예제 #1
 def handle_opaque_types(self):
     for tag in self.get_opaque_types():
         mod, args = parse_string(tag)
         # just create a "fake type".
         self.objects[tag] = {
             'tag': tag,
             'class': {'STRUCT': 'Struct', 'UNION': 'Union'}[mod],
             'name': args[0], # TODO?
             'members': [],
             'opaque': True,
예제 #2
    def generate_c_name(self, obj):
            Return the C name of the babbisch object *obj*. If naming is
            impossible (e.g. for unnamed structs), raise ``NamingImpossibleError``.
        # For structs and unions, it's just "struct %s" or "enum %s"
        if obj['class'] in ('Struct', 'Union', 'Enum'):
            mod, args = parse_string(obj['tag'])

            # Is it unnamed?
            if args[0].startswith('!Unnamed'):
                raise NamingImpossibleError("Can't be named: %r" % obj)
            elif args[0].startswith('!'):
                raise WTFError('WTF is this? %s %r' % (args[0], obj))

            # Is it opaque? If yes, don't create a C name, please.
            # Because if we do, it will appear in the C source, and
            # *_class() will do a sizeof(), and everyone will be sad :(
            if obj.get('opaque', False):
                raise NamingImpossibleError("Can't be named: %r" % obj)

            # Okay. Please do it.
            def _struct():
                return 'struct %s' % obj['name']

            def _union():
                return 'union %s' % obj['name']

            def _enum():
                return 'enum %s' % obj['name']

            return {
                'Struct': _struct,
                'Union': _union,
                'Enum': _enum,
        # For typedefs, it's just the tag (name).
        elif obj['class'] == 'Typedef':
            return obj['tag']
        # For functions, it's the name.
        elif obj['class'] == 'Function':
            return obj['name']
            raise WTFError('Unknown type: %r' % obj)
예제 #3
 def get_opaque_types(self):
         yield tags of opaque (i.e. unknown) types.
     for obj in self.objects.copy().itervalues():
         # only handle typedefs ...
         if obj['class'] == 'Typedef':
             # get the first, typedef tag
             tag = obj['target']
             while '(' in tag:
                 mod, args = parse_string(tag)
                 # is it wrapping a struct or union that is unknown?
                 if (mod in ('STRUCT', 'UNION')
                     and tag not in self.objects):
                     # then it's opaque.
                     yield tag
                 # proceed.
                 tag = translate(args[0])
예제 #4
    def get_ooc_type(self, tag):
            get the ooc type from the tag *tag*. It might be nested.
            And might be a pointer. Or an array. Whatever! It can
            be *anything*!
        # is it artificial? if yes, we already have a type.
        if tag in self.artificial:
            return self.artificial[tag]
        # is it an enum? TODO: not here, please :(
        elif tag.startswith('ENUM('):
            return 'Int'
        # is it a real object?
        elif tag in self.objects:
            return self.objects[tag]['ooc_name']
        # nope. :(
            if '(' in tag:
                mod, args = parse_string(tag)
                def _pointer():
                    # A pointer to a function type is a Func.
                        if args[0][0] == 'FUNCTIONTYPE':
                            return 'Func'
                    except IndexError:
                        return self.get_ooc_type(translate(args[0])) + '*'
                    except WTFError:
                        # That might work well for unknown types.
                        # TODO: print a message to stderr
                        return 'Pointer'

                def _const():
                    return 'const %s' % self.get_ooc_type(translate(args[0]))

                def _array():
                    # TODO: that looks incorrect.
                    return self.get_ooc_type(translate(args[0])) + '*'

                def _ignore():
                    return self.get_ooc_type(translate(args[0]))

                def _functiontype():
                    return 'Func' # TODO: correct?

                    return {
                        'POINTER': _pointer,
                        'CONST': _const,
                        'ARRAY': _array,
                        'FUNCTIONTYPE': _functiontype,
                        # Ignore `volatile` + `restrict` storage type.
                        'VOLATILE': _ignore,
                        'RESTRICT': _ignore,
                except KeyError:
                    raise WTFError('WTF tag is this? %r' % tag)
                #raise WTFError('WTF tag is this? %r' % tag)
                return 'Pointer' # TODO: not so good