def cli_execute(self, cmd): try: args = parse_quotes(cmd) azlogging.configure_logging(args) azure_folder = get_config_dir() if not os.path.exists(azure_folder): os.makedirs(azure_folder) ACCOUNT.load(os.path.join(azure_folder, 'azureProfile.json')) CONFIG.load(os.path.join(azure_folder, 'az.json')) SESSION.load(os.path.join(azure_folder, 'az.sess'), max_age=3600) config = Configuration(args) result = self.last_exit = 0 if result and result.result is not None: from azure.cli.core._output import OutputProducer if self.output: self.output.out(result) else: formatter = OutputProducer.get_formatter( OutputProducer(formatter=formatter, file=sys.stdout).out(result) self.last = result except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.last_exit = handle_exception(ex) except SystemExit as ex: self.last_exit = int(ex.code)
def main(args, file=sys.stdout): #pylint: disable=redefined-builtin _logging.configure_logging(args) if len(args) > 0 and args[0] == '--version': show_version_info_exit(file) azure_folder = os.path.expanduser('~/.azure') if not os.path.exists(azure_folder): os.makedirs(azure_folder) ACCOUNT.load(os.path.join(azure_folder, 'azureProfile.json')) CONFIG.load(os.path.join(azure_folder, 'az.json')) SESSION.load(os.path.join(azure_folder, 'az.sess'), max_age=3600) config = Configuration(args) APPLICATION.initialize(config) try: cmd_result = APPLICATION.execute(args) # Commands can return a dictionary/list of results # If they do, we print the results. if cmd_result and cmd_result.result: from azure.cli.core._output import OutputProducer formatter = OutputProducer.get_formatter(APPLICATION.configuration.output_format) OutputProducer(formatter=formatter, file=file).out(cmd_result) except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except from azure.cli.core.telemetry import log_telemetry log_telemetry('Error', log_type='trace') error_code = handle_exception(ex) return error_code
def main(args, file=sys.stdout): #pylint: disable=redefined-builtin _logging.configure_logging(args) if len(args) > 0 and args[0] == '--version': show_version_info_exit(file) azure_folder = os.path.expanduser('~/.azure') if not os.path.exists(azure_folder): os.makedirs(azure_folder) ACCOUNT.load(os.path.join(azure_folder, 'azureProfile.json')) CONFIG.load(os.path.join(azure_folder, 'az.json')) SESSION.load(os.path.join(azure_folder, 'az.sess'), max_age=3600) config = Configuration(args) APPLICATION.initialize(config) try: cmd_result = APPLICATION.execute(args) # Commands can return a dictionary/list of results # If they do, we print the results. if cmd_result and cmd_result.result: formatter = OutputProducer.get_formatter( APPLICATION.configuration.output_format) OutputProducer(formatter=formatter, file=file).out(cmd_result) except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except log_telemetry('Error', log_type='trace') error_code = handle_exception(ex) return error_code
def main(args, file=sys.stdout): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin azlogging.configure_logging(args) logger.debug('Command arguments %s', args) if len(args) > 0 and args[0] == '--version': show_version_info_exit(file) azure_folder = get_config_dir() if not os.path.exists(azure_folder): os.makedirs(azure_folder) ACCOUNT.load(os.path.join(azure_folder, 'azureProfile.json')) CONFIG.load(os.path.join(azure_folder, 'az.json')) SESSION.load(os.path.join(azure_folder, 'az.sess'), max_age=3600) config = Configuration(args) APPLICATION.initialize(config) try: cmd_result = APPLICATION.execute(args) # Commands can return a dictionary/list of results # If they do, we print the results. if cmd_result and cmd_result.result is not None: from azure.cli.core._output import OutputProducer formatter = OutputProducer.get_formatter(APPLICATION.configuration.output_format) OutputProducer(formatter=formatter, file=file).out(cmd_result) except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except # TODO: include additional details of the exception in telemetry telemetry.set_exception(ex, 'outer-exception', 'Unexpected exception caught during application execution.') telemetry.set_failure() error_code = handle_exception(ex) return error_code
def run(self): """ runs the CLI """ telemetry.start() self.cli.buffers['symbols'].reset( initial_document=Document(u'%s' %shell_help) ) while True: try: document = text = document.text cmd = text outside = False if text.split() and text.split()[0] == 'az': cmd = ' '.join(text.split()[1:]) if self.default_command: cmd = self.default_command + " " + cmd # if self.default_params: # for param in self.default_params: # cmd += ' ' + param except AttributeError: # when the user pressed Control Q break else: if text.strip() == "quit" or text.strip() == "exit": break elif text.strip() == "clear": # clears the history, but only when you restart outside = True cmd = 'echo -n "" >' +\ os.path.join( SHELL_CONFIGURATION.get_config_dir(), SHELL_CONFIGURATION.get_history()) elif text.strip() == "help": print(help_doc.dump(shell_help)) if text: if text[0] == SELECT_SYMBOL['outside']: cmd = text[1:] outside = True # elif text.split()[0] == "az": # dumps the extra az # cmd = " ".join(text.split()[1:]) elif text[0] == SELECT_SYMBOL['exit_code']: print(self.last_exit) self.set_prompt() continue elif SELECT_SYMBOL['query'] in text: # query previous output if self.last and self.last.result: if hasattr(self.last.result, '__dict__'): input_dict = dict(self.last.result) else: input_dict = self.last.result try: result = text.partition(SELECT_SYMBOL['query'])[2], input_dict) if isinstance(result, str): print(result) else: print(json.dumps(result, sort_keys=True, indent=2)) except jmespath.exceptions.ParseError: print("Invalid Query") self.set_prompt() continue elif "|" in text or ">" in text: # anything I don't parse, send off outside = True cmd = "az " + cmd elif SELECT_SYMBOL['example'] in text: global NOTIFICATIONS cmd = self.handle_example(text) if SELECT_SYMBOL['default'] in text: default = text.partition(SELECT_SYMBOL['default'])[2].split() if default[0].startswith('-'): value = self.handle_default_param(default) else: value = self.handle_default_command(default) print("defaulting: " + value) self.set_prompt() continue if SELECT_SYMBOL['undefault'] in text: value = text.partition(SELECT_SYMBOL['undefault'])[2].split() if len(value) == 0: self.default_command = "" set_default_command("", add=False) # self.default_params = [] print('undefaulting all') elif len(value) == 1 and value[0] == self.default_command: self.default_command = "" set_default_command("", add=False) print('undefaulting: ' + value[0]) # elif len(value) == 2 and ' '.join(value[:2]) in self.default_params: # self.default_params.remove(' '.join(value[:2])) # print('undefaulting: ' + ' '.join(value[:2])) self.set_prompt() continue if not text: # not input self.set_prompt() continue self.history.append(cmd) self.set_prompt() if outside: subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True).communicate() else: try: args = [str(command) for command in cmd.split()] azlogging.configure_logging(args) azure_folder = get_config_dir() if not os.path.exists(azure_folder): os.makedirs(azure_folder) ACCOUNT.load(os.path.join(azure_folder, 'azureProfile.json')) CONFIG.load(os.path.join(azure_folder, 'az.json')) SESSION.load(os.path.join(azure_folder, 'az.sess'), max_age=3600) config = Configuration(args) result = if result and result.result is not None: from azure.cli.core._output import OutputProducer, format_json if self.output: self.output.out(result) else: formatter = OutputProducer.get_formatter( OutputProducer(formatter=formatter, file=self.input).out(result) self.last = result self.last_exit = 0 except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.last_exit = handle_exception(ex) except SystemExit as ex: self.last_exit = ex.code if self.last_exit != 0: telemetry.set_failure() else: telemetry.set_success() print('Have a lovely day!!') telemetry.conclude()