def show_local_glacier_inventory(**kwargs): conf = kwargs.get("conf", None) glacier_backend = GlacierBackend(conf) archives = glacier_backend.load_archives(), sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(",", ": "))) return archives
def test_glacier_backup_restore(self): if raw_input("Test glacier upload/download ? It can take up to 4 hours ! (y/N): ").lower() == "y": # Backup dummy file bakthat.backup(, "glacier", password="") # Check that file is showing up in bakthat ls self.assertEqual(bakthat.match_filename(self.test_filename, "glacier")[0]["filename"], self.test_filename) # We initialize glacier backend # to check that the file appear in both local and remote (S3) inventory glacier_backend = GlacierBackend(None) archives = glacier_backend.load_archives() archives_s3 = glacier_backend.load_archives_from_s3() # Check that local and remote custom inventory are equal self.assertEqual(archives, archives_s3) # Next we check that the file is stored in both inventories inventory_key_name = bakthat.match_filename(self.test_filename, "glacier")[0]["key"] self.assertTrue(inventory_key_name in archives) self.assertTrue(inventory_key_name in archives_s3) # Restore backup job = bakthat.restore(self.test_filename, "glacier", job_check=True) # Check that a job is initiated self.assertEqual(job.__dict__["action"], "ArchiveRetrieval") self.assertEqual(job.__dict__["status_code"], "InProgress") while 1: # Check every ten minutes if the job is done result = bakthat.restore(self.test_filename, "glacier") # If job is done, we can download the file if result: restored_hash = hashlib.sha1(open(self.test_filename).read()).hexdigest() # Check if the hash of the restored file is equal to inital file hash self.assertEqual(self.test_hash, restored_hash) os.remove(self.test_filename) # Now, we can delete the restored file bakthat.delete(self.test_filename, "glacier") # Check that the file is deleted self.assertEqual(bakthat.match_filename(self.test_filename, "glacier"), []) archives = glacier_backend.load_archives() archives_s3 = glacier_backend.load_archives_from_s3() # Check if the file has been removed from both archives self.assertEqual(archives, archives_s3) self.assertTrue(inventory_key_name not in archives) self.assertTrue(inventory_key_name not in archives_s3) break else: time.sleep(600)