예제 #1
    def test_valid_response(self):
        """Tests on happy path, validating response and iterations over it."""
        response = KustoResponseDataSetV2(json.loads(RESPONSE_TEXT))
        # Test that basic iteration works
        assert len(response) == 3
        assert len(list(response.primary_results[0])) == 3
        table = list(response.tables[0])
        assert 1 == len(table)

        expected_table = [
                datetime(2016, 6, 6, 15, 35, tzinfo=tzutc()), "foo", 101, 3.14,
                datetime(2016, 6, 7, 16, tzinfo=tzutc()), "bar", 555, 2.71,
            [None, str(""), None, None, None, None],

        columns = [
            "Timestamp", "Name", "Altitude", "Temperature", "IsFlying",

        # Test access by index and by column name
        primary_table = response.primary_results[0]
        for row in primary_table:
            # Test all types
            for i, expected_type in enumerate(
                [datetime, str, int, float, bool, timedelta]):
                assert row[i] == row[columns[i]]
                assert row[i] is None or isinstance(row[i], expected_type)

        for row_index, row in enumerate(primary_table):
            expected_row = expected_table[row_index]
            for col_index, value in enumerate(row):
                assert value == expected_row[col_index]
예제 #2
    def test_dataframe_from_result_table(self):
        """Test conversion of KustoResultTable to pandas.DataFrame, including fixes for certain column types"""

        with open(
                os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "input",
                             "dataframe.json"), "r") as response_file:
            data = response_file.read()

        response = KustoResponseDataSetV2(json.loads(data))
        df = dataframe_from_result_table(response.primary_results[0])

        assert df.iloc[0].RecordName == "now"
        assert type(
            df.iloc[0].RecordTime) is pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp
        assert all(
            getattr(df.iloc[0].RecordTime, k) == v for k, v in {
                "year": 2021,
                "month": 12,
                "day": 22,
                "hour": 11,
                "minute": 43,
                "second": 00
        assert type(df.iloc[0].RecordBool) is numpy.bool_
        assert df.iloc[0].RecordBool == True
        assert type(df.iloc[0].RecordInt) is numpy.int32
        assert df.iloc[0].RecordInt == 5678
        assert type(df.iloc[0].RecordReal) is numpy.float64
        assert df.iloc[0].RecordReal == 3.14159

        # Kusto datetime(0000-01-01T00:00:00Z), which Pandas can't represent.
        assert df.iloc[1].RecordName == "earliest datetime"
        assert type(
            df.iloc[1].RecordTime) is pandas._libs.tslibs.nattype.NaTType
        assert pandas.isnull(df.iloc[1].RecordReal)

        # Kusto datetime(9999-12-31T23:59:59Z), which Pandas can't represent.
        assert df.iloc[2].RecordName == "latest datetime"
        assert type(
            df.iloc[2].RecordTime) is pandas._libs.tslibs.nattype.NaTType
        assert type(df.iloc[2].RecordReal) is numpy.float64
        assert df.iloc[2].RecordReal == numpy.inf

        # Pandas earliest datetime
        assert df.iloc[3].RecordName == "earliest pandas datetime"
        assert type(
            df.iloc[3].RecordTime) is pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp
        assert type(df.iloc[3].RecordReal) is numpy.float64
        assert df.iloc[3].RecordReal == -numpy.inf

        # Pandas latest datetime
        assert df.iloc[4].RecordName == "latest pandas datetime"
        assert type(
            df.iloc[4].RecordTime) is pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp

        # Kusto 600000000 ticks timedelta
        assert df.iloc[5].RecordName == "timedelta ticks"
        assert type(
            df.iloc[5].RecordTime) is pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp
        assert type(df.iloc[5].RecordOffset
                    ) is pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timedelta
        assert df.iloc[5].RecordOffset == pandas.to_timedelta("00:01:00")

        # Kusto timedelta(1.01:01:01.0) ==
        assert df.iloc[6].RecordName == "timedelta string"
        assert type(
            df.iloc[6].RecordTime) is pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp
        assert type(df.iloc[6].RecordOffset
                    ) is pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timedelta
        assert df.iloc[6].RecordOffset == pandas.to_timedelta(
            "1 days 01:01:01")
예제 #3
 def test_row_equality(self):
     """Tests the rows are idempotent."""
     response = KustoResponseDataSetV2(json.loads(RESPONSE_TEXT))
     table = response.primary_results[0]
     for row_index, row in enumerate(table):
         assert table[row_index] == row
예제 #4
 def test_iterating_after_end(self):
     """Tests StopIteration is raised when the response ends."""
     response = KustoResponseDataSetV2(json.loads(RESPONSE_TEXT))
     assert sum(1 for _ in response.primary_results[0]) == 3
예제 #5
 def test_column_dont_exist(self):
     """Tests accessing column that doesn't exists."""
     response = KustoResponseDataSetV2(json.loads(RESPONSE_TEXT))
     row = response.primary_results[0][0]
     self.assertRaises(IndexError, row.__getitem__, 10)
     self.assertRaises(LookupError, row.__getitem__, "NonexistentColumn")
예제 #6
 def test_invalid_table(self):
     """Tests calling of table with index that doesn't exists."""
     response = KustoResponseDataSetV2(json.loads(RESPONSE_TEXT))
     self.assertRaises(IndexError, response.__getitem__, 7)
     self.assertRaises(IndexError, response.__getitem__, -6)