def __init__(self, hostname, username, password, flip, speed_control, frame_id="axis_camera", use_encrypted_password=False, state_publishing_frequency=50, camera_id=1): """Initialize the PTZ driver and start publishing positional data. :param hostname: Hostname of the camera (without http://, can be an IP address). :type hostname: basestring :param username: If login is needed, provide a username here. :type username: basestring|None :param password: If login is needed, provide a password here. :type password: basestring|None :param flip: Whether to flip the controls (for ceiling-mounted cameras). Deprecated. :type flip: bool :param speed_control: Use speed control instead of positional. Deprecated. :type speed_control: bool :param frame_id: Id of the frame in which positinal data should be published. :type frame_id: basestring :param use_encrypted_password: Whether to use Plain HTTP Auth (False) or Digest HTTP Auth (True). :type use_encrypted_password: bool :param state_publishing_frequency: The frequency at which joint states should be published. :type state_publishing_frequency: int :param camera_id: ID (number) of the camera. Can be 1 to 4. :type camera_id: int """ self._hostname = hostname self._camera_id = camera_id self._frame_id = frame_id self._state_publishing_frequency = state_publishing_frequency self._executing_reconfigure = False self._reconfigure_mutex = threading.Lock() self._api = None # autodetect the VAPIX API and connect to it; try it forever while self._api is None and not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: self._api = VAPIX.get_api_for_camera(hostname, username, password, camera_id, use_encrypted_password) except (IOError, ValueError): rospy.loginfo( "Retrying connection to VAPIX on host %s, camera %d in 2 seconds." % (hostname, camera_id)) rospy.sleep(2) if rospy.is_shutdown(): return if not self._api.has_ptz(): raise RuntimeError("Camera %d on host %s doesn't have a Pan-Tilt-Zoom unit." % (self._camera_id, self._hostname)) # Create a controller of the camera self._camera_controller = AxisCameraController(self._api, self, flip_vertically=flip, flip_horizontally=flip) # BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY LAYER self.username = username # deprecated self.password = password # deprecated self.flip = flip # deprecated self.speedControl = speed_control # deprecated self.mirror = False # deprecated self.msg = None # deprecated self.cmdString = "" # deprecated = rospy.Publisher("state", Axis, queue_size=100) # deprecated self.command_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber("cmd", Axis, self.cmd, queue_size=100) # deprecated self.mirror_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber("mirror", Bool, self.mirrorCallback, queue_size=100) # deprecated self.srv = Server(PTZConfig, self.callback) # deprecated # Needs to be after the backwards compatibility setup # start the publisher thread self._publisher_thread = PositionStreamingThread(self, self._api) = self._publisher_thread # deprecated self._publisher_thread.start()
def _publish_frames_until_error(self): """Continuous loop to publish images. Stops if an error occurs while reading the stream. Should also account for pausing/resuming (stop/start reading the stream), and video parameters changes. These should not make this function exit, it should instead reconnect automatically. """ while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # publish until an error occurs (then, a return is called to end this loop) # if we are paused, wait for a resume before connecting to the stream while not rospy.is_shutdown() and (self._is_paused or not self._is_video_ok()): rospy.sleep(1) try: # now try to open the video stream; with closing( self._axis._api.get_video_stream(self._axis._fps,, self._axis._compression, self._axis._use_color, self._axis._use_square_pixels) ) as stream: self.fp = stream # backwards compatibility # this is the rate at which we wake up to read new data; there is no need for it to happen faster # than at the requested FPS rate = rospy.Rate(self._axis._fps) # we've just crerated a video stream with the most recently requested parameters, so clear the dirty # flag self._axis.video_params_changed = False # publish images from the stream until i) someone pauses us, or ii) video parameters changed # when one of these events happens, we take a next iteration of the outermost loop, in which there # is a wait in case of pausing, and a new video stream connection is created with most recent # parameters while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not self._axis.video_params_changed and not self._is_paused: try: (header, image) = VAPIX.read_next_image_from_video_stream(stream) if image is not None: timestamp = self._publish_image(header, image, timestamp) self._publish_camera_info(header, image, timestamp) else: # probably a temporary error, don't return rospy.logwarn("Retrieving image from Axis camera failed.") except IOError, e: # error occured, we should therefore return rospy.loginfo('Error reading from the video stream. Cause: %r' % e) return # read images only on the requested FPS frequency rate.sleep() except IOError, e: # could not open the stream, the camera is probably in standby mode? if self._axis.auto_wakeup_camera: wakeup_succeeded = self._wakeup_camera() if not wakeup_succeeded: # if we could not wake up the camera, it is an error and we should return rospy.logerr("%r" % e) return else: continue else: # if we cannot open the stream and auto-wakeup is off, we have no other possibility than to report # error rospy.logerr("%r" % e) return # the image-publishing loop has been interrupted, so reconnect to the stream in the next # outer-while iteration if self._axis.video_params_changed: rospy.logdebug("Video parameters changed, reconnecting the video stream with the new ones.")
def getImageData(self): """Deprecated.""" if self.content_length > 0: self.img = VAPIX._get_image_data_from_stream(self.fp, self.content_length)
def getHeader(self): """Deprecated.""" self.header = VAPIX._get_image_header_from_stream(self.fp) self.content_length = int(self.header['Content-Length'])
def findBoundary(self): """Deprecated.""" VAPIX._find_boundary_in_stream(self.fp)
def __init__(self, hostname, username, password, width, height, frame_id, camera_info_url, use_encrypted_password, camera_id=1, auto_wakeup_camera=True, compression=0, fps=24, use_color=True, use_square_pixels=False): """Create the ROS-VAPIX interface. :param hostname: Hostname of the camera (without http://, can be an IP address). :type hostname: basestring :param username: If login is needed, provide a username here. :type username: :py:obj:`basestring` | None :param password: If login is needed, provide a password here. :type password: :py:obj:`basestring` | None :param width: Width of the requested video stream in pixels (can be changed later). Must be one of the supported resolutions. If `None`, the resolution will be chosen by height only. If also `height` is `None`, then the default camera resolution will be used. :type width: int|None :param height: Height of the requested video stream in pixels (can be changed later). Must be one of the supported resolutions. If `None`, the resolution will be chosen by width only. If also `width` is `None`, then the default camera resolution will be used. :type height: int|None :param frame_id: The ROS TF frame assigned to the camera. :type frame_id: basestring :param camera_info_url: The URL pointing to the camera calaibration, if available. :type camera_info_url: basestring :param use_encrypted_password: Whether to use Plain HTTP Auth (False) or Digest HTTP Auth (True). :type use_encrypted_password: bool :param camera_id: ID (number) of the camera. Can be 1 to 4. :type camera_id: int :param auto_wakeup_camera: If True, there will be a wakeup trial after first unsuccessful network command. :type auto_wakeup_camera: bool :param compression: Compression of the image (0 - no compression, 100 - max compression). :type compression: int :param fps: The desired frames per second. :type fps: int :param use_color: If True, send a color stream, otherwise send only grayscale image. :type use_color: bool :param use_square_pixels: If True, the resolution will be stretched to match 1:1 pixels. By default, the pixels have a ratio of 11:12. :type use_square_pixels: bool :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError` if the requested resolution (either the `resolution`, or `width`+`height` is not supported. """ # True every time the video parameters have changed and the URL has to be altered (set from other threads). self.video_params_changed = False self.__initializing = True self._hostname = hostname self._camera_id = camera_id self.diagnostic_updater = Updater() self.diagnostic_updater.setHardwareID(hostname) self._api = None # autodetect the VAPIX API and connect to it; try it forever while self._api is None and not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: self._api = VAPIX.get_api_for_camera(hostname, username, password, camera_id, use_encrypted_password) except (IOError, ValueError): rospy.loginfo("Retrying connection to VAPIX on host %s, camera %d in 2 seconds." % (hostname, camera_id)) rospy.sleep(2) if rospy.is_shutdown(): return self._allowed_resolutions = self._get_allowed_resolutions() rospy.loginfo("The following resolutions are available for camera %d:\n%s" % (camera_id, "\n".join([str(res) for res in self._allowed_resolutions]))) rospy.set_param("~allowed_resolutions", [res.get_vapix_representation() for res in self._allowed_resolutions]) # Sometimes the camera falls into power saving mode and stops streaming. # This setting allows the script to try to wake up the camera. self._auto_wakeup_camera = auto_wakeup_camera # dynamic-reconfigurable properties - definitions self._width = None # deprecated self._height = None # deprecated self._resolution = None self._compression = None self._fps = None self._use_color = None self._use_square_pixels = None # treat empty strings as None in width and height params width = width if width != "" else None height = height if height != "" else None # dynamic-reconfigurable properties - defaults if width is None and height is None: # TODO change to perform default resolution detection from VAPIX self.set_resolution(self._allowed_resolutions[0]) else: resolution = self.find_resolution_by_size(width, height) self.set_resolution(resolution.get_vapix_representation()) self.set_compression(compression) self.set_fps(fps) self.set_use_color(use_color) self.set_use_square_pixels(use_square_pixels) # only advertise the supported resolutions on dynamic reconfigure change_enum_items( VideoStreamConfig, "resolution", [{ 'name': if isinstance(res, CIFVideoResolution) else str(res), 'value': res.get_vapix_representation(), 'description': str(res) } for res in self._allowed_resolutions], self._resolution.get_vapix_representation() ) # dynamic reconfigure server self._video_stream_param_change_server = dynamic_reconfigure.server.Server(VideoStreamConfig, self.reconfigure_video) # camera info setup self._frame_id = frame_id self._camera_info_url = camera_info_url # generate a valid camera name based on the hostname self._camera_name = camera_info_manager.genCameraName(self._hostname) self._camera_info = camera_info_manager.CameraInfoManager(cname=self._camera_name, url=self._camera_info_url) self._camera_info.loadCameraInfo() # required before getCameraInfo() # the thread used for streaming images (is instantiated when the first image subscriber subscribes) self._streaming_thread = None # the publishers are started/stopped lazily in peer_subscribe/peer_unsubscribe self._video_publisher_frequency_diagnostic = FrequencyStatusParam({'min': self._fps, 'max': self._fps}) self._video_publisher = PausableDiagnosedPublisher( self, rospy.Publisher("image_raw/compressed", CompressedImage, self, queue_size=100), self.diagnostic_updater, self._video_publisher_frequency_diagnostic, TimeStampStatusParam() ) self._camera_info_publisher = PausableDiagnosedPublisher( self, rospy.Publisher("camera_info", CameraInfo, self, queue_size=100), self.diagnostic_updater, self._video_publisher_frequency_diagnostic, TimeStampStatusParam() ) self._snapshot_server = rospy.Service("take_snapshot", TakeSnapshot, self.take_snapshot) self.diagnostic_updater.add(FunctionDiagnosticTask("Camera parameters", self._camera_diagnostic_callback)) # BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY LAYER self.username = username # deprecated self.password = password # deprecated self.use_encrypted_password = use_encrypted_password # deprecated = None # deprecated = self._video_publisher # deprecated self.caminfo_pub = self._camera_info_publisher # deprecated self.__initializing = False