예제 #1
def lipid_rdfs_detail(**kwargs):
	Compute 2D lipid radial distribution functions.
    dat = kwargs['upstream']['lipid_abstractor']
    imono = dat['monolayer_indices']
    points = dat['points']
    resnames = dat['resnames']
    vecs = dat['vecs']
    attrs, result = {}, {}
    # global scanrange from specs to reduce the distances data
    cutoff = kwargs['calc']['specs']['cutoff']
    binsize = kwargs['calc']['specs']['binsize']
    scanrange = np.arange(0, cutoff, binsize)
    # loop over monolayers
    for mn in range(2):
        # prepare pairs
        resnames_u = np.unique(resnames[np.where(imono == mn)])
        pairs = ([([r], [r]) for r in resnames_u] +
                 [([i], [j])
                  for i, j in itertools.combinations(resnames_u, 2)] +
                 [(resnames_u, resnames_u)])
        pairnames = [(i[0], j[0])
                     for i, j in pairs[:-1]] + [('all lipids', 'all lipids')]
        pairspec = dict(pairs=pairs, pairnames=pairnames, groups={})
        # get coordinates for this leaflet
        coords = points[:, np.where(imono == mn)[0], :2]
        # tabulate rows for each group
        for pair, pairname in zip(pairspec['pairs'], pairspec['pairnames']):
            group_1 = np.where(
                np.in1d(resnames[np.where(imono == mn)], pair[0]))[0]
            group_2 = np.where(
                np.in1d(resnames[np.where(imono == mn)], pair[1]))[0]
            pairspec['groups'][pairname] = (group_1, group_2)
        nframes = len(coords)
        looper = [
                 groups=pairspec['groups']) for fr in range(nframes)
        incoming = np.array(basic_compute_loop(compute_rdf_imaged, looper))
        #! note that we no longer take the mean over axis=0 here, compared to lipid_rdfs
        #!   which allows us to later check the convergence of the RDFs
        obs = dict([(pair, np.array([i[pair] for i in incoming]))
                    for pair in pairspec['pairnames']])
        # package
        tag = '_mn%s' % mn
        attrs['cutoff'] = cutoff
        attrs['binsize'] = binsize
        attrs['pairs' + tag] = [[tuple(j) for j in i]
                                for i in pairspec['pairs']]
        attrs['pairnames' + tag] = [tuple(i) for i in np.array(pairnames)]
        # save in sequence named by pairnames
        for pairname in attrs['pairnames' + tag]:
            result['counts' + tag + '_%s:%s' % tuple(pairname)] = obs[pairname]
    result['resnames'] = dat['resnames']
    result['monolayer_indices'] = dat['monolayer_indices']
    result['total_area'] = np.product(vecs.mean(axis=0)[:2])
    return result, attrs
예제 #2
def hydrogen_bond_compactor():
    global data_hbonds, bonds, obs
    for sn in sns:
        #---custom mapping for collecting hydrogen bonds
        bonds, obs = [
            data_hbonds[sn]['data'][i] for i in ['bonds', 'observations']
        #---! get resids for the protein and lipid_resnames from contact maps
        lipid_resnames = np.unique(data_contacts[sn]['data']['bonds']
                                   [:, rowspec.index('target_resname')])
        resids = data_contacts[sn]['data']['subject_residues_resids']
        resname_combos = [(r, np.array([r])) for r in lipid_resnames
                          ] + [('all lipids', np.array(lipid_resnames))]
        #---compute loop
        looper = [{
            'resid': resid,
            'resname_set': resname_set
        } for resid in resids for resname_name, resname_set in resname_combos]
        compute_function = bond_counter
        incoming = basic_compute_loop(compute_function,
        #---tacking on compacted data to mimic the form of the contact maps
        data_hbonds[sn]['data']['hbonds_compacted'] = np.array(incoming)
        data_hbonds[sn]['data']['pairs_resid_resname'] = np.array([
            (resid, resname_name) for resid in resids
            for resname_name, resname_set in resname_combos
예제 #3
def measure_normal_deviation_from_wavy_surface(heights,vecs,curvilinear=False):
	Given heights on a regular grid, compute the average surface and then compute the 
	global surf,surfs,mesh
	do_inflate = False
	inflate_factor = 10
	surfs = heights
	#---average surface
	surf_average_base = surfs.mean(axis=0)
	if do_inflate: surf_average = inflate_lateral(surf_average_base,inflate_factor)
	else: surf_average = surf_average_base
	#---height of the average surface
	pivot = surf_average.mean()
	#---standardized box vectors for all calculations (see notes above)
	mvec_base = vecs.mean(axis=0)
	#---get height fluctuations to set the half box height
	maxflux = surfs.ptp()*1.1/2.
	#---new standard box vectors have the correct height and inflated XY dimensions
	inflate_factors = np.array(surf_average.shape).astype(float)/np.array(surf_average_base.shape)
	#---use globals for parallel
	if do_inflate: mvec = np.array([mvec_base[0]*inflate_factors[0],mvec_base[1]*inflate_factors[1],maxflux*2.])
	else: mvec = np.array([mvec_base[0],mvec_base[1],maxflux*2.])
	#---compute a reference surface in absolute points
	#---we use vertical center so that all heights are shifted center of the new box given by twice maxflux
	surf = boxstuff(height_recenter(literalize(surf_average,mvec),pivot=pivot,maxflux=maxflux),mvec)
	#---make the reference mesh (slow step)
	status('making mesh (curvilinear=%s)'%curvilinear,tag='compute')
	mesh = makemesh(surf,mvec,curvilinear=curvilinear)
	status('mesh is ready',tag='compute')
	looper = [dict(fr=fr,pivot=pivot,mvec=mvec,maxflux=maxflux) for fr in range(len(surfs))]
	incoming = basic_compute_loop(average_normal_projections,looper=looper,run_parallel=True)
	#---we must reshape and concatenate the points
	return np.reshape(incoming,(-1,)+surf_average.shape)
예제 #4
def salt_bridge_filter():
    global data_contacts, bonds, obs, valid_salt_bridges
    for sn in sns:
        #---filter the bonds and observations from contact maps
        bonds_all = data_contacts[sn]['data']['bonds']
        obs_all = data_contacts[sn]['data']['observations']
        nframes = len(obs_all)
        salt_bridge_inds = []
        #---loop over frames in the simulation
        for fr in range(nframes):
            status('filtering salt bridges from contact data',
            #---find observed bonds for that frame
            bonds_inds = np.where(obs_all[fr] == 1.0)[0]
            frame = bonds_all[bonds_inds]
            hits_over_salt_bridges = []
            for definition in valid_salt_bridges:
                matches_resname = frame[:, 0] == definition['resname']
                matches_atom = np.in1d(frame[:, 2], definition['atoms'])
                matches_lipid_oxygen = np.array([i[0]
                                                 for i in frame[:, 5]]) == 'O'
                matches = np.all(
                    (matches_resname, matches_atom, matches_lipid_oxygen),
            frame_matches = np.where(np.any(hits_over_salt_bridges, axis=0))
            #---save the observed salt bridges by index number for the master bond list
        #---get unique indices for the observed salt bridges
        salt_inds = np.unique(np.concatenate(salt_bridge_inds))
        #---set global bonds and obs so they only contain salt bridges and then run the bond_counter
        bonds = bonds_all[salt_inds]
        obs = obs_all[:, salt_inds]
        status('salt nbonds for %s is %d' % (sn, len(salt_inds)))
        #---! get resids for the protein and lipid_resnames from contact maps
        lipid_resnames = np.unique(data_contacts[sn]['data']['bonds']
                                   [:, rowspec.index('target_resname')])
        resids = data_contacts[sn]['data']['subject_residues_resids']
        resname_combos = [(r, np.array([r])) for r in lipid_resnames
                          ] + [('all lipids', np.array(lipid_resnames))]
        #---compute loop
        looper = [{
            'resid': resid,
            'resname_set': resname_set
        } for resid in resids for resname_name, resname_set in resname_combos]
        compute_function = bond_counter
        incoming = basic_compute_loop(compute_function,
        #---tacking on compacted data to mimic the form of the contact maps
        data_contacts[sn]['data']['salt_compacted'] = np.array(incoming)
        if False:
            data_contacts[sn]['data']['pairs_resid_resname'] = np.array([
                (resid, resname_name) for resid in resids
                for resname_name, resname_set in resname_combos
예제 #5
def compute_curvature_distributions():
    """Compute curvature distributions."""
    spacing = work.plots['lipid_mesh'].get('specs',
    global data
    survey = {}
    for snum, sn in enumerate(work.sns()):
        dat = data[sn]['data']
        nframes = int(dat['nframes'])

        def get(mn, fr, name):
            return dat['%d.%d.%s' % (mn, fr, name)]

        ngrid = np.round(data[sn]['data']['vecs'].mean(axis=0)[:2] /
        nmols = [int(dat['%d.1.nmol' % mn]) for mn in range(2)]
        start = time.time()
        survey[sn] = np.zeros(ngrid)
        for mn in range(2):
            #---formulate X,Y,curvature points
            xy = np.array([
                get(mn, fr, 'points')[:nmols[mn], :2] for fr in range(nframes)
            curvatures = np.array(
                [get(mn, fr, 'mean') for fr in range(nframes)])
            global raw, fine
            raw = np.concatenate(
                (np.transpose(xy, (2, 0, 1)),
                 np.reshape(curvatures, (1, nframes, -1)))).transpose(1, 2, 0)
            #---location of grid points on the unit square
            prop_pts = np.transpose(
                np.meshgrid(range(0, ngrid[0]), range(
                    0, ngrid[1]))) / np.array(ngrid).astype(float)
            #---using the new trick for getting points over frames via vectors and points from the unit square
            fine = (np.tile(np.reshape(prop_pts, (ngrid[0], ngrid[1], 1, 2)),
                            (nframes, 1)) * dat['vecs'][:, :2]).transpose(
                                (2, 0, 1, 3))
            interp_accumulate = basic_compute_loop(
                interpolate_curvatures, [dict(fr=fr) for fr in range(nframes)])
            survey[sn] += np.sum(interp_accumulate, axis=0)
        survey[sn] = survey[sn] / (2. * nframes)
    return survey
예제 #6
    def drop_gaussians(self, **kwargs):
		Method for choosing the positions of Gaussians.
        pos_spec = kwargs.get('curvature_positions', {})
        method = pos_spec.get('method', None)
        extent = kwargs.get('extents', {}).get('extent', {})
        if method == 'protein_subselection':
            for sn in self.sns:
                selections = pos_spec.get('selections', None)
                if not selections:
                    raise Exception('need selections in protein_subselection')
                #---determine the centers of the protein according to the selections
                #---...noting that the protein_abstractor points are stored by the residue, not bead/atom
                points = np.array([
                                 (1, 0, 2))[s] for s in selections
                points = points.mean(axis=1)[..., :2]
                #---save the points for later
                self.memory[(sn, 'drop_gaussians_points')] = points
                ndrops = len(points)
                #---get data from the memory
                hqs = self.memory[(sn, 'hqs')]
                self.nframes = len(hqs)
                mn = hqs.shape[1:]
                vecs = self.memory[(sn, 'vecs')]
                vecs_mean = np.mean(vecs, axis=0)
                #---formulate the curvature request
                curvature_request = dict(curvature=1.0,
                #---construct unity fields
                fields_unity = np.zeros((self.nframes, ndrops, mn[0], mn[1]))
                reindex, looper = zip(
                    *[((fr, ndrop),
                            centers=[points[ndrop][fr] / vecs[fr][:2]],
                            **curvature_request)) for fr in range(self.nframes)
                      for ndrop in range(ndrops)])
                status('computing curvature fields for %s' % sn, tag='compute')
                incoming = basic_compute_loop(make_fields, looper=looper)
                #---! inelegant
                for ii, (fr, ndrop) in enumerate(reindex):
                    fields_unity[fr][ndrop] = incoming[ii]
                self.memory[(sn, 'fields_unity')] = fields_unity
        elif method == 'pixel':
            #---recall that the loop over sns is pretty much redundant
            for sn in self.sns:
                #---construct a box-vector-scaled grid of points which we call "pixels"
                #---get data from the memory
                hqs = self.memory[(sn, 'hqs')]
                self.nframes = len(hqs)
                mn = hqs.shape[1:]
                vecs = self.memory[(sn, 'vecs')]
                vecs_mean = np.mean(vecs, axis=0)
                #---get the grid spacing from the metadata
                spacer = pos_spec.get('spacer', None)
                spacer_x, spacer_y = [
                    pos_spec.get('spacer_%s' % i, spacer) for i in 'xy'
                npts = (vecs_mean[:2] /
                        np.array([spacer_x, spacer_y])).astype(int)
                posts = np.array([[
                    np.linspace(0, vecs[fr][d], npts[d] + 1) for d in range(2)
                ] for fr in range(self.nframes)])
                fence = np.array([[(posts[fr][d][1:] + posts[fr][d][:-1]) / 2.
                                   for d in range(2)]
                                  for fr in range(self.nframes)])
                points = np.array([
                    for fr in range(self.nframes)
                ndrops = len(points[0])
                #---formulate the curvature request
                curvature_request = dict(curvature=1.0,
                #---construct unity fields
                fields_unity = np.zeros((self.nframes, ndrops, mn[0], mn[1]))
                reindex, looper = zip(
                    *[((fr, ndrop),
                            centers=[points[fr][ndrop] / vecs[fr][:2]],
                            **curvature_request)) for fr in range(self.nframes)
                      for ndrop in range(ndrops)])
                status('computing curvature fields for %s' % sn, tag='compute')
                incoming = basic_compute_loop(make_fields, looper=looper)
                #---! inelegant
                for ii, (fr, ndrop) in enumerate(reindex):
                    fields_unity[fr][ndrop] = incoming[ii]
                self.memory[(sn, 'fields_unity')] = fields_unity
                self.memory[(sn, 'drop_gaussians_points')] = points
        elif method == 'neighborhood':
            #---extra distance defines a border around the average hull
            extra_distance = pos_spec['distance_cutoff']
            spacer = pos_spec['spacer']

            def rotate2d(pts, angle):
                x = pts[:, 0] * np.cos(angle) - pts[:, 1] * np.sin(angle)
                y = pts[:, 1] * np.cos(angle) + pts[:, 0] * np.sin(angle)
                return np.transpose((x, y))

            def arange_symmetric(a, b, c):
                return np.unique(
                    np.concatenate((np.arange(a, b,
                                              c), -1 * np.arange(a, b, c))))

            for sn in self.sns:

                ###---!!! beware this code might have an indexing problem !!!

                #---nope .. now that you fixed the index error each protein gets its own neighborhood presumably with an indeterminate position

                #---for each frame we compute the centroid and orientation
                points_all = self.data_prot[sn]['data']['points_all']
                cogs = points_all.mean(axis=2).mean(axis=1)[:, :2]
                #---get the average set of points
                average_pts = points_all.mean(axis=0).mean(axis=0)[:, :2]
                average_pts -= average_pts.mean(axis=0)
                average_axis = principal_axis(average_pts)
                angle = np.arccos(np.dot(vecnorm(average_axis), [1.0, 0.0]))
                direction = 1.0 - 2.0 * (np.cross(vecnorm(average_axis),
                                                  [1.0, 0.0]) < 0)
                rot = rotate2d(average_pts, direction * angle)
                #---get the span of the points plus the extra distance in each direction
                span_x, span_y = np.abs(rot).max(axis=0) + extra_distance
                ref_grid = np.concatenate(
                        np.meshgrid(arange_symmetric(0, span_x, spacer),
                                    arange_symmetric(0, span_y, spacer))))
                #import matplotlib as mpl;import matplotlib.pyplot as plt;ax = plt.subplot(111);ax.scatter(*average_pts.T);plt.show()
                #import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
                vecs = self.memory[(sn, 'vecs')]
                vecs_mean = np.mean(vecs, axis=0)
                #---for each frame, map the ref_grid onto the principal axis
                self.nframes = len(points_all)
                points = np.zeros((len(ref_grid), self.nframes, 2))
                for fr in range(self.nframes):
                    pts = points_all[fr].mean(axis=0)[:, :2]
                    offset = pts.mean(axis=0)
                    average_axis = principal_axis(pts - offset)
                    angle = np.arccos(np.dot(vecnorm(average_axis),
                                             [1.0, 0.0]))
                    direction = 1.0 - 2.0 * (np.cross(vecnorm(average_axis),
                                                      [1.0, 0.0]) < 0)
                    ref_grid_rot = rotate2d(ref_grid,
                                            direction * angle) + offset
                    #---handle PBCs by putting everything back in the box
                    ref_grid_rot_in_box = (
                        ref_grid_rot + (ref_grid_rot < 0) * vecs[fr, :2] -
                        (ref_grid_rot >= vecs[fr, :2]) * vecs[fr, :2])
                    points[:, fr] = ref_grid_rot_in_box
                #---debug with a plot if desired
                if False:
                    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
                    from base.store import picturesave
                    fn = 'fig.DEBUG.curvature_undulation_coupling_neighborhood'
                    picturesave(fn, self.work.plotdir)
                    raise Exception(
                        'dropped debugging image for your review and deletion '
                        'to %s. remove it and then turn this debugger off to continue'
                        % fn)
                #---save the position of the curvature fields for later
                self.memory[(sn, 'drop_gaussians_points')] = points
                ndrops = len(ref_grid)
                #---get data from the memory
                hqs = self.memory[(sn, 'hqs')]
                mn = hqs.shape[1:]
                #---formulate the curvature request
                curvature_request = dict(curvature=1.0,
                #---construct unity fields
                fields_unity = np.zeros((self.nframes, ndrops, mn[0], mn[1]))
                reindex, looper = zip(
                    *[((fr, ndrop),
                            centers=[points[ndrop][fr] / vecs[fr][:2]],
                            **curvature_request)) for fr in range(self.nframes)
                      for ndrop in range(ndrops)])
                status('computing curvature fields for %s' % sn, tag='compute')
                incoming = basic_compute_loop(make_fields,
                #---! inelegant
                for ii, (fr, ndrop) in enumerate(reindex):
                    fields_unity[fr][ndrop] = incoming[ii]
                self.memory[(sn, 'fields_unity')] = fields_unity
                if False:
                    import matplotlib as mpl
                    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
                    import ipdb
        #---one field per protein, for all proteins
        elif method in [
                'protein_dynamic_single', 'protein_dynamic_single_uniform'
            #---! the following code is very repetitive with the protein subselection method
            for sn in self.sns:
                #---points_all is nframes by proteins by beads/atoms by XYZ
                points = self.data_prot[sn]['data']['points_all'].mean(
                    axis=2)[..., :2].transpose(1, 0, 2)
                #---save the points for later
                self.memory[(sn, 'drop_gaussians_points')] = points
                ndrops = len(points)
                #---get data from the memory
                hqs = self.memory[(sn, 'hqs')]
                self.nframes = len(hqs)
                mn = hqs.shape[1:]
                vecs = self.memory[(sn, 'vecs')]
                vecs_mean = np.mean(vecs, axis=0)
                #---formulate the curvature request
                curvature_request = dict(curvature=1.0,
                #---construct unity fields
                fields_unity = np.zeros((self.nframes, ndrops, mn[0], mn[1]))
                reindex, looper = zip(
                    *[((fr, ndrop),
                            centers=[points[ndrop][fr] / vecs[fr][:2]],
                            **curvature_request)) for fr in range(self.nframes)
                      for ndrop in range(ndrops)])
                status('computing curvature fields for %s' % sn, tag='compute')
                incoming = basic_compute_loop(make_fields, looper=looper)
                #---! inelegant
                for ii, (fr, ndrop) in enumerate(reindex):
                    fields_unity[fr][ndrop] = incoming[ii]
                self.memory[(sn, 'fields_unity')] = fields_unity
            raise Exception('invalid selection method')