def test_get_put_overwrite(self): """ Overwrite existing files. """ dibbler = self.dibbler assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 0) # Put two files into Dibbler. One in the root directory, and one in a # sub-folder. files = {'foo': b'foo', 'bar': b'bar'} assert dibbler.put(files).ok assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, len(files)) # Fetch the two files. Then verify their content. ret = dibbler.get(['foo', 'bar']) assert ret.ok and == files # Overwrite the content of 'foo'. Then fetch it and verify that it has # the new content. Also check that the number of files in the database # is still only 2. new_file = {'foo': b'test'} assert dibbler.put(new_file).ok assert dibbler.get(['foo']) == (True, None, new_file) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 2) # Send invalid data format. assert not dibbler.put({'xy': 'str_instead_of_bytes'}).ok
def test_addTemplate_with_no_fragments(self): """ Add a template that has no fragments. This must still create a 'meta.json' file (but nothing else). """ # Create a Dibbler instance and flush all data. dibbler = self.dibbler assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 0) # Define a template for this test. t_raw = getTemplate('_templateEmpty') # Add the template and verify that the database now contains # exactly one file. ret = dibbler.addTemplate(t_raw) assert ret.ok assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 1) url =['url_frag'] # Download the one- and only meta file and verify that it reports an # empty 'fragment' list. ret = self.dibbler.getFile('{}/meta.json'.format(url)) assert ret.ok ret = json.loads('utf8')) assert ret['fragments'] == {}
def test_get_put_basic(self): """ Put files into Dibbler and retrieve them. """ dibbler = self.dibbler assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 0) files = {'foo': b'foo', 'dir/bar': b'bar'} # Put two files into dibbler. One is in the root directory and the # other in a sub-folder. assert dibbler.put(files).ok assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, len(files)) # Fetch the two files and verify their content. ret = dibbler.get(['foo', 'dir/bar']) assert ret.ok and == files # Fetch only one file. ret = dibbler.get(['dir/bar']) assert ret.ok and == {'dir/bar': files['dir/bar']} # Attempt to fetch a non-existing file. This must not return an error. # It must also not return any files. ret = dibbler.get(['blah']) assert ret.ok and == {} # Request two files. One exists, the other does not. ret = dibbler.get(['foo', 'blah']) assert ret.ok and == {'foo': files['foo']}
def test_remove_files_individual(self): """ Create one file, then copy it to another location. """ dibbler = self.dibbler assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 0) # Attempt to remove a non-existing file. This must succeed but the # number of removed files must be zero. assert dibbler.remove(['foo']) == (True, None, 0) # Add two files, then remove them individually. files = {'foo': b'foo', 'bar': b'bar'} assert dibbler.put(files).ok assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 2) assert dibbler.remove(['foo']) == (True, None, 1) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 1) assert dibbler.remove(['bar']) == (True, None, 1) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 0) # Remove the same file multiple times. assert dibbler.put(files).ok assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 2) assert dibbler.remove(['foo']) == (True, None, 1) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 1) assert dibbler.remove(['foo']) == (True, None, 0) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 1) # Remove two existing files, plus one non-existing file, with a single # call. assert dibbler.put(files).ok assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 2) assert dibbler.remove(['foo', 'bar', 'blah']) == (True, None, 2) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 0)
def test_updateFragments_partial(self): """ Simliar to previous test in the sense that it spawns and updates fragments. However, this time some fragments will be removed altogether, instead of just being updated. """ dibbler = self.dibbler # The original template has the following three fragments: frags_orig = { 'f1': getFragRaw(), 'f2': getFragDae(), 'f3': getFragRaw() } t1 = getTemplate('t1', fragments=frags_orig) # The fragment update will use the following data. It translates to # keeping the first intact, removing the second, and modifying the # fragment type for the third one. frags_new = { 'f2': getFragNone(), 'f3': getFragDae(), } # Add the template, spawn one instance, and verify all fragments. assert dibbler.addTemplate(t1).ok ret = dibbler.spawnTemplate(1, t1.aid) assert ret.ok self.verifyRaw(['url_frag'], 'f1', frags_orig) self.verifyDae(['url_frag'], 'f2', frags_orig) self.verifyRaw(['url_frag'], 'f3', frags_orig) # Record the current number of files in Dibbler. There must be one # 'meta.json', two raw files (one each), 3 Collada files (dae + 2 # textures). These files exist twice, once in the template store and # once in the instance store. file_cnt = dibbler.getNumFiles().data assert file_cnt == 2 * (1 + 2 * 1 + 1 * 3) # Update the fragments: keep first (raw, +0), delete second (dae, -3), # convert third from raw to dae (-1 + 3). assert dibbler.updateFragments(1, frags_new).ok # Record the current number of files in Dibbler. assert dibbler.getNumFiles().data == file_cnt + (0) + (-3) + (-1 + 3) # Verify that the first fragment is still intact, the second does not # exist anymore, and the third was updated. self.verifyRaw(['url_frag'], 'f1', frags_orig) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): self.verifyDae(['url_frag'], 'f2', frags_orig) self.verifyDae(['url_frag'], 'f3', frags_new)
def test_addDaeTemplate(self): """ Add a Collada template and fetch the individual files again afterwards. """ dibbler = self.dibbler # Define a template for this test. frag = {'foo': getFragDae()} t_dae = getTemplate('_templateEmpty', fragments=frag) # Create a Dibbler instance and flush all data. assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 0) # Add the first template and verify that the database now contains # extactly fourc files (a meta file, the DAE file, and two textures). ret = dibbler.addTemplate(t_dae) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 4) # Fetch- and verify the model. self.verifyDae(['url_frag'], 'foo', frag)
def test_addRawTemplate(self): """ Add a raw template and fetch the individual files again afterwards. """ # Create a Dibbler instance and flush all data. dibbler = self.dibbler assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 0) # Define a template for this test. frags = {'foo': getFragRaw()} t_raw = getTemplate('_templateEmpty', fragments=frags) # Add the first template and verify that the database now contains # exactly two files (a meta file, and the actual fragment data). ret = dibbler.addTemplate(t_raw) assert ret.ok assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 2) # Fetch- and verify the model. self.verifyRaw(['url_frag'], 'foo', frags)
def test_spawnTemplate(self): """ Add two templates, then spawn the first one twice and the second one once. """ dibbler = self.dibbler # Define two templates. frag_raw = {'fraw': getFragRaw()} frag_dae = {'fdae': getFragDae()} t_raw = getTemplate('t_name_raw', fragments=frag_raw) t_dae = getTemplate('t_name_dae', fragments=frag_dae) # Add the templates and verify there are 6 files in the DB now. The # first template has two files (1 meta.json plus 1 for the raw data) # and the second has 4 files (1 meta.json plus 3 for the Collada data). dibbler.addTemplate(t_raw) dibbler.addTemplate(t_dae) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 2 + 4) # Spawn some instances. ret_1 = dibbler.spawnTemplate(1, t_raw.aid) ret_2 = dibbler.spawnTemplate(2, t_raw.aid) ret_3 = dibbler.spawnTemplate(3, t_dae.aid) assert ret_1.ok and ret_2.ok and ret_3.ok # Dibbler must now hold the original 6 files plus an additional 8 files # (2x2 for the two Raw instances, and another 4 for the one Collada # instance). assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, (2 + 4) + (2 * 2 + 1 * 4)) # Verify that all files are correct. self.verifyRaw(['url_frag'], 'fraw', frag_raw) self.verifyRaw(['url_frag'], 'fraw', frag_raw) self.verifyDae(['url_frag'], 'fdae', frag_dae) # Attempt to spawn a non-existing template. This must fail and the # number of files in Dibbler must not change. assert not dibbler.spawnTemplate(10, 'blah').ok assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, (2 + 4) + (2 * 2 + 1 * 4))
def test_copy_individual(self): """ Create one file, then copy it to another location. """ dibbler = self.dibbler assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 0) # Put one file into Dibbler. assert dibbler.put({'src': b'src'}).ok assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 1) # Copy the file. Verify their contents match. assert dibbler.copy({'src': 'dst'}) == (True, None, 1) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 2) ret = dibbler.get(['src', 'dst']) assert ret.ok assert == {'src': b'src', 'dst': b'src'} # It is permissible to copy a file onto itself. assert dibbler.copy({'src': 'src'}).ok assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 2) assert dibbler.get(['src']) == (True, None, {'src': b'src'}) # If a non-existing file should be copied then the operation must also # succeed, yet nothing must be copied. assert dibbler.copy({'blah': 'xyz'}).ok assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 2) # Copy two files at once. To make the test clearer we will first # overwrite the 'dst' file with new content to make it different from # 'src'. assert dibbler.put({'dst': b'dst'}).ok assert dibbler.copy({'src': '/newdir/src', 'dst': '/newdir/dst'}) ret = dibbler.get(['src', 'dst', '/newdir/src', '/newdir/dst']) assert ret.ok and == { 'src': b'src', 'dst': b'dst', '/newdir/src': b'src', '/newdir/dst': b'dst' }
def test_invalid_copy_arguments(self): """ All copy targets must be unique. For instance, the argument dibbler.copy({'file1': 'dst', 'file2': dst}) is not allowed because both files would be copied to 'dst' and it is not clear which one takes precedence. """ dibbler = self.dibbler assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 0) # Create two files. files = {'foo': b'foo', 'bar': b'bar'} assert dibbler.put(files).ok # Attempt to copy both files to the same target name. assert not dibbler.copy({'foo': 'blah', 'bar': 'blah'}).ok
def test_deleteInstance(self): """ Add and remove an instance. """ dibbler = self.dibbler # Define two templates. frag_raw = {'foo': getFragRaw()} frag_dae = {'bar': getFragDae()} t_raw = getTemplate('temp_raw', fragments=frag_raw) t_dae = getTemplate('temp_dae', fragments=frag_dae) # Verify that Dibbler is empty. assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 0) # Add- and verify a Raw- and Collada template. The raw template 2 files # (meta.json plus model.json) whereas the Collada template has 4 files # (meta.json plus 1 dae file plus 2 textures). ret = dibbler.addTemplate(t_raw) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 2) self.verifyRaw(['url_frag'], 'foo', frag_raw) ret = dibbler.addTemplate(t_dae) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 2 + 4) self.verifyDae(['url_frag'], 'bar', frag_dae) # Spawn some instances. assert dibbler.spawnTemplate(1, 'temp_raw').ok assert dibbler.spawnTemplate(2, 'temp_dae').ok assert dibbler.spawnTemplate(3, 'temp_raw').ok self.verifyRaw('{}/1'.format(config.url_instances), 'foo', frag_raw) self.verifyDae('{}/2'.format(config.url_instances), 'bar', frag_dae) self.verifyRaw('{}/3'.format(config.url_instances), 'foo', frag_raw) base_cnt = (2 + 4) + 2 * 2 + 1 * 4 assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, base_cnt) # Remove a non-existing object. This must succeed but Dibbler must not # have removed any files. assert dibbler.deleteInstance(10) == (True, None, 0) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, base_cnt) # Remove the first Raw object. This must remove two files and leave the # other two instances intact. assert dibbler.deleteInstance(1) == (True, None, 2) base_cnt -= 2 assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, base_cnt) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): self.verifyRaw('{}/1'.format(config.url_instances), 'foo', frag_raw) self.verifyDae('{}/2'.format(config.url_instances), 'bar', frag_dae) self.verifyRaw('{}/3'.format(config.url_instances), 'foo', frag_raw) # Remove the same instance again. This must succeed but Dibbler must # not remove any files. assert dibbler.deleteInstance(1) == (True, None, 0) # Remove the Collada instance. This must delete four files (meta.json + # dae + 2 textures). assert dibbler.deleteInstance(2) == (True, None, 4) base_cnt -= 4 assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, base_cnt) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): self.verifyRaw('{}/1'.format(config.url_instances), 'foo', frag_raw) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): self.verifyDae('{}/2'.format(config.url_instances), 'bar', frag_dae) self.verifyRaw('{}/3'.format(config.url_instances), 'foo', frag_raw) # Remove the second Raw instance. assert dibbler.deleteInstance(3) == (True, None, 2) base_cnt -= 2 assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, base_cnt) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): self.verifyRaw('{}/1'.format(config.url_instances), 'foo', frag_raw) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): self.verifyDae('{}/2'.format(config.url_instances), 'bar', frag_dae) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): self.verifyRaw('{}/3'.format(config.url_instances), 'foo', frag_raw)
def test_deleteTemplate(self): """ Add two templates and then delete them. This functions also tests some corner cases where the delete-request is a substring of another template. """ dibbler = self.dibbler # Define two templates. frag_raw = {'foo': getFragRaw()} frag_dae = {'bar': getFragDae()} t1 = getTemplate('name1', fragments=frag_dae) t11 = getTemplate('name11', fragments=frag_raw) # Verify that Dibbler's database is pristine. assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 0) # Add- and verify the Raw template. ret = dibbler.addTemplate(t11) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 2) self.verifyRaw(['url_frag'], 'foo', frag_raw) # Remove the Raw template and ensure it does not exist anymore. assert dibbler.deleteTemplate('name11').ok assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 0) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): self.verifyRaw(['url_frag'], 'foo', frag_raw) # Attempt to remove the Raw template once more. Dibbler must not delete # any files, albeit the call itself must succeed. assert dibbler.deleteTemplate('blah').ok assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 0) # Add- and verify the Raw- and Collada templates. del ret ret_raw = dibbler.addTemplate(t11) ret_dae = dibbler.addTemplate(t1) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 6) self.verifyRaw(['url_frag'], 'foo', frag_raw) self.verifyDae(['url_frag'], 'bar', frag_dae) # Remove the Collada template whose name is a substring of the first. assert dibbler.deleteTemplate('name1') == (True, None, 4) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 2) self.verifyRaw(['url_frag'], 'foo', frag_raw) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): self.verifyRaw(['url_frag'], 'bar', frag_dae) # Remove the Collada template again. No files must be deleted this # time. assert dibbler.deleteTemplate('name1') == (True, None, 0) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 2) # Attempt to remove a non-existing template. The call must succeed but # Dibbler must not delete any files. assert dibbler.deleteTemplate('blah') == (True, None, 0) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 2) # Delete the one remaining template (Raw template) and verify that # Dibbler does not hold any files anymore whatsoever afterwards. assert dibbler.deleteTemplate('name11') == (True, None, 2) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 0) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): self.verifyRaw(['url_frag'], 'foo', frag_raw) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): self.verifyRaw(['url_frag'], 'bar', frag_dae)
def test_remove_directory(self): """ Remove all files with common prefix. """ dibbler = self.dibbler assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 0) # Create files a small directory hierarchy. files = { 'dir1/foo1': b'foo1', 'dir1/bar1': b'bar1', 'dir2/foo2': b'foo2', 'dir2/bar2': b'bar2', 'dir2/sub/foo3': b'foo3', 'dir2/sub/bar3': b'bar3' } assert dibbler.put(files).ok assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, len(files)) # Attempt to remove a non-existing directory. The call must succeed yet # nothing must have been deleted. assert dibbler.removeDirs(['blah']) == (True, None, 0) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, len(files)) # Attempt to remove all files in the non-existent 'dir' directory (not # that this is a prefix for the 'dir1/' and 'dir2' directories, and # Dibbler must ensure that these are _not_ deleted. assert dibbler.removeDirs(['dir']) == (True, None, 0) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, len(files)) # Delete all files in dir1. Then verify the number of files. assert dibbler.removeDirs(['dir1']) == (True, None, 2) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, len(files) - 2) # Delete all files in dir2. Then verify that there are no more files # left. assert dibbler.removeDirs(['dir2']) == (True, None, 4) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, 0) # Populate the database again. assert dibbler.put(files).ok assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, len(files)) # Delete 'dir2/sub'. assert dibbler.removeDirs(['dir2/sub']) == (True, None, 2) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, len(files) - 2) fnames = ['dir1/foo1', 'dir1/bar1', 'dir2/foo2', 'dir2/bar2'] ret = dibbler.get(fnames) assert ret.ok for fname in fnames:[fname] == files[fname] # Reset the database and populate it again. self.dibbler.reset() assert dibbler.put(files).ok assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, len(files)) # As before, delete the 'dir2/sub' directory, but this time supply a # trailing a slash. The result must be the same. assert dibbler.removeDirs(['dir2/sub/']) == (True, None, 2) assert dibbler.getNumFiles() == (True, None, len(files) - 2) fnames = ['dir1/foo1', 'dir1/bar1', 'dir2/foo2', 'dir2/bar2'] ret = dibbler.get(fnames) assert ret.ok for fname in fnames:[fname] == files[fname]