예제 #1
파일: grab.py 프로젝트: Brokenwind/CityInfo
class Grab:
    def __init__(self):
        self._logger = Logger(__file__)
        #profile = FirefoxProfile()
        #profile.set_preference('dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.libflashplayer.so', 'false')
        #self._browser = webdriver.Firefox(profile)
        self._browser = webdriver.Firefox()
        self.baidu = Baidu(self._browser)
        self.map = BaiduMap()
        self.ak = "sh0wDYRg1LnB5OYTefZcuHu3zwuoFeOy"
        self.table = Tables();

    def __del__(self):

    def loadData(self):
        with open('allprovinces.json') as json_file:
            data = json.load(json_file)
        return data

    def getData(self):
        data = self.loadData()
        if not data:
            return None
        for pro in data["provincesList"]:
            cities = pro["Citys"]
            proname = pro["Name"]
            if ( len(cities) > 0 ):
                for city in cities:
                    name = city["Name"]
                    self._logger.info("current city: "+name)
                    cityInfo = self.baidu.baike(name)
                    if not cityInfo:
                    cityBasic = cityInfo["basic"]
                    summary = cityInfo["summary"]
                    cityImage = self.baidu.niceImage(name+'壁纸',width=1300,height=750)
                    cityGeo = self.map.getGeoAddress(name,self.ak)
                    if cityGeo:
                        if "location" in cityGeo.keys():
                            location = cityGeo["location"]
                            lng = location["lng"]
                            lat = location["lat"]
                        lng = "0.0"
                        lat = "0.0"
                    cityID = city["Id"]
                    zoneNum = zipCode = area = climate = ptype = acreage = ""
                    if u"电话区号" in cityBasic:
                        zoneNum = cityBasic[u"电话区号"]
                    if u"邮政区码" in cityBasic:
                        zipCode = cityBasic[u"邮政区码"]
                    if u"地理位置" in cityBasic:
                        area = cityBasic[u"地理位置"]
                    if u"气候条件" in cityBasic:
                        climate = cityBasic[u"气候条件"]
                    if u"行政区类别" in cityBasic:
                        ptype = cityBasic[u"行政区类别"]
                    if u"面    积" in cityBasic:
                        acreage = cityBasic[u"面    积"]
                    cityParams = (cityID,name,proname,ptype,area,zoneNum,acreage,climate,zipCode,lng,lat,summary)
                    if  cityImage:
                        for pic in cityImage:
예제 #2
class Grab:
    def __init__(self):
        self._logger = Logger(__file__)
        # the entry point of grabing 
        self.provinces = []
        #self._browser = webdriver.PhantomJS()
        self._browser = webdriver.Firefox()
        self.tabopera = Tables();
        self.record = open("record.txt","a+")
        self.fdate = open("date.txt","a+")
        self.fprice = open("price.txt","a+")
        self.sprovince = 0
        self.spage = 1
        self.snum = 0
        self.picturenum = 10
        self.baidu = Baidu(self._browser)
        self.map = BaiduMap()
        self.ak = "sh0wDYRg1LnB5OYTefZcuHu3zwuoFeOy"
    def __del__(self):

    def getProvinces(self):
        '''Get the information of link, area and the number of provinces.
        # Process:
            1): To get the source code of the entry point (http://scenic.cthy.com) with PhantomJS
            2): To find tag which contains the information of provinces
            3): Get link,area and number information of every province
        # Return: 
            The return value is a DataFrame contains the following attributes:
                index:  the specified number of a province which extract from link for further use
                link:   the relative web address of details
                area:   the name of province

        entry = BeautifulSoup(self._browser.page_source)
        map = entry.find("map") 
        if map:
            # the pattern to extract number from link
            pattern = re.compile(r".*(\d\d)/")
            self._logger.info("got the the tag containing the information of provinces")
            for item in map.find_all("area"):
                number = re.findall(pattern,item.attrs["href"])
                if number:
            self._logger.info("sorry,did not get the province map data")
            return None
        return self.provinces

    def searchAll(self):
        for i in range(self.sprovince,len(self.provinces)):
    def searchScenic(self,num):
        """Extract scenics information of a spicified province.
        # Parameters:
        num: the number of a province which you want to grab scenic information
        # Return:
        prefix = "/scenicSearch/"
        suffix = "-0-0-0-0-1.html"
        first = BeautifulSoup(self._browser.page_source)
        """ The content of tags:
        # the total records
        [<span class="f14 point">135</span>,
        # how many pages
        <span class="f14 point">14</span>,
        # the number of records of one page
        <span class="f14 point">10</span>]
        palist = first.find(id="PagerList")
        if palist:
            tags = palist.select("li > span")
            return False
        if tags and len(tags) >= 2:
            pageCount = int(tags[1].string)
            self._logger.info("total: "+tags[0].string+" records. "+"total "+tags[1].string+" pages")
            return False

        for i in range(self.spage,pageCount+1):
        # it is import, it must be reset to 1
        self.spage = 1
        return True

    def searchSeniceSpiPage(self,num,pagenum):
        """Search scenics information from a specified page of a specified province
        # Parameters:
        num:  the number of a province which you want to grab scenic information
        page: where now you want to extract scenic information from
        # Return:
        addr = "/scenicSearch/"+str(self.provinces[num])+"-0-0-0-0-"+str(pagenum)+".html"
        # record the current searching page
        page = BeautifulSoup(self._browser.page_source)
        sightTags = page.select("div.sightlist > div.sightshow > div.sightdetail > h4 > a") 
        link = ""
        if sightTags:
            for i in range(self.snum,len(sightTags)):
                # recording the number of province,page,item for recovery
                self.record.write(str(num)+" "+str(pagenum)+" "+str(i)+"\n")
                self._logger.info("current position: "+str(num)+" "+str(pagenum)+" "+str(i))
                self._logger.info("got the link of "+sightTags[i].string)
                link = sightTags[i].attrs["href"]
            self._logger.error("searchSeniceSpiPage: can not get the list of scenics")
            return False
        # it is import, it must be reset to 1
        self.snum = 0
        return True

    def extractScenicInfor(self,link):
        """Extract a scenic information with the given scenic address
        # Parameters:
        link:  the address where you can get detailed information of scenic
        # Return:
        scenic = self.extractScenicAbout(link)
        if not scenic:
            return False;
        scenic = self.remedy(scenic)
        scenic = self.remedyMap(scenic)
        return True

    def remedy(self,scenic):
        """if the return of function  extractScenicAbout if not enough,we need to access baidu for more information
        openpat = u"开放时间"
        suggpat = u"时长"
        areapat = u"面积"
        pricepat = u"门票"

        # this is for getting longitude and latitude
        scenic.mapname = scenic.name

        # remedy pictures
        picnum = len(scenic.images)
        if picnum < 10:
            self._logger.info("There are "+str(picnum)+" pictures.Getting the reset from baidu image")
            imgs = self.baidu.image(scenic.name,self.picturenum - len(scenic.images))
            if imgs:

        if not scenic.description:
            self._logger.info("Got details from baike")
            baike = self.baidu.baike(scenic.name)
            if not baike:
                self._logger.error("Remedy: can not got information from baidu baike")
                return scenic
            if "detail" in baike.keys():
                scenic.description = baike["detail"]
            baike = self.baidu.baike(scenic.name,False)
            if not baike:
                self._logger.error("Remedy: can not got information from baidu baike")
                return scenic

        # use the name in baike for baidu searching
        if "name" in baike.keys():
            scenic.mapname = baike["name"]

        if "basic" in baike.keys():
            basic = baike["basic"]
            for item in basic.keys():
                if re.findall(openpat,item):
                    times = re.findall(r"(\d+[:|;]\d+).*(\d+[:|;]\d+)",basic[item])
                    if times:
                        scenic.opentime = times[0][0]
                        scenic.closetime = times[0][1]
                        scenic.opentime = "00:00"
                        scenic.closetime = "23:00"
                if re.findall(suggpat,item):
                    scenic.suggest = basic[item]
                if re.findall(pricepat,item):
                    scenic.price = basic[item]
                if re.findall(areapat,item):
                    scenic.area = basic[item]
        if not scenic.opentime:
            scenic.opentime = "00:00"
        if not scenic.closetime:
            scenic.closetime = "23:00"
        if not scenic.price:
            scenic.price = "0"
        if not scenic.area:
            scenic.area = "未知"
        if not scenic.symbol:
            if scenic.images:
                scenic.symbol = scenic.images[0]
        return scenic

    def remedyMap(self,scenic):
        # map relatives:
        mapret = self.map.getGeoAddress(scenic.mapname,self.ak)
        if mapret:
            if "location" in mapret.keys():
                scenic.latitude = "%.13f" % mapret["location"]["lat"]
                scenic.longitude = "%.13f" % mapret["location"]["lng"]
            if "precise" in mapret.keys():
                scenic.precise = str(mapret["precise"])
            if "confidence" in mapret.keys():
                scenic.confidence = str(mapret["confidence"])
        return scenic
    def extractScenicAbout(self,link):
        """Extract the information of introduction,geographic postion,type,quality,class 
        # Parameters:
        link:  the address where you can get detailed information of scenic

        # Return:
        the return value is a dict which has fowllowing attrs:
        scenic = Scenic()
        # got the symbol picture and the name of scenic at index page
        first = BeautifulSoup(self._browser.page_source)
        symbol = first.select("div.sightfocuspic > img")
        if symbol:
            scenic.symbol = symbol[0].attrs["src"] and self.base+symbol[0].attrs["src"] or ""
        scename = first.select("div.sightprofile > h4")
        if scename:
            scenic.name = scename[0].string

        # if canot get the scenic name,it means the pages is wrong
            self._logger.error("Cannot got the scenic name. Is the page is wrong,please check it")
            return None
        # get detailed information about scenic at about page
        addr = link+"about.html"
        about = BeautifulSoup(self._browser.page_source)
        relative = about.select("div.main > div.wrap > div.pright > div.pfood > ul#RightControl11_ScenicBaseInfo > li")
        if len(relative) == 5:
            # get province and city information
            pos = relative[0].select("a")
            # It will only be right when we got two extract two infor
            if len(pos) == 2:
                if pos[0].string:
                    scenic.province = pos[0].string
                if pos[1].string:
                    scenic.city = pos[1].string
                self._logger.info("current position: province: "+scenic.province+" city: "+scenic.city)
                return None
            # get the type of scenic
            for item in relative[1].select("a"):
                if item.string:
            # get the quality of scenic
            qua = relative[2].find("a")
            if qua:
                scenic.quality = qua.string
            # get the scenic level
            lev = relative[3].find("a")
            if lev:
                scenic.level = lev.string
            # get the fit time of the scenic
            for item in relative[4].select("a"):
                if item.string:
            self._logger.error("there is not ralative information"+str(len(relative)))
            return None

        # get the description of the scenic
        desc = about.find(id="AboutInfo")
        if desc:
            for s in desc.stripped_strings:
                scenic.description = scenic.description + s + "\n"
            for item in desc.find_all("p"):
                # if a tag p contains image address,it always has the style or align attr
                attrs = item.attrs
                if "style" in attrs.keys() or "align" in attrs.keys():
                    for img in item.find_all("img"):
                        if not img.attrs["src"]:
                    for s in item.stripped_strings:
                        scenic.description = scenic.description + s + "\n" 
            self._logger.info("there is no description information and scenic pictures")
        scenic.website = link
        return scenic

    def extractScenicAttractions(self,link):
        """extract information of attractions of a specified scenic
        # Parameters:
        link:  the address where you can get attractions of scenic
        # Return:
        The return value is a list which the item is dict,each item contains the following attrs:
        attractions = []
        addr = link+"about.html"
        page = BeautifulSoup(self._browser.page_source)
        lists = page.select("")

    def startGrab(self):
        content = self.record.readlines()
        # if do not have record
        if len(content) != 0:
            line = content[len(content)-1]
            strs = line.split(" ")
            self.sprovince = int(strs[0])
            self.spage = int(strs[1])
            self.snum = int(strs[2])