def test_edge_softmax(g, norm_by, shp, idtype): g = g.astype(idtype).to(F.ctx()) edata = F.tensor(np.random.rand(g.number_of_edges(), *shp)) e1 = F.attach_grad(F.clone(edata)) with F.record_grad(): score1 = edge_softmax(g, e1, norm_by=norm_by) F.backward(F.reduce_sum(score1)) grad_edata = F.grad(e1) with F.record_grad(): e2 = F.attach_grad(F.clone(edata)) e2_2d = F.reshape( e2, (g.number_of_src_nodes(), g.number_of_dst_nodes(), *e2.shape[1:])) if norm_by == 'src': score2 = F.softmax(e2_2d, 1) score2 = F.reshape(score2, (-1, *e2.shape[1:])) if norm_by == 'dst': score2 = F.softmax(e2_2d, 0) score2 = F.reshape(score2, (-1, *e2.shape[1:])) assert F.allclose(score1, score2) print('forward passed') F.backward(F.reduce_sum(score2)) assert F.allclose(F.grad(e2), grad_edata) print('backward passed')
def check_dist_emb(g, num_clients, num_nodes, num_edges): from dgl.distributed.optim import SparseAdagrad from dgl.distributed import DistEmbedding # Test sparse emb try: emb = DistEmbedding(g.number_of_nodes(), 1, 'emb1', emb_init) nids = F.arange(0, int(g.number_of_nodes())) lr = 0.001 optimizer = SparseAdagrad([emb], lr=lr) with F.record_grad(): feats = emb(nids) assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats) == np.zeros((len(nids), 1))) loss = F.sum(feats + 1, 0) loss.backward() optimizer.step() feats = emb(nids) if num_clients == 1: assert_almost_equal(F.asnumpy(feats), np.ones((len(nids), 1)) * -lr) rest = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(g.number_of_nodes()), F.asnumpy(nids)) feats1 = emb(rest) assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats1) == np.zeros((len(rest), 1))) policy = dgl.distributed.PartitionPolicy('node', g.get_partition_book()) grad_sum = dgl.distributed.DistTensor((g.number_of_nodes(), 1), F.float32, 'emb1_sum', policy) if num_clients == 1: assert np.all( F.asnumpy(grad_sum[nids]) == np.ones((len(nids), 1)) * num_clients) assert np.all(F.asnumpy(grad_sum[rest]) == np.zeros((len(rest), 1))) emb = DistEmbedding(g.number_of_nodes(), 1, 'emb2', emb_init) with F.no_grad(): feats1 = emb(nids) assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats1) == 0) optimizer = SparseAdagrad([emb], lr=lr) with F.record_grad(): feats1 = emb(nids) feats2 = emb(nids) feats =[feats1, feats2], 0) assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats) == np.zeros((len(nids) * 2, 1))) loss = F.sum(feats + 1, 0) loss.backward() optimizer.step() with F.no_grad(): feats = emb(nids) if num_clients == 1: assert_almost_equal(F.asnumpy(feats), np.ones((len(nids), 1)) * 1 * -lr) rest = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(g.number_of_nodes()), F.asnumpy(nids)) feats1 = emb(rest) assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats1) == np.zeros((len(rest), 1))) except NotImplementedError as e: pass except Exception as e: print(e) sys.exit(-1)
def test_segment_reduce(reducer): ctx = F.ctx() value = F.tensor(np.random.rand(10, 5)) v1 = F.attach_grad(F.clone(value)) v2 = F.attach_grad(F.clone(value)) seglen = F.tensor([2, 3, 0, 4, 1, 0, 0]) u = F.copy_to(F.arange(0, F.shape(value)[0], F.int32), ctx) v = F.repeat(F.copy_to(F.arange(0, len(seglen), F.int32), ctx), seglen, dim=0) num_nodes = {'_U': len(u), '_V': len(seglen)} g = dgl.convert.heterograph({('_U', '_E', '_V'): (u, v)}, num_nodes_dict=num_nodes) with F.record_grad(): rst1 = gspmm(g, 'copy_lhs', reducer, v1, None) if reducer in ['max', 'min']: rst1 = F.replace_inf_with_zero(rst1) F.backward(F.reduce_sum(rst1)) grad1 = F.grad(v1) with F.record_grad(): rst2 = segment_reduce(seglen, v2, reducer=reducer) F.backward(F.reduce_sum(rst2)) assert F.allclose(rst1, rst2) print('forward passed') grad2 = F.grad(v2) assert F.allclose(grad1, grad2) print('backward passed')
def _test(red): g = dgl.DGLGraph(nx.erdos_renyi_graph(100, 0.1)) hu, hv, he = generate_feature(g, 'none') g.ndata['u'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hu)) g.ndata['v'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hv)) g.edata['e'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(he)) with F.record_grad(): g.update_all(fn.copy_edge(edge='e', out='m'), builtin[red](msg='m', out='r1')) r1 = g.ndata['r1'] F.backward(r1.sum()) e_grad1 = F.grad(g.edata['e']) # reset grad g.ndata['u'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hu)) g.ndata['v'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hv)) g.edata['e'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(he)) with F.record_grad(): g.update_all(udf_copy_edge, udf_reduce[red]) r2 = g.ndata['r2'] F.backward(r2.sum()) e_grad2 = F.grad(g.edata['e']) assert F.allclose(r1, r2) assert(F.allclose(e_grad1, e_grad2))
def test_sddmm(g, shp, lhs_target, rhs_target, msg, index_dtype): if dgl.backend.backend_name == 'mxnet' and g.number_of_edges() == 0: pytest.skip() # mxnet do not support zero shape tensor if dgl.backend.backend_name == 'tensorflow' and index_dtype == 'int32': pytest.skip() # tensorflow dlpack has problem with int32 ndarray. if index_dtype == 'int32': g = else: g = g.long() print(g) print(g.idtype) len_lhs = select(lhs_target, g.number_of_src_nodes(), g.number_of_edges(), g.number_of_dst_nodes()) lhs_shp = (len_lhs, ) + shp[0] len_rhs = select(rhs_target, g.number_of_src_nodes(), g.number_of_edges(), g.number_of_dst_nodes()) rhs_shp = (len_rhs, ) + shp[1] feat_lhs = F.tensor(np.random.rand(*lhs_shp) + 1) feat_rhs = F.tensor(np.random.rand(*rhs_shp) + 1) print('lhs shape: {}, rhs shape: {}'.format(F.shape(feat_lhs), F.shape(feat_rhs))) lhs_frame = select(lhs_target, g.srcdata, g.edata, g.dstdata) rhs_frame = select(rhs_target, g.srcdata, g.edata, g.dstdata) lhs_frame['x'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(feat_lhs)) rhs_frame['y'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(feat_rhs)) msg_func = lhs_target + '_' + msg + '_' + rhs_target print('SDDMM(message func: {})'.format(msg_func)) lhs = F.attach_grad(F.clone(feat_lhs)) rhs = F.attach_grad(F.clone(feat_rhs)) with F.record_grad(): e = gsddmm(g, msg, lhs, rhs, lhs_target=lhs_target, rhs_target=rhs_target) F.backward(F.reduce_sum(e)) grad_lhs = F.grad(lhs) grad_rhs = F.grad(rhs) with F.record_grad(): g.apply_edges(udf_apply_edges[msg_func]) if g.number_of_edges() > 0: e1 = g.edata['m'] assert F.allclose(e, e1) print('forward passed') F.backward(F.reduce_sum(e1)) if msg != 'copy_rhs': assert F.allclose(F.grad(lhs_frame['x']), grad_lhs) if msg != 'copy_lhs': assert F.allclose(F.grad(rhs_frame['y']), grad_rhs) print('backward passed') lhs_frame.pop('x') rhs_frame.pop('y') if 'm' in g.edata: g.edata.pop('m')
def _test(mfunc, rfunc): g = create_test_heterograph_2(idtype) g0 = create_test_heterograph(idtype) g1 = create_test_heterograph_large(idtype) cross_reducer = rfunc.__name__ x1 = F.randn((g.num_nodes('user'), feat_size)) x2 = F.randn((g.num_nodes('developer'), feat_size)) F.attach_grad(x1) F.attach_grad(x2) g.nodes['user'].data['h'] = x1 g.nodes['developer'].data['h'] = x2 ################################################################# # multi_update_all(): call msg_passing separately for each etype ################################################################# with F.record_grad(): g.multi_update_all( { etype: (mfunc('h', 'm'), rfunc('m', 'y')) for etype in g.canonical_etypes }, cross_reducer) r1 = g.nodes['game'].data['y'].clone() r2 = g.nodes['user'].data['y'].clone() r3 = g.nodes['player'].data['y'].clone() loss = r1.sum() + r2.sum() + r3.sum() F.backward(loss) n_grad1 = F.grad(g.nodes['user'].data['h']).clone() n_grad2 = F.grad(g.nodes['developer'].data['h']).clone() g.nodes['user'].data.clear() g.nodes['developer'].data.clear() g.nodes['game'].data.clear() g.nodes['player'].data.clear() ################################################################# # update_all(): call msg_passing for all etypes ################################################################# F.attach_grad(x1) F.attach_grad(x2) g.nodes['user'].data['h'] = x1 g.nodes['developer'].data['h'] = x2 with F.record_grad(): g.update_all(mfunc('h', 'm'), rfunc('m', 'y')) r4 = g.nodes['game'].data['y'] r5 = g.nodes['user'].data['y'] r6 = g.nodes['player'].data['y'] loss = r4.sum() + r5.sum() + r6.sum() F.backward(loss) n_grad3 = F.grad(g.nodes['user'].data['h']) n_grad4 = F.grad(g.nodes['developer'].data['h']) assert F.allclose(r1, r4) assert F.allclose(r2, r5) assert F.allclose(r3, r6) assert (F.allclose(n_grad1, n_grad3)) assert (F.allclose(n_grad2, n_grad4))
def test_spmm(idtype, g, shp, msg, reducer): g = g.astype(idtype).to(F.ctx()) if dgl.backend.backend_name == 'tensorflow' and (reducer in ['min', 'max']): pytest.skip() # tensorflow dlpack has problem writing into int32 arrays on GPU. print(g) print(g.idtype) hu = F.tensor(np.random.rand(*((g.number_of_src_nodes(),) + shp[0])) + 1) he = F.tensor(np.random.rand(*((g.number_of_edges(),) + shp[1])) + 1) print('u shape: {}, e shape: {}'.format(F.shape(hu), F.shape(he))) g.srcdata['x'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hu)) g.edata['w'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(he)) print('SpMM(message func: {}, reduce func: {})'.format(msg, reducer)) u = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hu)) e = F.attach_grad(F.clone(he)) with F.record_grad(): v = gspmm(g, msg, reducer, u, e) non_degree_indices = F.tensor( np.nonzero(F.asnumpy(g.in_degrees()) != 0)[0]) v = F.gather_row(v, non_degree_indices) if g.number_of_edges() > 0: F.backward(F.reduce_sum(v)) if msg != 'copy_rhs': grad_u = F.grad(u) if msg != 'copy_lhs': grad_e = F.grad(e) with F.record_grad(): g.update_all(udf_msg[msg], udf_reduce[reducer]) if g.number_of_edges() > 0: v1 = F.gather_row(g.dstdata['v'], non_degree_indices) assert F.allclose(v, v1) print('forward passed') F.backward(F.reduce_sum(v1)) if msg != 'copy_rhs': if reducer in ['min', 'max']: # there might be some numerical errors rate = F.reduce_sum(F.abs(F.grad(g.srcdata['x']) - grad_u)) /\ F.reduce_sum(F.abs(grad_u)) assert F.as_scalar(rate) < 1e-2, rate else: assert F.allclose(F.grad(g.srcdata['x']), grad_u) if msg != 'copy_lhs': if reducer in ['min', 'max']: rate = F.reduce_sum(F.abs(F.grad(g.edata['w']) - grad_e)) /\ F.reduce_sum(F.abs(grad_e)) assert F.as_scalar(rate) < 1e-2, rate else: assert F.allclose(F.grad(g.edata['w']), grad_e) print('backward passed') g.srcdata.pop('x') g.edata.pop('w') if 'v' in g.dstdata: g.dstdata.pop('v')
def _test(red, partial): g = dgl.DGLGraph(nx.erdos_renyi_graph(100, 0.1)) # NOTE(zihao): add self-loop to avoid zero-degree nodes. # g.add_edges(g.nodes(), g.nodes()) g = hu, hv, he = generate_feature(g, 'none', 'none') if partial: nid = F.tensor(list(range(0, 100, 2)), g.idtype) g.ndata['u'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hu)) g.ndata['v'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hv)) g.edata['e'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(he)) with F.record_grad(): if partial: g.pull(nid, fn.copy_src(src='u', out='m'), builtin[red](msg='m', out='r1')) else: g.update_all(fn.copy_src(src='u', out='m'), builtin[red](msg='m', out='r1')) r1 = g.ndata['r1'] F.backward(F.reduce_sum(r1)) n_grad1 = F.grad(g.ndata['u']) # reset grad g.ndata['u'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hu)) g.ndata['v'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hv)) g.edata['e'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(he)) with F.record_grad(): if partial: g.pull(nid, udf_copy_src, udf_reduce[red]) else: g.update_all(udf_copy_src, udf_reduce[red]) r2 = g.ndata['r2'] F.backward(F.reduce_sum(r2)) n_grad2 = F.grad(g.ndata['u']) def _print_error(a, b): print("ERROR: Test copy_src_{} partial: {}". format(red, partial)) for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(F.asnumpy(a).flatten(), F.asnumpy(b).flatten())): if not np.allclose(x, y): print('@{} {} v.s. {}'.format(i, x, y)) if not F.allclose(r1, r2): _print_error(r1, r2) assert F.allclose(r1, r2) if F.backend_name != "jax": if not F.allclose(n_grad1, n_grad2): print('node grad') _print_error(n_grad1, n_grad2) assert(F.allclose(n_grad1, n_grad2))
def test_spmm(idtype, g, shp, msg, reducer): g = g.astype(idtype).to(F.ctx()) print(g) print(g.idtype) hu = F.tensor(np.random.rand(*((g.number_of_src_nodes(), ) + shp[0])) + 1) he = F.tensor(np.random.rand(*((g.number_of_edges(), ) + shp[1])) + 1) print('u shape: {}, e shape: {}'.format(F.shape(hu), F.shape(he))) g.srcdata['x'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hu)) g.edata['w'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(he)) print('SpMM(message func: {}, reduce func: {})'.format(msg, reducer)) u = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hu)) e = F.attach_grad(F.clone(he)) with F.record_grad(): v = gspmm(g, msg, reducer, u, e) if reducer in ['max', 'min']: v = F.replace_inf_with_zero(v) if g.number_of_edges() > 0: F.backward(F.reduce_sum(v)) if msg != 'copy_rhs': grad_u = F.grad(u) if msg != 'copy_lhs': grad_e = F.grad(e) with F.record_grad(): g.update_all(udf_msg[msg], udf_reduce[reducer]) if g.number_of_edges() > 0: v1 = g.dstdata['v'] assert F.allclose(v, v1) print('forward passed') F.backward(F.reduce_sum(v1)) if msg != 'copy_rhs': if reducer in ['min', 'max']: # there might be some numerical errors rate = F.reduce_sum(F.abs(F.grad(g.srcdata['x']) - grad_u)) /\ F.reduce_sum(F.abs(grad_u)) assert F.as_scalar(rate) < 1e-2, rate else: assert F.allclose(F.grad(g.srcdata['x']), grad_u) if msg != 'copy_lhs': if reducer in ['min', 'max']: rate = F.reduce_sum(F.abs(F.grad(g.edata['w']) - grad_e)) /\ F.reduce_sum(F.abs(grad_e)) assert F.as_scalar(rate) < 1e-2, rate else: assert F.allclose(F.grad(g.edata['w']), grad_e) print('backward passed') g.srcdata.pop('x') g.edata.pop('w') if 'v' in g.dstdata: g.dstdata.pop('v')
def _test(red, partial): g = dgl.DGLGraph(nx.erdos_renyi_graph(100, 0.1)) # NOTE(zihao): add self-loop to avoid zero-degree nodes. g.add_edges(g.nodes(), g.nodes()) hu, hv, he = generate_feature(g, 'none', 'none') if partial: nid = F.tensor(list(range(0, 100, 2))) g.ndata['u'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hu)) g.ndata['v'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hv)) g.edata['e'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(he)) with F.record_grad(): if partial: g.pull(nid, fn.copy_edge(edge='e', out='m'), builtin[red](msg='m', out='r1')) else: g.update_all(fn.copy_edge(edge='e', out='m'), builtin[red](msg='m', out='r1')) r1 = g.ndata['r1'] F.backward(r1.sum()) e_grad1 = F.grad(g.edata['e']) # reset grad g.ndata['u'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hu)) g.ndata['v'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hv)) g.edata['e'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(he)) with F.record_grad(): if partial: g.pull(nid, udf_copy_edge, udf_reduce[red]) else: g.update_all(udf_copy_edge, udf_reduce[red]) r2 = g.ndata['r2'] F.backward(r2.sum()) e_grad2 = F.grad(g.edata['e']) def _print_error(a, b): print("ERROR: Test copy_edge_{} partial: {}".format(red, partial)) for i, (x, y) in enumerate( zip(F.asnumpy(a).flatten(), F.asnumpy(b).flatten())): if not np.allclose(x, y): print('@{} {} v.s. {}'.format(i, x, y)) if not F.allclose(r1, r2): _print_error(r1, r2) assert F.allclose(r1, r2) if not F.allclose(e_grad1, e_grad2): print('edge gradient') _print_error(e_grad1, e_grad2) assert (F.allclose(e_grad1, e_grad2))
def test_csrmask_backward(idtype, dtype): a, A = _random_simple_graph(idtype, dtype, F.ctx(), 3, 4, 6, 'A', 'B', 'AB') b, B = _random_simple_graph(idtype, dtype, F.ctx(), 3, 4, 6, 'A', 'B', 'AB') A_row, A_col = A.edges(order='eid') B_row, B_col = B.edges(order='eid') A_row = F.asnumpy(A_row) A_col = F.asnumpy(A_col) B_row = F.asnumpy(B_row) B_col = F.asnumpy(B_col) a_dense = F.attach_grad(F.tensor(a.todense(), dtype=dtype)) A.edata['w'] = F.attach_grad(A.edata['w']) with F.record_grad(): # Test for two element case C1 = F.csrmask(A._graph, A.edata['w'], B._graph) if dgl.backend.backend_name == 'tensorflow': import tensorflow as tf C2 = tf.gather_nd(a_dense, tf.stack([B_row, B_col], 1)) else: C2 = a_dense[B_row, B_col] assert F.allclose(C1, C2, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4) F.backward(F.reduce_sum(C1) + F.reduce_sum(C2)) a_dense_grad = F.asnumpy(F.grad(a_dense))[A_row, A_col] A_spspmm_grad = F.asnumpy(F.grad(A.edata['w'])) assert np.allclose(a_dense_grad, A_spspmm_grad, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)
def test_csrmm_backward(idtype, dtype, num_vtypes): a, A = _random_simple_graph(idtype, dtype, F.ctx(), 3, 4, 6, 'A', 'B', 'AB') b, B = _random_simple_graph(idtype, dtype, F.ctx(), 4, 3, 6, 'B', 'A' if num_vtypes == 1 else 'C', 'BA') A_row, A_col = A.edges(order='eid') B_row, B_col = B.edges(order='eid') A_row = F.asnumpy(A_row) A_col = F.asnumpy(A_col) B_row = F.asnumpy(B_row) B_col = F.asnumpy(B_col) a_dense = F.attach_grad(F.tensor(a.todense(), dtype=dtype)) b_dense = F.attach_grad(F.tensor(b.todense(), dtype=dtype)) A.edata['w'] = F.attach_grad(A.edata['w']) B.edata['w'] = F.attach_grad(B.edata['w']) with F.record_grad(): C = dgl.adj_product_graph(A, B, 'w') assert len(C.ntypes) == num_vtypes assert len(C.etypes) == 1 C_dense = np.zeros((3, 3)) C_row, C_col = C.edges(order='eid') C_row = F.asnumpy(C_row) C_col = F.asnumpy(C_col) C_dense[C_row, C_col] = F.asnumpy(C.edata['w']) c_dense = F.matmul(a_dense, b_dense) assert np.allclose(C_dense, F.asnumpy(c_dense), rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4) F.backward(F.reduce_sum(C.edata['w']) + F.reduce_sum(c_dense)) a_dense_grad = F.asnumpy(F.grad(a_dense))[A_row, A_col] b_dense_grad = F.asnumpy(F.grad(b_dense))[B_row, B_col] A_spspmm_grad = F.asnumpy(F.grad(A.edata['w'])) B_spspmm_grad = F.asnumpy(F.grad(B.edata['w'])) assert np.allclose(a_dense_grad, A_spspmm_grad, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4) assert np.allclose(b_dense_grad, B_spspmm_grad, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)
def _test(mfunc, rfunc): g = create_test_heterograph(idtype) feat_size = 2 x1 = F.randn((4, feat_size)) x2 = F.randn((4, feat_size)) x3 = F.randn((3, feat_size)) x4 = F.randn((3, feat_size)) F.attach_grad(x1) F.attach_grad(x2) F.attach_grad(x3) F.attach_grad(x4) g['plays'].edata['eid'] = x1 g['follows'].edata['eid'] = x2 g['develops'].edata['eid'] = x3 g['wishes'].edata['eid'] = x4 ################################################################# # multi_update_all(): call msg_passing separately for each etype ################################################################# with F.record_grad(): g.multi_update_all( { 'plays': (mfunc('eid', 'm'), rfunc('m', 'y')), 'follows': (mfunc('eid', 'm'), rfunc('m', 'y')), 'develops': (mfunc('eid', 'm'), rfunc('m', 'y')), 'wishes': (mfunc('eid', 'm'), rfunc('m', 'y')) }, 'sum') r1 = g.nodes['game'].data['y'] F.backward(r1, F.randn(r1.shape)) e_grad1 = F.grad(g['develops'].edata['eid']) ################################################################# # update_all(): call msg_passing for all etypes ################################################################# # TODO(Israt): output type can be None in multi_update and empty # tensor in new_update_all g.update_all(mfunc('eid', 'm'), rfunc('m', 'y')) r2 = g.nodes['game'].data['y'] F.backward(r2, F.randn(r2.shape)) e_grad2 = F.grad(g['develops'].edata['eid']) # # correctness check def _print_error(a, b): for i, (x, y) in enumerate( zip(F.asnumpy(a).flatten(), F.asnumpy(b).flatten())): if not np.allclose(x, y): print('@{} {} v.s. {}'.format(i, x, y)) if not F.allclose(r1, r2): _print_error(r1, r2) assert F.allclose(r1, r2) if not F.allclose(e_grad1, e_grad2): print('edge grad') _print_error(e_grad1, e_grad2) assert (F.allclose(e_grad1, e_grad2))
def test_row2(): # test row getter/setter autograd compatibility data = create_test_data(grad=True) f = FrameRef(Frame(data)) with F.record_grad(): # getter c1 = f['a1'] # test non-duplicate keys rowid = Index(F.tensor([0, 2])) rows = f[rowid] y = rows['a1'] F.backward(y, F.ones((len(rowid), D))) assert F.allclose( F.grad(c1)[:, 0], F.tensor([1., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])) f['a1'] = F.attach_grad(f['a1']) with F.record_grad(): c1 = f['a1'] # test duplicate keys rowid = Index(F.tensor([8, 2, 2, 1])) rows = f[rowid] y = rows['a1'] F.backward(y, F.ones((len(rowid), D))) assert F.allclose( F.grad(c1)[:, 0], F.tensor([0., 1., 2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.])) f['a1'] = F.attach_grad(f['a1']) with F.record_grad(): # setter c1 = f['a1'] rowid = Index(F.tensor([0, 2, 4])) vals = { 'a1': F.attach_grad(F.zeros((len(rowid), D))), 'a2': F.attach_grad(F.zeros((len(rowid), D))), 'a3': F.attach_grad(F.zeros((len(rowid), D))), } f[rowid] = vals c11 = f['a1'] F.backward(c11, F.ones((N, D))) assert F.allclose( F.grad(c1)[:, 0], F.tensor([0., 1., 0., 1., 0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.])) assert F.allclose(F.grad(vals['a1']), F.ones((len(rowid), D))) assert F.is_no_grad(vals['a2'])
def _test(mfunc): g = create_test_heterograph(idtype) feat_size = 2 x1 = F.randn((4, feat_size)) x2 = F.randn((4, feat_size)) x3 = F.randn((3, feat_size)) x4 = F.randn((3, feat_size)) F.attach_grad(x1) F.attach_grad(x2) F.attach_grad(x3) F.attach_grad(x4) g['plays'].edata['eid'] = x1 g['follows'].edata['eid'] = x2 g['develops'].edata['eid'] = x3 g['wishes'].edata['eid'] = x4 ################################################################# # apply_edges() is called on each relation type separately ################################################################# with F.record_grad(): [ g.apply_edges(fn.copy_e('eid', 'm'), etype=rel) for rel in g.canonical_etypes ] r1 = g['develops'].edata['m'] F.backward(r1, F.ones(r1.shape)) e_grad1 = F.grad(g['develops'].edata['eid']) ################################################################# # apply_edges() is called on all relation types ################################################################# g.apply_edges(fn.copy_e('eid', 'm')) r2 = g['develops'].edata['m'] F.backward(r2, F.ones(r2.shape)) e_grad2 = F.grad(g['develops'].edata['eid']) # # correctness check def _print_error(a, b): for i, (x, y) in enumerate( zip(F.asnumpy(a).flatten(), F.asnumpy(b).flatten())): if not np.allclose(x, y): print('@{} {} v.s. {}'.format(i, x, y)) if not F.allclose(r1, r2): _print_error(r1, r2) assert F.allclose(r1, r2) if not F.allclose(e_grad1, e_grad2): print('edge grad') _print_error(e_grad1, e_grad2) assert (F.allclose(e_grad1, e_grad2))
def test_batch_setter_autograd(): g = generate_graph(grad=True) h1 = g.ndata['h'] # partial set v = F.tensor([1, 2, 8]) hh = F.attach_grad(F.zeros((len(v), D))) with F.record_grad(): g.nodes[v].data['h'] = hh h2 = g.ndata['h'] F.backward(h2, F.ones((10, D)) * 2) assert F.array_equal(F.grad(h1)[:,0], F.tensor([2., 0., 0., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 0., 2.])) assert F.array_equal(F.grad(hh)[:,0], F.tensor([2., 2., 2.]))
def _test(mfunc, rfunc): g = create_test_heterograph(idtype) x1 = F.randn((g.num_nodes('user'), feat_size)) x2 = F.randn((g.num_nodes('developer'), feat_size)) F.attach_grad(x1) F.attach_grad(x2) g.nodes['user'].data['h'] = x1 g.nodes['developer'].data['h'] = x2 ################################################################# # multi_update_all(): call msg_passing separately for each etype ################################################################# with F.record_grad(): g.multi_update_all( { 'plays': (mfunc('h', 'm'), rfunc('m', 'y')), 'follows': (mfunc('h', 'm'), rfunc('m', 'y')), 'develops': (mfunc('h', 'm'), rfunc('m', 'y')), 'wishes': (mfunc('h', 'm'), rfunc('m', 'y')) }, 'sum') r1 = g.nodes['game'].data['y'] F.backward(r1, F.randn(r1.shape)) n_grad1 = F.grad(g.nodes['user'].data['h']) g.nodes['game'].data.clear() ################################################################# # update_all(): call msg_passing for all etypes ################################################################# g.update_all(mfunc('h', 'm'), rfunc('m', 'y')) r2 = g.nodes['game'].data['y'] F.backward(r2, F.randn(r2.shape)) n_grad2 = F.grad(g.nodes['user'].data['h']) # correctness check def _print_error(a, b): for i, (x, y) in enumerate( zip(F.asnumpy(a).flatten(), F.asnumpy(b).flatten())): if not np.allclose(x, y): print('@{} {} v.s. {}'.format(i, x, y)) if not F.allclose(r1, r2): _print_error(r1, r2) assert F.allclose(r1, r2) if not F.allclose(n_grad1, n_grad2): print('node grad') _print_error(n_grad1, n_grad2) assert (F.allclose(n_grad1, n_grad2))
def _test(red, partial): g = dgl.DGLGraph(nx.erdos_renyi_graph(100, 0.1)) # NOTE(zihao): add self-loop to avoid zero-degree nodes. # g.add_edges(g.nodes(), g.nodes()) hu, hv, he = generate_feature(g, 'none') if partial: nid = F.tensor(list(range(0, 100, 2))) g.ndata['u'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hu)) g.ndata['v'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hv)) g.edata['e'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(he)) with F.record_grad(): if partial: g.pull(nid, fn.copy_src(src='u', out='m'), builtin[red](msg='m', out='r1')) else: g.update_all(fn.copy_src(src='u', out='m'), builtin[red](msg='m', out='r1')) r1 = g.ndata['r1'] F.backward(r1.sum()) n_grad1 = F.grad(g.ndata['u']) # reset grad g.ndata['u'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hu)) g.ndata['v'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hv)) g.edata['e'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(he)) with F.record_grad(): if partial: g.pull(nid, udf_copy_src, udf_reduce[red]) else: g.update_all(udf_copy_src, udf_reduce[red]) r2 = g.ndata['r2'] F.backward(r2.sum()) n_grad2 = F.grad(g.ndata['u']) assert F.allclose(r1, r2) assert(F.allclose(n_grad1, n_grad2))
def _test(mfunc): g = create_test_heterograph(idtype) x1 = F.randn((g.num_nodes('user'), feat_size)) x2 = F.randn((g.num_nodes('developer'), feat_size)) F.attach_grad(x1) F.attach_grad(x2) g.nodes['user'].data['h'] = x1 g.nodes['developer'].data['h'] = x2 ################################################################# # apply_edges() is called on each relation type separately ################################################################# with F.record_grad(): [ g.apply_edges(fn.copy_u('h', 'm'), etype=rel) for rel in g.canonical_etypes ] r1 = g['plays'].edata['m'] F.backward(r1, F.ones(r1.shape)) n_grad1 = F.grad(g.ndata['h']['user']) # TODO (Israt): clear not working g.edata['m'].clear() ################################################################# # apply_edges() is called on all relation types ################################################################# g.apply_edges(fn.copy_u('h', 'm')) r2 = g['plays'].edata['m'] F.backward(r2, F.ones(r2.shape)) n_grad2 = F.grad(g.nodes['user'].data['h']) # correctness check def _print_error(a, b): for i, (x, y) in enumerate( zip(F.asnumpy(a).flatten(), F.asnumpy(b).flatten())): if not np.allclose(x, y): print('@{} {} v.s. {}'.format(i, x, y)) if not F.allclose(r1, r2): _print_error(r1, r2) assert F.allclose(r1, r2) if not F.allclose(n_grad1, n_grad2): print('node grad') _print_error(n_grad1, n_grad2) assert (F.allclose(n_grad1, n_grad2))
def test_csrsum_backward(idtype, dtype, nelems): a, A = _random_simple_graph(idtype, dtype, F.ctx(), 3, 4, 6, 'A', 'B', 'AB') b, B = _random_simple_graph(idtype, dtype, F.ctx(), 3, 4, 6, 'A', 'B', 'AB') A_row, A_col = A.edges(order='eid') B_row, B_col = B.edges(order='eid') A_row = F.asnumpy(A_row) A_col = F.asnumpy(A_col) B_row = F.asnumpy(B_row) B_col = F.asnumpy(B_col) a_dense = F.attach_grad(F.tensor(a.todense(), dtype=dtype)) b_dense = F.attach_grad(F.tensor(b.todense(), dtype=dtype)) A.edata['w'] = F.attach_grad(A.edata['w']) B.edata['w'] = F.attach_grad(B.edata['w']) with F.record_grad(): if nelems == 2: # Test for two element case C = dgl.adj_sum_graph([A, B], 'w') assert C.canonical_etypes == A.canonical_etypes C_dense = np.zeros((3, 4)) C_row, C_col = C.edges(order='eid') C_row = F.asnumpy(C_row) C_col = F.asnumpy(C_col) C_dense[C_row, C_col] = F.asnumpy(C.edata['w']) c_dense = a_dense + b_dense assert np.allclose(C_dense, F.asnumpy(c_dense), rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4) F.backward(F.reduce_sum(C.edata['w']) + F.reduce_sum(c_dense)) a_dense_grad = F.asnumpy(F.grad(a_dense))[A_row, A_col] b_dense_grad = F.asnumpy(F.grad(b_dense))[B_row, B_col] A_spspmm_grad = F.asnumpy(F.grad(A.edata['w'])) B_spspmm_grad = F.asnumpy(F.grad(B.edata['w'])) assert np.allclose(a_dense_grad, A_spspmm_grad, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4) assert np.allclose(b_dense_grad, B_spspmm_grad, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4) elif nelems == 1: # Test for single element case C = dgl.adj_sum_graph([A], 'w') assert C.canonical_etypes == A.canonical_etypes C_dense = np.zeros((3, 4)) C_row, C_col = C.edges(order='eid') C_row = F.asnumpy(C_row) C_col = F.asnumpy(C_col) C_dense[C_row, C_col] = F.asnumpy(C.edata['w']) c_dense = a_dense assert np.allclose(C_dense, F.asnumpy(c_dense), rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4) F.backward(F.reduce_sum(C.edata['w']) + F.reduce_sum(c_dense)) a_dense_grad = F.asnumpy(F.grad(a_dense))[A_row, A_col] A_spspmm_grad = F.asnumpy(F.grad(A.edata['w'])) assert np.allclose(a_dense_grad, A_spspmm_grad, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)
def _test(red, partial): g = dgl.DGLGraph(nx.erdos_renyi_graph(100, 0.1)) hu, hv, he = generate_feature(g, 'none') if partial: nid = F.tensor(list(range(0, 100, 2))) g.ndata['u'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hu)) g.ndata['v'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hv)) g.edata['e'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(he)) with F.record_grad(): if partial: g.pull(nid, fn.copy_src(src='u', out='m'), builtin[red](msg='m', out='r1')) else: g.update_all(fn.copy_src(src='u', out='m'), builtin[red](msg='m', out='r1')) r1 = g.ndata['r1'] F.backward(r1.sum()) n_grad1 = F.grad(g.ndata['u']) # reset grad g.ndata['u'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hu)) g.ndata['v'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hv)) g.edata['e'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(he)) with F.record_grad(): if partial: g.pull(nid, udf_copy_src, udf_reduce[red]) else: g.update_all(udf_copy_src, udf_reduce[red]) r2 = g.ndata['r2'] F.backward(r2.sum()) n_grad2 = F.grad(g.ndata['u']) assert F.allclose(r1, r2) assert (F.allclose(n_grad1, n_grad2))
def test_backward(): g = create_test_heterograph() x = F.randn((3, 5)) F.attach_grad(x) g.nodes['user'].data['h'] = x with F.record_grad(): g.multi_update_all( {'plays' : (fn.copy_u('h', 'm'), fn.sum('m', 'y')), 'wishes': (fn.copy_u('h', 'm'), fn.sum('m', 'y'))}, 'sum') y = g.nodes['game'].data['y'] F.backward(y, F.ones(y.shape)) print(F.grad(x)) assert F.array_equal(F.grad(x), F.tensor([[2., 2., 2., 2., 2.], [2., 2., 2., 2., 2.], [2., 2., 2., 2., 2.]]))
def _test(lhs, rhs, binary_op): g = create_test_heterograph(idtype) n1 = F.randn((g.num_nodes('user'), feat_size)) n2 = F.randn((g.num_nodes('developer'), feat_size)) n3 = F.randn((g.num_nodes('game'), feat_size)) x1 = F.randn((g.num_edges('plays'), feat_size)) x2 = F.randn((g.num_edges('follows'), feat_size)) x3 = F.randn((g.num_edges('develops'), feat_size)) x4 = F.randn((g.num_edges('wishes'), feat_size)) builtin_msg_name = "{}_{}_{}".format(lhs, binary_op, rhs) builtin_msg = getattr(fn, builtin_msg_name) ################################################################# # apply_edges() is called on each relation type separately ################################################################# F.attach_grad(n1) F.attach_grad(n2) F.attach_grad(n3) g.nodes['user'].data['h'] = n1 g.nodes['developer'].data['h'] = n2 g.nodes['game'].data['h'] = n3 F.attach_grad(x1) F.attach_grad(x2) F.attach_grad(x3) F.attach_grad(x4) g['plays'].edata['h'] = x1 g['follows'].edata['h'] = x2 g['develops'].edata['h'] = x3 g['wishes'].edata['h'] = x4 with F.record_grad(): [ g.apply_edges(builtin_msg('h', 'h', 'm'), etype=rel) for rel in g.canonical_etypes ] r1 = g['plays'].edata['m'] loss = F.sum(r1.view(-1), 0) F.backward(loss) n_grad1 = F.grad(g.nodes['game'].data['h']) ################################################################# # apply_edges() is called on all relation types ################################################################# F.attach_grad(n1) F.attach_grad(n2) F.attach_grad(n3) g.nodes['user'].data['h'] = n1 g.nodes['developer'].data['h'] = n2 g.nodes['game'].data['h'] = n3 F.attach_grad(x1) F.attach_grad(x2) F.attach_grad(x3) F.attach_grad(x4) g['plays'].edata['h'] = x1 g['follows'].edata['h'] = x2 g['develops'].edata['h'] = x3 g['wishes'].edata['h'] = x4 with F.record_grad(): g.apply_edges(builtin_msg('h', 'h', 'm')) r2 = g['plays'].edata['m'] loss = F.sum(r2.view(-1), 0) F.backward(loss) n_grad2 = F.grad(g.nodes['game'].data['h']) # correctness check def _print_error(a, b): for i, (x, y) in enumerate( zip(F.asnumpy(a).flatten(), F.asnumpy(b).flatten())): if not np.allclose(x, y): print('@{} {} v.s. {}'.format(i, x, y)) if not F.allclose(r1, r2): _print_error(r1, r2) assert F.allclose(r1, r2) if n_grad1 is not None or n_grad2 is not None: if not F.allclose(n_grad1, n_grad2): print('node grad') _print_error(n_grad1, n_grad2) assert (F.allclose(n_grad1, n_grad2))
def check_dist_graph(g, num_nodes, num_edges): # Test API assert g.number_of_nodes() == num_nodes assert g.number_of_edges() == num_edges # Test reading node data nids = F.arange(0, int(g.number_of_nodes() / 2)) feats1 = g.ndata['features'][nids] feats = F.squeeze(feats1, 1) assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats == nids)) # Test reading edge data eids = F.arange(0, int(g.number_of_edges() / 2)) feats1 = g.edata['features'][eids] feats = F.squeeze(feats1, 1) assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats == eids)) # Test init node data new_shape = (g.number_of_nodes(), 2) g.ndata['test1'] = dgl.distributed.DistTensor(g, new_shape, F.int32) feats = g.ndata['test1'][nids] assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats) == 0) # reference to a one that exists test2 = dgl.distributed.DistTensor(g, new_shape, F.float32, 'test2', init_func=rand_init) test3 = dgl.distributed.DistTensor(g, new_shape, F.float32, 'test2') assert np.all(F.asnumpy(test2[nids]) == F.asnumpy(test3[nids])) # create a tensor and destroy a tensor and create it again. test3 = dgl.distributed.DistTensor(g, new_shape, F.float32, 'test3', init_func=rand_init) del test3 test3 = dgl.distributed.DistTensor(g, (g.number_of_nodes(), 3), F.float32, 'test3') del test3 # test a persistent tesnor test4 = dgl.distributed.DistTensor(g, new_shape, F.float32, 'test4', init_func=rand_init, persistent=True) del test4 try: test4 = dgl.distributed.DistTensor(g, (g.number_of_nodes(), 3), F.float32, 'test4') raise Exception('') except: pass # Test sparse emb try: emb = DistEmbedding(g, g.number_of_nodes(), 1, 'emb1', emb_init) lr = 0.001 optimizer = SparseAdagrad([emb], lr=lr) with F.record_grad(): feats = emb(nids) assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats) == np.zeros((len(nids), 1))) loss = F.sum(feats + 1, 0) loss.backward() optimizer.step() feats = emb(nids) assert_almost_equal(F.asnumpy(feats), np.ones((len(nids), 1)) * -lr) rest = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(g.number_of_nodes()), F.asnumpy(nids)) feats1 = emb(rest) assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats1) == np.zeros((len(rest), 1))) policy = dgl.distributed.PartitionPolicy('node', g.get_partition_book()) grad_sum = dgl.distributed.DistTensor(g, (g.number_of_nodes(), ), F.float32, 'emb1_sum', policy) assert np.all(F.asnumpy(grad_sum[nids]) == np.ones((len(nids), 1))) assert np.all(F.asnumpy(grad_sum[rest]) == np.zeros((len(rest), 1))) emb = DistEmbedding(g, g.number_of_nodes(), 1, 'emb2', emb_init) with F.no_grad(): feats1 = emb(nids) assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats1) == 0) optimizer = SparseAdagrad([emb], lr=lr) with F.record_grad(): feats1 = emb(nids) feats2 = emb(nids) feats =[feats1, feats2], 0) assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats) == np.zeros((len(nids) * 2, 1))) loss = F.sum(feats + 1, 0) loss.backward() optimizer.step() with F.no_grad(): feats = emb(nids) assert_almost_equal(F.asnumpy(feats), np.ones((len(nids), 1)) * math.sqrt(2) * -lr) rest = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(g.number_of_nodes()), F.asnumpy(nids)) feats1 = emb(rest) assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats1) == np.zeros((len(rest), 1))) except NotImplementedError as e: pass # Test write data new_feats = F.ones((len(nids), 2), F.int32, F.cpu()) g.ndata['test1'][nids] = new_feats feats = g.ndata['test1'][nids] assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats) == 1) # Test metadata operations. assert len(g.ndata['features']) == g.number_of_nodes() assert g.ndata['features'].shape == (g.number_of_nodes(), 1) assert g.ndata['features'].dtype == F.int64 assert g.node_attr_schemes()['features'].dtype == F.int64 assert g.node_attr_schemes()['test1'].dtype == F.int32 assert g.node_attr_schemes()['features'].shape == (1, ) selected_nodes = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=g.number_of_nodes()) > 30 # Test node split nodes = node_split(selected_nodes, g.get_partition_book()) nodes = F.asnumpy(nodes) # We only have one partition, so the local nodes are basically all nodes in the graph. local_nids = np.arange(g.number_of_nodes()) for n in nodes: assert n in local_nids print('end')
def _test(feat_scale): in_feat = 16 * feat_scale out_feat = 8 * feat_scale print("in/out feat", in_feat, out_feat) E_per_rel = F.copy_to( F.tensor([ 50, 100, 20, 284, 89, 10, 82, 9200, 10, 20, 30, 100, 128, 20, 284, 89, 10, 82, 92, 10, 20, 30, 100, 1280, 20, 284, 89, 1000, 82, 92, 10, 2000, 30, 100, 128, 20, 284, 89, 10, 82, 92, 10, 20, 30 ]), F.cpu()) E_per_rel *= n_edge_scale num_rel = len(E_per_rel) print('num_rel', num_rel) W_per_len = F.copy_to( F.full((num_rel, ), in_feat, dtype=F.dtype(E_per_rel)), F.cpu()) H_arr = [] W_arr = [] Out_arr = [] Out_grad_arr = [] for eid in range(num_rel): H_arr.append(F.randn((E_per_rel[eid], in_feat))) W_arr.append(F.randn((in_feat, out_feat))) Out_arr.append(F.zeros((E_per_rel[eid], out_feat))) Out_grad_arr.append(F.ones((E_per_rel[eid], out_feat))) H =[h for h in H_arr], 0) W =[w for w in W_arr], 0) W_3D = W.reshape(num_rel, in_feat, out_feat) Out =[out for out in Out_arr], 0) Out_grad =[o for o in Out_grad_arr], 0) print('H.shape', H.shape) print('W.shape', W.shape) print('W_3D.shape', W_3D.shape) print('Out.shape', Out.shape) etype_arr = [] for eid in range(num_rel): etype_arr.append( F.full((E_per_rel[eid], ), eid, dtype=F.dtype(E_per_rel))) etypes =[etype for etype in etype_arr], 0) ################################################################# # low-mem version using PyTorch operator ################################################################# # forward pass out = [] for i in range(len(E_per_rel)): Hi = H_arr[i] Wi = W_arr[i] out.append(F.matmul(Hi, Wi)) out_low_mem =, 0) # backward pass H_grad = [] W_grad = [] for i in range(len(E_per_rel)): Hi = H_arr[i] Wi = W_arr[i] Out_gradi = Out_grad_arr[i] H_grad.append(F.matmul(Out_gradi, Wi.transpose(0, 1))) W_grad.append(F.matmul(Hi.transpose(0, 1), Out_gradi)) Hgrad_low_mem =, 0) Wgrad_low_mem =, 0) Wgrad_low_mem = Wgrad_low_mem.reshape(num_rel, in_feat, out_feat) ################################################################# # gather_mm where H sorted according to etype ################################################################# seglen_A = E_per_rel F.attach_grad(H) F.attach_grad(W_3D) with F.record_grad(): out_gmm_sorted = dgl.ops.segment_mm(H, W_3D, seglen_A) F.backward(F.reduce_sum(out_gmm_sorted)) Hgrad_gmm_sorted = H.grad Wgrad_gmm_sorted = W_3D.grad ################################################################# # gather_mm where H is not sorted (backward not supported yet) ################################################################# F.attach_grad(H) F.attach_grad(W_3D) with F.record_grad(): out_gmm_unsorted = dgl.ops.gather_mm(H, W_3D, idx_rhs=etypes) F.backward(F.reduce_sum(out_gmm_unsorted)) Hgrad_gmm_unsorted = H.grad Wgrad_gmm_unsorted = W_3D.grad # correctness check assert F.allclose(out_low_mem, out_gmm_sorted, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3) assert F.allclose(Hgrad_low_mem, Hgrad_gmm_sorted, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3) assert F.allclose(Wgrad_low_mem, Wgrad_gmm_sorted, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3) assert F.allclose(out_low_mem, out_gmm_unsorted, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3) assert F.allclose(Hgrad_low_mem, Hgrad_gmm_unsorted, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3) assert F.allclose(Wgrad_low_mem, Wgrad_gmm_unsorted, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
def _test(lhs, rhs, binary_op, reducer): g = create_test_heterograph(idtype) x1 = F.randn((g.num_nodes('user'), feat_size)) x2 = F.randn((g.num_nodes('developer'), feat_size)) x3 = F.randn((g.num_nodes('game'), feat_size)) F.attach_grad(x1) F.attach_grad(x2) F.attach_grad(x3) g.nodes['user'].data['h'] = x1 g.nodes['developer'].data['h'] = x2 g.nodes['game'].data['h'] = x3 x1 = F.randn((4, feat_size)) x2 = F.randn((4, feat_size)) x3 = F.randn((3, feat_size)) x4 = F.randn((3, feat_size)) F.attach_grad(x1) F.attach_grad(x2) F.attach_grad(x3) F.attach_grad(x4) g['plays'].edata['h'] = x1 g['follows'].edata['h'] = x2 g['develops'].edata['h'] = x3 g['wishes'].edata['h'] = x4 builtin_msg_name = "{}_{}_{}".format(lhs, binary_op, rhs) builtin_msg = getattr(fn, builtin_msg_name) builtin_red = getattr(fn, reducer) ################################################################# # multi_update_all(): call msg_passing separately for each etype ################################################################# with F.record_grad(): g.multi_update_all( { etype: (builtin_msg('h', 'h', 'm'), builtin_red('m', 'y')) for etype in g.canonical_etypes }, 'sum') r1 = g.nodes['game'].data['y'] F.backward(r1, F.ones(r1.shape)) n_grad1 = F.grad(r1) ################################################################# # update_all(): call msg_passing for all etypes ################################################################# g.update_all(builtin_msg('h', 'h', 'm'), builtin_red('m', 'y')) r2 = g.nodes['game'].data['y'] F.backward(r2, F.ones(r2.shape)) n_grad2 = F.grad(r2) # correctness check def _print_error(a, b): for i, (x, y) in enumerate( zip(F.asnumpy(a).flatten(), F.asnumpy(b).flatten())): if not np.allclose(x, y): print('@{} {} v.s. {}'.format(i, x, y)) if not F.allclose(r1, r2): _print_error(r1, r2) assert F.allclose(r1, r2)
def _test(mfunc, rfunc): g = create_test_heterograph_large(idtype) g0 = create_test_heterograph_2(idtype) g1 = create_test_heterograph(idtype) cross_reducer = rfunc.__name__ x1 = F.randn((g.num_edges('plays'), feat_size)) x2 = F.randn((g.num_edges('follows'), feat_size)) x3 = F.randn((g.num_edges('develops'), feat_size)) x4 = F.randn((g.num_edges('wishes'), feat_size)) F.attach_grad(x1) F.attach_grad(x2) F.attach_grad(x3) F.attach_grad(x4) g['plays'].edata['eid'] = x1 g['follows'].edata['eid'] = x2 g['develops'].edata['eid'] = x3 g['wishes'].edata['eid'] = x4 ################################################################# # multi_update_all(): call msg_passing separately for each etype ################################################################# with F.record_grad(): g.multi_update_all( { 'plays': (mfunc('eid', 'm'), rfunc('m', 'y')), 'follows': (mfunc('eid', 'm'), rfunc('m', 'y')), 'develops': (mfunc('eid', 'm'), rfunc('m', 'y')), 'wishes': (mfunc('eid', 'm'), rfunc('m', 'y')) }, cross_reducer) r1 = g.nodes['game'].data['y'].clone() r2 = g.nodes['user'].data['y'].clone() loss = r1.sum() + r2.sum() F.backward(loss) e_grad1 = F.grad(g['develops'].edata['eid']).clone() e_grad2 = F.grad(g['plays'].edata['eid']).clone() e_grad3 = F.grad(g['wishes'].edata['eid']).clone() e_grad4 = F.grad(g['follows'].edata['eid']).clone() { etype: (g[etype].edata.clear()) for _, etype, _ in g.canonical_etypes }, ################################################################# # update_all(): call msg_passing for all etypes ################################################################# # TODO(Israt): output type can be None in multi_update and empty F.attach_grad(x1) F.attach_grad(x2) F.attach_grad(x3) F.attach_grad(x4) g['plays'].edata['eid'] = x1 g['follows'].edata['eid'] = x2 g['develops'].edata['eid'] = x3 g['wishes'].edata['eid'] = x4 with F.record_grad(): g.update_all(mfunc('eid', 'm'), rfunc('m', 'y')) r3 = g.nodes['game'].data['y'] r4 = g.nodes['user'].data['y'] loss = r3.sum() + r4.sum() F.backward(loss) e_grad5 = F.grad(g['develops'].edata['eid']) e_grad6 = F.grad(g['plays'].edata['eid']) e_grad7 = F.grad(g['wishes'].edata['eid']) e_grad8 = F.grad(g['follows'].edata['eid']) # # correctness check def _print_error(a, b): for i, (x, y) in enumerate( zip(F.asnumpy(a).flatten(), F.asnumpy(b).flatten())): if not np.allclose(x, y): print('@{} {} v.s. {}'.format(i, x, y)) assert F.allclose(r1, r3) assert F.allclose(r2, r4) assert (F.allclose(e_grad1, e_grad5)) assert (F.allclose(e_grad2, e_grad6)) assert (F.allclose(e_grad3, e_grad7)) assert (F.allclose(e_grad4, e_grad8))
def _test(g, lhs, rhs, binary_op, reducer, partial, nid, broadcast='none'): # initialize node/edge features with uniform(-1, 1) hu, hv, he = generate_feature(g, broadcast, binary_op) if binary_op == 'div': # op = div # lhs range: [-1, 1] # rhs range: [1, 2] # result range: [-1, 1] if rhs == 'u': hu = (hu + 3) / 2 elif rhs == 'v': hv = (hv + 3) / 2 elif rhs == 'e': he = (he + 3) / 2 if binary_op == 'add' or binary_op == 'sub': # op = add, sub # lhs range: [-1/2, 1/2] # rhs range: [-1/2, 1/2] # result range: [-1, 1] hu = hu / 2 hv = hv / 2 he = he / 2 g.ndata['u'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hu)) g.ndata['v'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hv)) g.edata['e'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(he)) builtin_msg_name = "{}_{}_{}".format(lhs, binary_op, rhs) builtin_msg = getattr(fn, builtin_msg_name) builtin_red = getattr(fn, reducer) def target_feature_switch(g, target): if target == "u": return g.ndata["u"] elif target == "v": return g.ndata["v"] else: return g.edata["e"] with F.record_grad(): if partial: g.pull(nid, builtin_msg(lhs, rhs, 'm'), builtin_red('m', 'r1')) else: g.update_all(builtin_msg(lhs, rhs, 'm'), builtin_red('m', 'r1')) r1 = g.ndata.pop('r1') F.backward(F.reduce_sum(r1)) lhs_grad_1 = F.grad(target_feature_switch(g, lhs)) rhs_grad_1 = F.grad(target_feature_switch(g, rhs)) # reset grad g.ndata['u'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hu)) g.ndata['v'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hv)) g.edata['e'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(he)) def target_switch(edges, target): if target == "u": return edges.src elif target == "v": return edges.dst elif target == "e": return else: assert(0), "Unknown target {}".format(target) def mfunc(edges): op = getattr(F, binary_op) lhs_data = target_switch(edges, lhs)[lhs] rhs_data = target_switch(edges, rhs)[rhs] # NOTE(zihao): we need to do batched broadcast # e.g. (68, 3, 1) op (68, 5, 3, 4) while F.ndim(lhs_data) < F.ndim(rhs_data): lhs_data = F.unsqueeze(lhs_data, 1) while F.ndim(rhs_data) < F.ndim(lhs_data): rhs_data = F.unsqueeze(rhs_data, 1) return {"m": op(lhs_data, rhs_data)} def rfunc(nodes): op = getattr(F, reducer) return {"r2": op(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)} with F.record_grad(): if partial: g.pull(nid, mfunc, rfunc) else: g.update_all(mfunc, rfunc) r2 = g.ndata.pop('r2') F.backward(F.reduce_sum(r2), F.tensor([1.])) lhs_grad_2 = F.grad(target_feature_switch(g, lhs)) rhs_grad_2 = F.grad(target_feature_switch(g, rhs)) rtol = 1e-4 atol = 1e-4 def _print_error(a, b): print("ERROR: Test {}_{}_{}_{} broadcast: {} partial: {}". format(lhs, binary_op, rhs, reducer, broadcast, partial)) return if lhs == 'u': lhs_data = hu elif lhs == 'v': lhs_data = hv elif lhs == 'e': lhs_data = he if rhs == 'u': rhs_data = hu elif rhs == 'v': rhs_data = hv elif rhs == 'e': rhs_data = he print("lhs", F.asnumpy(lhs_data).tolist()) print("rhs", F.asnumpy(rhs_data).tolist()) for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(F.asnumpy(a).flatten(), F.asnumpy(b).flatten())): if not np.allclose(x, y, rtol, atol): print('@{} {} v.s. {}'.format(i, x, y)) if not F.allclose(r1, r2, rtol, atol): _print_error(r1, r2) assert F.allclose(r1, r2, rtol, atol) if not F.allclose(lhs_grad_1, lhs_grad_2, rtol, atol): print("left grad") _print_error(lhs_grad_1, lhs_grad_2) assert(F.allclose(lhs_grad_1, lhs_grad_2, rtol, atol)) if not F.allclose(rhs_grad_1, rhs_grad_2, rtol, atol): print("right grad") _print_error(rhs_grad_1, rhs_grad_2) assert(F.allclose(rhs_grad_1, rhs_grad_2, rtol, atol))
def run_client(graph_name, part_id, num_nodes, num_edges): time.sleep(5) gpb = load_partition_book('/tmp/dist_graph/{}.json'.format(graph_name), part_id, None) g = DistGraph("kv_ip_config.txt", graph_name, gpb=gpb) # Test API assert g.number_of_nodes() == num_nodes assert g.number_of_edges() == num_edges # Test reading node data nids = F.arange(0, int(g.number_of_nodes() / 2)) feats1 = g.ndata['features'][nids] feats = F.squeeze(feats1, 1) assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats == nids)) # Test reading edge data eids = F.arange(0, int(g.number_of_edges() / 2)) feats1 = g.edata['features'][eids] feats = F.squeeze(feats1, 1) assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats == eids)) # Test init node data new_shape = (g.number_of_nodes(), 2) g.init_ndata('test1', new_shape, F.int32) feats = g.ndata['test1'][nids] assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats) == 0) # Test init edge data new_shape = (g.number_of_edges(), 2) g.init_edata('test1', new_shape, F.int32) feats = g.edata['test1'][eids] assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats) == 0) # Test sparse emb try: new_shape = (g.number_of_nodes(), 1) emb = SparseNodeEmbedding(g, 'emb1', new_shape, emb_init) lr = 0.001 optimizer = SparseAdagrad([emb], lr=lr) with F.record_grad(): feats = emb(nids) assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats) == np.zeros((len(nids), 1))) loss = F.sum(feats + 1, 0) loss.backward() optimizer.step() feats = emb(nids) assert_almost_equal(F.asnumpy(feats), np.ones((len(nids), 1)) * -lr) rest = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(g.number_of_nodes()), F.asnumpy(nids)) feats1 = emb(rest) assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats1) == np.zeros((len(rest), 1))) policy = dgl.distributed.PartitionPolicy('node', g.get_partition_book()) grad_sum = dgl.distributed.DistTensor(g, 'node:emb1_sum', policy) assert np.all(F.asnumpy(grad_sum[nids]) == np.ones((len(nids), 1))) assert np.all(F.asnumpy(grad_sum[rest]) == np.zeros((len(rest), 1))) emb = SparseNodeEmbedding(g, 'emb2', new_shape, emb_init) optimizer = SparseAdagrad([emb], lr=lr) with F.record_grad(): feats1 = emb(nids) feats2 = emb(nids) feats =[feats1, feats2], 0) assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats) == np.zeros((len(nids) * 2, 1))) loss = F.sum(feats + 1, 0) loss.backward() optimizer.step() feats = emb(nids) assert_almost_equal(F.asnumpy(feats), np.ones((len(nids), 1)) * math.sqrt(2) * -lr) rest = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(g.number_of_nodes()), F.asnumpy(nids)) feats1 = emb(rest) assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats1) == np.zeros((len(rest), 1))) except NotImplementedError as e: pass # Test write data new_feats = F.ones((len(nids), 2), F.int32, F.cpu()) g.ndata['test1'][nids] = new_feats feats = g.ndata['test1'][nids] assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats) == 1) # Test metadata operations. assert len(g.ndata['features']) == g.number_of_nodes() assert g.ndata['features'].shape == (g.number_of_nodes(), 1) assert g.ndata['features'].dtype == F.int64 assert g.node_attr_schemes()['features'].dtype == F.int64 assert g.node_attr_schemes()['test1'].dtype == F.int32 assert g.node_attr_schemes()['features'].shape == (1, ) selected_nodes = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=g.number_of_nodes()) > 30 # Test node split nodes = node_split(selected_nodes, g.get_partition_book()) nodes = F.asnumpy(nodes) # We only have one partition, so the local nodes are basically all nodes in the graph. local_nids = np.arange(g.number_of_nodes()) for n in nodes: assert n in local_nids # clean up dgl.distributed.shutdown_servers() dgl.distributed.finalize_client() print('end')
def _test(g, lhs, rhs, binary_op, reducer, paritial, nid, broadcast='none'): hu, hv, he = generate_feature(g, broadcast) g.ndata['u'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hu)) g.ndata['v'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hv)) g.edata['e'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(he)) builtin_msg_name = "{}_{}_{}".format(lhs, binary_op, rhs) builtin_msg = getattr(fn, builtin_msg_name) builtin_red = getattr(fn, reducer) def target_feature_switch(g, target): if target == "u": return g.ndata["u"] elif target == "v": return g.ndata["v"] else: return g.edata["e"] with F.record_grad(): if partial: g.pull(nid, builtin_msg(lhs, rhs, 'm'), builtin_red('m', 'r1')) else: g.update_all(builtin_msg(lhs, rhs, 'm'), builtin_red('m', 'r1')) r1 = g.ndata.pop('r1') F.backward(r1.sum()) lhs_grad_1 = F.grad(target_feature_switch(g, lhs)) rhs_grad_1 = F.grad(target_feature_switch(g, rhs)) # reset grad g.ndata['u'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hu)) g.ndata['v'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hv)) g.edata['e'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(he)) def target_switch(edges, target): if target == "u": return edges.src elif target == "v": return edges.dst elif target == "e": return else: assert (0), "Unknown target {}".format(target) def mfunc(edges): op = getattr(F, binary_op) lhs_data = target_switch(edges, lhs) rhs_data = target_switch(edges, rhs) return {"m": op(lhs_data[lhs], rhs_data[rhs])} def rfunc(nodes): op = getattr(F, reducer) return {"r2": op(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)} with F.record_grad(): if partial: g.pull(nid, mfunc, rfunc) else: g.update_all(mfunc, rfunc) r2 = g.ndata.pop('r2') F.backward(r2.sum(), F.tensor([1.])) lhs_grad_2 = F.grad(target_feature_switch(g, lhs)) rhs_grad_2 = F.grad(target_feature_switch(g, rhs)) if reducer == 'prod': rtol = 1e-2 atol = 1e-2 else: rtol = 1e-4 atol = 1e-4 def _print_error(a, b): print("ERROR: Test {}_{}_{}_{} {}".format(lhs, binary_op, rhs, reducer, broadcast)) print(a, b) for i, (x, y) in enumerate( zip( F.asnumpy(F.cpu(a)).flatten(), F.asnumpy(F.cpu(b)).flatten())): if not np.allclose(x, y, rtol, atol): print('@{} {} v.s. {}'.format(i, x, y)) if not F.allclose(r1, r2, rtol, atol): _print_error(r1, r2) assert F.allclose(r1, r2, rtol, atol) if not F.allclose(lhs_grad_1, lhs_grad_2, rtol, atol): print("left grad") _print_error(lhs_grad_1, lhs_grad_2) assert (F.allclose(lhs_grad_1, lhs_grad_2, rtol, atol)) if not F.allclose(rhs_grad_1, rhs_grad_2, rtol, atol): print("right grad") _print_error(rhs_grad_1, rhs_grad_2) assert (F.allclose(rhs_grad_1, rhs_grad_2, rtol, atol))