def test_import_attr(self): math = import_module('math') # valid module and attr actual = import_attr(['invalid_one', 'math'], 'pi') self.assertEqual(actual, math.pi) # invalid modules self.assertRaises(ImportError, import_attr, ['invalid_one', 'invalid_2'], 'foo') # invalid modules and attr invalid = import_attr(['invalid_one', 'invalid_2'], 'foo', raise_error=False) self.assertIsNone(invalid) # invalid attr invalid = import_attr(['invalid_one', 'math'], '_invalid_', raise_error=False) self.assertIsNone(invalid) # multiple attrs actual = import_attr(['invalid_one', 'math'], ['sin', 'cos']) self.assertEqual(actual, (math.sin, math.cos)) # one invalid attr in a list self.assertRaises(AttributeError, import_attr, ['invalid_one', 'math'], ['sin', '_invalid_', 'cos']) actual = import_attr(['invalid_one', 'math'], ['sin', '_invalid_', 'cos'], raise_error=False) self.assertEqual(actual, (math.sin, None, math.cos))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- '''\ :mod:`baph.sites.models` -- The "sites" framework SQLAlchemy models =================================================================== ''' from baph.db.models import Model from baph.db.orm import ORM from baph.decorators.db import sqlalchemy_session from baph.utils.importing import import_attr RequestSite = import_attr(['django.contrib.sites.models'], 'RequestSite') from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, Unicode __all__ = ['orm', 'RequestSite', 'DjangoSite'] orm = ORM.get() SITE_CACHE = {} class DjangoSite(orm.Base, Model): '''A port of :class:`django.contrib.sites.models.DjangoSite`.''' __tablename__ = 'django_site' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) '''The ID corresponding to the :setting:`SITE_ID` of the given site.''' domain = Column(String(255), nullable=False) '''The full, ASCII domain name of the site.''' name = Column(Unicode(64), nullable=False) '''The human-readable, English name of the site.''' def __unicode__(self): return self.domain
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- '''\ :mod:`baph.decorators.json` -- JSON-related decorators ====================================================== .. moduleauthor:: Mark Lee <*****@*****.**> .. moduleauthor:: JT Thibault <*****@*****.**> ''' from __future__ import absolute_import from baph.utils.importing import import_any_module, import_attr render_to_response = import_attr(['coffin.shortcuts'], 'render_to_response') from django.http import ( HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponseForbidden) RequestContext = import_attr(['django.template'], 'RequestContext') from functools import wraps json = import_any_module(['json', 'simplejson', 'django.utils.simplejson']) def data_to_json_response(data, **kwargs): '''Takes any input and converts it to JSON, wraps it in an :class:`~django.http.HttpResponse`, and sets the proper MIME type. :param data: The data to be serialized. :param \*\*kwargs: extra keyword parameters given to :func:`json.dumps`. :rtype: :class:`~django.http.HttpResponse` ''' return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data, **kwargs), mimetype='application/json')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from baph.utils.importing import import_attr import os __all__ = ['relpath'] relpath = import_attr(['os.path'], 'relpath', raise_error=False) if not relpath: # Adapted from # License: MIT def relpath(path, start=os.path.curdir): '''Return a relative version of a path''' if not path: raise ValueError('no path specified') start_list = os.path.abspath(start).split(os.path.sep) path_list = os.path.abspath(path).split(os.path.sep) # Work out how much of the filepath is shared by start and path. i = len(os.path.commonprefix([start_list, path_list])) rel_list = [os.path.pardir] * (len(start_list) - i) + path_list[i:] if not rel_list: return os.path.curdir return os.path.join(*rel_list)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import inspect from baph.utils.importing import import_all_attrs, import_attr globals().update(import_all_attrs(['django.test.client'])) Client = import_attr(['django.test.client'], 'Client') login = import_attr(['baph.auth'], 'login') StringIO = import_attr(['cStringIO', 'StringIO'], 'StringIO') # monkeypatching Client to use baph.auth exec inspect.getsource(Client)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import inspect from baph.db.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from baph.utils.importing import import_attr render_to_response = import_attr(['coffin.shortcuts'], 'render_to_response') from coffin.template import RequestContext from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth import REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME from django.contrib.auth.forms import AuthenticationForm from django.contrib.auth.tokens import default_token_generator from django.contrib.auth.views import (password_reset_complete, password_reset_done) from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.http import Http404, HttpResponseRedirect from django.utils.http import base36_to_int from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_protect import re from uuid import UUID # avoid shadowing from . import login as auth_login, logout as auth_logout from .forms import PasswordResetForm, SetPasswordForm from .models import User # fun with monkeypatching exec inspect.getsource(password_reset_done) exec inspect.getsource(password_reset_complete)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- '''\ :mod:`baph.decorators.json` -- JSON-related decorators ====================================================== .. moduleauthor:: Mark Lee <*****@*****.**> .. moduleauthor:: JT Thibault <*****@*****.**> ''' from __future__ import absolute_import from baph.utils.importing import import_any_module, import_attr render_to_response = import_attr(['coffin.shortcuts'], 'render_to_response') from django.http import (HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponseForbidden) RequestContext = import_attr(['django.template'], 'RequestContext') from functools import wraps json = import_any_module(['json', 'simplejson', 'django.utils.simplejson']) def data_to_json_response(data, **kwargs): '''Takes any input and converts it to JSON, wraps it in an :class:`~django.http.HttpResponse`, and sets the proper MIME type. :param data: The data to be serialized. :param \*\*kwargs: extra keyword parameters given to :func:`json.dumps`. :rtype: :class:`~django.http.HttpResponse` '''
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from baph.utils.importing import import_attr base_render_to_response = import_attr(['coffin.shortcuts'], ['render_to_response']) RequestContext = import_attr(['coffin.template'], 'RequestContext') get_template, select_template = \ import_attr(['coffin.template.loader'], ['get_template', 'select_template']) __all__ = ['render_to_string', 'render_to_response'] def render_to_response(template_name, dictionary=None, request=None, mimetype=None): '''Render a template into a response object. Meant to be compatible with the function in :mod:`djangojinja2` of the same name, distributed with Jinja2, as opposed to the shortcut from Django. For that, see :func:`coffin.shortcuts.render_to_response`. ''' request_context = RequestContext(request) if request else None return base_render_to_response(template_name, dictionary=dictionary, context_instance=request_context, mimetype=mimetype) def render_to_string(template_or_template_name, dictionary=None, request=None): '''Render a template into a string. Meant to be compatible with the function in :mod:`djangojinja2` of the same name, distributed with Jinja2, as opposed to the shortcut from Django. For that, see :func:`coffin.shortcuts.render_to_string`.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- '''\ :mod:`baph.auth.registration.models` -- Registration-related SQLAlchemy Models ============================================================================== ''' from baph.auth.models import User, AUTH_USER_FIELD from baph.db.models import Model from baph.db.orm import ORM from baph.decorators.db import sqlalchemy_session from baph.utils.importing import import_attr render_to_string = import_attr(['coffin.shortcuts'], 'render_to_string') from datetime import datetime, timedelta from django.conf import settings from django.utils.hashcompat import sha_constructor import random import re from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey, Integer, String from sqlalchemy.orm import relation orm = ORM.get() SHA1_RE = re.compile(r'^[a-f0-9]{40}$') class RegistrationProfile(orm.Base, Model): '''A simple profile which stores an activation key for use during user account registration. While it is possible to use this model as the value of the :setting:`AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE` setting, it's not recommended that you do so. This model's sole purpose is to store data temporarily during
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import inspect from baph.db.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from baph.utils.importing import import_attr render_to_response = import_attr(["coffin.shortcuts"], "render_to_response") from coffin.template import RequestContext from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth import REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME from django.contrib.auth.forms import AuthenticationForm from django.contrib.auth.tokens import default_token_generator from django.contrib.auth.views import password_reset_complete, password_reset_done from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.http import Http404, HttpResponseRedirect from django.utils.http import base36_to_int from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_protect import re from uuid import UUID # avoid shadowing from . import login as auth_login, logout as auth_logout from .forms import PasswordResetForm, SetPasswordForm from .models import User # fun with monkeypatching exec inspect.getsource(password_reset_done)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from baph.utils.importing import import_attr base_render_to_response = import_attr(["coffin.shortcuts"], ["render_to_response"]) RequestContext = import_attr(["coffin.template"], "RequestContext") get_template, select_template = import_attr(["coffin.template.loader"], ["get_template", "select_template"]) __all__ = ["render_to_string", "render_to_response"] def render_to_response(template_name, dictionary=None, request=None, mimetype=None): """Render a template into a response object. Meant to be compatible with the function in :mod:`djangojinja2` of the same name, distributed with Jinja2, as opposed to the shortcut from Django. For that, see :func:`coffin.shortcuts.render_to_response`. """ request_context = RequestContext(request) if request else None return base_render_to_response( template_name, dictionary=dictionary, context_instance=request_context, mimetype=mimetype ) def render_to_string(template_or_template_name, dictionary=None, request=None): """Render a template into a string. Meant to be compatible with the function in :mod:`djangojinja2` of the same name, distributed with Jinja2, as opposed to the shortcut from Django. For that, see :func:`coffin.shortcuts.render_to_string`. """ dictionary = dictionary or {} request_context = RequestContext(request) if request else None
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from baph.utils.importing import import_attr from django.conf import settings from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIRequest from django.http import SimpleCookie from django.utils.encoding import smart_str from django.utils.http import urlencode from django.utils.itercompat import is_iterable import mimetypes import os import re import urllib from urlparse import urlparse StringIO = import_attr(['cStringIO', 'StringIO'], 'StringIO') BOUNDARY = 'BoUnDaRyStRiNg' MULTIPART_CONTENT = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % BOUNDARY CONTENT_TYPE_RE = re.compile('.*; charset=([\w\d-]+);?') class FakePayload(object): """ A wrapper around StringIO that restricts what can be read since data from the network can't be seeked and cannot be read outside of its content length. This makes sure that views can't do anything under the test client that wouldn't work in Real Life. """ def __init__(self, content): self.__content = StringIO(content)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from baph.utils.importing import import_any_attr, import_attr from django.conf import settings from django.core import mail from django.core.mail.backends import locmem from django.core.urlresolvers import clear_url_caches RequestFactory = \ import_any_attr(['django.test.client', 'baph.test.requestfactory'], 'RequestFactory') template_rendered = import_attr(['django.test.signals'], 'template_rendered') DjangoTestCase = import_attr(['django.test.testcases'], 'TestCase') from django.utils.translation import deactivate from jinja2 import Template from .client import Client # Requires unittest2 or unittest in Python >= 2.7. from django.utils.importlib import import_module import sys if sys.version_info < (2, 7): module = 'unittest2' else: module = 'unittest' mod = import_module(module) TestCase = mod.TestCase __all__ = ['BaseTestCase', 'Client', 'TestCase'] def instrumented_test_render(self, *args, **kwargs): template_rendered.send(sender=self,
def _get_country_divisions(country, div_type): country_code = country.strip(u'_') module = 'django.contrib.localflavor.%s.%s_%ss' % \ (country, country_code, div_type) attr = '%s_CHOICES' % div_type.upper() return (country_code.upper(), import_attr([module], attr))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import inspect from baph.db.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from baph.sites.models import get_current_site from baph.utils.importing import import_attr render_to_response = import_attr(['coffin.shortcuts'], 'render_to_response') from coffin.template import RequestContext from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth import REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME from django.contrib.auth.forms import AuthenticationForm from django.contrib.auth.tokens import default_token_generator from django.contrib.auth.views import ( password_reset_complete, password_reset_done) from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.http import Http404, HttpResponseRedirect from django.utils.http import base36_to_int from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_protect import re from uuid import UUID # avoid shadowing from . import login as auth_login, logout as auth_logout from .forms import PasswordResetForm, SetPasswordForm from .models import User # fun with monkeypatching exec inspect.getsource(password_reset_done)
The default hash algorithm used to set passwords with. Defaults to ``sha1``. ''' from datetime import datetime import hashlib from oauth import oauth import random import urllib import uuid from baph.utils.importing import import_attr from django.conf import settings (AnonymousUser, check_password, SiteProfileNotAvailable, UNUSABLE_PASSWORD) = \ import_attr(['django.contrib.auth.models'], ['AnonymousUser', 'check_password', 'SiteProfileNotAvailable', 'UNUSABLE_PASSWORD']) from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured try: # global variable needed for django 1.3 from django.utils.crypto import constant_time_compare except: pass from django.utils.encoding import smart_str from django.utils.importlib import import_module from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from sqlalchemy import * from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr, clsregistry from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.base import _add_attribute from sqlalchemy.orm import synonym, relationship, backref, RelationshipProperty
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- '''Views which allow users to create and activate accounts.''' from baph.utils.importing import import_attr import inspect (activate, register) = \ import_attr(['registration.views'], ['activate', 'register']) # replace the Django imports, per # (redirect, render_to_response) = \ import_attr(['coffin.shortcuts'], ['redirect', 'render_to_response']) RequestContext = import_attr(['coffin.template'], 'RequestContext') get_backend = import_attr(['registration.backends'], 'get_backend') exec inspect.getsource(activate) exec inspect.getsource(register)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from baph.auth.models import User from baph.db.models import Model from baph.db.orm import ORM from baph.db.types import UUID from baph.decorators.db import sqlalchemy_session from baph.utils.importing import import_attr from datetime import datetime (CONSUMER_STATES, generate_random, KEY_SIZE, SECRET_SIZE, DjangoUser, VERIFIER_SIZE) = \ import_attr(['piston.models'], ['CONSUMER_STATES', 'generate_random', 'KEY_SIZE', 'SECRET_SIZE', 'User', 'VERIFIER_SIZE']) from sqlalchemy import (Boolean, Column, DateTime, ForeignKey, Integer, String, Unicode, UnicodeText) from sqlalchemy.orm import relation, validates import urllib import urlparse import uuid orm = ORM.get() class Nonce(orm.Base, Model): '''Nonces for OAuth.''' __tablename__ = 'oauth_nonces' id = Column(UUID, primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4) token_key = Column(String(KEY_SIZE), nullable=False) consumer_key = Column(String(KEY_SIZE), nullable=False)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- '''\ :mod:`baph.sites.models` -- The "sites" framework SQLAlchemy models =================================================================== ''' from baph.db.models import Model from baph.db.orm import ORM from baph.decorators.db import sqlalchemy_session from baph.utils.importing import import_attr RequestSite = import_attr(['django.contrib.sites.models'], 'RequestSite') from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, Unicode __all__ = ['orm', 'RequestSite', 'DjangoSite'] orm = ORM.get() SITE_CACHE = {} class DjangoSite(orm.Base, Model): '''A port of :class:`django.contrib.sites.models.DjangoSite`.''' __tablename__ = 'django_site' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) '''The ID corresponding to the :setting:`SITE_ID` of the given site.''' domain = Column(String(255), nullable=False) '''The full, ASCII domain name of the site.''' name = Column(Unicode(64), nullable=False) '''The human-readable, English name of the site.''' def __unicode__(self):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from baph.auth.models import User from baph.db.models import Model from baph.db.orm import ORM from baph.db.types import UUID from baph.decorators.db import sqlalchemy_session from baph.utils.importing import import_attr from datetime import datetime (CONSUMER_STATES, generate_random, KEY_SIZE, SECRET_SIZE, DjangoUser, VERIFIER_SIZE) = \ import_attr(['piston.models'], ['CONSUMER_STATES', 'generate_random', 'KEY_SIZE', 'SECRET_SIZE', 'User', 'VERIFIER_SIZE']) from sqlalchemy import ( Boolean, Column, DateTime, ForeignKey, Integer, String, Unicode, UnicodeText) from sqlalchemy.orm import relation, validates import urllib import urlparse import uuid orm = ORM.get() class Nonce(orm.Base, Model): '''Nonces for OAuth.''' __tablename__ = 'oauth_nonces' id = Column(UUID, primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4) token_key = Column(String(KEY_SIZE), nullable=False)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """\ :mod:`baph.auth.registration.models` -- Registration-related SQLAlchemy Models ============================================================================== """ from baph.auth.models import User, AUTH_USER_FIELD from baph.db.models import Model from baph.db.orm import ORM from baph.decorators.db import sqlalchemy_session from baph.utils.importing import import_attr render_to_string = import_attr(["coffin.shortcuts"], "render_to_string") from datetime import datetime, timedelta from django.conf import settings from django.utils.hashcompat import sha_constructor import random import re from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey, Integer, String from sqlalchemy.orm import relation orm = ORM.get() SHA1_RE = re.compile(r"^[a-f0-9]{40}$") class RegistrationProfile(orm.Base, Model): """A simple profile which stores an activation key for use during user account registration. While it is possible to use this model as the value of the :setting:`AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE` setting, it's not recommended that you do