예제 #1
class CPUMonitor:
    def __init__(self, server, config='release'):
        self.server = server
        self.client = LepDClient(self.server)
        self.config = config
        # print("cpu monitor construction done")

    def getCpuInfoForArm(self, lines):

        results = {}

        line = lines.pop(0)
        results['architecture'] = "ARM"
        results['model name'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
        results['processors'] = {}

        line = lines.pop(0)
        while (not line.startswith("Features")):
            if (line.startswith("processor")):

                processorId = line.split(":")[1].strip()
                results['processors'][processorId] = {}

                bogoMips = lines.pop(0).split(":")[1].strip()
                results['processors'][processorId]["processorId"] = processorId
                results['processors'][processorId]["bogomips"] = bogoMips

            line = lines.pop(0)

        return results

    def getCpuInfoForX86(self, lines):

        results = {}
        results['architecture'] = "X86"
        results['processors'] = {}

        for line in lines:
            if (line.strip() == ""):

            if re.match(r'processor\W+:\W+\d.*', line, re.M | re.I):
                linePairs = line.split(":")
                processorId = linePairs[1].strip()
                results['processors'][processorId] = {}

            if (":" in line):
                linePairs = line.split(":")
                lineKey = linePairs[0].strip()
                lineValue = ''
                if (len(linePairs) > 1):
                    lineValue = linePairs[1].strip()

                results['processors'][processorId][lineKey] = lineValue

        return results

    def getCpuInfo(self):

        cpuInfoLines = self.client.getResponse('GetProcCpuinfo')
        responseData = {}
        if (self.config == 'debug'):
            responseData['rawResult'] = cpuInfoLines

        firstLine = cpuInfoLines[0]
        if ("ARM" in firstLine):
            responseData['data'] = self.getCpuInfoForArm(cpuInfoLines)
            responseData['data'] = self.getCpuInfoForX86(cpuInfoLines)

        return responseData

    def getCapacity(self):

        cpuInfoData = self.getCpuInfo()

        if (not cpuInfoData):
            return {}

        responseData = {}
        if (self.config == 'debug'):
            responseData['rawResult'] = cpuInfoData['rawResult']

        capacity = {}
        capacity['processors'] = cpuInfoData['data']['processors']

        coresString = 'Core'
        coreCount = len(cpuInfoData['data']['processors'])
        capacity['coresCount'] = coreCount

        if (coreCount > 1):
            coresString = "Cores"

        for processorId, processorData in cpuInfoData['data'][

            if (cpuInfoData['data']['architecture'] == "ARM"):
                processorData['model'] = cpuInfoData['data']['model name']

                # Summary is a string to briefly describe the CPU, like "2GHZ x 2", meaning it's a 2-core cpu with 2GHZ speed.
                capacity['summary'] = processorData[
                    'bogomips'] + " MHz x " + str(coreCount) + coresString
                capacity['model'] = processorData['model']
                capacity['bogomips'] = processorData['bogomips']
                capacity['architecture'] = 'ARM'

                modelName = processorData['model name'].replace("(R)",
                                                                    " CPU", "")
                if (" @" in modelName):
                    modelName = modelName[0:modelName.find(" @")]
                processorData['model'] = modelName

                processorSpeed = Decimal(processorData['cpu MHz']).quantize(

                # Summary is a string to briefly describe the CPU, like "2GHZ x 2", meaning it's a 2-core cpu with 2GHZ speed.
                capacity['summary'] = str(processorSpeed) + " MHz x " + str(
                    coreCount) + coresString
                capacity['model'] = modelName
                capacity['bogomips'] = processorData['bogomips']
                capacity['architecture'] = 'X86'


        responseData['data'] = capacity
        return responseData

    def getStatus(self):

        statData = self.getStat()
        allIdleRatio = Decimal(statData['data']['all']['idle'])

        componentInfo = {}
        componentInfo["name"] = "cpu"
        componentInfo["ratio"] = 100 - allIdleRatio
        componentInfo['server'] = self.server

        componentInfo['rawResult'] = statData['rawResult']

        return componentInfo

    def getStat(self):

        results = self.client.getCmdMpStat()
        if (results == None):
            return None

        statData = {}

        statData['rawResult'] = results

        statData['data'] = {}
        for line in results:

            if (line.strip() == ''):

            lineValues = line.split()

            cpuStat = {}
            cpuStat['idle'] = lineValues[-1]
            cpuStat['gnice'] = lineValues[-2]
            cpuStat['guest'] = lineValues[-3]
            cpuStat['steal'] = lineValues[-4]
            cpuStat['soft'] = lineValues[-5]
            cpuStat['irq'] = lineValues[-6]
            cpuStat['iowait'] = lineValues[-7]
            cpuStat['system'] = lineValues[-8]
            cpuStat['nice'] = lineValues[-9]
            cpuStat['user'] = lineValues[-10]
            cpuStat['name'] = lineValues[-11]

            cpuName = lineValues[-11]
            statData['data'][cpuName] = cpuStat

        statData['server'] = self.server

        return statData

    def getAverageLoad(self):
        responseLines = self.client.getResponse('GetProcLoadavg')

        responseData = {}
        responseData['rawResult'] = responseLines[:]

        response = responseLines[0].split(" ")

        # '0.00 0.01 0.05 1/103 24750
        # 'avg system load of 1 minute ago, 5 minutes ago, 15 minutes ago,
        # the fourth is A/B, A is the number of running processes
        # B is the total process count.
        # last number, like 24750 is the ID of the most recently running process.
        resultData = {}
        resultData['last1'] = Decimal(response[0])
        resultData['last5'] = Decimal(response[1])
        resultData['last15'] = Decimal(response[2])

        responseData['data'] = resultData

        return responseData

    def getTopOutput(self):

        responseLines = self.client.getResponse("GetCmdTop")
        if (len(responseLines) == 0):
            return {}

        responseData = {}
        responseData['rawResult'] = responseLines[:]

        headerLine = responseLines.pop(0)

        result = {}
        for responseLine in responseLines:
            # print(responseLine)
            lineValues = responseLine.split()

            pid = lineValues[0]
            result[pid] = {}

            result[pid]['pid'] = pid
            result[pid]['user'] = lineValues[1]
            result[pid]['pri'] = lineValues[2]
            result[pid]['ni'] = lineValues[3]
            result[pid]['vsz'] = lineValues[4]
            result[pid]['rss'] = lineValues[5]
            result[pid]['s'] = lineValues[6]
            result[pid]['cpu'] = lineValues[7]
            result[pid]['mem'] = lineValues[8]
            result[pid]['time'] = lineValues[9]

            result[pid]['command'] = ' '.join(
                [str(x) for x in lineValues[10:]])

            if (len(result) >= 25):

        responseData['data'] = result
        return responseData

    def getTopHResult(self):
        response = self.client.getTopHResult()
        return response

    def getCpuByName(self, name):
        response = self.client.getTopOutput()

        for line in response:
            if name in line:
                pid = line.strip().split(" ")[0].strip()
                cpu = re.search(" .\.. ", line).group().strip()
                return (pid, cpu)
        return None

    def getCpuByPid(self, pid):
        response = self.client.getTopOutput()

        for line in response:
            if pid == line.strip().split(" ")[0].strip():
                name = re.split(":.+ ", line, 1)[1].strip()
                cpu = re.search(" .\.. ", line).group().strip()
                return (name, cpu)
        return None

    def unitTestGetProcCpuinfo(self):

    def unitTestGetCmdMpstat(self):

    def unitTestGetCmdTop(self):

    def unitTestGetProcLoadavg(self):

    def unitTests(self):
예제 #2
class CPUMonitor:
    def __init__(self, server, config='release'):
        self.server = server
        self.client = LepDClient(self.server)
        self.config = config

        # this maxDataCount should match the one defined for UI.
        self.maxDataCount = 25

    def getCpuInfoForArm(self, lines):

        results = {}

        line = lines.pop(0)
        results['architecture'] = "ARM"
        results['model name'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
        results['processors'] = {}

        line = lines.pop(0)
        while (not line.startswith("Features")):
            if (line.startswith("processor")):

                processorId = line.split(":")[1].strip()
                results['processors'][processorId] = {}

                bogoMips = lines.pop(0).split(":")[1].strip()
                results['processors'][processorId]["processorId"] = processorId
                results['processors'][processorId]["bogomips"] = bogoMips

            line = lines.pop(0)

        return results

    def getCpuInfoForArmArch64(self, lines):

        results = {}

        line = lines.pop(0)
        results['architecture'] = "ARM"

        results['model name'] = line.split(":")[1].strip()
        results['processors'] = {}

        line = lines.pop(0)
        while (not line.startswith("Features")):
            if (line.startswith("processor")):

                processorId = line.split(":")[1].strip()
                results['processors'][processorId] = {}
                results['processors'][processorId]["processorId"] = processorId
                results['processors'][processorId]["bogomips"] = ''

            line = lines.pop(0)

        return results

    def getCpuInfoForX86(self, lines):

        results = {}
        results['architecture'] = "X86"
        results['processors'] = {}

        for line in lines:
            if (line.strip() == ""):

            if re.match(r'processor\W+:\W+\d.*', line, re.M | re.I):
                linePairs = line.split(":")
                processorId = linePairs[1].strip()
                results['processors'][processorId] = {}

            if (":" in line):
                linePairs = line.split(":")
                lineKey = linePairs[0].strip()
                lineValue = ''
                if (len(linePairs) > 1):
                    lineValue = linePairs[1].strip()

                results['processors'][processorId][lineKey] = lineValue

        return results

    def getCpuInfo(self, cpuInfoLines=None):

        if (cpuInfoLines == None):
            cpuInfoLines = self.client.getResponse('GetProcCpuinfo')

        responseData = {}
        if (self.config == 'debug'):
            responseData['rawResult'] = cpuInfoLines

        firstLine = cpuInfoLines[0]
        if ("ARM" in firstLine):
            responseData['data'] = self.getCpuInfoForArm(cpuInfoLines)
        elif ('AArch64' in firstLine):
            responseData['data'] = self.getCpuInfoForArmArch64(cpuInfoLines)
            secondLine = cpuInfoLines[1]
            responseData['data'] = self.getCpuInfoForX86(cpuInfoLines)
            if ('GenuineIntel' not in secondLine):
                responseData['data']['architecture'] = 'ARM'

        responseData['data']['processorCount'] = 0
        for line in cpuInfoLines:
            if re.match(r'\W*processor\W*:\W*\d+', line, re.M | re.I):
                responseData['data']['processorCount'] += 1

        return responseData

    def getProcessorCount(self, cpuInfoLines=None):

        if (cpuInfoLines == None):
            cpuInfoLines = self.client.getResponse('GetCpuInfo')

        responseData = {}
        for line in cpuInfoLines:
            if line.startswith('cpunr'):
                responseData['count'] = int(line.split(":")[1].strip())

        if ('count' not in responseData):
            print('failed in getting processor count by GetCpuInfo')

        return responseData

    def getCapacity(self):

        cpuInfoData = self.getCpuInfo()

        if (not cpuInfoData):
            return {}

        responseData = {}
        if (self.config == 'debug'):
            responseData['rawResult'] = cpuInfoData['rawResult']

        capacity = {}
        capacity['processors'] = cpuInfoData['data']['processors']

        coresString = 'Core'
        coreCount = len(cpuInfoData['data']['processors'])
        capacity['coresCount'] = coreCount

        if (coreCount > 1):
            coresString = "Cores"

        for processorId, processorData in cpuInfoData['data'][

            if (cpuInfoData['data']['architecture'] == "ARM"):
                if ('model name' in cpuInfoData['data']):
                    processorData['model'] = cpuInfoData['data']['model name']
                    processorData['model'] = ''

                # Summary is a string to briefly describe the CPU, like "2GHZ x 2", meaning it's a 2-core cpu with 2GHZ speed.
                if ('bogomips' not in processorData):
                    capacity['bogomips'] = ''
                    capacity['summary'] = ''
                    capacity['bogomips'] = processorData['bogomips']
                    capacity['summary'] = processorData[
                        'bogomips'] + " MHz x " + str(coreCount) + coresString

                capacity['model'] = processorData['model']
                capacity['architecture'] = 'ARM'

                modelName = processorData['model name'].replace("(R)",
                                                                    " CPU", "")
                if (" @" in modelName):
                    modelName = modelName[0:modelName.find(" @")]
                processorData['model'] = modelName

                processorSpeed = Decimal(processorData['cpu MHz']).quantize(

                # Summary is a string to briefly describe the CPU, like "2GHZ x 2", meaning it's a 2-core cpu with 2GHZ speed.
                capacity['summary'] = str(processorSpeed) + " MHz x " + str(
                    coreCount) + coresString
                capacity['model'] = modelName
                capacity['bogomips'] = processorData['bogomips']
                capacity['architecture'] = 'X86'


        responseData['data'] = capacity
        return responseData

    def getStatus(self):

        statData = self.getStat()
        allIdleRatio = self.client.toDecimal(statData['data']['all']['idle'])

        componentInfo = {}
        componentInfo["name"] = "cpu"
        componentInfo["ratio"] = 100 - allIdleRatio
        componentInfo['server'] = self.server

        if (self.config == 'debug'):
            componentInfo['rawResult'] = statData['rawResult']

        return componentInfo

    def getStat(self):

        results = self.client.getCmdMpStat()
        if (results == None):
            return None

        statData = {}

        statData['rawResult'] = results

        statData['data'] = {}
        for line in results:

            if (line.strip() == ''):

            lineValues = line.split()

            cpuStat = {}
            cpuStat['idle'] = self.client.toDecimal(lineValues[-1])
            cpuStat['gnice'] = self.client.toDecimal(lineValues[-2])
            cpuStat['guest'] = self.client.toDecimal(lineValues[-3])
            cpuStat['steal'] = self.client.toDecimal(lineValues[-4])
            cpuStat['soft'] = self.client.toDecimal(lineValues[-5])
            cpuStat['irq'] = self.client.toDecimal(lineValues[-6])
            cpuStat['iowait'] = self.client.toDecimal(lineValues[-7])
            cpuStat['system'] = self.client.toDecimal(lineValues[-8])
            cpuStat['nice'] = self.client.toDecimal(lineValues[-9])
            cpuStat['user'] = self.client.toDecimal(lineValues[-10])

            cpuName = lineValues[-11]
            statData['data'][cpuName] = cpuStat

        statData['server'] = self.server

        return statData

    def getAverageLoad(self):
        responseLines = self.client.getResponse('GetProcLoadavg')

        responseData = {}
        if (self.config == 'debug'):
            responseData['rawResult'] = responseLines[:]

        response = responseLines[0].split(" ")

        # '0.00 0.01 0.05 1/103 24750
        # 'avg system load of 1 minute ago, 5 minutes ago, 15 minutes ago,
        # the fourth is A/B, A is the number of running processes
        # B is the total process count.
        # last number, like 24750 is the ID of the most recently running process.
        resultData = {}
        resultData['last1'] = self.client.toDecimal(response[0])
        resultData['last5'] = self.client.toDecimal(response[1])
        resultData['last15'] = self.client.toDecimal(response[2])

        responseData['data'] = resultData

        return responseData

    def getTopOutput(self, responseLines=None):

        if (responseLines == None):
            responseLines = self.client.getResponse('GetCmdTop')

        if (len(responseLines) == 0):
            return {}

        responseData = {}
        if (self.config == 'debug'):
            responseData['rawResult'] = responseLines[:]

        headerLine = responseLines.pop(0)
        while (not re.match(r'\W*PID\W+USER\W+.*', headerLine, re.M | re.I)):
            headerLine = responseLines.pop(0)

        headerColumns = headerLine.split()

        result = {}

        for lineIndex, responseLine in enumerate(responseLines):
            if (self.client.LEPDENDINGSTRING in responseLine):

            if (lineIndex > self.maxDataCount):

            lineValues = responseLine.split()

            result[lineIndex] = {}

            # print(headerLine)
            for columnIndex, columnName in enumerate(headerColumns):
                if (columnName == 'Name' or columnName == 'CMD'):
                    result[lineIndex][columnName] = ' '.join(
                        [str(x) for x in lineValues[columnIndex:]])
                    result[lineIndex][columnName] = lineValues[columnIndex]

        responseData['data'] = {}
        responseData['data']['top'] = result
        responseData['data']['headerline'] = headerLine

        if (re.match(r'\W*PID\W+USER\W+PR\W+.*', headerLine, re.M | re.I)):
            # android :
            #   PID USER     PR  NI CPU% S  #THR     VSS     RSS PCY Name
            responseData['data']['os'] = 'android'
        elif (re.match(r'\W*PID\W+USER\W+PRI\W+NI\W+VSZ\W+RSS\W+.*',
                       headerLine, re.M | re.I)):
            # for Linux:
            # PID USER     PRI  NI    VSZ   RSS S %CPU %MEM     TIME CMD
            responseData['data']['os'] = 'linux'
            print("GetCmdTop command returned data from unrecognized system")

        return responseData