예제 #1
파일: views.py 프로젝트: bovitobo/bo
def updateDept(kwargs):

    file        = kwargs['file']
    enabled     = False

    request     = kwargs['request']
    parent_user = getParentuser(request)

    path = "%s/%s" % (settings.UPLOAD_ITEM_DIR, file.name,)

    destination = open(path, 'wb+')

    for chunk in file.chunks():

    csvfile = csv.reader(open(path, 'rb'), delimiter=settings.CSV_DELIMITER)

    #header exist -> skip header

    i = 0
    j = 0

    msg = []

    for row in csvfile:
            row = clean(row)

            item_id = replace(str(row[0]).strip()) # remove spaces from front and back
            dept = replace(str(row[1]).strip()) # remove spaces from front and back

            if item_id == '' or dept == '':

                item = Item.objects.get(id=item_id)
                j = j+ 1
                if item.loc_ret_dept != '' and item.loc_ret_dept != None and item.loc_ret_dept != " ":
                    msg.append('loc_ret_dept=' + item.loc_ret_dept)
                    item.loc_ret_dept = dept
                    i = i + 1
            except Exception, err:
                #something went wrong with this item, let's just continue

        except Exception, err:
            #something went wrong with this item, let's just continue
예제 #2
파일: handlers.py 프로젝트: bovitobo/bo
    def create(self, request):
        ready_data_true =  {'success': True }
        ready_data_false = {'success': False}

        if not request.user.is_authenticated():
            ready_data_false["error"] = "Authorization is failed"
            return ready_data_false

        currentProfile = Profile.getProfile( request.user)

            ext_posted_data = simplejson.loads(request.POST.get('items'))
            attrs = self.flatten_dict(ext_posted_data)

            req = check(request, id=None, attrs=attrs)

            if req == True:
                item = self.model.objects.create(\
                    name = replace(attrs['name']), \
                    category_id = attrs['category_id'], \
                    unit_id = attrs['unit_id'], \
                    upc = replace(attrs['upc']), \
                    upc_2 = replace(attrs['upc_2']), \
                    upc_3 = replace(attrs['upc_3']), \
                    upc_case = replace(attrs['upc_case']), \
                    notes=replace(attrs['notes']), \
                    image_url=attrs['image_url'], \
                    qt_in_stock=0, \
                    qt_to_stock=0, \
                    min_qt_in_stock=2, \
                    enabled=True, \
                    sales_price=0, \
                    loc_stock = u'',\
                    loc_ret_dept = u'',\
                    loc_ret_col = u'',\
                    loc_ret_row = u'',\
                    inventory_no_count = False,\
                    so_ignore_no_sales = False,\
                    so_do_not_order = False,\
                    so_always_order = 0,\
                ready_data_true['items'] = item.list(item.id)
                return ready_data_true
                ready_data_false['errors'] = req
                return ready_data_false
        except Exception, err:
            logger.error('REQUEST: %s' % str(request) )
            ready_data_false['errors'] = err.message
            ready_data_false['name'] = replace(attrs['name'])
            return ready_data_false
예제 #3
파일: profit.py 프로젝트: bovitobo/bo
def profitReport(profile, params):
    ready_data_true =  {'success': True }
    ready_data_false = {'success': False}
    profit = []
    total = 0

        if params == None:
            logger.error('No params specified')
            raise Exception('No params specified')

        # check not required param start
        #start = 0
        #if 'start' in params:
        #    start = int(params['start'])

        # check not required param limit
        #limit = 25
        #if 'limit' in params:
        #    limit = int(params['limit'])

        loc_ret_dept = None
        if 'loc_ret_dept' in params:
            loc_ret_dept = replace(params['loc_ret_dept']).strip()
            raise Exception('Location Department is Required Field')

        date_from = None
        if 'date_from' in params:
            date_from_index     = params['date_from'].find('T')
            date_from           = params['date_from'][0:date_from_index]
            date_from           = date_from  + " 00:00:00"
            raise Exception('Date-From is Required Field')

        date_to = None
        if 'date_to' in params:
            date_to_index   = params['date_to'].find('T')
            date_to         = params['date_to'][0:date_to_index]
            date_to         = date_to  + " 23:59:59"
            raise Exception('Date-To is Required Field')

        # For each item need to:
        # 2. Find total sales for date frame
        total_sales = 0
        sales = Sales.objects.select_related('item').filter(date_from__gte=date_from, date_to__lte=date_to, \
            item__loc_ret_dept=loc_ret_dept, user=profile.parent_user). \
                values("item__upc", 'item__name', 'item__enabled', "item_id"). \
                annotate(total_qt_sold=Sum('qt_sold'), total_sales=Sum('total_price'))

        return_dict = {}
        for sale in sales:
            sale['profit'] = sale['total_sales']
            sale['total_expense'] = 0
            return_dict[sale['item_id']] = sale

        in_details = InvoiceDetail.objects.select_related('item', 'invoice').filter(invoice__date__gte=date_from, invoice__date__lte=date_to, \
            item__loc_ret_dept=loc_ret_dept, user=profile.parent_user). \
                values("item__upc", 'item__name', "item_id"). \
        in_count = InvoiceDetail.objects.filter(invoice__date__gte=date_from, invoice__date__lte=date_to, \
            item__loc_ret_dept=loc_ret_dept, item__enabled=True, user=profile.parent_user).count()
        for in_detail in in_details:
            if in_detail['item_id'] in return_dict:
                return_dict[in_detail['item_id']]['total_expense'] = in_detail['total_expense']
                return_dict[in_detail['item_id']]['profit'] = return_dict[in_detail['item_id']]['total_sales'] - in_detail['total_expense']

        ready_data_true['items'] = return_dict.values()
        ready_data_true['total'] = len(return_dict)
        #ready_data_true['p_details'] = in_details
        #ready_data_true['p_count'] = in_count
        #ready_data_true['date_from'] = date_from
        #ready_data_true['date_to'] = date_to
        return ready_data_true

        # 3. Find total Expense for date frame
        # 4. Find total profit (Sales - Expense)
        # 4. Find profit % -- (profit * 100)/sales
        #data = {}
        #data['item_id']         = item.id
        #ata['item__name']      = item.name
        #data['item__upc']       = item.upc
        #data['sales']           = total_sales
        #data['expense']         = 0
        #data['profit']          = 0
        #data['profit_percent']  = 0

        total = total + 1

        ready_data_true['items'] = profit
        ready_data_true['total'] = total
        return ready_data_true

    except Exception, err:
        ready_data_false['errors'] = err
        ready_data_false['params'] = params

        return ready_data_false
예제 #4
파일: profile.py 프로젝트: bovitobo/bo
def createProfile(parent_user = None, params = None):
    if params == None:
        logger.error('No params specified')
        raise Exception('No params specified')

        # check required param company_name
        if 'p_company_name' not in params:
            raise Exception('Company Name is Required')
            company_name = replace(params['p_company_name']).strip()
            if company_name == '':
                raise Exception('Company Name is Required')
        if parent_user == None:
            """Create User"""
            # check not required param username
            if 'username' not in params:
                username = company_name.strip(' ') + '_' + str(random.randint(1,9999))
                username = replace(params['username']).strip(' ') # remove all spaces, even between words
                if username == '':
                    username = company_name.replace(" ", "") # remove all spaces, even between words
                    username = username + '_' + str(random.randint(1,9999))

            # check param password
            if 'password' not in params:
                password = '******' # 'password'
                password = replace(params['password']).strip()
                if password == None or password.strip() == '':
                    password = '******'

            if User.objects.filter(username=username).exists():
                raise Exception("User with User Name: '" + username + "' already Exist, Please choose another User Name")

            user = User.objects.create(username=username, password=password, date_joined=datetime.now())

        """Create Profile"""
        if parent_user == None:
            parent_user = user
            user = parent_user

        # check not requried params
        if 'email' not in params: email = ''
        else: email = replace(params['email']).strip()

        if 'description' not in params: description = ''
        else: description = replace(params['description']).strip()

        if 'first_name' not in params: first_name = ''
        else: first_name = replace(params['first_name']).strip()

        if 'last_name' not in params: last_name = ''
        else: last_name = replace(params['last_name']).strip()

        if 'phone_num_1' not in params: phone_num_1 = ''
        else: phone_num_1 = replace(params['phone_num_1']).strip()

        if 'phone_num_2' not in params: phone_num_2 = ''
        else: phone_num_2 = replace(params['phone_num_2']).strip()

        if 'web_page' not in params: web_page = ''
        else: web_page = replace(params['web_page']).strip()

        if 'fax_num' not in params: fax_num = ''
        else: fax_num = replace(params['fax_num']).strip()

        if 'address_1' not in params: address_1 = ''
        else: address_1 = replace(params['address_1']).strip()

        if 'address_2' not in params: address_2 = ''
        else: address_2 = replace(params['address_2']).strip()

        if 'address_3' not in params: address_3 = ''
        else: address_3 = replace(params['address_3']).strip()

        if 'address_4' not in params: address_4 = ''
        else: address_4 = replace(params['address_4']).strip()

        if 'address_5' not in params: address_5 = ''
        else: address_5 = replace(params['address_5']).strip()

        if 'mobile_phone_num' not in params: mobile_phone_num = ''
        else: mobile_phone_num = replace(params['mobile_phone_num']).strip()

        if 'notes' not in params: notes = ''
        else: notes = replace(params['notes']).strip()

        if 'category' not in params: category = ''
        else: category = replace(params['category']).strip()

        # check required param role
        if 'role' not in params:
            raise Exception('role is Required')
            role = replace(params['role']).strip()
            if role.strip() == '':
                raise Exception('role is Required')

        # create default Settings for this profile
        settings = Settings.createDefaultSettings(user)

        newProfile = Profile(                       \
            user = user                             \
            ,parent_user = parent_user              \
            ,settings = settings                    \
            ,role = role                            \
            ,company_name = company_name            \
            ,email = email                          \
            ,description = description              \
            ,first_name = first_name                \
            ,last_name = last_name                  \
            ,phone_num_1 = phone_num_1              \
            ,phone_num_2 = phone_num_2              \
            ,web_page = web_page                    \
            ,fax_num = fax_num                      \
            ,address_1 = address_1                  \
            ,address_2 = address_2                  \
            ,address_3 = address_3                  \
            ,address_4 = address_4                  \
            ,address_5 = address_5                  \
            ,mobile_phone_num = mobile_phone_num    \
            ,notes = notes                          \
            ,category = category                    \


        return newProfile

    except Exception, err:
        raise err # throw error farther to caller
예제 #5
파일: sales.py 프로젝트: bovitobo/bo
def salesReport(profile, params):
    ready_data_true =  {'success': True }
    ready_data_false = {'success': False}

        if params == None:
            logger.error('No params specified')
            raise Exception('No params specified')

        # check not required param loc_ret_dept
        loc_ret_dept = None
        if 'loc_ret_dept' in params:
            loc_ret_dept = replace(params['loc_ret_dept']).strip()

        # check not required param num_of_weeks
        num_of_weeks = 4 # 4 is default
        if 'num_of_weeks' in params and params['num_of_weeks'] is not None:
            num_of_weeks = replace(params['num_of_weeks']).strip()

        # check not required param start
        start = 0
        if 'start' in params:
            start = int(params['start'])

        # check not required param limit
        limit = 25
        if 'limit' in params:
            limit = int(params['limit'])

        today = date.today()

        days_before = int(num_of_weeks)*7
        date_to = today - timedelta(days=days_before)

        if loc_ret_dept != None:
            total = len(Sales.objects.filter(date_to__gt=date_to, user=profile.parent_user, \
                item__loc_ret_dept=loc_ret_dept, item__enabled=True). \
                values("upc"). \
                annotate(total_qt_sold=Sum('qt_sold'), total_price=Sum('total_price'), \
                        cost=Sum('cost'), profit=Sum('profit')))
            sales = Sales.objects.select_related('item').filter(date_to__gt=date_to, user=profile.parent_user, \
                item__loc_ret_dept=loc_ret_dept, item__enabled=True). \
                values("upc", 'item__name', "item_id", 'item__qt_in_stock', 'item__loc_ret_dept', \
                        'item__loc_ret_col', 'item__min_qt_in_stock', 'item__notes'). \
                annotate(total_qt_sold=Sum('qt_sold'), total_price=Sum('total_price'), \
                        cost=Sum('cost'), profit=Sum('profit'))[start:start+limit]

            total = len(Sales.objects.filter(date_to__gt=date_to, user=profile.parent_user, item__enabled=True). \
                values("upc"). \
                annotate(total_qt_sold=Sum('qt_sold'), total_price=Sum('total_price'), \
                        cost=Sum('cost'), profit=Sum('profit')))
            sales = Sales.objects.filter(date_to__gt=date_to, user=profile.user, item__enabled=True). \
                values("upc", 'item__name', "item_id", 'item__qt_in_stock', 'item__loc_ret_dept', \
                        'item__loc_ret_col', 'item__min_qt_in_stock', 'item__notes'). \
                annotate(total_qt_sold=Sum('qt_sold'), total_price=Sum('total_price'), \
                        cost=Sum('cost'), profit=Sum('profit'))[start:start+limit]

        #data = {}
        #data['total_qt_sold'] =sales[0].total_qt_sold
        #data['description'] =sales[0].description
        #data['total_price'] =sales[0].total_price
        #data['upc'] =sales[0].upc

        #ready_data_true['items'] = data
        ready_data_true['items'] = sales
        #ready_data_true['sales-0'] = sales[0]
        ready_data_true['total'] = total
        ready_data_true['days_before'] = str(days_before)
        ready_data_true['date_to'] = str(date_to)
        ready_data_true['num_of_weeks'] = num_of_weeks
        return ready_data_true

    except Exception, err:
        ready_data_false['errors'] = err
        return ready_data_false
예제 #6
파일: item.py 프로젝트: bovitobo/bo
def update(profile, args=None, id=None):
    ready_data_true =  {'success': True }
    ready_data_false = {'success': False}

        doUpdateBestPriced = False

        if profile == None:
            raise Exception('No Profile specified')

        if profile.get_role_display() != 'Customer': # only Customer and Sub-customer are allowed to modify Item
            if profile.get_role_display() != 'Sub-customer' :
                logger.error("Wrong User Type: " + profile.get_role_display())
                raise Exception('Not Allowed: Wrong User Type')

        if args == None:
            raise Exception('No Arguments are given')

        item = None
        item_id = None

        if id:
            item_id = id
                item = Item.objects.get(id=item_id, user=profile.parent_user)
            except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                raise Exception (u"Item is not found")

        if 'id' in args:
            item_id = args['id']
                item = Item.objects.get(id=item_id, user=profile.parent_user)
            except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                raise Exception (u"Item is not found")

        if 'item_id' in args:
            item_id = args['item_id']
                item = Item.objects.get(id=item_id, user=profile.parent_user)
            except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                raise Exception (u"Item is not found")

        if not item:
            raise Exception (u"Item is NOT found")

        if 'unit_id' in args:
            unit_id = args['unit_id']
                item.unit = Unit.objects.get(id=unit_id, user=profile.parent_user)
            except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                raise Exception (u"Unit is not found")

        if 'category_id' in args:
            category_id = args['category_id']
            if category_id.lower() == 'root':
                item.category = None
                    item.category = Category.objects.get(id=category_id, user=profile.parent_user)
                except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                    raise Exception (u"Category is not found")

        if 'name' in args:
            item.name = replace(args['name'])

        if 'upc' in args:
            upc = replace(args['upc'])
            if upc != '':
                exist = Item.objects.filter(user=profile.parent_user, upc=upc). \
                if exist == True:
                    raise Exception ("Duplicate UPC, %s is not UNIQUE, UPDATE FAILED For UPC: %s" % (upc, item.upc))
                    item.upc = upc
        if 'upc_2' in args:
            item.upc_2 = replace(args['upc_2'])

        if 'upc_3' in args:
            item.upc_3 = replace(args['upc_3'])

        if 'upc_case' in args:
            item.upc_case = replace(args['upc_case'])

        if 'image_url' in args:
            item.image_url = replace(args['image_url'])

        if 'notes' in args:
            item.notes = replace(args['notes'])

        if 'inventory_no_count' in args and args['inventory_no_count'] != None:
            if args['inventory_no_count'] == 'false':
                item.inventory_no_count = False
                item.inventory_no_count = True

        if 'qt_in_stock' in args:                        
            qt_in_stock = args['qt_in_stock']
            if qt_in_stock == '' or qt_in_stock == 'NaN':
                item.qt_in_stock = '0'
            elif float(item.qt_in_stock) != float(qt_in_stock): # change only if different
                item.qt_in_stock_last_updated = datetime.now()
                diff = float(qt_in_stock) - float(item.qt_in_stock)
                d = str(diff)
                if d.endswith('.0'):
                    d = d[:-2]
                if d.endswith('.00'):
                    d = d[:-3]
                if diff > 0:
                    item.qt_in_stock_last_diff = '+' + str(d)
                    item.qt_in_stock_last_diff = str(d)
                item.qt_in_stock    = replace(qt_in_stock)

                if settings.HGM == True:
                    # UPDATE qt_in_stock in WWW

        if 'min_qt_in_stock' in args:
            min_qt_in_stock = replace(args['min_qt_in_stock'])
            if min_qt_in_stock == '' or min_qt_in_stock == 'NaN':
                min_qt_in_stock = '0'
            item.min_qt_in_stock = min_qt_in_stock

        if 'qt_to_stock' in args:
            qt_to_stock = replace(args['qt_to_stock'])
            if qt_to_stock == '' or qt_to_stock == 'NaN':
                qt_to_stock = '0'
            item.qt_to_stock = qt_to_stock

        if 'temp_stock' in args:
            temp_stock = replace(args['temp_stock'])
            if temp_stock == '' or temp_stock == 'NaN' or temp_stock == 'null' or temp_stock == None:
                item.temp_stock = None
                item.temp_stock = Decimal(temp_stock)

        if 'best_price' in args:
            best_price = replace(args['best_price'])
            if best_price == '' or best_price == 'NaN' or best_price == 'null' or best_price == None:
                item.best_price = None
                item.best_price = Decimal(best_price)

        if 'cost_per_unit' in args:
                    cost_per_unit = replace(args['cost_per_unit'])
                    if cost_per_unit == '' or cost_per_unit == 'NaN' or cost_per_unit == 'null' or cost_per_unit == None:
                        item.cost_per_unit = None
                        item.cost_per_unit = Decimal(cost_per_unit)

        if 'loc_stock' in args:
            item.loc_stock = replace(args['loc_stock'])

        if 'loc_ret_dept' in args:
            newDept = replace(args['loc_ret_dept'])

            if newDept == '' or newDept == 'None':
                logger.error('ATTEMPT TO ERAZE DEPARTMENT: upc-' + item.upc)
                item.loc_ret_dept = newDept
        if 'loc_ret_col' in args:
            item.loc_ret_col = replace(args['loc_ret_col'])

        if 'loc_ret_row' in args:
            item.loc_ret_row = replace(args['loc_ret_row'])

        if 'enabled' in args:
            if args['enabled'] == 'false':
                item.enabled = False
                if item.enabled != True:
                    item.enabled = True
                    doUpdateBestPriced = True

        if 'so_ignore_no_sales' in args and args['so_ignore_no_sales'] != None:
            if args['so_ignore_no_sales'] == 'false':
                item.so_ignore_no_sales = False
                item.so_ignore_no_sales = True

        if 'so_do_not_order' in args and args['so_do_not_order'] != None:
            if args['so_do_not_order'] == 'false':
                item.so_do_not_order = False
                item.so_do_not_order = True

        if 'so_always_order' in args and args['so_always_order'] != None:
                item.so_always_order = args['so_always_order']

        if 'total_units_per_case' in args:
            item.total_units_per_case = replace(args['total_units_per_case'])

        #item.sales_price    = 0

        # orders from disabled items are not calculated for Best Priced
        # so if item is changed to enabled, need to calculate best Priced Order
        if doUpdateBestPriced:
            updateBestPriced(None, None, str(item.id))

        ready_data_true['items'] = item.list(item.id)
        return ready_data_true

    except Exception, err:
        #if str(err).startswith( 'Duplicate UPC' ):
        #    logger.error(err)
        raise Exception(err)
예제 #7
파일: handlers.py 프로젝트: bovitobo/bo
    def read(self, request, id=None):
        ready_data_true =  {'success': True }
        ready_data_false = {'success': False}

        if not request.user.is_authenticated():
            ready_data_false["errors"] = "Authorization is failed"
            return ready_data_false

        #if 'item_id' in request.GET:
        #    item_id     = int(request.GET.get('item_id'))
        hgm = settings.HGM
        if hgm != True:
            ready_data_false["error"] = "Not HGM"
            return ready_data_false

            currentProfile = Profile.getProfile(request.user)
            hgm_www_host = settings.HGM_WWW_HOST
            hgm_www_port = settings.HGM_WWW_PORT
            hgm_www_user = settings.HGM_WWW_USER
            hgm_www_password = settings.HGM_WWW_PASSWORD
            hgm_www_db = settings.HGM_WWW_DB

             # CONNECTION TO www.hudsongreenemarket.com
            myDB = MySQLdb.connect(host=hgm_www_host,port=hgm_www_port,user=hgm_www_user,passwd=hgm_www_password,db=hgm_www_db)
            cHandler = myDB.cursor()


            filter_by_day = request.GET.get('filter_by_day')
            if filter_by_day == None:
                filter_by_day = 'today'

            today = date.today()
            #logger.info('today: %s' % today)

            if filter_by_day == '3_days':
                from_the_date = today - timedelta(days=3)
                date_from = date.strftime(from_the_date, "%Y-%m-%d") # in sql will count from am
            elif filter_by_day == '7_days':
                from_the_date = today - timedelta(days=7)
                date_from = date.strftime(from_the_date, "%Y-%m-%d") # in sql will count from am
            elif filter_by_day == '14_days':
                from_the_date = today - timedelta(days=14)
                date_from = date.strftime(from_the_date, "%Y-%m-%d") # in sql will count from am
            elif filter_by_day == '30_days':
                from_the_date = today - timedelta(days=30)
                date_from = date.strftime(from_the_date, "%Y-%m-%d") # in sql will count from am

                date_from = date.strftime(today, "%Y-%m-%d") # in sql will count from am

            date_from = date_from + " 03:59:59" # off 4 hours, New York Time
            status_clause = ''
            filter_by_status = request.GET.get('filter_by_status')
            if filter_by_status is None:
                status_clause = "AND orders.order_status='U' " # Confirmed By Shopper

            if filter_by_status is not None and filter_by_status != 'status_all':
                status_clause = "AND orders.order_status='" + filter_by_status + "' "

            sql = "SELECT orders.virtuemart_order_id, orders.virtuemart_user_id, orders.order_number, " + \
                "orders.customer_number, orders.order_total, orders.order_SalesPrice, " + \
                "orders.order_Subtotal, orders.order_Tax, orders.order_shipment, " + \
                "orders.order_payment, orders.order_status, orders.ip_address, orders.created_on, " + \
                "customer.first_name, customer.last_name, customer.phone_1, " + \
                "customer.email, customer.company, customer.address_1, " + \
                "customer.address_2, customer.city, state.state_name, customer.zip, customer.customer_note, " + \
                "shipment.shipment_name " + \
                "from emk8r_virtuemart_orders AS orders " + \
                "LEFT JOIN emk8r_virtuemart_order_userinfos AS customer " + \
                "ON orders.virtuemart_order_id=customer.virtuemart_order_id "+ \
                "LEFT JOIN emk8r_virtuemart_states AS state " + \
                "ON customer.virtuemart_state_id=state.virtuemart_state_id "+ \
                "LEFT JOIN emk8r_virtuemart_shipmentmethods_en_gb AS shipment " + \
                "ON orders.virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id=shipment.virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id "+ \
                "WHERE orders.created_on > '" + date_from + "' " + \
                status_clause + \
                "ORDER BY orders.created_on ASC "

            results = cHandler.fetchall()
            orders_len = len(results)
            ready_data_true['total'] = orders_len

            all_data = []
            if orders_len == 0:
                #ready_data_true['items'] = {}
                return ready_data_true

            status_options = {'P' : 'Pending', 'U' : 'Confirmed By Shopper',  'C' : 'Confirmed By HGM', \
                                'X' : 'Canceled', 'R' : 'Refunded', 'S' : 'Shipped', 'O' : 'Out Of Stock',}
            for result in results:
                    data = {}
                    data['id']                  = result[0]
                    data['virtuemart_order_id'] = result[0]
                    data['virtuemart_user_id']  = result[1]
                    data['order_number']        = result[2]
                    data['customer_number']     = result[3]
                    data['order_total']         = result[4]
                    data['order_SalesPrice']    = result[5]
                    data['order_Subtotal']      = result[6]
                    data['order_Tax']           = result[7]
                    data['order_shipment']      = result[8]
                    data['order_payment']       = result[9]
                    data['order_status']        = status_options[result[10]]
                    data['ip_address']          = result[11]
                    order_date_time = timestring.Date(result[12])
                    order_date_time = order_date_time - '4 hour'
                    data['created_on']          = str(order_date_time)
                    data['first_name']          = replace(result[13])
                    data['last_name']           = replace(result[14])
                    data['phone_1']             = result[15]
                    data['email']               = result[16]
                    data['company']             = replace(result[17])
                    data['address_1']           = replace(result[18])
                    data['address_2']           = replace(result[19])
                    data['city']                = result[20]
                    data['state']               = result[21]
                    data['zip']                 = result[22]
                    data['customer_note']       = result[23]
                    data['shipment_name']       = result[24]

                        sql = "SELECT SUM(product_quantity), SUM(packed_qt) FROM emk8r_virtuemart_order_items " + \
                            "WHERE emk8r_virtuemart_order_items.virtuemart_order_id = '" + str(data['virtuemart_order_id']) + "'; "

                        results = cHandler.fetchone()
                        data['total_product_qt']    = int(results[0])
                        data['total_packed_product_qt']    = int(results[1])

                    except Exception, err:

                except Exception, err:
예제 #8
파일: shrinkage.py 프로젝트: bovitobo/bo
def shrinkageReport(profile, params):
    ready_data_true = {"success": True}
    ready_data_false = {"success": False}
    shrinkage = {}
    total = 0

        if params == None:
            logger.error("No params specified")
            raise Exception("No params specified")

        # check not required param start
        start = 0
        if "start" in params:
            start = int(params["start"])

        # check not required param limit
        limit = 25
        if "limit" in params:
            limit = int(params["limit"])

        # param item_id
        item_id = None
        if "item_id" in params:
            item_id = replace(params["item_id"]).strip()

        if item_id != "":
            shrinkage = (
                Inventory_Shrinkage.objects.filter(item=item_id, user=profile.parent_user)
                .order_by("-date_time")[start : start + limit]
            total = Inventory_Shrinkage.objects.filter(item=item_id, user=profile.parent_user).count()

            # param loc_ret_dept
            loc_ret_dept = None
            if "loc_ret_dept" in params:
                loc_ret_dept = replace(params["loc_ret_dept"]).strip()

            # param date_from
            date_from = None
            if "date_from" in params:
                date_from = params["date_from"]

            # param date_to
            date_to = None
            if "date_to" in params:
                date_to = params["date_to"]

            if loc_ret_dept != None and loc_ret_dept != "":
                total = len(
                    .annotate(qt=Sum("qt"), total_price=Sum("total_price"))
                shrinkage = (
                    .annotate(qt=Sum("qt"), total_price=Sum("total_price"))
                    .order_by("item__name")[start : start + limit]
            elif date_from != None and date_from != "":
                total = len(
                        date_time__gt=date_from, date_time__lt=date_to
                )  # , \
                #                user=profile.parent_user, item__enabled=True). \
                #            values("item__upc"). \
                #            annotate(qt=Sum('qt'), total_price=Sum('total_price')))
                shrinkage = (
                        date_time__gt=date_from, date_time__lt=date_to, user=profile.parent_user, item__enabled=True
                    .annotate(qt=Sum("qt"), total_price=Sum("total_price"))
                    .order_by("item__name")[start : start + limit]

        ready_data_true["items"] = shrinkage
        ready_data_true["total"] = total
        return ready_data_true

    except Exception, err:
        ready_data_false["errors"] = err
        return ready_data_false
예제 #9
파일: views.py 프로젝트: bovitobo/bo
def worker(req):
    vendor = req.params()['vendor']
    user   = req.params()['user']
    parent_user_id  = req.params()['parent_user_id']

    #with transaction.commit_on_success():
    orders = Order.objects.select_related().filter(product__vendor=vendor, order_qt__gt=0, user=parent_user_id)

    if len(orders) > 0:
        #create new PO
        purchase = Purchase.objects.create(date=datetime.now(), vendor=vendor, user_id=parent_user_id)

        for order in orders:
            if order.product.total_units_per_package is None:
                order.product.total_units_per_package = 0

            if order.product.price is None:
                order.product.price = 0
            if order.item.sales_price is None:
                order.item.sales_price = 0

            total_price = 0

            #add products into PO
            PurchaseDetail.objects.create(                                                          \
                date_modified           = order.product.date_modified,                              \
                best_priced             = order.best_priced,                                        \
                item                    = order.item,                                               \
                ispriceperunit          = order.product.ispriceperunit,                             \
                mismatch                = False,                                                    \
                notes                   = replace(order.po_notes),                                  \
                order_qt                = order.order_qt,                                           \
                received_qt             = 0,                                                        \
                outofstock              = False,                                                    \
                sales_price             = order.item.sales_price,                                   \
                price                   = order.product.price,                                      \
                product                 = order.product,                                            \
                purchase                = purchase,                                                 \
                so_notes                = order.product.so_notes,                                   \
                total_price             = order.total_price,                                        \
                #total_units             = order.product.total_units_per_package*order.order_qt,     \
                total_units             = 0,                                                        \
                total_units_per_package = order.product.total_units_per_package,                    \
                user_id                 = parent_user_id,                                           \
                inventory_updated       = 1,                                                        \
                verified                = False)

            #blank order
            order.order_qt      = None
            order.order_qt_so   = None
            order.total_price   = None
            order.po_notes      = ''


            #archiving      ?? not sure what it does, Vito(8/25/12)
            #order.product.use = True
            #vendor.use = True


        numberUpdated = ItemProduct.objects.filter(vendor=vendor, user=parent_user_id).update(so_notes='')

        return { "success": True, "message": "Purchase has been created", "items": purchase.list(), 'so_updated': str(numberUpdated),\
            "purchase_id": str(purchase.id)}
        return { "success": False, "errors": "Purchase can't been created. You dont't have any order." }
예제 #10
파일: views.py 프로젝트: bovitobo/bo
def handle_uploaded_file(kwargs):
    file        = kwargs['file']
    category_id = kwargs['category_id']
    enabled     = kwargs['enabled']
    deleteItems = kwargs['deleteItems']
    request     = kwargs['request']
    parent_user = getParentuser(request)

    if enabled == "true" or enabled == "on":
        enabled = True
        enabled = False
    if deleteItems == "true":
        deleteItems = True
        deleteItems = False

    category = Category.objects.get(id=category_id, user=parent_user)

    path = "%s/%s" % (settings.UPLOAD_ITEM_DIR, file.name,)

    destination = open(path, 'wb+')

    for chunk in file.chunks():

    csvfile = csv.reader(open(path, 'rb'), delimiter=settings.CSV_DELIMITER)

    #header exist -> skip header

    i = 0
    j = 0
    units, u_created = Unit.objects.get_or_create(name='Ea', user=parent_user)
    unit_id = units.id
    msg = []
    #time_delay_at = 50
    #delay_count = 0
    for row in csvfile:
            #delay_count = delay_count + 1
            #if time_delay_at == delay_count:
            #    time.sleep(1)  # Delay for 1 seconds, due to slow server
            #    time_delay_at = time_delay_at + 50

            row = clean(row)

            name = replace(str(row[0]).strip()) # remove spaces from front and back
                # check if there is optional location department
                upc = replace(str(row[1]).strip()) # remove spaces from front and back
            except Exception, err:
                upc = ''

            loc_ret_dept = ''
                # check if there is optional location departmen
                loc_ret_dept = replace(str(row[2]).strip()) # remove spaces from front and back
            except Exception, err:
                loc_ret_dept = ''

            if loc_ret_dept == None or loc_ret_dept == 'None':
                loc_ret_dept = ''

            if upc == None or upc == 'None':
                upc = ''

            if name == '' or upc == '':
                i = i+1
                msg.append('name='+ name + ', upc=' + upc)

            if deleteItems == True:
                Item.objects.filter(upc=upc, user =parent_user).delete()

            obj, created = Item.objects.get_or_create(upc=upc, user =parent_user,
                  'name': name,
                  'category_id': category_id,
                  'unit_id': unit_id,
                  'upc_2': u'',
                  'upc_3': u'',
                  'upc_case': u'',
                  'notes':  u'',
                  'image_url': u'',
                  'qt_in_stock': 0,
                  'qt_to_stock': 0,
                  'min_qt_in_stock': 2,
                  'enabled': enabled,
                  'sales_price': 0,
                  'loc_stock': u'',
                  'loc_ret_dept': loc_ret_dept,
                  'loc_ret_col': u'',
                  'loc_ret_row': u'',
                  'inventory_no_count': False,
                  'so_ignore_no_sales': False,
                  'so_do_not_order': False,
                  'so_always_order': 0
            if not created:
                i = i+1
                msg.append('already exist: upc=' + upc)
                #if loc_ret_dept != '':
                #    obj.loc_ret_dept = loc_ret_dept
                if obj.enabled == True:
                    continue # to avoid error of disableing good items
                if obj.enabled != enabled: # check if enabled is different and change it if it is
                    obj.enabled = enabled

            j = j+1