예제 #1
    def test_remove_fragments(self, client_type):
        Remove a fragment. This test is basically the integration test for
        # Get the client for this test.
        client = self.clients[client_type]

        # Convenience.
        objID = 1

        # The original template has the following three fragments:
        frags_orig = {
            'fname_1': getFragRaw(),
            'fname_2': getFragDae(),
            'fname_3': getFragRaw(),
        t1 = getTemplate('t1', fragments=frags_orig)

        # Add a new template and spawn it.
        assert client.addTemplates([t1]).ok
        new_obj = {'templateID': t1.aid,
                   'rbs': {'position': (1, 1, 1), 'velocityLin': (-1, -1, -1)}}
        assert client.spawn([new_obj]) == (True, None, [objID])

        # Query the fragment geometries and Body State to verify that both
        # report three fragments.
        ret = client.getFragments([objID])
        assert ret.ok and len(ret.data[objID]) == 3
        ret = client.getObjectStates(objID)
        assert ret.ok and len(ret.data[objID]['frag']) == 3

        # Update the fragments as follows: keep the first intact, remove the
        # second, and modify the third one.
        frags_new = {
            'fname_2': getFragNone()._asdict(),
            'fname_3': getFragDae()._asdict()
        assert client.setFragments({objID: frags_new}).ok

        # After the last update there must now only be two fragments.
        ret = client.getFragments([objID])
        assert ret.ok and len(ret.data[objID]) == 2
        ret = client.getObjectStates(objID)
        assert ret.ok and len(ret.data[objID]['frag']) == 2
예제 #2
    def test_spawn_and_get_state_variables(self, client_type):
        Spawn a new object and query its state variables.
        # Get the client for this test.
        client = self.clients[client_type]

        # Constants and parameters for this test.
        templateID, objID_1 = '_templateEmpty', 1

        # Query the state variables for a non existing object.
        objID = 100
        assert client.getRigidBodies(objID) == (True, None, {objID: None})
        del objID

        # Instruct Clerk to spawn a new object. Its objID must be '1'.
        pos, vlin = (0, 1, 2), (-3, 4, -5)
        body = getRigidBody(position=pos, velocityLin=vlin)
        init = {
            'templateID': templateID,
            'rbs': {'position': body.position,
                    'velocityLin': body.velocityLin},
        ret = client.spawn([init])
        assert ret.ok and ret.data == [objID_1]

        # The body parameters of the new object must match the inital state
        # (plus the tweaks provided to the spawn command).
        ret = client.getRigidBodies(objID_1)
        assert ret.ok and (set(ret.data.keys()) == {1})
        assert ret.data[objID_1]['rbs'].position == pos
        assert ret.data[objID_1]['rbs'].velocityLin == vlin

        # Same test but this time get all of them.
        assert client.getRigidBodies(None) == ret

        # Query just the state variables instead of the entire rigid body.
        assert client.getObjectStates(None) == client.getObjectStates([objID_1])
        ret = client.getObjectStates([objID_1])
        assert ret.ok
        r = ret.data[objID_1]
        assert set(r.keys()) == set(['rbs', 'frag'])
        r = ret.data[objID_1]['rbs']
        assert r['position'] == list(pos)
        assert r['velocityLin'] == list(vlin)
예제 #3
    def test_update_FragmentStates(self, client_type):
        Query and modify fragment states.
        Note that fragment states are updated via 'setFragments'.
        # Get the client for this test.
        client = self.clients[client_type]

        # Convenience.
        objID = 1

        # Add a new template and spawn it.
        temp = getTemplate('t1', fragments={'bar': getFragRaw()})
        assert client.addTemplates([temp]).ok

        new_obj = {'templateID': temp.aid,
                   'rbs': {'position': (1, 1, 1), 'velocityLin': (-1, -1, -1)}}
        ret = client.spawn([new_obj])
        assert ret.ok and ret.data == [objID]
        del temp, new_obj, ret

        # Query the Body State to get the Fragment States. Then verify the
        # Fragment State named 'bar'.
        ret = client.getObjectStates(objID)
        ref = {'bar': {'scale': 1, 'position': [0, 0, 0], 'rotation': [0, 0, 0, 1]}}
        assert ret.ok
        assert ret.data[objID]['frag'] == ref

        # Modify and update the fragment states in Azrael, then query and
        # verify it worked.
        newStates = {objID: {'bar': {'scale': 2.2, 'position': [1, 2, 3],
                                     'rotation': [1, 0, 0, 0]}}}
        assert client.setFragments(newStates).ok
        ret = client.getObjectStates(objID)
        assert ret.ok
        ret = ret.data[objID]['frag']['bar']
        assert ret == newStates[objID]['bar']
예제 #4
    def test_create_constraints_with_physics(self, client_type):
        Spawn two rigid bodies and define a Point2Point constraint among them.
        Then apply a force onto one of them and verify the second one moves
        # Reset the constraint database.
        igor = azrael.igor.Igor()
        assert igor.reset().ok

        # Get the client for this test.
        client = self.clients[client_type]

        # Reset the database and instantiate a Leonard.
        leo = getLeonard(azrael.leonard.LeonardBullet)

        # Spawn two bodies.
        pos_a, pos_b = [-2, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0]
        new_objs = [
            {'templateID': '_templateSphere',
             'rbs': {'position': pos_a}},
            {'templateID': '_templateSphere',
             'rbs': {'position': pos_b}},
        id_1, id_2 = 1, 2
        assert client.spawn(new_objs) == (True, None, [id_1, id_2])

        # Verify the position of the bodies.
        ret = client.getObjectStates([id_1, id_2])
        assert ret.ok
        assert ret.data[id_1]['rbs']['position'] == pos_a
        assert ret.data[id_2]['rbs']['position'] == pos_b

        # Define- and add the constraints.
        con = [getP2P(rb_a=id_1, rb_b=id_2, pivot_a=pos_b, pivot_b=pos_a)]
        assert client.addConstraints(con) == (True, None, 1)

        # Apply a force that will pull the left object further to the left.
        # However, both objects must move the same distance in the same
        # direction because they are now linked together.
        assert client.setForce(id_1, [-10, 0, 0]).ok
        leo.step(1.0, 60)

        # Query the object positions. Due to some database timings is sometimes
        # happen that the objects appear to not have moved. In that case retry
        # the query a few times before moving to the comparison.
        for ii in range(10):
            assert ii < 9

            # Query the objects and put their positions into convenience
            # variables.
            ret = client.getRigidBodies([id_1, id_2])
            pos_a2 = ret.data[id_1]['rbs'].position
            pos_b2 = ret.data[id_2]['rbs'].position

            # Exit this loop if both objects have moved.
            if (pos_a != pos_a2) and (pos_b != pos_b2):

        # Verify that the objects have moved to the left and maintained their
        # distance.
        delta_a = np.array(pos_a2) - np.array(pos_a)
        delta_b = np.array(pos_b2) - np.array(pos_b)
        assert delta_a[0] < pos_a[0]
        assert np.allclose(delta_a, delta_b)