예제 #1
    def test_purging_output_keep_running_until_all_purged( self ):
        history_id, job_state, outputs = self._setup_running_two_output_job( 120 )

        # Pretty much right away after the job is running, these paths should be populated -
        # if they are grab them and make sure they are deleted at the end of the job.
        dataset_1 = self._get_history_item_as_admin( history_id, outputs[0]["id"] )
        dataset_2 = self._get_history_item_as_admin( history_id, outputs[1]["id"] )
        if "file_name" in dataset_1:
            output_dataset_paths = [ dataset_1[ "file_name" ], dataset_2[ "file_name" ] ]
            # This may or may not exist depending on if the test is local or not.
            output_dataset_paths_exist = os.path.exists( output_dataset_paths[ 0 ] )
            output_dataset_paths = []
            output_dataset_paths_exist = False

        current_state = job_state().json()["state"]
        assert current_state == "running", current_state

        # Purge one of the two outputs and make sure the job is still running.
        self._raw_update_history_item( history_id, outputs[0]["id"], {"purged": True} )
        time.sleep( 1 )
        current_state = job_state().json()["state"]
        assert current_state == "running", current_state

        # Purge the second output and make sure the job is cancelled.
        self._raw_update_history_item( history_id, outputs[1]["id"], {"purged": True} )
        final_state = wait_on_state( job_state, assert_ok=False, timeout=15 )
        assert final_state in ["deleted_new", "deleted"], final_state

        def paths_deleted():
            if not os.path.exists( output_dataset_paths[ 0 ] ) and not os.path.exists( output_dataset_paths[ 1 ] ):
                return True

        if output_dataset_paths_exist:
            wait_on(paths_deleted, "path deletion")
예제 #2
    def _reimport_history(self, history_id, history_name):
        # Ensure the history is ready to go...
        self.dataset_populator.wait_for_history(history_id, assert_ok=True)

        # Export the history.
        download_path = self._export(history_id)

        # Create download for history
        full_download_url = "%s%s?key=%s" % (self.url, download_path, self.galaxy_interactor.api_key)
        download_response = get(full_download_url)
        self._assert_status_code_is(download_response, 200)

        def history_names():
            history_index = self._get("histories")
            return dict((h["name"], h) for h in history_index.json())

        import_name = "imported from archive: %s" % history_name
        assert import_name not in history_names()

        import_data = dict(archive_source=full_download_url, archive_type="url")
        import_response = self._post("histories", data=import_data)

        self._assert_status_code_is(import_response, 200)

        def has_history_with_name():
            histories = history_names()
            return histories.get(import_name, None)

        imported_history = wait_on(has_history_with_name, desc="import history")
        imported_history_id = imported_history["id"]

        return imported_history_id
    def _reimport_history(self, history_id, history_name):
        # Ensure the history is ready to go...
        self.dataset_populator.wait_for_history(history_id, assert_ok=True)

        # Export the history.
        download_path = self._export(history_id)

        # Create download for history
        full_download_url = "%s%s?key=%s" % (self.url, download_path, self.galaxy_interactor.api_key)
        download_response = get(full_download_url)
        self._assert_status_code_is(download_response, 200)

        def history_names():
            history_index = self._get("histories")
            return dict((h["name"], h) for h in history_index.json())

        import_name = "imported from archive: %s" % history_name
        assert import_name not in history_names()

        import_data = dict(archive_source=full_download_url, archive_type="url")
        import_response = self._post("histories", data=import_data)

        self._assert_status_code_is(import_response, 200)

        def has_history_with_name():
            histories = history_names()
            return histories.get(import_name, None)

        imported_history = wait_on(has_history_with_name, desc="import history")
        imported_history_id = imported_history["id"]

        return imported_history_id
예제 #4
    def wait_on_entry_points_active(self, job_id, expected_num=1):
        def active_entry_points():
            entry_points = self.entry_points_for_job(job_id)
            if len(entry_points) != expected_num:
                return None
            elif any([not e["active"] for e in entry_points]):
                return None
                return entry_points

        return wait_on(active_entry_points, "entry points to become active")
예제 #5
    def _export(self, history_id):
        export_url = self._api_url("histories/%s/exports" % history_id, use_key=True)
        put_response = put(export_url)
        self._assert_status_code_is(put_response, 202)

        def export_ready_response():
            put_response = put(export_url)
            if put_response.status_code == 202:
                return None
            return put_response

        put_response = wait_on(export_ready_response, desc="export ready")
        self._assert_status_code_is(put_response, 200)
        response = put_response.json()
        self._assert_has_keys(response, "download_url")
        download_path = response["download_url"]
        return download_path
    def _export(self, history_id):
        export_url = self._api_url("histories/%s/exports" % history_id, use_key=True)
        put_response = put(export_url)
        self._assert_status_code_is(put_response, 202)

        def export_ready_response():
            put_response = put(export_url)
            if put_response.status_code == 202:
                return None
            return put_response

        put_response = wait_on(export_ready_response, desc="export ready")
        self._assert_status_code_is(put_response, 200)
        response = put_response.json()
        self._assert_has_keys(response, "download_url")
        download_path = response["download_url"]
        return download_path
예제 #7
    def wait_on_proxied_content(self, target):
        def get_hosted_content():
                scheme, rest = target.split("://", 1)
                prefix, host_and_port = rest.split(".realtime.")
                faked_host = rest
                if "/" in rest:
                    faked_host = rest.split("/", 1)[0]
                response = requests.get("%s://%s" % (scheme, host_and_port),
                                        headers={"Host": faked_host})
                return response.content
            except Exception as e:
                return None

        content = wait_on(get_hosted_content,
                          "realtime hosted content at %s" % target)
        return content
예제 #8
    def test_import_export(self):
        history_id = self.dataset_populator.new_history(name="for_export")
        self.dataset_populator.new_dataset(history_id, content="1 2 3")
        self.dataset_populator.wait_for_history(history_id, assert_ok=True)
        download_path = self._export(history_id)
        full_download_url = "%s%s?key=%s" % (self.url, download_path,
        download_response = get(full_download_url)
        self._assert_status_code_is(download_response, 200)

        def history_names():
            history_index = self._get("histories")
            return dict(map(lambda h: (h["name"], h), history_index.json()))

        import_name = "imported from archive: for_export"
        assert import_name not in history_names()

        import_data = dict(archive_source=full_download_url,
        import_response = self._post("histories", data=import_data)

        self._assert_status_code_is(import_response, 200)

        def has_history_with_name():
            histories = history_names()
            return histories.get(import_name, None)

        imported_history = wait_on(has_history_with_name,
                                   desc="import history")
        imported_history_id = imported_history["id"]
        contents_response = self._get("histories/%s/contents" %
        self._assert_status_code_is(contents_response, 200)
        contents = contents_response.json()
        assert len(contents) == 1
        imported_content = self.dataset_populator.get_history_dataset_content(
            history_id=imported_history_id, dataset_id=contents[0]["id"])
        assert imported_content == "1 2 3\n"
예제 #9
    def test_import_export( self ):
        history_id = self.dataset_populator.new_history( name="for_export" )
        self.dataset_populator.new_dataset( history_id, content="1 2 3" )
        self.dataset_populator.wait_for_history( history_id, assert_ok=True )
        download_path = self._export( history_id )
        full_download_url = "%s%s?key=%s" % ( self.url, download_path, self.galaxy_interactor.api_key )
        download_response = get( full_download_url )
        self._assert_status_code_is( download_response, 200 )

        def history_names():
            history_index = self._get( "histories" )
            return dict((h["name"], h) for h in history_index.json())

        import_name = "imported from archive: for_export"
        assert import_name not in history_names()

        import_data = dict( archive_source=full_download_url, archive_type="url" )
        import_response = self._post( "histories", data=import_data )

        self._assert_status_code_is( import_response, 200 )

        def has_history_with_name():
            histories = history_names()
            return histories.get( import_name, None )

        imported_history = wait_on( has_history_with_name, desc="import history" )
        imported_history_id = imported_history[ "id" ]
        self.dataset_populator.wait_for_history( imported_history_id )
        contents_response = self._get( "histories/%s/contents" % imported_history_id )
        self._assert_status_code_is( contents_response, 200 )
        contents = contents_response.json()
        assert len( contents ) == 1
        imported_content = self.dataset_populator.get_history_dataset_content(
            dataset_id=contents[ 0 ][ "id" ]
        assert imported_content == "1 2 3\n"