예제 #1
def __create_aggregator(dataset, formula, name, groups, dframe=None):
    # TODO this should work with index eventually
    columns = parse_columns(dataset, formula, name, dframe, no_index=True)

    dependent_columns = Parser.dependent_columns(formula, dataset)
    aggregation = Parser.parse_aggregation(formula)

    # get dframe with only the necessary columns
    select = combine_dicts({group: 1 for group in groups},
                           {col: 1 for col in dependent_columns})

    # ensure at least one column (MONGO_ID) for the count aggregation
    query_args = QueryArgs(select=select or {MONGO_ID: 1})
    dframe = dataset.dframe(query_args=query_args, keep_mongo_keys=not select)

    return Aggregator(dframe, groups, aggregation, name, columns)