class SuperNintendoEntertainmentSystemPlugin(Plugin): def __init__(self, reader, writer, token): super().__init__(Platform.SuperNintendoEntertainmentSystem, __version__, reader, writer, token) ### Variables ### self.config = config.Config() self.auth_server = AuthenticationServer() self.auth_server.start() = [] self.local_games_cache = None self.proc = None self.snes_client = SNESClient(self) self.running_game_id = "" self.tick_count = 0 ### Tasks ### self.update_local_games_task = self.create_task(asyncio.sleep(0), "Update local games") async def authenticate(self, stored_credentials=None): if not stored_credentials: PARAMS = { "window_title": "Configure SNES Integration", "window_width": 550, "window_height": 730, "start_uri": "http://localhost:" + str(self.auth_server.port), "end_uri_regex": ".*/end.*" } return NextStep("web_session", PARAMS) return self._do_auth() async def pass_login_credentials(self, step, credentials, cookies): return self._do_auth() def _do_auth(self) -> Authentication: user_data = {} user_data["username"] = self.config.cfg.get("Paths", "roms_path") self.store_credentials(user_data) return Authentication("bsnes_user", user_data["username"]) async def launch_game(self, game_id): self.running_game_id = game_id logging.debug("DEV: Running game id is - %s", self.running_game_id) emu_path = self.config.cfg.get("Paths", "emu_path") fullscreen = self.config.cfg.getboolean("EmuSettings", "emu_fullscreen") self._launch_game(game_id, emu_path, fullscreen) logging.debug("DEV: Launch game has been called") self.snes_client._set_session_start() def _launch_game(self, game_id, emu_path, fullscreen) -> None: ''' Returns None Interprets user configurated options and launches Bsnes with the chosen rom ''' for game in if == game_id: args = [emu_path] if fullscreen: args.append("--fullscreen") args.append(game.path) self.proc = subprocess.Popen(args) logging.debug("DEV: Game has been launched with args - %s", args) break # Only as placeholders so the launch game feature is recognized async def install_game(self, game_id): pass async def uninstall_game(self, game_id): pass async def prepare_local_size_context(self, game_ids): return self._get_local_size_dict() async def get_local_size(self, game_id, context): local_size = context.get(game_id) return local_size def _get_local_size_dict(self) -> dict: ''' Returns a dict of game sizes ''' local_sizes = {} for game in local_size = os.path.getsize(game.path) local_sizes[] = local_size return local_sizes async def prepare_game_times_context(self, game_ids): return self._get_games_times_dict() async def get_game_time(self, game_id, context): game_time = context.get(game_id) return game_time def _get_games_times_dict(self) -> dict: ''' Returns a dict of GameTime objects Creates and reads the game_times.json file ''' game_times = {} path = os.path.expandvars(r"%LOCALAPPDATA%\\Galaxy\Configuration\plugins\snes\game_times.json") update_file = False # Read the games times json try: with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as game_times_file: data = json.load(game_times_file) except FileNotFoundError: data = {} if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as game_times_file: json.dump(data, game_times_file, indent=4) for game in if in data: time_played = data.get("time_played") last_time_played = data.get("last_time_played") else: time_played = 0 last_time_played = None data[] = { "name":, "time_played": 0, "last_time_played": None } update_file = True game_times[] = GameTime(, time_played, last_time_played) if update_file == True: with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as game_times_file: json.dump(data, game_times_file, indent=4) return game_times def _local_games_list(self) -> list: ''' Returns a list of LocalGame objects Goes through retrieved games and adds them as local games with default state of "Installed" ''' local_games = [] for game in state = LocalGameState.Installed if self.running_game_id == state |= LocalGameState.Running local_games.append( LocalGame(, state ) ) return local_games def tick(self): self._check_emu_status() if self.local_games_cache is not None and self.update_local_games_task.done(): self.update_local_games_task = self.create_task(self._update_local_games(), "Update local games") self.tick_count += 1 if self.tick_count % 12 == 0: self.create_task(self._update_all_game_times(), "Update all game times") def _check_emu_status(self) -> None: try: if self.proc.poll() is not None: logging.debug("DEV: Emulator process has been closed") self.snes_client._set_session_end() session_duration = self.snes_client._get_session_duration() last_time_played = int(time.time()) self._update_game_time(self.running_game_id, session_duration, last_time_played) self.proc = None self.running_game_id = "" except AttributeError: pass async def _update_local_games(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() new_list = await loop.run_in_executor(None, self._local_games_list) notify_list = self.snes_client._get_state_changes(self.local_games_cache, new_list) self.local_games_cache = new_list logging.debug("DEV: Local games cache is - %s", self.local_games_cache) for game in notify_list: self.update_local_game_status(game) await asyncio.sleep(5) async def _update_all_game_times(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() new_game_times = await loop.run_in_executor(None, self._get_games_times_dict) for game_time in new_game_times: self.update_game_time(new_game_times[game_time]) def _update_game_time(self, game_id, session_duration, last_time_played) -> None: ''' Returns None Update the game time of a single game ''' path = os.path.expandvars(r"%LOCALAPPDATA%\\Galaxy\Configuration\plugins\snes\game_times.json") with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as game_times_file: data = json.load(game_times_file) data[game_id]["time_played"] = data.get(game_id).get("time_played") + session_duration data[game_id]["last_time_played"] = last_time_played with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as game_times_file: json.dump(data, game_times_file, indent=4) self.update_game_time(GameTime(game_id, data.get(game_id).get("time_played"), last_time_played)) async def get_owned_games(self): owned_games = [] = self.snes_client._get_games_giant_bomb() for game in owned_games.append( Game(,, None, LicenseInfo(LicenseType.SinglePurchase, None) ) ) return owned_games async def get_local_games(self): loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() self.local_games_cache = await loop.run_in_executor(None, self._local_games_list) return self.local_games_cache async def shutdown(self): self.auth_server.httpd.shutdown()
class PlayStation2Plugin(Plugin): def __init__(self, reader, writer, token): super().__init__(Platform.PlayStation2, __version__, reader, writer, token) self.config = config.Config() self.auth_server = AuthenticationServer() self.auth_server.start() = [] self.local_games_cache = [] self.proc = None self.ps2_client = PS2Client(self) self.running_game_id = "" self.tick_count = 0 async def authenticate(self, stored_credentials=None): if not stored_credentials: PARAMS = { "window_title": "Configure PS2 Integration", "window_width": 550, "window_height": 730, "start_uri": "http://localhost:" + str(self.auth_server.port), "end_uri_regex": ".*/end.*" } return NextStep("web_session", PARAMS) return self._do_auth() async def pass_login_credentials(self, step, credentials, cookies): return self._do_auth() def _do_auth(self) -> Authentication: user_data = {} user_data["username"] = self.config.cfg.get("Paths", "roms_path") self.store_credentials(user_data) return Authentication("pcsx2_user", user_data["username"]) async def launch_game(self, game_id): self.running_game_id = game_id emu_path = self.config.cfg.get("Paths", "emu_path") config_folder = self.config.cfg.get("Paths", "config_path") fullscreen = self.config.cfg.getboolean("EmuSettings", "emu_fullscreen") no_gui = self.config.cfg.getboolean("EmuSettings", "emu_no_gui") emu_config = self.config.cfg.getboolean("EmuSettings", "emu_config") self._launch_game(game_id, emu_path, no_gui, fullscreen, emu_config, config_folder) self.ps2_client._set_session_start() def _launch_game(self, game_id, emu_path, no_gui, fullscreen, emu_config, config_folder) -> None: ''' Returns None Interprets user configurated options and launches PCSX2 with the chosen rom ''' for game in if == game_id: if config_folder not None: rom_file = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(game.path))[0] config_folder_game = config_folder + "/" + rom_file args = [emu_path] if emu_config and os.path.isdir(config_folder_game): config_arg = "--cfgpath=" + config_folder_game args.append(config_arg) if fullscreen: args.append("--fullscreen") if no_gui: args.append("--nogui") if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config_folder_game, "fullboot.ini")): args.append("--fullboot") args.append(game.path) self.proc = subprocess.Popen(args) break
class PlayStation2Plugin(Plugin): def __init__(self, reader, writer, token): super().__init__(Platform.PlayStation2, __version__, reader, writer, token) self.config = config.Config() self.auth_server = AuthenticationServer() self.auth_server.start() = [] self.local_games_cache = [] self.proc = None self.ps2_client = PS2Client(self) self.running_game_id = "" self.tick_count = 0 async def authenticate(self, stored_credentials=None): if not stored_credentials: PARAMS = { "window_title": "Configure PS2 Integration", "window_width": 550, "window_height": 730, "start_uri": "http://localhost:" + str(self.auth_server.port), "end_uri_regex": ".*/end.*" } return NextStep("web_session", PARAMS) return self._do_auth() async def pass_login_credentials(self, step, credentials, cookies): return self._do_auth() def _do_auth(self) -> Authentication: user_data = {} user_data["username"] = self.config.cfg.get("Paths", "roms_path") self.store_credentials(user_data) return Authentication("pcsx2_user", user_data["username"]) async def launch_game(self, game_id): self.running_game_id = game_id logging.debug("DEV: Running game id is - %s", self.running_game_id) emu_path = self.config.cfg.get("Paths", "emu_path") config_folder = self.config.cfg.get("Paths", "config_path") fullscreen = self.config.cfg.getboolean("EmuSettings", "emu_fullscreen") no_gui = self.config.cfg.getboolean("EmuSettings", "emu_no_gui") emu_config = self.config.cfg.getboolean("EmuSettings", "emu_config") self._launch_game(game_id, emu_path, no_gui, fullscreen, emu_config, config_folder) logging.debug("DEV: Launch game has been called") self.ps2_client._set_session_start() def _launch_game(self, game_id, emu_path, no_gui, fullscreen, emu_config, config_folder) -> None: ''' Returns None Interprets user configurated options and launches PCSX2 with the chosen rom ''' for game in if == game_id: if config_folder is not None: rom_file = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(game.path))[0] config_folder_game = config_folder + "/" + rom_file if os.path.exists( os.path.join(config_folder_game, "fullboot.ini")): args.append("--fullboot") args = [emu_path] if emu_config and os.path.isdir(config_folder_game): config_arg = "--cfgpath=" + config_folder_game args.append(config_arg) if fullscreen: args.append("--fullscreen") if no_gui: args.append("--nogui") args.append(game.path) self.proc = subprocess.Popen(args) logging.debug("DEV: Game has been launched with args - %s", args) break # Only as placeholders so the launch game feature is recognized async def install_game(self, game_id): pass async def uninstall_game(self, game_id): pass async def prepare_game_times_context(self, game_ids): return self._get_games_times_dict() async def get_game_time(self, game_id, context): game_time = context.get(game_id) return game_time def _get_games_times_dict(self) -> dict: ''' Returns a dict of GameTime objects Creates and reads the game_times.json file ''' data = {} game_times = {} path = os.path.expandvars( r"%LOCALAPPDATA%\\Galaxy\Configuration\plugins\ps2\game_times.json" ) # Check if the file exists, otherwise create it with defaults if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) for game in data[] = { "name":, "time_played": 0, "last_time_played": None } with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as game_times_file: json.dump(data, game_times_file, indent=4) # Now read it and return the game times with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as game_times_file: parsed_game_times_file = json.load(game_times_file) for entry in parsed_game_times_file: game_id = entry time_played = parsed_game_times_file.get(entry).get("time_played") last_time_played = parsed_game_times_file.get(entry).get( "last_time_played") game_times[game_id] = GameTime(game_id, time_played, last_time_played) return game_times def _local_games_list(self) -> list: ''' Returns a list of LocalGame objects Goes through retrieved games and adds them as local games with default state of "Installed" ''' local_games = [] for game in state = LocalGameState.Installed if self.running_game_id == state |= LocalGameState.Running local_games.append(LocalGame(, state)) return local_games def tick(self): self._check_emu_status() self.create_task(self._update_local_games(), "Update local games") self.tick_count += 1 if self.tick_count % 12 == 0: self.create_task(self._update_all_game_times(), "Update all game times") def _check_emu_status(self) -> None: try: if self.proc.poll() is not None: logging.debug("DEV: Emulator process has been closed") self.ps2_client._set_session_end() session_duration = self.ps2_client._get_session_duration() last_time_played = int(time.time()) self._update_game_time(self.running_game_id, session_duration, last_time_played) self.proc = None self.running_game_id = "" except AttributeError: pass async def _update_local_games(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() new_list = await loop.run_in_executor(None, self._local_games_list) notify_list = self.ps2_client._get_state_changes( self.local_games_cache, new_list) self.local_games_cache = new_list logging.debug("DEV: Local games cache is - %s", self.local_games_cache) for local_game_notify in notify_list: self.update_local_game_status(local_game_notify) async def _update_all_game_times(self) -> None: await asyncio.sleep( 60) # Leave time for Galaxy to fetch games before updating times loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() new_game_times = await loop.run_in_executor(None, self._get_games_times_dict) for game_time in new_game_times: self.update_game_time(new_game_times[game_time]) def _update_game_time(self, game_id, session_duration, last_time_played) -> None: ''' Returns None Update the game time of a single game ''' path = os.path.expandvars( r"%LOCALAPPDATA%\\Galaxy\Configuration\plugins\ps2\game_times.json" ) with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as game_times_file: data = json.load(game_times_file) data[game_id]["time_played"] = data.get(game_id).get( "time_played") + session_duration data[game_id]["last_time_played"] = last_time_played with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as game_times_file: json.dump(data, game_times_file, indent=4) self.update_game_time( GameTime(game_id, data.get(game_id).get("time_played"), last_time_played)) async def get_owned_games(self): method = self.config.cfg.get("Method", "method") owned_games = [] if (method == "default"): logging.debug("DEV: Default method has been chosen") = self.ps2_client._get_games_database() elif (method == "giant"): logging.debug("DEV: Giant bomb method has been chosen") = self.ps2_client._get_games_giant_bomb() else: logging.debug("DEV: ISO method has been chosen") = self.ps2_client._get_games_read_iso() for game in owned_games.append( Game(,, None, LicenseInfo(LicenseType.SinglePurchase, None))) return owned_games async def get_local_games(self): return self.local_games_cache async def shutdown(self): self.auth_server.httpd.shutdown()