예제 #1
    def bound_data(self, data):
        """ Returns a tuple of indices for the start and end of the first run
        of *data* that falls within the range.

        Implements AbstractDataRange.
        mask = self.mask_data(data)
        runs = arg_find_runs(mask, "flat")
        # Since runs of "0" are also considered runs, we have to cycle through
        # until we find the first run of "1"s.
        for run in runs:
            if mask[run[0]] == 1:
                return run[0],run[1]-1  # arg_find_runs returns 1 past the end
        return (0,0)
예제 #2
    def bound_data(self, data):
        """ Returns a tuple of indices for the start and end of the first run
        of *data* that falls within the range.

        Implements AbstractDataRange.
        mask = self.mask_data(data)
        runs = arg_find_runs(mask, "flat")
        # Since runs of "0" are also considered runs, we have to cycle through
        # until we find the first run of "1"s.
        for run in runs:
            if mask[run[0]] == 1:
                # arg_find_runs returns 1 past the end
                return run[0], run[1] - 1
        return (0, 0)
예제 #3
    def _gather_points(self):
        Collects the data points that are within the bounds of the plot and
        caches them.

        if self._cache_valid:

        if not self.index or not self.value:

        index = self.index.get_data()
        varray = self._trace_data

        if varray.size == 0:
            self._cached_data_pts = []
            self._cached_valid = True

        coordinates = self.yindex.get_data()

        if self.fast_clip:
            coord_min = float(coordinates[0])
            coord_max = coordinates[-1]
            slice_min = max(0,ceil((varray.shape[0]-1)*(self.value_range.low - coord_min)/(coord_max - coord_min)))
            slice_max = min(varray.shape[0], 1+floor((varray.shape[0]-1)*(self.value_range.high - coord_min)/(coord_max - coord_min)))
            varray = varray[slice_min:slice_max]
            # FIXME: The y coordinates must also be sliced to match varray.

        # Check to see if the data is completely outside the view region.
        outside = False
        # Check x coordinates.
        low, high = self.index.get_bounds()
        if low > self.index_range.high or high < self.index_range.low:
            outside = True

        # Check y coordinates. Use varray because it is nased on the yindex,
        # but has been shifted up or down depending on the values.
        ylow, yhigh = varray.min(), varray.max()
        if ylow > self.value_range.high or yhigh < self.value_range.low:
            outside = True

        if outside:
            self._cached_data_pts = []
            self._cached_valid = True

        if len(index) == 0 or varray.shape[0] == 0 or varray.shape[1] == 0 \
                or len(index) != varray.shape[1]:
            self._cached_data_pts = []
            self._cache_valid = True

        size_diff = varray.shape[1] - len(index)
        if size_diff > 0:
            warnings.warn('Chaco.LinePlot: value.shape[1] %d - len(index) %d = %d\n' \
                          % (varray.shape[1], len(index), size_diff))
            index_max = len(index)
            varray = varray[:,:index_max]
            index_max = varray.shape[1]
            index = index[:index_max]

        # Split the index and value raw data into non-NaN chunks.
        # nan_mask is a boolean M by N array.
        nan_mask = invert(isnan(varray)) & invert(isnan(index))
        blocks_list = []
        for nm in nan_mask:
            blocks = [b for b in arg_find_runs(nm, "flat") if nm[b[0]] != 0]

        line_points = []
        for k, blocks in enumerate(blocks_list):
            points = []
            for block in blocks:
                start, end = block
                block_index = index[start:end]
                block_value = varray[k, start:end]
                index_mask = self.index_mapper.range.mask_data(block_index)

                runs = [r for r in arg_find_runs(index_mask, "flat") \
                        if index_mask[r[0]] != 0]

                # Check to see if our data view region is between two points in the
                # index data.  If so, then we have to reverse map our current view
                # into the appropriate index and draw the bracketing points.
                if runs == []:
                    data_pt = self.map_data((self.x_mapper.low_pos, self.y_mapper.low_pos))
                    if self.index.sort_order == "none":
                        indices = argsort(index)
                        sorted_index = take(index, indices)
                        sorted_value = take(varray[k], indices)
                        sort = 1
                        sorted_index = index
                        sorted_value = varray[k]
                        if self.index.sort_order == "ascending":
                            sort = 1
                            sort = -1
                    ndx = bin_search(sorted_index, data_pt, sort)
                    if ndx == -1:
                        # bin_search can return -1 if data_pt is outside the bounds
                        # of the source data

                    z = transpose(array((sorted_index[ndx:ndx+2],

                    # Expand the width of every group of points so we draw the lines
                    # up to their next point, outside the plot area
                    data_end = len(index_mask)
                    for run in runs:
                        start, end = run
                        if start != 0:
                            start -= 1
                        if end != data_end:
                            end += 1

                        run_data = transpose(array((block_index[start:end],

        self._cached_data_pts = line_points
        self._cache_valid = True
예제 #4
    def _gather_points(self):
        Collects the data points that are within the bounds of the plot and
        caches them.
        if not self._cache_valid:

            if not self.index or not self.value:

            index = self.index.get_data()
            value = self.value.get_data()

            # Check to see if the data is completely outside the view region
            for ds, rng in ((self.index, self.index_range), (self.value, self.value_range)):
                low, high = ds.get_bounds()
                if low > rng.high or high < rng.low:
                    self._cached_data_pts = []
                    self._cached_valid = True

            if len(index) == 0 or len(value) == 0 or len(index) != len(value):
                self._cached_data_pts = []
                self._cache_valid = True

            size_diff = len(value) - len(index)
            if size_diff > 0:
                warnings.warn('Chaco.LinePlot: len(value) %d - len(index) %d = %d\n' \
                              % (len(value), len(index), size_diff))
                index_max = len(index)
                value = value[:index_max]
                index_max = len(value)
                index = index[:index_max]

            # TODO: restore the functionality of rendering highlighted portions
            # of the line
            #selection = self.index.metadata.get(self.metadata_name, None)
            #if selection is not None and type(selection) in (ndarray, list) and \
            #        len(selection) > 0:

            # Split the index and value raw data into non-NaN chunks
            nan_mask = invert(isnan(value)) & invert(isnan(index))
            blocks = [b for b in arg_find_runs(nan_mask, "flat") if nan_mask[b[0]] != 0]

            points = []
            for block in blocks:
                start, end = block
                block_index = index[start:end]
                block_value = value[start:end]
                index_mask = self.index_mapper.range.mask_data(block_index)

                runs = [r for r in arg_find_runs(index_mask, "flat") \
                        if index_mask[r[0]] != 0]

                # Check to see if our data view region is between two points in the
                # index data.  If so, then we have to reverse map our current view
                # into the appropriate index and draw the bracketing points.
                if runs == []:
                    data_pt = self.map_data((self.x_mapper.low_pos, self.y_mapper.low_pos))
                    if self.index.sort_order == "none":
                        indices = argsort(index)
                        sorted_index = take(index, indices)
                        sorted_value = take(value, indices)
                        sort = 1
                        sorted_index = index
                        sorted_value = value
                        if self.index.sort_order == "ascending":
                            sort = 1
                            sort = -1
                    ndx = bin_search(sorted_index, data_pt, sort)
                    if ndx == -1:
                        # bin_search can return -1 if data_pt is outside the bounds
                        # of the source data


                    # Expand the width of every group of points so we draw the lines
                    # up to their next point, outside the plot area
                    data_end = len(index_mask)
                    for run in runs:
                        start, end = run
                        if start != 0:
                            start -= 1
                        if end != data_end:
                            end += 1

                        run_data = transpose(array((block_index[start:end],

            self._cached_data_pts = points
            self._cache_valid = True
예제 #5
    def _gather_points(self):
        Collects the data points that are within the bounds of the plot and
        caches them.

        if self._cache_valid:

        if not self.index or not self.value:

        index = self.index.get_data()
        varray = self._trace_data

        if varray.size == 0:
            self._cached_data_pts = []
            self._cached_valid = True

        coordinates = self.yindex.get_data()

        if self.fast_clip:
            coord_min = float(coordinates[0])
            coord_max = coordinates[-1]
            slice_min = max(
                ceil((varray.shape[0] - 1) *
                     (self.value_range.low - coord_min) /
                     (coord_max - coord_min)))
            slice_max = min(
                1 + floor((varray.shape[0] - 1) *
                          (self.value_range.high - coord_min) /
                          (coord_max - coord_min)))
            varray = varray[slice_min:slice_max]
            # FIXME: The y coordinates must also be sliced to match varray.

        # Check to see if the data is completely outside the view region.
        outside = False
        # Check x coordinates.
        low, high = self.index.get_bounds()
        if low > self.index_range.high or high < self.index_range.low:
            outside = True

        # Check y coordinates. Use varray because it is nased on the yindex,
        # but has been shifted up or down depending on the values.
        ylow, yhigh = varray.min(), varray.max()
        if ylow > self.value_range.high or yhigh < self.value_range.low:
            outside = True

        if outside:
            self._cached_data_pts = []
            self._cached_valid = True

        if len(index) == 0 or varray.shape[0] == 0 or varray.shape[1] == 0 \
                or len(index) != varray.shape[1]:
            self._cached_data_pts = []
            self._cache_valid = True

        size_diff = varray.shape[1] - len(index)
        if size_diff > 0:
            warnings.warn('Chaco.LinePlot: value.shape[1] %d - len(index) %d = %d\n' \
                          % (varray.shape[1], len(index), size_diff))
            index_max = len(index)
            varray = varray[:, :index_max]
            index_max = varray.shape[1]
            index = index[:index_max]

        # Split the index and value raw data into non-NaN chunks.
        # nan_mask is a boolean M by N array.
        nan_mask = invert(isnan(varray)) & invert(isnan(index))
        blocks_list = []
        for nm in nan_mask:
            blocks = [b for b in arg_find_runs(nm, "flat") if nm[b[0]] != 0]

        line_points = []
        for k, blocks in enumerate(blocks_list):
            points = []
            for block in blocks:
                start, end = block
                block_index = index[start:end]
                block_value = varray[k, start:end]
                index_mask = self.index_mapper.range.mask_data(block_index)

                runs = [r for r in arg_find_runs(index_mask, "flat") \
                        if index_mask[r[0]] != 0]

                # Check to see if our data view region is between two points in the
                # index data.  If so, then we have to reverse map our current view
                # into the appropriate index and draw the bracketing points.
                if runs == []:
                    data_pt = self.map_data(
                        (self.x_mapper.low_pos, self.y_mapper.low_pos))
                    if self.index.sort_order == "none":
                        indices = argsort(index)
                        sorted_index = take(index, indices)
                        sorted_value = take(varray[k], indices)
                        sort = 1
                        sorted_index = index
                        sorted_value = varray[k]
                        if self.index.sort_order == "ascending":
                            sort = 1
                            sort = -1
                    ndx = bin_search(sorted_index, data_pt, sort)
                    if ndx == -1:
                        # bin_search can return -1 if data_pt is outside the bounds
                        # of the source data

                    z = transpose(
                        array((sorted_index[ndx:ndx + 2],
                               sorted_value[ndx:ndx + 2])))

                    # Expand the width of every group of points so we draw the lines
                    # up to their next point, outside the plot area
                    data_end = len(index_mask)
                    for run in runs:
                        start, end = run
                        if start != 0:
                            start -= 1
                        if end != data_end:
                            end += 1

                        run_data = transpose(

        self._cached_data_pts = line_points
        self._cache_valid = True
예제 #6
    def _gather_points(self):
        Collects the data points that are within the bounds of the plot and
        caches them.
        if not self._cache_valid:

            if not self.index or not self.value:

            index = self.index.get_data()
            value = self.value.get_data()

            # Check to see if the data is completely outside the view region
            for ds, rng in ((self.index, self.index_range),
                            (self.value, self.value_range)):
                low, high = ds.get_bounds()
                if low > rng.high or high < rng.low:
                    self._cached_data_pts = []
                    self._cached_valid = True

            if len(index) == 0 or len(value) == 0 or len(index) != len(value):
                self._cached_data_pts = []
                self._cache_valid = True

            size_diff = len(value) - len(index)
            if size_diff > 0:
                warnings.warn('Chaco.LinePlot: len(value) %d - len(index) %d = %d\n' \
                              % (len(value), len(index), size_diff))
                index_max = len(index)
                value = value[:index_max]
                index_max = len(value)
                index = index[:index_max]

            # TODO: restore the functionality of rendering highlighted portions
            # of the line
            #selection = self.index.metadata.get(self.metadata_name, None)
            #if selection is not None and type(selection) in (ndarray, list) and \
            #        len(selection) > 0:

            # Split the index and value raw data into non-NaN chunks
            nan_mask = invert(isnan(value)) & invert(isnan(index))
            blocks = [
                b for b in arg_find_runs(nan_mask, "flat")
                if nan_mask[b[0]] != 0

            points = []
            for block in blocks:
                start, end = block
                block_index = index[start:end]
                block_value = value[start:end]
                index_mask = self.index_mapper.range.mask_data(block_index)

                runs = [r for r in arg_find_runs(index_mask, "flat") \
                        if index_mask[r[0]] != 0]

                # Check to see if our data view region is between two points in the
                # index data.  If so, then we have to reverse map our current view
                # into the appropriate index and draw the bracketing points.
                if runs == []:
                    data_pt = self.map_data(
                        (self.x_mapper.low_pos, self.y_mapper.low_pos))
                    if self.index.sort_order == "none":
                        indices = argsort(index)
                        sorted_index = take(index, indices)
                        sorted_value = take(value, indices)
                        sort = 1
                        sorted_index = index
                        sorted_value = value
                        if self.index.sort_order == "ascending":
                            sort = 1
                            sort = -1
                    ndx = bin_search(sorted_index, data_pt, sort)
                    if ndx == -1:
                        # bin_search can return -1 if data_pt is outside the bounds
                        # of the source data

                            array((sorted_index[ndx:ndx + 2],
                                   sorted_value[ndx:ndx + 2]))))

                    # Expand the width of every group of points so we draw the lines
                    # up to their next point, outside the plot area
                    data_end = len(index_mask)
                    for run in runs:
                        start, end = run
                        if start != 0:
                            start -= 1
                        if end != data_end:
                            end += 1

                        run_data = (block_index[start:end],
                        run_data = column_stack(run_data)


            self._cached_data_pts = points
            self._cache_valid = True