예제 #1
 def donut_segments(self) -> List[go.Scatter]:
     [burn_in, remaining] = self.data.slcs
     x_axis = Axis((0, 1), DialPlot.angular_domain)
     return [
         DialPlot.donut_segment(x_axis.map_domain(burn_in), self.theme.burn_in_segment),
         DialPlot.donut_segment(x_axis.map_domain(remaining), self.theme.remaining_segment)
예제 #2
def spiral_plot(
    xs: Sequence[float],
    ys: Sequence[float],
    x_axis: Axis,
    y_axis: Axis,
    b: float,
) -> Tuple[List[float], List[float]]:
    """Plot along arithmetic spiral r = a + b * theta, via the supplied axes. 12 o'clock = 0.5 * pi."""
    assert len(xs) == len(ys)
    thetas = x_axis.map(xs)
    ys_radial = [y + b * theta for theta, y in zip(thetas, y_axis.map(ys))]
    rs_thetas: List[Tuple[float,
                          float]] = [(cos(theta) * y, sin(theta) * y)
                                     for theta, y in zip(thetas, ys_radial)]
    return [r for r, _ in rs_thetas], [theta for _, theta in rs_thetas]
예제 #3
 def spiral_plot(self) -> go.Scatter:
     chain: List[float] = self.data.variance(self.n_chain, self.step)
     xs: List[int] = [*range(0, self.data.n_iter)]
     y_range: Domain = min(chain), max(chain)
     # plot variance (which is always positive) and its negation in the same plot, and close into a polygon
     xs1, ys1 = spiral_plot(xs, chain, self.angular_axis, Axis(y_range, (0.5, 1)), 1 / (2 * pi))
     xs2, ys2 = spiral_plot(xs, chain, self.angular_axis, Axis(y_range, (0.5, 0)), 1 / (2 * pi))
     return go.Scatter(
         x=xs1 + xs2[::-1],
         y=ys1 + ys2[::-1],
         fillcolor=alpha(self.theme.palette[self.n_chain], 0.5),
         line=dict(width=0.5, color=self.theme.palette[self.n_chain]),
         xaxis='x' + self.axis_id,
         yaxis='y' + self.axis_id,
예제 #4
 def radial_ticks(self, xs: Sequence[float], tick_size: Tuple[float, float], colour: str) -> go.Scatter:
     """Ticks at supplied angular positions, sized relative to radial_domain."""
     top, bottom = tick_size
     y_axis: Axis = Axis((0, 1), DialPlot.radial_domain)
     x1, y1 = polar_plot(xs, [top] * len(xs), self.angular_axis, y_axis)
     x2, y2 = polar_plot(xs, [bottom] * len(xs), self.angular_axis, y_axis)
     x = [x for p in zip(x1, x2, x2) for x in p]
     y = [y for p in zip(y1, y2, [nan] * len(x2)) for y in p]  # nan to avoid joining all points
     return go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='lines', line=dict(width=1, color=colour))
예제 #5
 def angular_axis(self) -> Axis:
     return Axis((0, self.data.n_iter), (0.5 * pi, 2 * pi * 3))
예제 #6
 def radial_axis(self) -> Axis:
     return Axis((self.data.min_sample, self.data.max_sample), DialPlot.radial_domain)
예제 #7
 def angular_axis(self) -> Axis:
     return Axis((0, self.data.n_iter), DialPlot.angular_domain)
예제 #8
def arc(x_size: Domain, y: float, n_steps: int) -> Tuple[List[float], List[float]]:
    """Arc at distance y from (0,0) with angular extent x_domain."""
    xs = [*range(0, n_steps)]
    ys = [y] * n_steps
    return polar_plot(xs, ys, Axis((0, n_steps - 1), x_size), Axis((0, 1), DialPlot.radial_domain))
예제 #9
 def tick_labels(self, xs: Sequence[float], tick_bottom: float) -> go.Scatter:
     y_axis: Axis = Axis((0, 1), DialPlot.radial_domain)
     x, y = polar_plot(xs, [tick_bottom - 0.05] * len(xs), self.angular_axis, y_axis)
     return go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, text=[str(x) for x in xs], mode='text', textposition='middle left')