예제 #1
class AzureMLEnvironment(env.WorkEnvironment):
    is_connected: bool = False
    __config_file: str = '.azureml/config.json'
    __workspace: Workspace = None
    __datastore_path: str = 'data'

    def __init__(self, config_file: str = None, datastore_path: str = None, subscription_id: str = None, connect_workspace: bool = True,
                resource_group: str = None, workspace_name: str = None, write_config: bool = False, from_context: bool = False):
        This allows a user to specify to work connected or disconnected.  
        When connecting, the implementation will check if there's a local config file for AzureML 
        and connect to the Azure ML workspace in that case, or take the given Workspace
            config_file (str): The name of the config file (defaulting to .azureml/config.json) that contains the Workspace parameters
            datastore_path (str): the name of a DataStore in AzureML that contains Datasets
            aml_workspace_name (azureml.core.Workspace): An already built Azure ML Workspace object that can be used to work connected
        self.__datastore_path = datastore_path
            run = Run.get_context()
            self.__workspace = run.experiment.workspace
            # User wants to connect
            # Setting the config file to the passed argument
            if config_file:
                # Since a file name is passed, we should check if it exists
                self.__config_file = config_file

            # If workspace parameters are passed, the workspace will be taken and the config file will be ignored
            if(subscription_id and resource_group and workspace_name):
                self.__workspace = Workspace(subscription_id, resource_group, workspace_name)
                if write_config:
            elif connect_workspace:
                # A config file is passed, so we'll validate the existance and connect
                if not os.path.exists(self.__config_file):
                    raise FileNotFoundError('The config file ' + self.__config_file + ' does not exist.  Please verify and try again')
                # There is a config file, so we'll connect

        self.is_connected = connect_workspace

    def CreateFromContext(cls, datastore_path: str = None):
        Creates a WorkEnvironment and returns the correct implementation, based on the configuration
            datastore_path (str): the name of a DataStore in AzureML that contains Datasets
            AzureMLEnvironment: an instance of WorkEnvironment allowing the user to work connected.
        return cls(datastore_path = datastore_path, from_context=True)

    def Create(cls, subscription_id: str = None, resource_group: str = None, workspace_name: str = None, 
                write_config: bool = False, config_file: str = None, datastore_path: str = None):
        Creates a WorkEnvironment and returns the correct implementation, based on the configuration
            subscription_id (str): The subscription id where the AzureML service resides
            resource_group (str): The resource group that contains the AzureML workspace
            workspace_name (str): Name of the AzureML workspace
            write_config (bool): If True, the WorkSpace configuration will be persisted in the given (or default) config file
            config_file (str): The name of the config file (defaulting to .azureml/config.json) that contains the Workspace parameters
            datastore_path (str): the name of a DataStore in AzureML that contains Datasets
            AzureMLEnvironment: an instance of WorkEnvironment allowing the user to work connected.
        return cls(config_file = config_file, datastore_path = datastore_path, 
                    subscription_id=subscription_id, resource_group=resource_group, 
                    workspace_name= workspace_name, write_config = write_config)

    def load_tabular_dataset(self, dataset_name: str, cloud_storage: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame:
        Loads a tabular dataset by a given name. 
            The implementation will load the Dataset by name from the AzureML Workspace
            When configured locally, the data frame will be loaded from a file in the datastore_path with name {dataset_name}.csv
            dataset_name (str): The name of the dataset to load
            cloud_storage (bool): When changed to False, the dataset will be loaded from the local folder
            pd.DataFrame: The dataset, loaded as a DataFrame
        # Connecting data set
        if cloud_storage:
            _dataset = Dataset.get_by_name(self.__workspace, name=dataset_name)
            return _dataset.to_pandas_dataframe()
            _file_name = os.path.join(self.__datastore_path, dataset_name + '.csv')
            return pd.read_csv(_file_name)

    def load_tabular_partition(self, partition_name: str, datastore_name: str = None, columns: np.array = None, first_row_header: bool = False, cloud_storage: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame:
        Loads a partition from a tabular dataset. 
            The implementation will connect to the DataStore and get all delimited files matching the partition_name
            When configured locally, the implementation will append all files in the datastore_path with name {partition_name}.csv
            partition_name (str): The name of the partition as a wildcard filter.  Example: B* will take all files starting with B, ending with csv
            columns: (np.array): The column names to assign to the dataframe
            datastore_path (str): The name of a DataStore that contains Datasets
            cloud_storage (bool): When changed to False, the dataset will be loaded from the local folder
            pd.DataFrame: The dataset, loaded as a DataFrame
        if not datastore_name:
            # No datastore name is given, so we'll take the default one
            datastore_name = self.__datastore_path

        if cloud_storage:
            # Connecting data store
            datastore = Datastore(self.__workspace, name=datastore_name)
                _header = PromoteHeadersBehavior.ALL_FILES_HAVE_SAME_HEADERS if first_row_header else False
                _aml_dataset = Dataset.Tabular.from_delimited_files(header=_header,
                    path=DataPath(datastore, '/' + partition_name + '.csv')) #, set_column_types=columns
                _df = _aml_dataset.to_pandas_dataframe()
            except DatasetValidationError as dsvalex:
                if 'provided path is not valid' in str(dsvalex):
                    return None
            # Reading data from sub files in a folder
            _folder_path = datastore_name
            _partition_files = glob.glob(_folder_path + '/' + partition_name + '.csv')
            _record_found = False
            _df = None
            for filename in _partition_files:
                _header = 0 if first_row_header else None
                df = pd.read_csv(filename, index_col=None, header=_header)
                if not _record_found:
                    _df = df
                    _record_found = True
                    _df = _df.append(df)

            if not _record_found:
                return None

        if columns != None:
            _df.columns = columns
        return _df

    def upload_dataset(self, dataset_name: str, local_folder: str, datastore_name: str = None, overwrite: bool = False, tags: dict = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
        Uploads data from a local directory into an AzureML Datastore that points to Azure Data lake
            dataset_name (str): The name of the dataset to register
            local_folder (str): The location of the local directory to take files from
            datastore_path (str): The name of a DataStore that will contain the dataset
            FileDataset: The registered dataset, containing the files
        if not datastore_name:
            # No datastore name is given, so we'll take the default one
            datastore_name = self.__datastore_path

        # Connecting data store
        datastore = Datastore(self.__workspace, name=datastore_name)

        # TODO : check type of datastore
        datastore.upload(local_folder, dataset_name, overwrite, True)
        datastore_paths = [(datastore, dataset_name)]
        file_ds = Dataset.File.from_files(path=datastore_paths)

        file_ds = file_ds.register(workspace=self.__workspace,
                                 tags = tags, create_new_version=True)

    def start_experiment(self, name: str) -> aml_trainer.AzureMLTrainer:
        Creates a new experiment (or connects to an existing one), using the give name

            name (str): the name of the experiment which whill be used in AzureML
            Trainer: a Trainer object that can be used to perform trainings and add logging in AzureML

        return aml_trainer.AzureMLTrainer(name, self.__workspace)

    def get_secret(self, secret_name: str) -> str:
        Reads a secret string from the registered Azure KeyVault
            secret_name (str): the name of the secret key to be registered in Azure KeyVault
            str: the secret value in the KeyVault
        keyvault = self.__workspace.get_default_keyvault()
            return keyvault.get_secret(name=secret_name)
            return None

    def isvalid(self) -> bool:
        return True

    def get_azureml_workspace(self):
        return self.__workspace

    def __connect_from_config_file(self, file_name:str):
        self.__workspace = Workspace.from_config(_file_name=file_name)

    def __print_connection_info(self):
        print('Connected to AzureML workspace')
        print('>> Name:', self.__workspace._workspace_name)
        print('>> Subscription:', self.__workspace.subscription_id)
        print('>> Resource group:', self.__workspace.resource_group)

    def capture_filedataset_layout(self, dataset_name: str, output_path: str):
        from azureml.dataprep.api.functions import get_portable_path
        from azureml.dataprep import col, get_stream_properties, SummaryColumnsValue, SummaryFunction

        dataset = self.__workspace.datasets[dataset_name]
        files_column = 'Path'
        PORTABLE_PATH = 'PortablePath'
        STREAM_PROPERTIES = 'StreamProperties'
        dataflow = dataset._dataflow \
                .add_column(get_portable_path(col(files_column), None), PORTABLE_PATH, files_column) \
                .add_column(get_stream_properties(col(files_column)), STREAM_PROPERTIES, PORTABLE_PATH) \
                .keep_columns([files_column, PORTABLE_PATH, STREAM_PROPERTIES])
        dataflow_to_execute = dataflow.add_step('Microsoft.DPrep.WritePreppyBlock', {
            'outputPath': {
                'target': 0,
                'resourceDetails': [{'path': str(output_path)}]
            'profilingFields': ['Kinds', 'MissingAndEmpty']
        df = dataflow.to_pandas_dataframe(extended_types=True)
        df = df.merge(pd.io.json.json_normalize(df.StreamProperties), left_index=True, right_index=True)
        print(f'{len(df.index)} files found in the dataset, totalling to a size of {(df.Size.sum() / (1024 * 1024)):,.2f} MB')

        return df
예제 #2
    config = json.load(f)

auth = ServicePrincipalAuthentication(

ws = Workspace(config["subscription_id"],


keyvault = ws.get_default_keyvault()
keyvault.set_secret("tenantID", config["tenant_id"])
keyvault.set_secret("servicePrincipalId", config["service_principal_id"])

# folder for scripts that need to be uploaded to Aml compute target
script_folder = "./scripts/"
if os.path.exists(script_folder):
    print("Deleting:", script_folder)

shutil.copy(os.path.join(base_dir, "utils.py"), script_folder)
shutil.copy(os.path.join(base_dir, "pipelines_slave.py"), script_folder)
shutil.copy(os.path.join(base_dir, "train.py"), script_folder)