def execute_bin(self, files, pipedata): for p in files: if p.endswith('.otf'): self.otf2ttf(p, pipedata) else: shellutil.move(op.join(self.builddir, 'sources', p), op.join(self.builddir, p)) self.run_processes(p, pipedata)
def run(self, filename, pipedata): if not pipedata.get('fontcrunch'): return # run fontcrunch only if user set flag in config filename = os.path.join(self.builddir, filename) self.bakery.logging_raw('### Fontcrunch {}\n'.format(filename)) fontcrunch.optimize(filename, '{}.crunched'.format(filename)) shutil.move('{}.crunched'.format(filename), filename) return 1
def movebin_to_builddir(self, files): result = [] for a in files: d = op.join(self.builddir, op.basename(a)[:-4] + '.ttf') s = op.join(self.builddir, a[:-4] + '.ttf') try: shellutil.move(s, d) result.append(op.basename(a)[:-4] + '.ttf') except: pass return result
def run(self, pipedata): if 'optimize' in pipedata and not pipedata['optimize']: return from bakery_cli.utils import ProcessedFile filename = ProcessedFile() self.bakery.logging_raw('### Optimize TTF {}'.format(filename)) # copied from from fontTools.subset import Options, Subsetter, load_font, save_font options = Options() options.layout_features = ["*"] options.name_IDs = ["*"] options.hinting = True options.legacy_kern = True options.notdef_outline = True options.no_subset_tables += ['DSIG'] options.drop_tables = list( set(options._drop_tables_default) - set(['DSIG'])) cmd_options = ('--glyphs=*' ' --layout-features=*' ' --name-IDs=*' ' --hinting' ' --legacy-kern --notdef-outline' ' --no-subset-tables+=DSIG' ' --drop-tables-=DSIG') font = load_font(op.join(self.builddir, filename), options) cmdline = 'pyftsubset {1} {0}'.format(cmd_options, op.join(self.builddir, filename)) self.bakery.logging_cmd(cmdline) subsetter = Subsetter(options=options) subsetter.populate(glyphs=font.getGlyphOrder()) subsetter.subset(font) save_font(font, op.join(self.builddir, filename + '.fix'), options) # compare filesizes TODO print analysis of this :) comment = "# look at the size savings of that subset process" self.bakery.logging_cmd(comment) run(u"ls -la {0} {0}.fix | awk '{{ print $5 \"\t\" $9 }}'".format( unicode(op.join(self.builddir, filename)))) comment = "# copy back optimized ttf to original filename" self.bakery.logging_cmd(comment) shutil.move(op.join(self.builddir, filename + '.fix'), op.join(self.builddir, filename))
def run(self, pipedata): if 'optimize' in pipedata and not pipedata['optimize']: return from bakery_cli.utils import ProcessedFile filename = ProcessedFile() self.bakery.logging_raw('### Optimize TTF {}'.format(filename)) # copied from from fontTools.subset import Options, Subsetter, load_font, save_font options = Options() options.layout_features = ["*"] options.name_IDs = ["*"] options.hinting = True options.legacy_kern = True options.notdef_outline = True options.no_subset_tables += ['DSIG'] options.drop_tables = list(set(options._drop_tables_default) - set(['DSIG'])) cmd_options = ('--glyphs=*' ' --layout-features=*' ' --name-IDs=*' ' --hinting' ' --legacy-kern --notdef-outline' ' --no-subset-tables+=DSIG' ' --drop-tables-=DSIG') font = load_font(op.join(self.builddir, filename), options) cmdline = 'pyftsubset {1} {0}'.format(cmd_options, op.join(self.builddir, filename)) self.bakery.logging_cmd(cmdline) subsetter = Subsetter(options=options) subsetter.populate(glyphs=font.getGlyphOrder()) subsetter.subset(font) save_font(font, op.join(self.builddir, filename + '.fix'), options) # compare filesizes TODO print analysis of this :) comment = "# look at the size savings of that subset process" self.bakery.logging_cmd(comment) run(u"ls -la {0} {0}.fix | awk '{{ print $5 \"\t\" $9 }}'".format(unicode(op.join(self.builddir, filename)))) comment = "# copy back optimized ttf to original filename" self.bakery.logging_cmd(comment) shutil.move(op.join(self.builddir, filename + '.fix'), op.join(self.builddir, filename))
def run(self, pipedata): try: from fontcrunch import fontcrunch except ImportError: self.bakery.logging_raw( 'Fontcruch is not installed. Please `pip install fontcrunch`') return if not pipedata.get('fontcrunch'): return # run fontcrunch only if user set flag in config from bakery_cli.utils import ProcessedFile filename = ProcessedFile() filename = os.path.join(self.builddir, filename) self.bakery.logging_raw('### Fontcrunch {}\n'.format(filename)) fontcrunch.optimize(filename, '{}.crunched'.format(filename)) shutil.move('{}.crunched'.format(filename), filename) return 1
def run(self, pipedata): if not pipedata.get('ttfautohint', '') or not ttfautohint_installed(): return False from bakery_cli.utils import ProcessedFile filepath = ProcessedFile() self.bakery.logging_raw( '### Autohint TTFs (ttfautohint) {}\n'.format(filepath)) params = pipedata['ttfautohint'] filepath = op.join(self.project_root, self.builddir, filepath) cmd = ("ttfautohint {params} {name}" " '{name}.fix'").format(params=params.strip(), name=filepath) try: run(cmd, cwd=self.builddir) except: return False if 'autohinting_sizes' not in pipedata: pipedata['autohinting_sizes'] = [] origsize = op.getsize(filepath) autohintsize = op.getsize(filepath + '.fix') pipedata['autohinting_sizes'].append({ 'fontname': op.basename(filepath), 'origin': origsize, 'processed': autohintsize }) # compare filesizes TODO print analysis of this :) comment = "# look at the size savings of that subset process" run("ls -la {0} {0}.fix | awk '{{ print $5 \"\t\" $9 }}'".format( filepath)) comment = "# copy back optimized ttf to original filename" self.bakery.logging_cmd(comment) shutil.move(filepath + '.fix', filepath) return 1
def otf2ttf(self, filepath, pipedata): fontname = filepath[:-4] ttfpath = '{}.ttf'.format(op.basename(fontname)) path = '{}.otf'.format(op.basename(fontname)) if op.exists(op.join(self.builddir, 'sources', path)): _ = ' {0}.otf {1}\n' self.bakery.logging_cmd(_.format(fontname, ttfpath)) try: convert(op.join(self.builddir, 'sources', path), op.join(self.builddir, 'sources', ttfpath)) os.remove(op.join(self.builddir, 'sources', path)) except Exception as ex: self.bakery.logging_err(ex.message) raise shellutil.move(op.join(self.builddir, 'sources', ttfpath), op.join(self.builddir, ttfpath)) self.run_processes(ttfpath, pipedata)
def run(self, pipedata): if not pipedata.get('ttfautohint', '') or not ttfautohint_installed(): return False from bakery_cli.utils import ProcessedFile filepath = ProcessedFile() self.bakery.logging_raw('### Autohint TTFs (ttfautohint) {}\n'.format(filepath)) params = pipedata['ttfautohint'] filepath = op.join(self.project_root, self.builddir, filepath) cmd = ("ttfautohint {params} {name}" " '{name}.fix'").format(params=params.strip(), name=filepath) try: run(cmd, cwd=self.builddir) except: return False if 'autohinting_sizes' not in pipedata: pipedata['autohinting_sizes'] = [] origsize = op.getsize(filepath) autohintsize = op.getsize(filepath + '.fix') pipedata['autohinting_sizes'].append({ 'fontname': op.basename(filepath), 'origin': origsize, 'processed': autohintsize }) # compare filesizes TODO print analysis of this :) comment = "# look at the size savings of that subset process" run("ls -la {0} {0}.fix | awk '{{ print $5 \"\t\" $9 }}'".format(filepath)) comment = "# copy back optimized ttf to original filename" self.bakery.logging_cmd(comment) shutil.move(filepath + '.fix', filepath) return 1