예제 #1
 def mfunc(edges):
     op = getattr(F, binary_op)
     lhs_data = target_switch(edges, lhs)[lhs]
     rhs_data = target_switch(edges, rhs)[rhs]
     # NOTE(zihao): we need to do batched broadcast
     # e.g. (68, 3, 1) op (68, 5, 3, 4)
     while F.ndim(lhs_data) < F.ndim(rhs_data):
         lhs_data = F.unsqueeze(lhs_data, 1)
     while F.ndim(rhs_data) < F.ndim(lhs_data):
         rhs_data = F.unsqueeze(rhs_data, 1)
     return {"m": op(lhs_data, rhs_data)}
예제 #2
 def __call__(self, edges):
     sdata = edges.src[self.src_field]
     edata = edges.data[self.edge_field]
     # Due to the different broadcasting semantics of different backends,
     # we need to broadcast the sdata and edata to be of the same rank.
     rank = max(F.ndim(sdata), F.ndim(edata))
     sshape = F.shape(sdata)
     eshape = F.shape(edata)
     sdata = F.reshape(sdata, sshape + (1, ) * (rank - F.ndim(sdata)))
     edata = F.reshape(edata, eshape + (1, ) * (rank - F.ndim(edata)))
     ret = self.mul_op(sdata, edata)
     return {self.out_field: ret}
예제 #3
def softmax(x):
    ndim = K.ndim(x)
    if ndim == 2:
        return K.softmax(x)
    elif ndim == 3:
        e = K.exp(x - K.max(x, axis=-1, keepdims=True))
        s = K.sum(e, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        return e / s
        raise ValueError('Cannot apply softmax to a tensor '
                         'that is not 2D or 3D. '
                         'Here, ndim=' + str(ndim))
예제 #4
def reduce_func(nodes):
    msgs = nodes.mailbox['m']
    assert F.ndim(msgs) == 3
    assert F.shape(msgs)[2] == D
    return {'accum': F.sum(msgs, 1)}
예제 #5
def message_func(edges):
    assert F.ndim(edges.src['h']) == 2
    assert F.shape(edges.src['h'])[1] == D
    return {'m': edges.src['h']}