예제 #1

    # 80483ed:       55                      push   ebp
    # 80483ee:       89 e5                   mov    ebp,esp
    # 80483f0:       83 ec 10                sub    esp,0x10
    # 80483f3:       8b 45 f4                mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc]
    # 80483f6:       0f af 45 f8             imul   eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x8]
    # 80483fa:       83 c0 05                add    eax,0x5
    # 80483fd:       89 45 fc                mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4],eax
    # 8048400:       8b 45 fc                mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4]
    # 8048403:       c9                      leave
    # 8048404:       c3                      ret

    print("[+] Adding instructions to the analyzer...")

    for addr, asm_instr, reil_instrs in barf.translate(start=0x80483ed, end=0x8048402):
        print("0x{0:08x} : {1}".format(addr, asm_instr))

        for reil_instr in reil_instrs:

    print("[+] Adding pre and post conditions to the analyzer...")

    ebp = barf.code_analyzer.get_register_expr("ebp", mode="post")

    # Preconditions: Set range for variable a and b
    a = barf.code_analyzer.get_memory_expr(ebp-0x8, 4, mode="pre")
    b = barf.code_analyzer.get_memory_expr(ebp-0xc, 4, mode="pre")

    for const in [a >= 2, a <= 100, b >= 2, b <= 100]:
예제 #2
    # 80483f0:       83 ec 10                sub    esp,0x10
    # 80483f3:       8b 45 f4                mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc]
    # 80483f6:       0f af 45 f8             imul   eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x8]
    # 80483fa:       83 c0 05                add    eax,0x5
    # 80483fd:       89 45 fc                mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4],eax
    # 8048400:       8b 45 fc                mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4]
    # 8048403:       c9                      leave
    # 8048404:       c3                      ret

    start_addr = 0x80483ed
    end_addr = 0x8048402

    # Add instructions to analyze
    print("[+] Adding instructions to the analyzer...")

    for addr, asm_instr, reil_instrs in barf.translate(start_addr, end_addr):
        print("0x{0:08x} : {1}".format(addr, asm_instr))

        for reil_instr in reil_instrs:
            print("{0:14}{1}".format("", reil_instr))


    # Get smt expressions and set pre and post conditions
    print("[+] Adding pre and post conditions to the analyzer...")

    # Get smt expression for eax and ebp registers
    eax = barf.code_analyzer.get_register_expr("eax", mode="post")
    ebp = barf.code_analyzer.get_register_expr("ebp", mode="post")

    # Get smt expressions for memory locations (each one of 4 bytes)
    #     83a4:    e0823003     add    r3, r2, r3
    #     83a8:    e2833005     add    r3, r3, #5
    #     83ac:    e50b3010     str    r3, [fp, #-16]
    #     83b0:    e51b3010     ldr    r3, [fp, #-16]
    #     83b4:    e1a00003     mov    r0, r3
    #     83b8:    e28bd000     add    sp, fp, #0
    #     83bc:    e8bd0800     ldmfd    sp!, {fp}
    #     83c0:    e12fff1e     bx    lr

    start_addr = 0x8390
    end_addr = 0x83bc

    # Add instructions to analyze
    print("[+] Adding instructions to the analyzer...")

    for addr, asm_instr, reil_instrs in barf.translate(ea_start=start_addr, ea_end=end_addr, arch_mode=ARCH_ARM_MODE_ARM):
        print("0x{0:08x} : {1}".format(addr, asm_instr))

        for reil_instr in reil_instrs:
            print("{0:14}{1}".format("", reil_instr))


    # Get smt expressions and set pre and post conditions
    print("[+] Adding pre and post conditions to the analyzer...")

    # Get smt expression for eax and ebp registers
    fp = barf.code_analyzer.get_register_expr("fp")

    # Get smt expressions for memory locations (each one of 4 bytes)
    a = barf.code_analyzer.get_memory_expr(fp - 0x08, 4)
    #     8394:    e28db000     add    fp, sp, #0
    #     8398:    e24dd014     sub    sp, sp, #20
    #     839c:    e51b2008     ldr    r2, [fp, #-8]
    #     83a0:    e51b300c     ldr    r3, [fp, #-12]
    #     83a4:    e0823003     add    r3, r2, r3
    #     83a8:    e2833005     add    r3, r3, #5
    #     83ac:    e50b3010     str    r3, [fp, #-16]
    #     83b0:    e51b3010     ldr    r3, [fp, #-16]
    #     83b4:    e1a00003     mov    r0, r3
    #     83b8:    e28bd000     add    sp, fp, #0
    #     83bc:    e8bd0800     ldmfd    sp!, {fp}
    #     83c0:    e12fff1e     bx    lr

    print("[+] Adding instructions to the analyzer...")

    for addr, asm_instr, reil_instrs in barf.translate(start=0x8390,
        print("0x{0:08x} : {1}".format(addr, asm_instr))

        for reil_instr in reil_instrs:

    print("[+] Adding pre and post conditions to the analyzer...")

    fp = barf.code_analyzer.get_register_expr("fp", mode="post")

    # Preconditions: set range for variable a and b
    a = barf.code_analyzer.get_memory_expr(fp - 0x08, 4, mode="pre")
    b = barf.code_analyzer.get_memory_expr(fp - 0x0c, 4, mode="pre")

    for constr in [a >= 2, a <= 100, b >= 2, b <= 100]:
예제 #5
    #     83a4:    e0030392     mul    r3, r2, r3
    #     83a8:    e2833005     add    r3, r3, #5
    #     83ac:    e50b3010     str    r3, [fp, #-16]
    #     83b0:    e51b3010     ldr    r3, [fp, #-16]
    #     83b4:    e1a00003     mov    r0, r3
    #     83b8:    e28bd000     add    sp, fp, #0
    #     83bc:    e8bd0800     ldmfd    sp!, {fp}
    #     83c0:    e12fff1e     bx    lr

    start_addr = 0x8390
    end_addr = 0x83bc

    # Add instructions to analyze
    print("[+] Adding instructions to the analyzer...")

    for addr, asm_instr, reil_instrs in barf.translate(
            ea_start=start_addr, ea_end=end_addr, arch_mode=ARCH_ARM_MODE_ARM):
        print("0x{0:08x} : {1}".format(addr, asm_instr))

        for reil_instr in reil_instrs:
            print("{0:14}{1}".format("", reil_instr))


    # Get smt expressions and set pre and post conditions
    print("[+] Adding pre and post conditions to the analyzer...")

    # Get smt expression for eax and ebp registers
    r3 = barf.code_analyzer.get_register_expr("r3", mode="post")
    fp = barf.code_analyzer.get_register_expr("fp", mode="post")

    # Get smt expressions for memory locations (each one of 4 bytes)
    # 80483f3:       8b 45 f8                mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x8]
    # 80483f6:       8b 55 f4                mov    edx,DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc]
    # 80483f9:       01 d0                   add    eax,edx
    # 80483fb:       83 c0 05                add    eax,0x5
    # 80483fe:       89 45 fc                mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4],eax
    # 8048401:       8b 45 fc                mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4]
    # 8048404:       c9                      leave
    # 8048405:       c3                      ret

    start_addr = 0x80483ed
    end_addr = 0x8048401

    # Add instructions to analyze
    print("[+] Adding instructions to the analyzer...")

    for addr, asm_instr, reil_instrs in barf.translate(start_addr, end_addr):
        print("0x{0:08x} : {1}".format(addr, asm_instr))

        for reil_instr in reil_instrs:
            print("{0:14}{1}".format("", reil_instr))


    # Get smt expressions and set pre and post conditions
    print("[+] Adding pre and post conditions to the analyzer...")

    # Get smt expression for eax and ebp registers
    eax = barf.code_analyzer.get_register_expr("eax")
    ebp = barf.code_analyzer.get_register_expr("ebp")

    # Get smt expressions for memory locations (each one of 4 bytes)
    # 80483ed:       55                      push   ebp
    # 80483ee:       89 e5                   mov    ebp,esp
    # 80483f0:       83 ec 10                sub    esp,0x10
    # 80483f3:       8b 45 f8                mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x8]
    # 80483f6:       8b 55 f4                mov    edx,DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc]
    # 80483f9:       01 d0                   add    eax,edx
    # 80483fb:       83 c0 05                add    eax,0x5
    # 80483fe:       89 45 fc                mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4],eax
    # 8048401:       8b 45 fc                mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4]
    # 8048404:       c9                      leave
    # 8048405:       c3                      ret

    print("[+] Adding instructions to the analyzer...")

    for addr, asm_instr, reil_instrs in barf.translate(start=0x80483ed, end=0x8048401):
        print("0x{0:08x} : {1}".format(addr, asm_instr))

        for reil_instr in reil_instrs:

    print("[+] Adding pre and post conditions to the analyzer...")

    ebp = barf.code_analyzer.get_register_expr("ebp", mode="post")

    # Preconditions: set range for variable a and b
    a = barf.code_analyzer.get_memory_expr(ebp-0x8, 4, mode="pre")
    b = barf.code_analyzer.get_memory_expr(ebp-0xc, 4, mode="pre")

    for constr in [a >= 2, a <= 100, b >= 2, b <= 100]: