def _locales_configuration(configuration: List): locales_configuration = OrderedDict() for locale_configuration in configuration: locale = locale_configuration['locale'] parse_locale(locale, '-') locales_configuration[locale] = LocaleConfiguration( locale, locale_configuration['alias'] if 'alias' in locale_configuration else None) return locales_configuration
def _locales_configuration(configuration: List): locales_configuration = [] for locale_configuration in configuration: locale = locale_configuration['locale'] parse_locale(locale, '-') locales_configuration.append(LocaleConfiguration( locale, locale_configuration['alias'] if 'alias' in locale_configuration else None, )) return locales_configuration
def get_locale(): user = getattr(g, "user", {}) user_language = user.get("language", app.config.get("DEFAULT_LANGUAGE", "en")) try: # Attempt to load the local using Babel.parse_local parse_locale(user_language.replace("-", "_")) except ValueError: # If Babel fails to recognise the locale, then use the default language user_language = app.config.get("DEFAULT_LANGUAGE", "en") return user_language.replace("-", "_")
def get_locale(): user = getattr(g, 'user', {}) user_language = user.get('language', app.config.get('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', 'en')) try: # Attempt to load the local using Babel.parse_local parse_locale(user_language.replace('-', '_')) except ValueError: # If Babel fails to recognise the locale, then use the default language user_language = app.config.get('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', 'en') return user_language.replace('-', '_')
def sanitize_language_code(lang): """Sanitize the language code if the spelling is slightly wrong. For instance, 'pt-br' and 'pt_br' should be interpreted as 'pt_BR'. """ try: lang = '_'.join(filter(None, parse_locale(lang)[:2])) except ValueError: if '-' in lang: try: lang = '_'.join(filter(None, parse_locale(lang, sep='-')[:2])) except ValueError: pass return lang
def __init__(self, context, request: Request): self.request = request self.context = context _ = request.translate self.helper = request.registry['i18n_helper'] self.lang = request.matchdict['lang'] self.domain = request.matchdict['domain'] self.locale = babel.Locale(*babel.parse_locale(self.lang)) self.pot_file_path = os.path.join(self.helper.locale_dir, '{0}.pot'.format(self.domain)) self.po_file_path = os.path.join(self.helper.locale_dir, self.lang, 'LC_MESSAGES', '{0}.po'.format(self.domain)) self.mo_file_path = os.path.join(self.helper.locale_dir, self.lang, 'LC_MESSAGES', '{0}.mo'.format(self.domain)) os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.helper.locale_dir, self.lang, 'LC_MESSAGES'), exist_ok=True) if os.path.exists(self.po_file_path): self.po = polib.pofile(self.po_file_path, encoding='UTF-8') else: self.po = polib.POFile(encoding='UTF-8') self.po.metadata = { 'Content-Transfer-Encoding': '8bit', 'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8', 'Language': self.lang }
def new_lang_view(self): lang = self.request.POST.get('new_lang', '').strip() try: self.request.locale = babel.Locale(*babel.parse_locale(lang)) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.helper.locale_dir, lang)): os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.helper.locale_dir, lang)) os.mkdir( os.path.join(self.helper._dir, 'locale', lang, 'LC_MESSAGES')) #, 'locale', lang, 'LC_MESSAGES', # '{0}.po'.format(self.domain))) # self.pot.save_as_mofile(os.path.join(self.helper.package_dir, 'locale', lang, 'LC_MESSAGES', # '{0}.mo'.format(self.domain))) self.request.flash_message.add( message_type='success', body='i18n_new_lang_creation_success', domain='i18n_helper') return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_url( 'i18n_helper.po', lang=lang, domain=self.domain)) else: self.request.flash_message.add(message_type='danger', body='i18n_new_lang_lang_exist', domain='i18n_helper') except: self.request.flash_message.add(message_type='danger', body='i18n_new_lang_creation_error', domain='i18n_helper') return self.get_view()
def for_locale(cls, locale="en"): """ Returns a new Wordlist object using an included wordlist most appropriate to the provided locale, or the en wordlist as a default. This parses the locale string and first tries to find a file matching both the language and territory. Failing that, it tries to find one matching the language. Failing that, it falls back to `en`. Args: locale -- An RFC 4646 locale string, or a tuple in the form (language, territory) (optional) """ wordlists = get_wordlists_by_locale() if locale: if isinstance(locale, str): locale = parse_locale(locale) for locale_tuple in [locale[:2], (locale[0], None), ("en", "US")]: try: return cls(resource_string( 'phrasebook', wordlists[locale_tuple]).decode('utf-8').splitlines(), locale=locale_tuple) except KeyError: continue # This should never happen, since the "en" file should always be there # as a fallback. If for some reason it's not, exit with a helpful # exception message. raise Exception("No suitable wordlist file found")
async def _filter_wikipedia_links( self, context, links: Iterable[Link]) -> Iterable[Entry]: locale = parse_locale(resolve_or_missing(context, 'locale'), '-')[0] return filter( None, await asyncio.gather( *[self._filter_wikipedia_link(locale, link) for link in links]))
def select_lang_view(self): lang = self.request.POST.get('select_lang', '').strip() self.request.locale = babel.Locale(*babel.parse_locale(lang)) return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_url( 'i18n_helper.po', lang=lang, domain=self.domain))
def _filter_wikipedia_links(self, context, links: Iterable[Link]) -> Iterable[Entry]: locale = parse_locale(context.resolve_or_missing('locale'), '-')[0] futures = [ self._app.executor.submit(self._filter_wikipedia_link, locale, link) for link in links ] return filter(None, [future.result() for future in as_completed(futures)])
def language(self): l = self._cfg.language_default locale = self.locale # is either None or something like 'en_US' if locale is not None: try: l = parse_locale(locale)[0] except ValueError: pass return l
def locale_keyboard(): """Get inline keyboard markup with available locales.""" keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup() for language in i18n.available_locales: keyboard.row( InlineKeyboardButton( Locale(parse_locale(language)[0]).display_name, callback_data="locale {}".format(language), )) return keyboard
def get_wordlists_by_locale(): """ Returns a mapping of locales to wordlist paths """ locale_mapping = {} for file_path in resource_listdir('phrasebook', 'wordlists'): m ='^(.*).txt$', file_path) if not m: continue # Ignore files that don't fit the format try: locale_mapping[parse_locale(m[1])[:2]] = 'wordlists/' + file_path except ValueError: continue return locale_mapping
def _get_language_codes(language_code: str): """ Return all acceptable language codes for a given language code, in order of priority. For example, for "en-US", it would return "en-US", "en", "und-US". """ # first of all, return the language code as is yield language_code # if that does not produce a valid locale, split the language code in its individual parts try: language, territory, script, variant = babel.parse_locale(language_code, sep="-") except Exception: # the language code is not valid, we cannot give more codes for it pass else: # return the language only (eg. "en") if language: yield language # return a special language code that will try to get the most common language for the territory if territory: yield "und-" + territory
def get_primary_languages(): available = [lang['language_code'] for lang in languages()] requested = distinct(get_lang() or ['en']) # add primary languages primary = [] for language in requested: if language in available: primary.append(language) else: try: locale = parse_locale(language) except: continue if locale[0] in available: primary.append(locale[0]) if len(primary) == 0: return [language_info('en')] return [language_info(lang) for lang in distinct(primary)]
def validate_locale(locale: str) -> str: parse_locale(locale, '-') return locale
def __init__(self, context, request: Request): self.request = request self.context = context self.domain = request.matchdict['domain'] _ = request.translate self.helper = request.registry['i18n_helper'] self.pot = polib.pofile(os.path.join(self.helper.locale_dir, '{0}.pot'.format(self.domain)), encoding='UTF-8') # LANG FORM langs_dir = self.helper.locale_dir created_langs_choices = [] for lang in os.listdir(langs_dir): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(langs_dir, lang)): lang_locale = babel.Locale(*babel.parse_locale(lang)) created_langs_choices.append( (lang, '{en_name}/{display_name}'.format( en_name=lang_locale.english_name, display_name=lang_locale.display_name))) available_langs_choices = sorted(locale.locale_alias) class NewLang(colander.Schema): new_lang = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), widget=deform.widget.AutocompleteInputWidget( values=available_langs_choices, min_length=0), title=_("i18n_new_lang", domain='i18n_helper')) class SelectLang(colander.Schema): select_lang = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), widget=deform.widget.SelectWidget( values=created_langs_choices), title=_("i18n_select_lang", domain='i18n_helper')) def validator(node, appstruct): return True schema = NewLang(validator=validator) schema = schema.bind(request=self.request) self.new_lang_form = deform.Form(schema, use_ajax=False, action=self.request.route_url( 'i18n_helper.pot', domain=self.domain)) self.new_lang_form.buttons.append( deform.Button(name='submit', title=_('i18n_new_lang_submit', domain='i18n_helper'))) schema = SelectLang(validator=validator) schema = schema.bind(request=self.request) self.select_lang_form = deform.Form(schema, use_ajax=False, action=self.request.route_url( 'i18n_helper.pot', domain=self.domain)) self.select_lang_form.buttons.append( deform.Button(name='submit', title=_('i18n_select_lang_submit', domain='i18n_helper')))
def __init__(self): """ Init Config instance """ self.cache = CacheClass() if self.config_check_enabled: self._config_check() # define directories data_dir = os.path.normpath(self.data_dir) self.data_dir = data_dir if not getattr(self, 'plugin_dir', None): setattr(self, 'plugin_dir', os.path.abspath(os.path.join(data_dir, 'plugin'))) if not getattr(self, 'xapian_index_dir', None): setattr(self, 'xapian_index_dir', os.path.abspath(os.path.join(data_dir, 'xapian'))) # Try to decode certain names which allow unicode self._decode() # After that, pre-compile some regexes self.cache.item_dict_regex = re.compile(self.item_dict_regex, re.UNICODE) self.cache.item_group_regex = re.compile(self.item_group_regex, re.UNICODE) # the ..._regexact versions only match if nothing is left (exact match) self.cache.item_dict_regexact = re.compile( u'^%s$' % self.item_dict_regex, re.UNICODE) self.cache.item_group_regexact = re.compile( u'^%s$' % self.item_group_regex, re.UNICODE) if not isinstance(self.superusers, list): msg = """The superusers setting in your wiki configuration is not a list (e.g. ['Sample User', 'AnotherUser']). Please change it in your wiki configuration and try again.""" raise error.ConfigurationError(msg) plugins._loadPluginModule(self) if self.user_defaults['timezone'] is None: self.user_defaults['timezone'] = self.timezone_default if self.user_defaults['theme_name'] is None: self.user_defaults['theme_name'] = self.theme_default # Note: do not assign user_defaults['locale'] = locale_default # to give browser language detection a chance. try: self.language_default = parse_locale(self.locale_default)[0] except ValueError: raise error.ConfigurationError( "Invalid locale_default value (give something like 'en_US').") # post process self.auth_can_logout = [] self.auth_login_inputs = [] found_names = [] for auth in self.auth: if not raise error.ConfigurationError( "Auth methods must have a name.") if in found_names: raise error.ConfigurationError( "Auth method names must be unique.") found_names.append( if auth.logout_possible and self.auth_can_logout.append( for input in auth.login_inputs: if not input in self.auth_login_inputs: self.auth_login_inputs.append(input) self.auth_have_login = len(self.auth_login_inputs) > 0 self.auth_methods = found_names # internal dict for plugin `modules' lists self._site_plugin_lists = {} # we replace any string placeholders with config values # e.g u'%(item_root)s' % self self.navi_bar = [elem % self for elem in self.navi_bar] # check if python-xapian is installed if self.xapian_search: try: import xapian except ImportError, err: self.xapian_search = False logging.error( "xapian_search was auto-disabled because python-xapian is not installed [%s]." % str(err))
def __init__(self): """ Init Config instance """ self.cache = CacheClass() if self.config_check_enabled: self._config_check() # define directories data_dir = os.path.normpath(self.data_dir) self.data_dir = data_dir # Try to decode certain names which allow unicode self._decode() # After that, pre-compile some regexes self.cache.item_dict_regex = re.compile(self.item_dict_regex, re.UNICODE) self.cache.item_group_regex = re.compile(self.item_group_regex, re.UNICODE) # the ..._regexact versions only match if nothing is left (exact match) self.cache.item_dict_regexact = re.compile( '^{0}$'.format(self.item_dict_regex), re.UNICODE) self.cache.item_group_regexact = re.compile( '^{0}$'.format(self.item_group_regex), re.UNICODE) # compiled functions ACL self.cache.acl_functions = AccessControlList( [self.acl_functions], valid=self.acl_rights_functions) plugins._loadPluginModule(self) if self.user_defaults[TIMEZONE] is None: self.user_defaults[TIMEZONE] = self.timezone_default if self.user_defaults[THEME_NAME] is None: self.user_defaults[THEME_NAME] = self.theme_default # Note: do not assign user_defaults['locale'] = locale_default # to give browser language detection a chance. try: self.language_default = parse_locale(self.locale_default)[0] except ValueError: raise error.ConfigurationError( "Invalid locale_default value (give something like 'en_US').") # post process self.auth_can_logout = [] self.auth_login_inputs = [] found_names = [] for auth in self.auth: if not raise error.ConfigurationError( "Auth methods must have a name.") if in found_names: raise error.ConfigurationError( "Auth method names must be unique.") found_names.append( if auth.logout_possible and self.auth_can_logout.append( for input in auth.login_inputs: if input not in self.auth_login_inputs: self.auth_login_inputs.append(input) self.auth_have_login = len(self.auth_login_inputs) > 0 self.auth_methods = found_names # internal dict for plugin 'modules' lists self._site_plugin_lists = {} # check if mail is possible and set flag: self.mail_enabled = (self.mail_smarthost is not None or self.mail_sendmail is not None) and self.mail_from self.mail_enabled = self.mail_enabled and True or False if self.namespace_mapping is None: raise error.ConfigurationError( "No storage configuration specified! You need to define a namespace_mapping." ) if self.backend_mapping is None: raise error.ConfigurationError( "No storage configuration specified! You need to define a backend_mapping." ) if self.acl_mapping is None: raise error.ConfigurationError( "No acl configuration specified! You need to define a acl_mapping." ) if self.secrets is None: # admin did not setup a real secret raise error.ConfigurationError( "No secret configured! You need to set secrets = 'somelongsecretstring' in your wiki config." ) if self.interwikiname is None: # admin did not setup a real interwikiname raise error.ConfigurationError( "No interwikiname configured! " "You need to set interwikiname = u'YourUniqueStableInterwikiName' in your wiki config." ) secret_key_names = [ 'security/ticket', ] secret_min_length = 10 if isinstance(self.secrets, str): if len(self.secrets) < secret_min_length: raise error.ConfigurationError( "The secrets = '...' wiki config setting is a way too short string " "(minimum length is {0} chars)!".format(secret_min_length)) # for lazy people: set all required secrets to same value secrets = {} for key in secret_key_names: secrets[key] = self.secrets self.secrets = secrets # we check if we have all secrets we need and that they have minimum length for secret_key_name in secret_key_names: try: secret = self.secrets[secret_key_name] if len(secret) < secret_min_length: raise ValueError except (KeyError, ValueError): raise error.ConfigurationError( "You must set a (at least {0} chars long) secret string for secrets['{1}']!" .format(secret_min_length, secret_key_name)) from passlib.context import CryptContext try: self.cache.pwd_context = CryptContext(**self.passlib_crypt_context) except ValueError as err: raise error.ConfigurationError( "passlib_crypt_context configuration is invalid [{0}].".format( err))
def __init__(self): """ Init Config instance """ self.cache = CacheClass() if self.config_check_enabled: self._config_check() # define directories data_dir = os.path.normpath(self.data_dir) self.data_dir = data_dir # Try to decode certain names which allow unicode self._decode() # After that, pre-compile some regexes self.cache.item_dict_regex = re.compile(self.item_dict_regex, re.UNICODE) self.cache.item_group_regex = re.compile(self.item_group_regex, re.UNICODE) # the ..._regexact versions only match if nothing is left (exact match) self.cache.item_dict_regexact = re.compile(u'^{0}$'.format(self.item_dict_regex, re.UNICODE)) self.cache.item_group_regexact = re.compile(u'^{0}$'.format(self.item_group_regex, re.UNICODE)) # compiled functions ACL self.cache.acl_functions = AccessControlList([self.acl_functions], valid=self.acl_rights_functions) plugins._loadPluginModule(self) if self.user_defaults[TIMEZONE] is None: self.user_defaults[TIMEZONE] = self.timezone_default if self.user_defaults[THEME_NAME] is None: self.user_defaults[THEME_NAME] = self.theme_default # Note: do not assign user_defaults['locale'] = locale_default # to give browser language detection a chance. try: self.language_default = parse_locale(self.locale_default)[0] except ValueError: raise error.ConfigurationError("Invalid locale_default value (give something like 'en_US').") # post process self.auth_can_logout = [] self.auth_login_inputs = [] found_names = [] for auth in self.auth: if not raise error.ConfigurationError("Auth methods must have a name.") if in found_names: raise error.ConfigurationError("Auth method names must be unique.") found_names.append( if auth.logout_possible and self.auth_can_logout.append( for input in auth.login_inputs: if input not in self.auth_login_inputs: self.auth_login_inputs.append(input) self.auth_have_login = len(self.auth_login_inputs) > 0 self.auth_methods = found_names # internal dict for plugin `modules' lists self._site_plugin_lists = {} # check if mail is possible and set flag: self.mail_enabled = (self.mail_smarthost is not None or self.mail_sendmail is not None) and self.mail_from self.mail_enabled = self.mail_enabled and True or False if self.namespace_mapping is None: raise error.ConfigurationError( "No storage configuration specified! You need to define a namespace_mapping. " "For further reference, please see HelpOnStorageConfiguration.") if self.backend_mapping is None: raise error.ConfigurationError( "No storage configuration specified! You need to define a backend_mapping. " + "For further reference, please see HelpOnStorageConfiguration.") if self.acl_mapping is None: raise error.ConfigurationError( "No acl configuration specified! You need to define a acl_mapping. " "For further reference, please see HelpOnStorageConfiguration.") if self.secrets is None: # admin did not setup a real secret raise error.ConfigurationError( "No secret configured! You need to set secrets = 'somelongsecretstring' in your wiki config.") if self.interwikiname is None: # admin did not setup a real interwikiname raise error.ConfigurationError( "No interwikiname configured! " "You need to set interwikiname = u'YourUniqueStableInterwikiName' in your wiki config.") secret_key_names = ['security/ticket', ] if self.textchas: secret_key_names.append('security/textcha') secret_min_length = 10 if isinstance(self.secrets, str): if len(self.secrets) < secret_min_length: raise error.ConfigurationError( "The secrets = '...' wiki config setting is a way too short string " "(minimum length is {0} chars)!".format(secret_min_length)) # for lazy people: set all required secrets to same value secrets = {} for key in secret_key_names: secrets[key] = self.secrets self.secrets = secrets # we check if we have all secrets we need and that they have minimum length for secret_key_name in secret_key_names: try: secret = self.secrets[secret_key_name] if len(secret) < secret_min_length: raise ValueError except (KeyError, ValueError): raise error.ConfigurationError( "You must set a (at least {0} chars long) secret string for secrets['{1}']!".format( secret_min_length, secret_key_name)) from passlib.context import CryptContext try: self.cache.pwd_context = CryptContext(**self.passlib_crypt_context) except ValueError as err: raise error.ConfigurationError("passlib_crypt_context configuration is invalid [{0}].".format(err))
def filters(self) -> Dict[str, Callable]: return { 'wikipedia': environmentfilter(lambda environment, links: self._retriever.all(parse_locale(environment.globals['locale'], '-')[0], links)), }