예제 #1
def handle_result(callback):
        return callback.wait_for_completion()
    except pipeline_exceptions.ConnectionDroppedError as e:
        raise exceptions.ConnectionDroppedError(
            message="Lost connection to IoTHub", cause=e)
    except pipeline_exceptions.ConnectionFailedError as e:
        raise exceptions.ConnectionFailedError(
            message="Could not connect to IoTHub", cause=e)
    except pipeline_exceptions.UnauthorizedError as e:
        raise exceptions.CredentialError(
            message="Credentials invalid, could not connect", cause=e)
    except pipeline_exceptions.ProtocolClientError as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError(message="Error in the IoTHub client",
    except pipeline_exceptions.TlsExchangeAuthError as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError(
            message="Error in the IoTHub client due to TLS exchanges.",
    except pipeline_exceptions.ProtocolProxyError as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError(
            "Error in the IoTHub client raised due to proxy connections.",
    except Exception as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError(message="Unexpected failure", cause=e)
async def handle_result(callback):
        return await callback.completion()
    except pipeline_exceptions.ConnectionDroppedError as e:
        raise exceptions.ConnectionDroppedError(message="Lost connection to IoTHub", cause=e)
    except pipeline_exceptions.ConnectionFailedError as e:
        raise exceptions.ConnectionFailedError(message="Could not connect to IoTHub", cause=e)
    except pipeline_exceptions.NoConnectionError as e:
        raise exceptions.NoConnectionError(message="Client is not connected to IoTHub", cause=e)
    except pipeline_exceptions.UnauthorizedError as e:
        raise exceptions.CredentialError(message="Credentials invalid, could not connect", cause=e)
    except pipeline_exceptions.ProtocolClientError as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError(message="Error in the IoTHub client", cause=e)
    except pipeline_exceptions.TlsExchangeAuthError as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError(
            message="Error in the IoTHub client due to TLS exchanges.", cause=e
    except pipeline_exceptions.ProtocolProxyError as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError(
            message="Error in the IoTHub client raised due to proxy connections.", cause=e
    except pipeline_exceptions.PipelineNotRunning as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError(message="Client has already been shut down", cause=e)
    except Exception as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError(message="Unexpected failure", cause=e)
예제 #3
def handle_result(callback):
        return callback.wait_for_completion()
    except pipeline_exceptions.ConnectionDroppedError as e:
        raise exceptions.ConnectionDroppedError(
            "Lost connection to IoTHub") from e
    except pipeline_exceptions.ConnectionFailedError as e:
        raise exceptions.ConnectionFailedError(
            "Could not connect to IoTHub") from e
    except pipeline_exceptions.NoConnectionError as e:
        raise exceptions.NoConnectionError(
            "Client is not connected to IoTHub") from e
    except pipeline_exceptions.UnauthorizedError as e:
        raise exceptions.CredentialError(
            "Credentials invalid, could not connect") from e
    except pipeline_exceptions.ProtocolClientError as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError("Error in the IoTHub client") from e
    except pipeline_exceptions.TlsExchangeAuthError as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError(
            "Error in the IoTHub client due to TLS exchanges.") from e
    except pipeline_exceptions.ProtocolProxyError as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError(
            "Error in the IoTHub client raised due to proxy connections."
        ) from e
    except pipeline_exceptions.PipelineNotRunning as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError(
            "Client has already been shut down") from e
    except pipeline_exceptions.OperationCancelled as e:
        raise exceptions.OperationCancelled(
            "Operation was cancelled before completion") from e
    except pipeline_exceptions.OperationTimeout as e:
        raise exceptions.OperationTimeout(
            "Could not complete operation before timeout") from e
    except Exception as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError("Unexpected failure") from e
예제 #4
async def handle_result(callback):
        return await callback.completion()
    except pipeline_exceptions.ConnectionDroppedError as e:
        raise exceptions.ConnectionDroppedError(message="Lost connection to IoTHub", cause=e)
    except pipeline_exceptions.ConnectionFailedError as e:
        raise exceptions.ConnectionFailedError(message="Could not connect to IoTHub", cause=e)
    except pipeline_exceptions.UnauthorizedError as e:
        raise exceptions.CredentialError(message="Credentials invalid, could not connect", cause=e)
    except pipeline_exceptions.ProtocolClientError as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError(message="Error in the IoTHub client", cause=e)
    except Exception as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError(message="Unexpected failure", cause=e)
예제 #5
def handle_result(callback):
        return callback.wait_for_completion()
    except pipeline_exceptions.ConnectionDroppedError as e:
        raise exceptions.ConnectionDroppedError(
            message="Lost connection to the provisioning server", cause=e
    except pipeline_exceptions.ConnectionFailedError as e:
        raise exceptions.ConnectionFailedError(
            message="Could not connect to the provisioning server", cause=e
    except pipeline_exceptions.UnauthorizedError as e:
        raise exceptions.CredentialError(message="Credentials invalid, could not connect", cause=e)
    except pipeline_exceptions.ProtocolClientError as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError(message="Error in the provisioning client", cause=e)
    except Exception as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError(message="Unexpected failure", cause=e)
def handle_result(callback):
        return callback.wait_for_completion()
    except pipeline_exceptions.ConnectionDroppedError as e:
        raise exceptions.ConnectionDroppedError("Lost connection to the provisioning server") from e
    except pipeline_exceptions.ConnectionFailedError as e:
        raise exceptions.ConnectionFailedError(
            "Could not connect to the provisioning server"
        ) from e
    except pipeline_exceptions.UnauthorizedError as e:
        raise exceptions.CredentialError("Credentials invalid, could not connect") from e
    except pipeline_exceptions.ProtocolClientError as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError("Error in the provisioning client") from e
    except pipeline_exceptions.OperationTimeout as e:
        raise exceptions.OperationTimeout("Could not complete operation before timeout") from e
    except pipeline_exceptions.PipelineNotRunning as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError("Client has already been shut down") from e
    except Exception as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError("Unexpected failure") from e
 def _check_receive_mode_is_api(self):
     """Call this function first in EVERY receive API"""
     with self._client_lock:
         if self._receive_type is RECEIVE_TYPE_NONE_SET:
             # Lock the client to ONLY use receive APIs (no handlers)
             self._receive_type = RECEIVE_TYPE_API
         elif self._receive_type is RECEIVE_TYPE_HANDLER:
             raise exceptions.ClientError(
                 "Cannot use receive APIs - receive handler(s) have already been set"
 def _check_receive_mode_is_handler(self):
     """Call this function first in EVERY handler setter"""
     with self._client_lock:
         if self._receive_type is RECEIVE_TYPE_NONE_SET:
             # Lock the client to ONLY use receive handlers (no APIs)
             self._receive_type = RECEIVE_TYPE_HANDLER
             # Set the inbox manager to use unified msg receives
             self._inbox_manager.use_unified_msg_mode = True
         elif self._receive_type is RECEIVE_TYPE_API:
             raise exceptions.ClientError(
                 "Cannot set receive handlers - receive APIs have already been used"
예제 #9
async def handle_result(callback):
        return await callback.completion()
    except pipeline_exceptions.ConnectionDroppedError as e:
        raise exceptions.ConnectionDroppedError(
            message="Lost connection to IoTHub", cause=e)
    except pipeline_exceptions.ConnectionFailedError as e:
        raise exceptions.ConnectionFailedError(
            message="Could not connect to IoTHub", cause=e)
    except pipeline_exceptions.UnauthorizedError as e:
        raise exceptions.CredentialError(
            message="Credentials invalid, could not connect", cause=e)
    except pipeline_exceptions.ProtocolClientError as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError(message="Error in the IoTHub client",
    except pipeline_exceptions.OperationTimeout as e:
        raise exceptions.OperationTimeout(
            message="Could not complete operation before timeout", cause=e)
    except pipeline_exceptions.PipelineNotRunning as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError(
            message="Client has already been shut down", cause=e)
    except Exception as e:
        raise exceptions.ClientError(message="Unexpected failure", cause=e)
예제 #10
 def _replace_user_supplied_sastoken(self, sastoken_str):
     Replaces the pipeline's NonRenewableSasToken with a new one based on a provided
     sastoken string. Also does validation.
     This helper only updates the PipelineConfig - it does not reauthorize the connection.
     if not isinstance(self._mqtt_pipeline.pipeline_configuration.sastoken,
         raise exceptions.ClientError(
             "Cannot update sastoken when client was not created with one")
     # Create new SasToken
         new_token_o = st.NonRenewableSasToken(sastoken_str)
     except st.SasTokenError as e:
         new_err = ValueError("Invalid SasToken provided")
         new_err.__cause__ = e
         raise new_err
     # Extract values from SasToken
     vals = _extract_sas_uri_values(new_token_o.resource_uri)
     # Validate new token
     if type(self).__name__ == "IoTHubDeviceClient" and vals["module_id"]:
         raise ValueError("Provided SasToken is for a module")
     if type(self
             ).__name__ == "IoTHubModuleClient" and not vals["module_id"]:
         raise ValueError("Provided SasToken is for a device")
     if self._mqtt_pipeline.pipeline_configuration.device_id != vals[
         raise ValueError(
             "Provided SasToken does not match existing device id")
     if self._mqtt_pipeline.pipeline_configuration.module_id != vals[
         raise ValueError(
             "Provided SasToken does not match existing module id")
     if self._mqtt_pipeline.pipeline_configuration.hostname != vals[
         raise ValueError(
             "Provided SasToken does not match existing hostname")
     if new_token_o.expiry_time < int(time.time()):
         raise ValueError("Provided SasToken has already expired")
     # Set token
     # NOTE: We only need to set this on MQTT because this is a reference to the same object
     # that is stored in HTTP. The HTTP pipeline is updated implicitly.
     self._mqtt_pipeline.pipeline_configuration.sastoken = new_token_o