []
        for name in player_names:
            values = [counter[name] for counter in self.populations]
            domain = range(len(values))

        ax.stackplot(domain, plot_data, labels=labels)
        ax.set_title("Moran Process Population by Iteration")
        ax.set_ylabel("Number of Individuals")
        return ax