예제 #1
def _insert_or_merge_entity(entity,
    Constructs an insert or merge entity request.
    :param entity:
        The entity to insert. Could be a dict or an entity object.
    :param object key_encryption_key:
        The user-provided key-encryption-key. Must implement the following methods:
        wrap_key(key)--wraps the specified key using an algorithm of the user's choice.
        get_key_wrap_algorithm()--returns the algorithm used to wrap the specified symmetric key.
        get_kid()--returns a string key id for this key-encryption-key.
    _validate_encryption_unsupported(require_encryption, key_encryption_key)

    request = HTTPRequest()
    request.method = 'MERGE'
    request.headers = {
    request.body = _get_request_body(_convert_entity_to_json(entity))

    return request
예제 #2
    def append_blob_from_path(
            self, container_name, blob_name, file_path, validate_content=False,
            maxsize_condition=None, progress_callback=None, lease_id=None, timeout=None):
        Appends to the content of an existing blob from a file path, with automatic
        chunking and progress notifications.

        :param str container_name:
            Name of existing container.
        :param str blob_name:
            Name of blob to create or update.
        :param str file_path:
            Path of the file to upload as the blob content.
        :param bool validate_content:
            If true, calculates an MD5 hash for each chunk of the blob. The storage 
            service checks the hash of the content that has arrived with the hash 
            that was sent. This is primarily valuable for detecting bitflips on 
            the wire if using http instead of https as https (the default) will 
            already validate. Note that this MD5 hash is not stored with the 
        :param int maxsize_condition:
            Optional conditional header. The max length in bytes permitted for
            the append blob. If the Append Block operation would cause the blob
            to exceed that limit or if the blob size is already greater than the
            value specified in this header, the request will fail with
            MaxBlobSizeConditionNotMet error (HTTP status code 412 - Precondition Failed).
        :param progress_callback:
            Callback for progress with signature function(current, total) where
            current is the number of bytes transfered so far, and total is the
            size of the blob, or None if the total size is unknown.
        :type progress_callback: func(current, total)
        :param str lease_id:
            Required if the blob has an active lease.
        :param int timeout:
            The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. This method may make 
            multiple calls to the Azure service and the timeout will apply to 
            each call individually.
        :return: ETag and last modified properties for the Append Blob
        :rtype: :class:`~azure.storage.blob.models.ResourceProperties`
        _validate_not_none('container_name', container_name)
        _validate_not_none('blob_name', blob_name)
        _validate_not_none('file_path', file_path)
        _validate_encryption_unsupported(self.require_encryption, self.key_encryption_key)

        count = path.getsize(file_path)
        with open(file_path, 'rb') as stream:
            return self.append_blob_from_stream(
    def append_blob_from_path(
            self, container_name, blob_name, file_path, validate_content=False,
            maxsize_condition=None, progress_callback=None, lease_id=None, timeout=None):
        Appends to the content of an existing blob from a file path, with automatic
        chunking and progress notifications.

        :param str container_name:
            Name of existing container.
        :param str blob_name:
            Name of blob to create or update.
        :param str file_path:
            Path of the file to upload as the blob content.
        :param bool validate_content:
            If true, calculates an MD5 hash for each chunk of the blob. The storage 
            service checks the hash of the content that has arrived with the hash 
            that was sent. This is primarily valuable for detecting bitflips on 
            the wire if using http instead of https as https (the default) will 
            already validate. Note that this MD5 hash is not stored with the 
        :param int maxsize_condition:
            Optional conditional header. The max length in bytes permitted for
            the append blob. If the Append Block operation would cause the blob
            to exceed that limit or if the blob size is already greater than the
            value specified in this header, the request will fail with
            MaxBlobSizeConditionNotMet error (HTTP status code 412 - Precondition Failed).
        :param progress_callback:
            Callback for progress with signature function(current, total) where
            current is the number of bytes transfered so far, and total is the
            size of the blob, or None if the total size is unknown.
        :type progress_callback: func(current, total)
        :param str lease_id:
            Required if the blob has an active lease.
        :param int timeout:
            The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. This method may make 
            multiple calls to the Azure service and the timeout will apply to 
            each call individually.
        :return: ETag and last modified properties for the Append Blob
        :rtype: :class:`~azure.storage.blob.models.ResourceProperties`
        _validate_not_none('container_name', container_name)
        _validate_not_none('blob_name', blob_name)
        _validate_not_none('file_path', file_path)
        _validate_encryption_unsupported(self.require_encryption, self.key_encryption_key)

        count = path.getsize(file_path)
        with open(file_path, 'rb') as stream:
            return self.append_blob_from_stream(
예제 #4
def _merge_entity(entity, if_match, require_encryption=False, key_encryption_key=None):
    Constructs a merge entity request.
    _validate_not_none('if_match', if_match)
    _validate_encryption_unsupported(require_encryption, key_encryption_key)

    request = HTTPRequest()
    request.method = 'MERGE'
    request.headers = {
        'If-Match': _to_str(if_match)
    request.body = _get_request_body(_convert_entity_to_json(entity))

    return request
    def put_block(self, container_name, blob_name, block, block_id,
                  validate_content=False, lease_id=None, timeout=None):
        Creates a new block to be committed as part of a blob.

        :param str container_name:
            Name of existing container.
        :param str blob_name:
            Name of existing blob.
        :param block: Content of the block.
        :type block: io.IOBase or bytes
            Content of the block.
        :param str block_id:
            A valid Base64 string value that identifies the block. Prior to
            encoding, the string must be less than or equal to 64 bytes in size.
            For a given blob, the length of the value specified for the blockid
            parameter must be the same size for each block. Note that the Base64
            string must be URL-encoded.
        :param bool validate_content:
            If true, calculates an MD5 hash of the block content. The storage
            service checks the hash of the content that has arrived
            with the hash that was sent. This is primarily valuable for detecting
            bitflips on the wire if using http instead of https as https (the default)
            will already validate. Note that this MD5 hash is not stored with the
        :param str lease_id:
            Required if the blob has an active lease.
        :param int timeout:
            The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds.
        _validate_encryption_unsupported(self.require_encryption, self.key_encryption_key)

예제 #6
    def put_block(self, container_name, blob_name, block, block_id,
                  validate_content=False, lease_id=None, timeout=None):
        Creates a new block to be committed as part of a blob.

        :param str container_name:
            Name of existing container.
        :param str blob_name:
            Name of existing blob.
        :param block: Content of the block.
        :type block: io.IOBase or bytes
            Content of the block.
        :param str block_id:
            A valid Base64 string value that identifies the block. Prior to
            encoding, the string must be less than or equal to 64 bytes in size.
            For a given blob, the length of the value specified for the blockid
            parameter must be the same size for each block. Note that the Base64
            string must be URL-encoded.
        :param bool validate_content:
            If true, calculates an MD5 hash of the block content. The storage
            service checks the hash of the content that has arrived
            with the hash that was sent. This is primarily valuable for detecting
            bitflips on the wire if using http instead of https as https (the default)
            will already validate. Note that this MD5 hash is not stored with the
        :param str lease_id:
            Required if the blob has an active lease.
        :param int timeout:
            The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds.
        _validate_encryption_unsupported(self.require_encryption, self.key_encryption_key)

예제 #7
def _merge_entity(entity,
    Constructs a merge entity request.
    _validate_not_none('if_match', if_match)
    _validate_encryption_unsupported(require_encryption, key_encryption_key)

    request = HTTPRequest()
    request.method = 'MERGE'
    request.headers = {
        'If-Match': _to_str(if_match)
    request.body = _get_request_body(_convert_entity_to_json(entity))

    return request
예제 #8
def _insert_or_merge_entity(entity, require_encryption=False, key_encryption_key=None):
    Constructs an insert or merge entity request.
    :param entity:
        The entity to insert. Could be a dict or an entity object.
    :param object key_encryption_key:
        The user-provided key-encryption-key. Must implement the following methods:
        wrap_key(key)--wraps the specified key using an algorithm of the user's choice.
        get_key_wrap_algorithm()--returns the algorithm used to wrap the specified symmetric key.
        get_kid()--returns a string key id for this key-encryption-key.
    _validate_encryption_unsupported(require_encryption, key_encryption_key)

    request = HTTPRequest()
    request.method = 'MERGE'
    request.headers = {
    request.body = _get_request_body(_convert_entity_to_json(entity))

    return request
    def put_block_list(
            self, container_name, blob_name, block_list, content_settings=None,
            metadata=None, validate_content=False, lease_id=None, if_modified_since=None,
            if_unmodified_since=None, if_match=None, if_none_match=None,
        Writes a blob by specifying the list of block IDs that make up the blob.
        In order to be written as part of a blob, a block must have been
        successfully written to the server in a prior Put Block operation.

        You can call Put Block List to update a blob by uploading only those
        blocks that have changed, then committing the new and existing blocks
        together. You can do this by specifying whether to commit a block from
        the committed block list or from the uncommitted block list, or to commit
        the most recently uploaded version of the block, whichever list it may
        belong to.

        :param str container_name:
            Name of existing container.
        :param str blob_name:
            Name of existing blob.
        :param block_list:
            A list of :class:`~azure.storeage.blob.models.BlobBlock` containing the block ids and block state.
        :type block_list: list(:class:`~azure.storage.blob.models.BlobBlock`)
        :param ~azure.storage.blob.models.ContentSettings content_settings:
            ContentSettings object used to set properties on the blob.
        :param metadata:
            Name-value pairs associated with the blob as metadata.
        :type metadata: dict(str, str)
        :param bool validate_content:
            If true, calculates an MD5 hash of the block list content. The storage
            service checks the hash of the block list content that has arrived
            with the hash that was sent. This is primarily valuable for detecting
            bitflips on the wire if using http instead of https as https (the default)
            will already validate. Note that this check is associated with
            the block list content, and not with the content of the blob itself.
        :param str lease_id:
            Required if the blob has an active lease.
        :param datetime if_modified_since:
            A DateTime value. Azure expects the date value passed in to be UTC.
            If timezone is included, any non-UTC datetimes will be converted to UTC.
            If a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.
            Specify this header to perform the operation only
            if the resource has been modified since the specified time.
        :param datetime if_unmodified_since:
            A DateTime value. Azure expects the date value passed in to be UTC.
            If timezone is included, any non-UTC datetimes will be converted to UTC.
            If a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.
            Specify this header to perform the operation only if
            the resource has not been modified since the specified date/time.
        :param str if_match:
            An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Specify this header to perform
            the operation only if the resource's ETag matches the value specified.
        :param str if_none_match:
            An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Specify this header
            to perform the operation only if the resource's ETag does not match
            the value specified. Specify the wildcard character (*) to perform
            the operation only if the resource does not exist, and fail the
            operation if it does exist.
        :param int timeout:
            The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds.
        :return: ETag and last modified properties for the updated Block Blob
        :rtype: :class:`~azure.storage.blob.models.ResourceProperties`

        _validate_encryption_unsupported(self.require_encryption, self.key_encryption_key)

        return self._put_block_list(
예제 #10
    def put_block_list(
            self, container_name, blob_name, block_list, content_settings=None,
            metadata=None, validate_content=False, lease_id=None, if_modified_since=None,
            if_unmodified_since=None, if_match=None, if_none_match=None,
        Writes a blob by specifying the list of block IDs that make up the blob.
        In order to be written as part of a blob, a block must have been
        successfully written to the server in a prior Put Block operation.

        You can call Put Block List to update a blob by uploading only those
        blocks that have changed, then committing the new and existing blocks
        together. You can do this by specifying whether to commit a block from
        the committed block list or from the uncommitted block list, or to commit
        the most recently uploaded version of the block, whichever list it may
        belong to.

        :param str container_name:
            Name of existing container.
        :param str blob_name:
            Name of existing blob.
        :param block_list:
            A list of :class:`~azure.storeage.blob.models.BlobBlock` containing the block ids and block state.
        :type block_list: list(:class:`~azure.storage.blob.models.BlobBlock`)
        :param ~azure.storage.blob.models.ContentSettings content_settings:
            ContentSettings object used to set properties on the blob.
        :param metadata:
            Name-value pairs associated with the blob as metadata.
        :type metadata: dict(str, str)
        :param bool validate_content:
            If true, calculates an MD5 hash of the block list content. The storage
            service checks the hash of the block list content that has arrived
            with the hash that was sent. This is primarily valuable for detecting
            bitflips on the wire if using http instead of https as https (the default)
            will already validate. Note that this check is associated with
            the block list content, and not with the content of the blob itself.
        :param str lease_id:
            Required if the blob has an active lease.
        :param datetime if_modified_since:
            A DateTime value. Azure expects the date value passed in to be UTC.
            If timezone is included, any non-UTC datetimes will be converted to UTC.
            If a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.
            Specify this header to perform the operation only
            if the resource has been modified since the specified time.
        :param datetime if_unmodified_since:
            A DateTime value. Azure expects the date value passed in to be UTC.
            If timezone is included, any non-UTC datetimes will be converted to UTC.
            If a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.
            Specify this header to perform the operation only if
            the resource has not been modified since the specified date/time.
        :param str if_match:
            An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Specify this header to perform
            the operation only if the resource's ETag matches the value specified.
        :param str if_none_match:
            An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Specify this header
            to perform the operation only if the resource's ETag does not match
            the value specified. Specify the wildcard character (*) to perform
            the operation only if the resource does not exist, and fail the
            operation if it does exist.
        :param int timeout:
            The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds.
        :return: ETag and last modified properties for the updated Block Blob
        :rtype: :class:`~azure.storage.blob.models.ResourceProperties`

        _validate_encryption_unsupported(self.require_encryption, self.key_encryption_key)

        return self._put_block_list(
    def create_blob(self, container_name, blob_name, content_settings=None,
                    metadata=None, lease_id=None,
                    if_modified_since=None, if_unmodified_since=None,
                    if_match=None, if_none_match=None, timeout=None):
        Creates a blob or overrides an existing blob. Use if_match=* to
        prevent overriding an existing blob. 

        See create_blob_from_* for high level
        functions that handle the creation and upload of large blobs with
        automatic chunking and progress notifications.

        :param str container_name:
            Name of existing container.
        :param str blob_name:
            Name of blob to create or update.
        :param ~azure.storage.blob.models.ContentSettings content_settings:
            ContentSettings object used to set blob properties.
        :param metadata:
            Name-value pairs associated with the blob as metadata.
        :type metadata: dict(str, str)
        :param str lease_id:
            Required if the blob has an active lease.
        :param datetime if_modified_since:
            A DateTime value. Azure expects the date value passed in to be UTC.
            If timezone is included, any non-UTC datetimes will be converted to UTC.
            If a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC. 
            Specify this header to perform the operation only
            if the resource has been modified since the specified time.
        :param datetime if_unmodified_since:
            A DateTime value. Azure expects the date value passed in to be UTC.
            If timezone is included, any non-UTC datetimes will be converted to UTC.
            If a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.
            Specify this header to perform the operation only if
            the resource has not been modified since the specified date/time.
        :param str if_match:
            An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Specify this header to
            perform the operation only if the resource's ETag matches the value specified.
        :param str if_none_match:
            An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Specify this header
            to perform the operation only if the resource's ETag does not match
            the value specified. Specify the wildcard character (*) to perform
            the operation only if the resource does not exist, and fail the
            operation if it does exist.
        :param int timeout:
            The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds.
        :return: ETag and last modified properties for the updated Append Blob
        :rtype: :class:`~azure.storage.blob.models.ResourceProperties`
        _validate_not_none('container_name', container_name)
        _validate_not_none('blob_name', blob_name)
        _validate_encryption_unsupported(self.require_encryption, self.key_encryption_key)

        request = HTTPRequest()
        request.method = 'PUT'
        request.host_locations = self._get_host_locations()
        request.path = _get_path(container_name, blob_name)
        request.query = {'timeout': _int_to_str(timeout)}
        request.headers = {
            'x-ms-blob-type': _to_str(self.blob_type),
            'x-ms-lease-id': _to_str(lease_id),
            'If-Modified-Since': _datetime_to_utc_string(if_modified_since),
            'If-Unmodified-Since': _datetime_to_utc_string(if_unmodified_since),
            'If-Match': _to_str(if_match),
            'If-None-Match': _to_str(if_none_match)
        _add_metadata_headers(metadata, request)
        if content_settings is not None:

        return self._perform_request(request, _parse_base_properties)
예제 #12
    def append_block_from_url(self,
        Creates a new block to be committed as part of a blob, where the contents are read from a source url.

        :param str container_name:
            Name of existing container.
        :param str blob_name:
            Name of blob.
        :param str copy_source_url:
            The URL of the source data. It can point to any Azure Blob or File, that is either public or has a
            shared access signature attached.
        :param int source_range_start:
            This indicates the start of the range of bytes(inclusive) that has to be taken from the copy source.
        :param int source_range_end:
            This indicates the end of the range of bytes(inclusive) that has to be taken from the copy source.
        :param str source_content_md5:
            If given, the service will calculate the MD5 hash of the block content and compare against this value.
        :param datetime source_if_modified_since:
            A DateTime value. Azure expects the date value passed in to be UTC.
            If timezone is included, any non-UTC datetimes will be converted to UTC.
            If a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.
            Specify this header to perform the operation only
            if the source resource has been modified since the specified time.
        :param datetime source_if_unmodified_since:
            A DateTime value. Azure expects the date value passed in to be UTC.
            If timezone is included, any non-UTC datetimes will be converted to UTC.
            If a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.
            Specify this header to perform the operation only if
            the source resource has not been modified since the specified date/time.
        :param str source_if_match:
            An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Specify this header to perform
            the operation only if the source resource's ETag matches the value specified.
        :param str source_if_none_match:
            An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Specify this header
            to perform the operation only if the source resource's ETag does not match
            the value specified. Specify the wildcard character (*) to perform
            the operation only if the source resource does not exist, and fail the
            operation if it does exist.
        :param int maxsize_condition:
            Optional conditional header. The max length in bytes permitted for
            the append blob. If the Append Block operation would cause the blob
            to exceed that limit or if the blob size is already greater than the
            value specified in this header, the request will fail with
            MaxBlobSizeConditionNotMet error (HTTP status code 412 - Precondition Failed).
        :param int appendpos_condition:
            Optional conditional header, used only for the Append Block operation.
            A number indicating the byte offset to compare. Append Block will
            succeed only if the append position is equal to this number. If it
            is not, the request will fail with the
            AppendPositionConditionNotMet error
            (HTTP status code 412 - Precondition Failed).
        :param str lease_id:
            Required if the blob has an active lease.
        :param datetime if_modified_since:
            A DateTime value. Azure expects the date value passed in to be UTC.
            If timezone is included, any non-UTC datetimes will be converted to UTC.
            If a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.
            Specify this header to perform the operation only
            if the resource has been modified since the specified time.
        :param datetime if_unmodified_since:
            A DateTime value. Azure expects the date value passed in to be UTC.
            If timezone is included, any non-UTC datetimes will be converted to UTC.
            If a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.
            Specify this header to perform the operation only if
            the resource has not been modified since the specified date/time.
        :param str if_match:
            An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Specify this header to perform
            the operation only if the resource's ETag matches the value specified.
        :param str if_none_match:
            An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Specify this header
            to perform the operation only if the resource's ETag does not match
            the value specified. Specify the wildcard character (*) to perform
            the operation only if the resource does not exist, and fail the
            operation if it does exist.
        :param ~azure.storage.blob.models.CustomerProvidedEncryptionKey cpk:
            Encrypts the data on the service-side with the given key.
            Use of customer-provided keys must be done over HTTPS.
            As the encryption key itself is provided in the request,
            a secure connection must be established to transfer the key.
        :param int timeout:
            The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds.
        _validate_not_none('container_name', container_name)
        _validate_not_none('blob_name', blob_name)
        _validate_not_none('copy_source_url', copy_source_url)

        request = HTTPRequest()
        request.method = 'PUT'
        request.host_locations = self._get_host_locations()
        request.path = _get_path(container_name, blob_name)
        request.query = {
            'comp': 'appendblock',
            'timeout': _int_to_str(timeout),
        request.headers = {

        return self._perform_request(request, _parse_append_block)
예제 #13
    def append_block(self,
        Commits a new block of data to the end of an existing append blob.
        :param str container_name:
            Name of existing container.
        :param str blob_name:
            Name of existing blob.
        :param bytes block:
            Content of the block in bytes.
        :param bool validate_content:
            If true, calculates an MD5 hash of the block content. The storage 
            service checks the hash of the content that has arrived
            with the hash that was sent. This is primarily valuable for detecting 
            bitflips on the wire if using http instead of https as https (the default) 
            will already validate. Note that this MD5 hash is not stored with the 
        :param int maxsize_condition:
            Optional conditional header. The max length in bytes permitted for
            the append blob. If the Append Block operation would cause the blob
            to exceed that limit or if the blob size is already greater than the
            value specified in this header, the request will fail with
            MaxBlobSizeConditionNotMet error (HTTP status code 412 - Precondition Failed).
        :param int appendpos_condition:
            Optional conditional header, used only for the Append Block operation.
            A number indicating the byte offset to compare. Append Block will
            succeed only if the append position is equal to this number. If it
            is not, the request will fail with the
            AppendPositionConditionNotMet error
            (HTTP status code 412 - Precondition Failed).
        :param str lease_id:
            Required if the blob has an active lease.
        :param datetime if_modified_since:
            A DateTime value. Azure expects the date value passed in to be UTC.
            If timezone is included, any non-UTC datetimes will be converted to UTC.
            If a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC. 
            Specify this header to perform the operation only
            if the resource has been modified since the specified time.
        :param datetime if_unmodified_since:
            A DateTime value. Azure expects the date value passed in to be UTC.
            If timezone is included, any non-UTC datetimes will be converted to UTC.
            If a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.
            Specify this header to perform the operation only if
            the resource has not been modified since the specified date/time.
        :param str if_match:
            An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Specify this header to perform
            the operation only if the resource's ETag matches the value specified.
        :param str if_none_match:
            An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Specify this header
            to perform the operation only if the resource's ETag does not match
            the value specified. Specify the wildcard character (*) to perform
            the operation only if the resource does not exist, and fail the
            operation if it does exist.
        :param ~azure.storage.blob.models.CustomerProvidedEncryptionKey cpk:
            Encrypts the data on the service-side with the given key.
            Use of customer-provided keys must be done over HTTPS.
            As the encryption key itself is provided in the request,
            a secure connection must be established to transfer the key.
        :param int timeout:
            The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds.
            ETag, last modified, append offset, and committed block count 
            properties for the updated Append Blob
        :rtype: :class:`~azure.storage.blob.models.AppendBlockProperties`
        _validate_not_none('container_name', container_name)
        _validate_not_none('blob_name', blob_name)
        _validate_not_none('block', block)

        request = HTTPRequest()
        request.method = 'PUT'
        request.host_locations = self._get_host_locations()
        request.path = _get_path(container_name, blob_name)
        request.query = {
            'comp': 'appendblock',
            'timeout': _int_to_str(timeout),
        request.headers = {
            'x-ms-blob-condition-maxsize': _to_str(maxsize_condition),
            'x-ms-blob-condition-appendpos': _to_str(appendpos_condition),
            'x-ms-lease-id': _to_str(lease_id),
            'If-Modified-Since': _datetime_to_utc_string(if_modified_since),
            'If-Match': _to_str(if_match),
            'If-None-Match': _to_str(if_none_match)
        request.body = _get_data_bytes_only('block', block)

        if validate_content:
            computed_md5 = _get_content_md5(request.body)
            request.headers['Content-MD5'] = _to_str(computed_md5)

        return self._perform_request(request, _parse_append_block)
예제 #14
    def create_blob(self,
        Creates a blob or overrides an existing blob. Use if_none_match=* to
        prevent overriding an existing blob. 

        See create_blob_from_* for high level
        functions that handle the creation and upload of large blobs with
        automatic chunking and progress notifications.

        :param str container_name:
            Name of existing container.
        :param str blob_name:
            Name of blob to create or update.
        :param ~azure.storage.blob.models.ContentSettings content_settings:
            ContentSettings object used to set blob properties.
        :param metadata:
            Name-value pairs associated with the blob as metadata.
        :type metadata: dict(str, str)
        :param str lease_id:
            Required if the blob has an active lease.
        :param datetime if_modified_since:
            A DateTime value. Azure expects the date value passed in to be UTC.
            If timezone is included, any non-UTC datetimes will be converted to UTC.
            If a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC. 
            Specify this header to perform the operation only
            if the resource has been modified since the specified time.
        :param datetime if_unmodified_since:
            A DateTime value. Azure expects the date value passed in to be UTC.
            If timezone is included, any non-UTC datetimes will be converted to UTC.
            If a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.
            Specify this header to perform the operation only if
            the resource has not been modified since the specified date/time.
        :param str if_match:
            An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Specify this header to
            perform the operation only if the resource's ETag matches the value specified.
        :param str if_none_match:
            An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Specify this header
            to perform the operation only if the resource's ETag does not match
            the value specified. Specify the wildcard character (*) to perform
            the operation only if the resource does not exist, and fail the
            operation if it does exist.
        :param ~azure.storage.blob.models.CustomerProvidedEncryptionKey cpk:
            Encrypts the data on the service-side with the given key.
            Use of customer-provided keys must be done over HTTPS.
            As the encryption key itself is provided in the request,
            a secure connection must be established to transfer the key.
        :param int timeout:
            The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds.
        :return: ETag and last modified properties for the updated Append Blob
        :rtype: :class:`~azure.storage.blob.models.ResourceProperties`
        _validate_not_none('container_name', container_name)
        _validate_not_none('blob_name', blob_name)

        request = HTTPRequest()
        request.method = 'PUT'
        request.host_locations = self._get_host_locations()
        request.path = _get_path(container_name, blob_name)
        request.query = {'timeout': _int_to_str(timeout)}
        request.headers = {
            'x-ms-blob-type': _to_str(self.blob_type),
            'x-ms-lease-id': _to_str(lease_id),
            'If-Modified-Since': _datetime_to_utc_string(if_modified_since),
            'If-Match': _to_str(if_match),
            'If-None-Match': _to_str(if_none_match)
        _add_metadata_headers(metadata, request)
        if content_settings is not None:

        return self._perform_request(request, _parse_base_properties)
    def append_blob_from_bytes(
            self, container_name, blob_name, blob, index=0, count=None,
            validate_content=False, maxsize_condition=None, progress_callback=None,
            lease_id=None, timeout=None, if_modified_since=None, if_unmodified_since=None, if_match=None,
        Appends to the content of an existing blob from an array of bytes, with
        automatic chunking and progress notifications.

        :param str container_name:
            Name of existing container.
        :param str blob_name:
            Name of blob to create or update.
        :param bytes blob:
            Content of blob as an array of bytes.
        :param int index:
            Start index in the array of bytes.
        :param int count:
            Number of bytes to upload. Set to None or negative value to upload
            all bytes starting from index.
        :param bool validate_content:
            If true, calculates an MD5 hash for each chunk of the blob. The storage 
            service checks the hash of the content that has arrived with the hash 
            that was sent. This is primarily valuable for detecting bitflips on 
            the wire if using http instead of https as https (the default) will 
            already validate. Note that this MD5 hash is not stored with the 
        :param int maxsize_condition:
            Optional conditional header. The max length in bytes permitted for
            the append blob. If the Append Block operation would cause the blob
            to exceed that limit or if the blob size is already greater than the
            value specified in this header, the request will fail with
            MaxBlobSizeConditionNotMet error (HTTP status code 412 - Precondition Failed).
        :param progress_callback:
            Callback for progress with signature function(current, total) where
            current is the number of bytes transfered so far, and total is the
            size of the blob, or None if the total size is unknown.
        :type progress_callback: func(current, total)
        :param str lease_id:
            Required if the blob has an active lease.
        :param int timeout:
            The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. This method may make 
            multiple calls to the Azure service and the timeout will apply to 
            each call individually.
        :param datetime if_modified_since:
            A DateTime value. Azure expects the date value passed in to be UTC.
            If timezone is included, any non-UTC datetime will be converted to UTC.
            If a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.
            Specify this header to perform the operation only
            if the resource has been modified since the specified time.
        :param datetime if_unmodified_since:
            A DateTime value. Azure expects the date value passed in to be UTC.
            If timezone is included, any non-UTC datetime will be converted to UTC.
            If a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.
            Specify this header to perform the operation only if
            the resource has not been modified since the specified date/time.
        :param str if_match:
            An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Specify this header to perform
            the operation only if the resource's ETag matches the value specified.
        :param str if_none_match:
            An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Specify this header
            to perform the operation only if the resource's ETag does not match
            the value specified. Specify the wildcard character (*) to perform
            the operation only if the resource does not exist, and fail the
            operation if it does exist.
        :return: ETag and last modified properties for the Append Blob
        :rtype: :class:`~azure.storage.blob.models.ResourceProperties`
        _validate_not_none('container_name', container_name)
        _validate_not_none('blob_name', blob_name)
        _validate_not_none('blob', blob)
        _validate_not_none('index', index)
        _validate_type_bytes('blob', blob)
        _validate_encryption_unsupported(self.require_encryption, self.key_encryption_key)

        if index < 0:
            raise IndexError(_ERROR_VALUE_NEGATIVE.format('index'))

        if count is None or count < 0:
            count = len(blob) - index

        stream = BytesIO(blob)

        return self.append_blob_from_stream(
    def append_blob_from_stream(
            self, container_name, blob_name, stream, count=None,
            validate_content=False, maxsize_condition=None, progress_callback=None,
            lease_id=None, timeout=None):
        Appends to the content of an existing blob from a file/stream, with
        automatic chunking and progress notifications.

        :param str container_name:
            Name of existing container.
        :param str blob_name:
            Name of blob to create or update.
        :param io.IOBase stream:
            Opened stream to upload as the blob content.
        :param int count:
            Number of bytes to read from the stream. This is optional, but
            should be supplied for optimal performance.
        :param bool validate_content:
            If true, calculates an MD5 hash for each chunk of the blob. The storage 
            service checks the hash of the content that has arrived with the hash 
            that was sent. This is primarily valuable for detecting bitflips on 
            the wire if using http instead of https as https (the default) will 
            already validate. Note that this MD5 hash is not stored with the 
        :param int maxsize_condition:
            Conditional header. The max length in bytes permitted for
            the append blob. If the Append Block operation would cause the blob
            to exceed that limit or if the blob size is already greater than the
            value specified in this header, the request will fail with
            MaxBlobSizeConditionNotMet error (HTTP status code 412 - Precondition Failed).
        :param progress_callback:
            Callback for progress with signature function(current, total) where
            current is the number of bytes transfered so far, and total is the
            size of the blob, or None if the total size is unknown.
        :type progress_callback: func(current, total)
        :param str lease_id:
            Required if the blob has an active lease.
        :param int timeout:
            The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. This method may make 
            multiple calls to the Azure service and the timeout will apply to 
            each call individually.
        :return: ETag and last modified properties for the Append Blob
        :rtype: :class:`~azure.storage.blob.models.ResourceProperties`
        _validate_not_none('container_name', container_name)
        _validate_not_none('blob_name', blob_name)
        _validate_not_none('stream', stream)
        _validate_encryption_unsupported(self.require_encryption, self.key_encryption_key)

        # _upload_blob_chunks returns the block ids for block blobs so resource_properties
        # is passed as a parameter to get the last_modified and etag for page and append blobs.
        # this info is not needed for block_blobs since _put_block_list is called after which gets this info
        resource_properties = ResourceProperties()
            max_connections=1,  # upload not easily parallelizable

        return resource_properties
예제 #17
    def append_blob_from_stream(self,
        Appends to the content of an existing blob from a file/stream, with
        automatic chunking and progress notifications.

        :param str container_name:
            Name of existing container.
        :param str blob_name:
            Name of blob to create or update.
        :param io.IOBase stream:
            Opened stream to upload as the blob content.
        :param int count:
            Number of bytes to read from the stream. This is optional, but
            should be supplied for optimal performance.
        :param bool validate_content:
            If true, calculates an MD5 hash for each chunk of the blob. The storage 
            service checks the hash of the content that has arrived with the hash 
            that was sent. This is primarily valuable for detecting bitflips on 
            the wire if using http instead of https as https (the default) will 
            already validate. Note that this MD5 hash is not stored with the 
        :param int maxsize_condition:
            Conditional header. The max length in bytes permitted for
            the append blob. If the Append Block operation would cause the blob
            to exceed that limit or if the blob size is already greater than the
            value specified in this header, the request will fail with
            MaxBlobSizeConditionNotMet error (HTTP status code 412 - Precondition Failed).
        :param progress_callback:
            Callback for progress with signature function(current, total) where
            current is the number of bytes transfered so far, and total is the
            size of the blob, or None if the total size is unknown.
        :type progress_callback: func(current, total)
        :param str lease_id:
            Required if the blob has an active lease.
        :param int timeout:
            The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. This method may make 
            multiple calls to the Azure service and the timeout will apply to 
            each call individually.
        :param datetime if_modified_since:
            A DateTime value. Azure expects the date value passed in to be UTC.
            If timezone is included, any non-UTC datetime will be converted to UTC.
            If a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.
            Specify this header to perform the operation only
            if the resource has been modified since the specified time.
        :param datetime if_unmodified_since:
            A DateTime value. Azure expects the date value passed in to be UTC.
            If timezone is included, any non-UTC datetime will be converted to UTC.
            If a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.
            Specify this header to perform the operation only if
            the resource has not been modified since the specified date/time.
        :param str if_match:
            An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Specify this header to perform
            the operation only if the resource's ETag matches the value specified.
        :param str if_none_match:
            An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Specify this header
            to perform the operation only if the resource's ETag does not match
            the value specified. Specify the wildcard character (*) to perform
            the operation only if the resource does not exist, and fail the
            operation if it does exist.
        :param ~azure.storage.blob.models.CustomerProvidedEncryptionKey cpk:
            Encrypts the data on the service-side with the given key.
            Use of customer-provided keys must be done over HTTPS.
            As the encryption key itself is provided in the request,
            a secure connection must be established to transfer the key.
        :return: ETag and last modified properties for the Append Blob
        :rtype: :class:`~azure.storage.blob.models.ResourceProperties`
        _validate_not_none('container_name', container_name)
        _validate_not_none('blob_name', blob_name)
        _validate_not_none('stream', stream)

        # _upload_blob_chunks returns the block ids for block blobs so resource_properties
        # is passed as a parameter to get the last_modified and etag for page and append blobs.
        # this info is not needed for block_blobs since _put_block_list is called after which gets this info
        resource_properties = ResourceProperties()
            max_connections=1,  # upload not easily parallelizable

        return resource_properties
예제 #18
    def append_blob_from_text(self,
        Appends to the content of an existing blob from str/unicode, with
        automatic chunking and progress notifications.

        :param str container_name:
            Name of existing container.
        :param str blob_name:
            Name of blob to create or update.
        :param str text:
            Text to upload to the blob.
        :param str encoding:
            Python encoding to use to convert the text to bytes.
        :param bool validate_content:
            If true, calculates an MD5 hash for each chunk of the blob. The storage 
            service checks the hash of the content that has arrived with the hash 
            that was sent. This is primarily valuable for detecting bitflips on 
            the wire if using http instead of https as https (the default) will 
            already validate. Note that this MD5 hash is not stored with the 
        :param int maxsize_condition:
            Optional conditional header. The max length in bytes permitted for
            the append blob. If the Append Block operation would cause the blob
            to exceed that limit or if the blob size is already greater than the
            value specified in this header, the request will fail with
            MaxBlobSizeConditionNotMet error (HTTP status code 412 - Precondition Failed).
        :param progress_callback:
            Callback for progress with signature function(current, total) where
            current is the number of bytes transfered so far, and total is the
            size of the blob, or None if the total size is unknown.
        :type progress_callback: func(current, total)
        :param str lease_id:
            Required if the blob has an active lease.
        :param int timeout:
            The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. This method may make 
            multiple calls to the Azure service and the timeout will apply to 
            each call individually.
        :param datetime if_modified_since:
            A DateTime value. Azure expects the date value passed in to be UTC.
            If timezone is included, any non-UTC datetime will be converted to UTC.
            If a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.
            Specify this header to perform the operation only
            if the resource has been modified since the specified time.
        :param datetime if_unmodified_since:
            A DateTime value. Azure expects the date value passed in to be UTC.
            If timezone is included, any non-UTC datetime will be converted to UTC.
            If a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.
            Specify this header to perform the operation only if
            the resource has not been modified since the specified date/time.
        :param str if_match:
            An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Specify this header to perform
            the operation only if the resource's ETag matches the value specified.
        :param str if_none_match:
            An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Specify this header
            to perform the operation only if the resource's ETag does not match
            the value specified. Specify the wildcard character (*) to perform
            the operation only if the resource does not exist, and fail the
            operation if it does exist.
        :param ~azure.storage.blob.models.CustomerProvidedEncryptionKey cpk:
            Encrypts the data on the service-side with the given key.
            Use of customer-provided keys must be done over HTTPS.
            As the encryption key itself is provided in the request,
            a secure connection must be established to transfer the key.
        :return: ETag and last modified properties for the Append Blob
        :rtype: :class:`~azure.storage.blob.models.ResourceProperties`
        _validate_not_none('container_name', container_name)
        _validate_not_none('blob_name', blob_name)
        _validate_not_none('text', text)

        if not isinstance(text, bytes):
            _validate_not_none('encoding', encoding)
            text = text.encode(encoding)

        return self.append_blob_from_bytes(
    def append_block(self, container_name, blob_name, block,
                     validate_content=False, maxsize_condition=None,
                     lease_id=None, if_modified_since=None,
                     if_unmodified_since=None, if_match=None,
                     if_none_match=None, timeout=None):
        Commits a new block of data to the end of an existing append blob.
        :param str container_name:
            Name of existing container.
        :param str blob_name:
            Name of existing blob.
        :param bytes block:
            Content of the block in bytes.
        :param bool validate_content:
            If true, calculates an MD5 hash of the block content. The storage 
            service checks the hash of the content that has arrived
            with the hash that was sent. This is primarily valuable for detecting 
            bitflips on the wire if using http instead of https as https (the default) 
            will already validate. Note that this MD5 hash is not stored with the 
        :param int maxsize_condition:
            Optional conditional header. The max length in bytes permitted for
            the append blob. If the Append Block operation would cause the blob
            to exceed that limit or if the blob size is already greater than the
            value specified in this header, the request will fail with
            MaxBlobSizeConditionNotMet error (HTTP status code 412 - Precondition Failed).
        :param int appendpos_condition:
            Optional conditional header, used only for the Append Block operation.
            A number indicating the byte offset to compare. Append Block will
            succeed only if the append position is equal to this number. If it
            is not, the request will fail with the
            AppendPositionConditionNotMet error
            (HTTP status code 412 - Precondition Failed).
        :param str lease_id:
            Required if the blob has an active lease.
        :param datetime if_modified_since:
            A DateTime value. Azure expects the date value passed in to be UTC.
            If timezone is included, any non-UTC datetimes will be converted to UTC.
            If a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC. 
            Specify this header to perform the operation only
            if the resource has been modified since the specified time.
        :param datetime if_unmodified_since:
            A DateTime value. Azure expects the date value passed in to be UTC.
            If timezone is included, any non-UTC datetimes will be converted to UTC.
            If a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.
            Specify this header to perform the operation only if
            the resource has not been modified since the specified date/time.
        :param str if_match:
            An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Specify this header to perform
            the operation only if the resource's ETag matches the value specified.
        :param str if_none_match:
            An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Specify this header
            to perform the operation only if the resource's ETag does not match
            the value specified. Specify the wildcard character (*) to perform
            the operation only if the resource does not exist, and fail the
            operation if it does exist.
        :param int timeout:
            The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds.
            ETag, last modified, append offset, and committed block count 
            properties for the updated Append Blob
        :rtype: :class:`~azure.storage.blob.models.AppendBlockProperties`
        _validate_not_none('container_name', container_name)
        _validate_not_none('blob_name', blob_name)
        _validate_not_none('block', block)
        _validate_encryption_unsupported(self.require_encryption, self.key_encryption_key)

        request = HTTPRequest()
        request.method = 'PUT'
        request.host_locations = self._get_host_locations()
        request.path = _get_path(container_name, blob_name)
        request.query = {
            'comp': 'appendblock',
            'timeout': _int_to_str(timeout),
        request.headers = {
            'x-ms-blob-condition-maxsize': _to_str(maxsize_condition),
            'x-ms-blob-condition-appendpos': _to_str(appendpos_condition),
            'x-ms-lease-id': _to_str(lease_id),
            'If-Modified-Since': _datetime_to_utc_string(if_modified_since),
            'If-Unmodified-Since': _datetime_to_utc_string(if_unmodified_since),
            'If-Match': _to_str(if_match),
            'If-None-Match': _to_str(if_none_match)
        request.body = _get_data_bytes_only('block', block)

        if validate_content:
            computed_md5 = _get_content_md5(request.body)
            request.headers['Content-MD5'] = _to_str(computed_md5)

        return self._perform_request(request, _parse_append_block)