예제 #1
def get_observations_by_time(
    prd: PartialRetrievalDictionary
) -> Dict[str, List[Tuple[float, FactorQuantitativeObservation]]]:
    Process All QQ observations (intensive or extensive):
    * Store in a compact way (then clear), by Time-period, by Interface, by Observer.
    * Convert to float or prepare AST
    * Store as value the result plus the QQ observation (in a tuple)

    :param prd:
    :param relative: True->a QQ observation relative to the value of another interface
    :return: another PartialRetrievalDictionary, the Observers and the Time Periods (indexed)
    observations: Dict[str, List[Tuple[float,
                                       FactorQuantitativeObservation]]] = {}
    state = State()

    # Get all observations by time
    for observation in find_quantitative_observations(
            prd, processor_instances_only=True):

        # Try to evaluate the observation value
        value, ast, _, issues = evaluate_numeric_expression_with_parameters(
            observation.value, state)

        # Store: (Value, FactorQuantitativeObservation)
        time = observation.attributes["time"]
        if time not in observations:
            observations[time] = []

        observations[time].append((ifnull(value, ast), observation))

    # Check all time periods are consistent. All should be Year or Month, but not both.
    time_period_type = get_type_from_all_time_periods(list(
    assert (time_period_type in ["Year", "Month"])

    # Remove generic period type and insert it into all specific periods. E.g. "Year" into "2010", "2011" and "2012"
    if time_period_type in observations:
        # Generic monthly ("Month") or annual ("Year") data
        periodic_observations = observations[time_period_type]
        del observations[time_period_type]

        for time in observations:
            observations[time] += periodic_observations

    return observations
예제 #2
def get_observations_OLD(prd: PartialRetrievalDictionary) \
        -> Tuple[PartialRetrievalDictionary, PartialRetrievalDictionary, Dict[str, int]]:
    Process All QQ observations (intensive or extensive):
    * Store in a compact way (then clear), by Time-period, by Interface, by Observer.
    * Convert to float or prepare AST
    * Store as value the result plus the QQ observation (in a tuple)

    :param prd:
    :param relative: True->a QQ observation relative to the value of another interface
    :return: another PartialRetrievalDictionary, the Observers and the Time Periods (indexed)
    observations_prd = PartialRetrievalDictionary()
    relative_observations_prd = PartialRetrievalDictionary()
    time_periods: Dict[str, int] = create_dictionary(
    )  # Dictionary of time periods and the associated IDX
    state = State()

    next_time_period_idx = 0
    for observation in find_quantitative_observations(
            prd, processor_instances_only=True):

        # Obtain time period index
        time = observation.attributes["time"]
        if time not in time_periods:
            time_periods[time] = next_time_period_idx
            next_time_period_idx += 1

        # Elaborate Key: Interface, Time, Observer
        key = dict(__i=observation.factor,

        value, ast, _, issues = evaluate_numeric_expression_with_parameters(
            observation.value, state)
        if not value:
            value = ast

        # Store Key: (Value, FactorQuantitativeObservation)
        if observation.is_relative:
            relative_observations_prd.put(key, (value, observation))
            observations_prd.put(key, (value, observation))

    return observations_prd, relative_observations_prd, time_periods
예제 #3
def construct_flow_graph_2(state: State,
                           query: IQueryObjects,
                           filt: Union[str, dict],
                           format: str = "visjs"):
    Prepare a graph from which conclusions about factors can be extracted

        1) Obtain "s", the serialized state from Redis or from a test file
        2) state = deserialize_state(s)
        3) query = BasicQuery(state) # Create a Query and execute a query
        4) construct_solve_graph(state, query, None)

    :param state: State
    :param query: A IQueryObjects instance (which has been already injected the state)
    :param filt: A filter to be passed to the query instance
    :param format: VisJS, GML, ...
    include_processors = False  # For completeness (not clarity...), include processors nodes, as a way to visualize grouped factors
    will_write = True  # For debugging purposes, affects how the properties attached to nodes and edges are elaborated
    expand_factors_graph = False  # Expand transformation between FactorTypes into instances of Factors

    # Format for different node types
    stated_factor_no_observation = dict(graphics={'fill': "#999900"})  # Golden
    stated_factor_some_observation = dict(graphics={'fill':
                                                    "#ffff00"})  # Yellow
    qq_attached_to_factor = dict(graphics={
        'fill': "#eeee00",
        "type": "ellipse"
    })  # Less bright Yellow
    non_stated_factor = dict(graphics={'fill': "#999999"})
    a_processor = dict(graphics={"type": "hexagon", "color": "#aa2211"})

    # Format for different edge types
    edge_from_factor_type = dict(graphics={
        "fill": "#ff0000",
        "width": 1,
        "targetArrow": "standard"
    edge_processor_to_factor = dict(graphics={
        "fill": "#ff00ff",
        "width": 3,
        "targetArrow": "standard"
    edge_factors_flow = dict(graphics={
        "fill": "#000000",
        "width": 5,
        "targetArrow": "standard"
    edge_factors_scale = dict(graphics={
        "fill": "#333333",
        "width": 3,
        "targetArrow": "standard"
    edge_factors_relative_to = dict(graphics={
        "fill": "#00ffff",
        "width": 3,
        "targetArrow": "standard"
    edge_factor_value = dict(graphics={
        "fill": "#aaaaaa",
        "width": 1,
        "targetArrow": "standard"

    glb_idx, p_sets, hh, datasets, mappings = get_case_study_registry_objects(

    # Obtain the information needed to elaborate the graph
    objs = query.execute([
        Processor, Factor, FactorType,
        FactorsRelationScaleObservation, FactorsRelationDirectedFlowObservation
    ], filt)

    # 1) Graphical Representation: BOX -- BOX
    # 2) Internal (not for end-users), pseudo-code:
    # Processor1 <- Factor1 -> FactorType0
    # Processor2 <- Factor2 -> FactorType0
    # Processor3 <- Factor3 -> FactorType1
    # Processor3 <- Factor4 -> FactorType0
    # Factor1 <- FactorsRelationDirectedFlowObservation(0.4) -> Factor2
    # Factor1 <- FactorsRelationDirectedFlowObservation(0.6) -> Factor4
    # Factor1 <- FactorQuantitativeObservation(5.3 m²)
    # FactorType0 -> FactorTypesRelationUnidirectionalLinearTransformObservation(ctx) -> FactorType1
    # Factor4 -> w1 -> Factor3
    # Factor5 -> w2 -> Factor3

    # Index quantitative observations.
    # Also, mark Factors having QQs (later this will serve to color differently these nodes)
    qqs = {}
    qq_cont = 0
    factors_with_some_observation = set()
    for o in find_quantitative_observations(glb_idx):
        # Index quantitative observations.
        if "relative_to" in o.attributes and o.attributes["relative_to"]:
            continue  # Do not index intensive quantities, because they are translated as edges in the graph
        if o.factor in qqs:
            lst = qqs[o.factor]
            lst = []
            qqs[o.factor] = lst
        # Mark Factors having QQs (later this will serve to color differently these nodes)

    # ---- MAIN GRAPH: Factors and relations between them --------------------------------------------------------------
    the_node_names_set = set()

    # --   Nodes: "Factor"s passing the filter, and QQs associated to some of the Factors
    n = []
    e = []
    f_types = {}  # Contains a list of Factors for each FactorType
    p_factors = {}  # Contains a list of Factors per Processor7
    rel_to_observations = set(
    )  # Set of FactorObservation having "relative_to" property defined
    factors = create_dictionary()  # Factor_ID -> Factor
    for f in objs[Factor]:
        f_id = get_factor_id(f, prd=glb_idx)
        factors[f_id] = f  # Dictionary Factor_ID -> Factor
        # f_types
        if f.taxon in f_types:
            lst = f_types[f.taxon]
            lst = []
            f_types[f.taxon] = lst
        # p_factors
        if f.processor in p_factors:
            lst = p_factors[f.processor]
            lst = []
            p_factors[f.processor] = lst

        # Add Node to graph
        if will_write:
            n.append((f_id, stated_factor_some_observation
                      if f in factors_with_some_observation else
            if f in qqs:
                for qq in qqs[f]:
                    if not ("relative_to" in qq.attributes
                            and qq.attributes["relative_to"]):
                        # value = str(qq.value)  # str(qq_cont) + ": " + str(qq.value)
                        value_node_name = f_id + " " + str(qq.value)
                        n.append((value_node_name, qq_attached_to_factor))
                        e.append((value_node_name, f_id, {
                            "w": "",
                            "label": "",
                        qq_cont += 1
            qqs2 = [
                qq for qq in qqs if not ("relative_to" in qq.attributes
                                         and qq.attributes["relative_to"])
            d = dict(factor=factor_to_dict(f),
                     observations=qqs[f_id] if f_id in qqs2 else [])
            n.append((f_id, d))

    # --   Edges
    # "Relative to" relation (internal to the Processor) -> Intensive to Extensive
    for o in rel_to_observations:
        if "relative_to" in o.attributes and o.attributes["relative_to"]:
            # Parse "defining_factor", it can be composed of the factor name AND the unit
            defining_factor = o.attributes["relative_to"]
            ast = parser_field_parsers.string_to_ast(
                parser_field_parsers.factor_unit, defining_factor)
            factor_type = ast_to_string(ast["factor"])
            unit_name = ast["unparsed_unit"]
            f_id = get_factor_id(o.factor, prd=glb_idx)
            # Check that "f_id" exists in the nodes list (using "factors")
            # If "defining_factor" exists in the processor, ok. If not, create it.
            # Find factor_type in the processor
            factor_name = get_processor_id(
                o.factor.processor) + ":" + factor_type
            e.append((factor_name, f_id, {
                "w": o.value.expression,
                "label": o.value.expression,

    # Directed Flows between Factors
    for df in objs[FactorsRelationDirectedFlowObservation]:
        sf = get_factor_id(df.source_factor, prd=glb_idx)
        tf = get_factor_id(df.target_factor, prd=glb_idx)
        # Check that both "sf" and "tf" exist in the nodes list (using "factors")
        weight = df.weight if df.weight else "1"
        e.append((sf, tf, {"w": weight, "label": weight, **edge_factors_flow}))

    # Scale Flows between Factors
    for df in objs[FactorsRelationScaleObservation]:
        sf = get_factor_id(df.origin, prd=glb_idx)
        tf = get_factor_id(df.destination, prd=glb_idx)
        # Check that both "sf" and "tf" exist in the nodes list (using "factors")
        weight = str(df.quantity) if df.quantity else "1"
        e.append((sf, tf, {
            "w": weight,
            "label": weight,

    # TODO Consider Upscale relations
    # e.append((..., ..., {"w": upscale_weight, "label": upscale_weight, **edge_factors_upscale}))

    # -- Create the graph
    factors_graph = nx.DiGraph()

    # nx.write_gml(factors_graph, "/home/rnebot/IntermediateGraph.gml")

    n = []
    e = []
    # --   Nodes: "FactorType"s passing the filter
    for ft in objs[FactorType]:
        n.append((get_factor_type_id(ft), dict(factor_type=ft)))

    # --   Edges
    # Hierarchy and expressions stated in the hierarchy
    ft_in = {
    }  # Because FactorTypes cannot be both in hierarchy AND expression, marks if it has been specified one was, to raise an error if it is specified also the other way
    for ft in objs[FactorType]:
        ft_id = get_factor_type_id(ft)
        if ft.expression:
            if ft not in ft_in:
                # TODO Create one or more relations, from other FactorTypes (same Hierarchy) to this one
                # TODO The expression can only be a sum of FactorTypes (same Hierarchy)
                ft_in[ft] = "expression"
                # TODO Check that both "ft-id" and "..." exist in the nodes list (keep a temporary set)
                # weight = ...
                # e.append((ft_id, ..., {"w": weight, "label": weight, "origin": ft, "destination": ...}))

        if ft.parent:
            if ft.parent not in ft_in or (ft.parent in ft_in
                                          and ft_in[ft.parent] == "hierarchy"):
                # Create an edge from this FactorType
                ft_in[ft.parent] = "hierarchy"
                parent_ft_id = get_factor_type_id(ft.parent)
                # TODO Check that both "ft-id" and "parent_ft_id" exist in the nodes list (keep a temporary set)
                # Add the edge
                e.append((ft_id, parent_ft_id, {
                    "w": "1",
                    "origin": ft,
                    "destination": ft.parent
                raise Exception(
                    "The FactorType '" + ft_id +
                    "' has been specified by an expression, it cannot be parent."
    # Linear transformations
    for f_rel in objs[
        origin = get_factor_type_id(f_rel.origin)
        destination = get_factor_type_id(f_rel.destination)
        e.append((origin, destination, {
            "w": f_rel.weight,
            "label": f_rel.weight,
            "origin": f_rel.origin,
            "destination": f_rel.destination

    # ---- Create FACTOR TYPES graph ----

    factor_types_graph = nx.DiGraph()

    sg_list = []  # List of modified (augmented) subgraphs
    if expand_factors_graph:
        # The idea is: clone a FactorTypes subgraph if a Factor instances some of its member nodes
        # This cloning process can imply creating NEW Factors

        the_new_node_names_set = set()

        # Obtain weak components of the main graph. Each can be considered separately

        # for sg in nx.weakly_connected_component_subgraphs(factors_graph):  # For each subgraph
        #     print("--------------------------------")
        #     for n in sg.nodes():
        #         print(n)

        # ---- Weakly connected components of "factor_types_graph" ----
        factor_types_subgraphs = list(

        for sg in nx.weakly_connected_component_subgraphs(
                factors_graph):  # For each subgraph
            # Consider each Factor of the subgraph
            unprocessed_factors = set(sg.nodes())
            while unprocessed_factors:  # For each UNPROCESSED Factor
                tmp = unprocessed_factors.pop(
                )  # Get next unprocessed "factor name"
                if tmp not in factors:  # QQ Observations are in the graph and not in "factors". The same with Processors
                f_ = factors[tmp]  # Obtain Factor from "factor name"
                ft_id = get_factor_type_id(
                    f_)  # Obtain FactorType name from Factor
                # Iterate through FactorTypes and check if the Factor appears
                for sg2 in factor_types_subgraphs:  # Each FactorTypes subgraph
                    if ft_id in sg2:  # If the current Factor is in the subgraph
                        if len(
                        ) > 1:  # If the FactorType subgraph has at least two nodes
                            # CLONE FACTOR TYPES SUBGRAPH
                            # Nodes. Create if not present already
                            n = []
                            e = []
                            for n2, attrs in sg2.nodes().items(
                            ):  # Each node in the FactorTypes subgraph
                                ft_ = attrs["factor_type"]
                                f_id = get_factor_id(f_.processor,
                                if f_id not in sg:  # If the FactorType is not
                                    # Create Factor, from processor and ft_ -> f_new
                                    _, _, f_new = find_or_create_observable(
                                        state, name=f_id, source="solver")
                                    factors[f_id] = f_new
                                    if f_id not in the_node_names_set:
                                        if will_write:
                                            n.append((f_id, non_stated_factor))
                                            d = dict(
                                            n.append((f_id, d))
                                    if f_id not in the_node_names_set:
                            # Edges. Create relations between factors
                            for r2, w_ in sg2.edges().items():
                                # Find origin and destination nodes. Copy weight. Adapt weight? If it refers to a FactorType, instance it?
                                origin = get_factor_id(f_.processor,
                                destination = get_factor_id(f_.processor,
                                if origin in the_new_node_names_set or destination in the_new_node_names_set:
                                    graphics = edge_from_factor_type
                                    graphics = {}
                                e.append((origin, destination, {
                                    "w": w_["w"],
                                    "label": w_["w"],

        # for sg in sg_list:
        #     print("--------------------------------")
        #     for n in sg.nodes():
        #         print(n)

    # Recompose the original graph
    if sg_list:
        factors_graph = nx.compose_all(sg_list)
        ##factors_graph = nx.DiGraph()

    # ----
    # Add "Processor"s just as a way to visualize grouping of factors (they do not influence relations between factors)
    # -
    if include_processors:
        n = []
        e = []
        for p in objs[Processor]:
            p_id = get_processor_id(p)
            if will_write:
                n.append((p_id, a_processor))
                n.append((p_id, processor_to_dict(p)))
            # Edges between Processors and Factors
            for f in p_factors[p]:
                f_id = get_factor_id(f, prd=glb_idx)
                e.append((p_id, f_id, edge_processor_to_factor))

    # for ft in objs[FactorType]:
    #     if ft.parent:
    #         # Check which Factors are instances of this FactorType
    #         if ft in f_types:
    #             for f in f_types[ft]:
    #                 # Check if the processor contains the parent Factor
    #                 processor_factors = p_factors[f.processor]
    #                 if ft.parent not in processor_factors:
    #                     factor_data = (f.processor, ft)
    #                 else:
    #                     factor_data = None
    #                 create_factor = f in qqs  # If there is some Observation
    #                 create_factor = True # Force creation
    #         # Consider the creation of a relation
    #         # Consider also the creation of a new Factor (a new Node for now): if the child has some observation for sure (maybe a child of the child had an observation, so it is the same)
    #         ft_id =
    #     ft_id =

    # Plot graph to file
    # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # ax = plt.subplot(111)
    # ax.set_title('Soslaires Graph', fontsize=10)
    # nx.draw(factors_graph, with_labels=True)
    # plt.savefig("/home/rnebot/Graph.png", format="PNG")

    # GML File
    # nx.write_gml(factors_graph, "/home/rnebot/Graph.gml")

    ret = None
    if format == "visjs":
        # Assign IDs to nodes. Change edges "from" and "to" accordingly
        ids_map = create_dictionary()
        id_count = 0
        for node in factors_graph.nodes(data=True):
            sid = str(id_count)
            node[1]["id"] = sid
            ids_map[node[0]] = sid
            id_count += 1

        vis_nodes = []
        vis_edges = []
        for node in factors_graph.nodes(data=True):
            d = dict(id=node[1]["id"], label=node[0])
            if "shape" in node[1]:
                # circle, ellipse, database, box, diamond, dot, square, triangle, triangleDown, text, star
                d["shape"] = node[1]["shape"]
                d["shape"] = "box"
            if "color" in node[1]:
                d["color"] = node[1]["color"]
        for edge in factors_graph.edges(data=True):
            f = ids_map[edge[0]]
            t = ids_map[edge[1]]
            d = {"from": f, "to": t, "arrows": "to"}
            data = edge[2]
            if "w" in data:
                d["label"] = data["w"]
                d["font"] = {"align": "horizontal"}

        ret = str({"nodes": vis_nodes, "edges": vis_edges})
    elif format == "gml":
        ret1 = io.BytesIO()
        nx.write_gml(factors_graph, ret1)
        ret = ret1.getvalue()

    return ret

    # #########################################################################3

    # GEXF File
    # nx.write_gexf(factors_graph, "/home/rnebot/Graph.gexf")

    # Legend graph
    n = []
    e = []
    n.append(("Factor with Observation", stated_factor_some_observation))
    n.append(("Factor with No Observation", stated_factor_no_observation))
    if include_processors:
        n.append(("Processor", a_processor))
    n.append(("Factor from FactorType", non_stated_factor))
    n.append(("QQ Observation", qq_attached_to_factor))
    n.append(("QQ Intensive Observation", qq_attached_to_factor))

    e.append(("A Factor", "Another Factor", {
        "label": "Flow between Factors, attaching the weight",
    e.append(("Factor #1", "Factor #2", {
        "label": "Relation from a FactorType",
    if include_processors:
        e.append(("Processor", "A Factor", {
            "label": "Link from Processor to Factor",
    e.append(("A Factor", "Same Factor in another processor", {
        "label": "Upscale a Factor in two processors",
    e.append(("Factor with Observation", "QQ Intensive Observation", {
        "Observation proportional to extensive value of factor same processor",
    e.append(("QQ Observation", "A Factor", {
        "label": "A QQ Observation",
    factors_graph = nx.DiGraph()