def _is_ye_lb(code, date, ye_item, ty_item, pre_ty_item): pre_close = float(ye_item['close']) ty_close = float(ty_item['close']) pre_ty_close = float(pre_ty_item['close']) ye_rate = round(float((pre_close - ty_close) / ty_close) * 100, 2) ty_rate = round(float((ty_close - pre_ty_close) / pre_ty_close) * 100, 2) if ye_rate >= 9.89 and ty_rate < 9.89: return 1 if ye_rate < 9.89 or ty_rate < 9.89: return 0 count = 0 df = ts.get_k_data(code, fd.preOpenDate(date, 30), fd.preOpenDate(date, 1)) len = df['close'].values.__len__() while True: try: pre_close = df['close'].values[len - count - 1] except: return 2 try: ty_close = df['close'].values[len - count - 2] except: return 2 rate = round(float((pre_close - ty_close) / ty_close) * 100, 2) if rate >= 9.89: count = count + 1 if count >= 6: break continue else: break return count
def crawlSecurityData_AtFront(daysCount): securities = fd.get_all_securities() min_date ="select min(date) min_date from security_data", ())[0]['min_date'] if min_date is not None: endDate = fd.preOpenDate(min_date, 1) else: endDate = fd.getLastestOpenDate() startDate = fd.preOpenDate(endDate, daysCount) if startDate > endDate: return for code in securities: count = 0 df = ts.get_k_data(code, startDate, endDate) arr_values = [] while count < df.index.__len__(): open = str(df['open'].values[count]) close = str(df['close'].values[count]) high = str(df['high'].values[count]) low = str(df['low'].values[count]) volume = str(df['volume'].values[count]) date = str(df['date'].values[count]) arr_values.append((code, date, open, close, high, low, volume)) count = count + 1 print("Date: " + date + " Code: " + code) #dao.update("delete from security_data where code=%s", (code,)) dao.updatemany( "insert into security_data(code, date, open, close, high, low, volume) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", arr_values)
def get_zhangtingconcept_countMap(dayCount): nowDate = fd.getLastestOpenDate() #(1)获取所有concept的集合(大于1) startDate = fd.preOpenDate(nowDate, dayCount) rows ="select concept from zhangting_concept where date>=%s group by concept", (startDate)) concepts = [] for row in rows: concept = row['concept'] concepts.append(concept) #(2)迭代concept,获取count,在特定的date # date = nowDate # while date > startDate: # rows ="select concept, count(0) count from zhangting_concept where date=%s group by concept", (date)) # for row in rows: # concept = row['concept'] # count = row['count'] date = startDate ret = {} concept_count_rel = {} for concept in concepts: countsArr = [] _date = date while _date <= nowDate: row ="select count(0) count from zhangting_concept where date=%s and concept=%s", (_date, concept)) count = str(row[0]['count']) countsArr.append(count) _date = fd.nextOpenDate(_date, 1) concept_count_rel.setdefault(concept, countsArr) ret.setdefault('concept_count_rel', concept_count_rel) ret.setdefault('concepts', concepts) #(3)返回图标接受的数据model # endDate = fd.getLastestOpenDate() # startDate = fd.preOpenDate(endDate, dayCount) # nowDate = startDate # ret = {} # while nowDate <= endDate: # try: # arr ="select count(0) count, concept from zhangting_concept where date = %s GROUP BY concept", (nowDate)) # except Exception as e: # return "get_zhangtingconcept_countMap mysql error" # map = {} # for it in arr: # count = it['count'] # concept = it['concept'] # map.setdefault(concept, count) # ret[nowDate] = map # nowDate = fd.nextOpenDate(nowDate, 1) dates = [] _date = date while _date <= nowDate: dates.append(_date) _date = fd.nextOpenDate(_date, 1) ret.setdefault('dates', dates) return ret
def crawlSecurityData_AtRear(dayCount): securities = fd.get_all_securities() max_date ="select max(date) max_date from security_data", ())[0]['max_date'] endDate = fd.getLastestOpenDate() if max_date is not None: startDate = fd.nextOpenDate(max_date, 1) else: startDate = fd.preOpenDate(endDate, dayCount) isFromHist = False if startDate > endDate: return for code in securities: count = 0 df = ts.get_k_data(code, startDate, endDate) if df.index.__len__() == 0: isFromHist = True df = ts.get_hist_data(code, startDate, endDate) arr_values = [] while count < df.index.__len__(): open = str(df['open'].values[count]) close = str(df['close'].values[count]) high = str(df['high'].values[count]) low = str(df['low'].values[count]) volume = str(df['volume'].values[count]) if isFromHist is True: date = df.index[count] else: date = str(df['date'].values[count]) arr_values.append((code, date, open, close, high, low, volume)) count = count + 1 print("Date: " + date + " Code: " + code) dao.update("delete from security_data where code=%s and date=%s", (code, date)) dao.updatemany( "insert into security_data(code, date, open, close, high, low, volume) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", arr_values)
def getZhangTingCodeConceptAnd2DB(date=fd.getLastestOpenDate()): soups = hg.getSoupsFromWencai(date + "日涨跌幅>=9.89;" + date +"涨停原因;按"+date+"日首次涨停时间排序") for soup in soups: eles_codes ='#resultWrap .static_con_outer .tbody_table tr td.item div.em') index = 0 codes = [] while index < eles_codes.__len__(): o_str = eles_codes[index].text.strip() if (o_str.isdigit()): codes.append(o_str) index = index + 1 eles_reason ='#resultWrap .scroll_tbody_con .tbody_table tr td[colnum="5"] div.em') reasons = [] for elem in eles_reason: o_str = elem.text.strip() reasons.append(o_str) count = 0 for code in codes: r = reasons[count] dao.update("delete from zhangting_concept where date=%s and code=%s", (date, code)) dao.update("insert into zhangting_concept(code, date, concept) values(%s,%s,%s)", (code, date, r)) count = count + 1
def getWencaiCodesForGettingDataAndSave2DB(date=fd.getLastestOpenDate()): count = 0 while True: if count < 151: count = count + 1 ye_date = fds.preOpenDate(date, 1) date = ye_date continue if count > DateCount: break ye_date = fds.preOpenDate(date, 1) w = "非st;" + ye_date + "日均线角度>30;" + ye_date + "日涨跌幅>0;((" + date + "日开盘价-" + ye_date + "日收盘价)/" + ye_date + "日收盘价)<-0.03" codes = hg.getCodesFromWencai(w) print(w) for code in codes: df = ts.get_k_data(code, start=fds.preOpenDate(date, 20), end=date) # 过滤问句因除权数据产生的杂音 open_chg = fds.get_open_chg(df, date) if open_chg > -3: continue print("Date: " + str(date) + " ye_Date: "+ ye_date + " Code: " + str(code)) print("(1)getting df: ") ye_chg = fds.get_ye_chg(df, date) print("(2)getting ye_chg: " + str(ye_chg)) continuous_rise_day_count = fds.get_continuous_rise_day_count(df, date) print("(3)getting continuous_rise_day_count: " + str(continuous_rise_day_count)) ye_qrr = fds.get_ye_qrr(df, date) print("(4)getting ye_qrr: " + str(ye_qrr)) open_chg = fds.get_open_chg(df, date) print("(5)getting open_chg: " + str(open_chg)) close_chg = fds.get_close_chg(df, date) print("(6)getting close_chg: " + str(close_chg)) continuous_z_day_count = fds.get_continuous_z_day_count(df, date) print("(7)getting continuous_z_day_count: " + str(continuous_z_day_count)) print("(8)storing 2 DB") dao.appendRecord(df, date, ye_chg, continuous_rise_day_count, ye_qrr, 0, open_chg, close_chg, close_chg-open_chg) print("-------------------------------------------------------") count = count + 1 date = ye_date #getWencaiCodesForGettingDataAndSave2DB("2018-07-20")
def caculateMarketAnd2DB(): openDates = fd.getOpenDates() openDates.reverse() max_date ="select max(date) max_date from security_data", ())[0]['max_date'] min_date ="select min(date) min_date from security_data", ())[0]['min_date'] startDate = min_date endDate = max_date pdv = None for date in openDates: if date == '' or date > endDate or date < fd.nextOpenDate( startDate, 10): continue arr = "select code, date, open, close, high, low, volume from " "security_data where date=%s", (date)) ye_arr = "select code, date, open, close, high, low, volume from " "security_data where date=(select max(date) from security_data where date<%s) ", (date)) ty_arr = "select code, date, open, close, high, low, volume from " "security_data where date=(select max(date) from security_data where date<%s) ", (fd.preOpenDate(date, 1))) pre_ty_arr = "select code, date, open, close, high, low, volume from " "security_data where date=(select max(date) from security_data where date<%s) ", (fd.preOpenDate(date, 2))) code_item = {} code_ye_item = {} code_ty_item = {} code_pre_ty_item = {} for item in arr: code_item[item['code']] = item for ye_item in ye_arr: code_ye_item[ye_item['code']] = ye_item for ty_item in ty_arr: code_ty_item[ty_item['code']] = ty_item for pre_ty_item in pre_ty_arr: code_pre_ty_item[pre_ty_item['code']] = pre_ty_item yzzt_count = 0 yzdt_count = 0 dt = 0 zrzt = 0 zt_count = 0 zt_high_count = 0 _1bzt_count = 0 _1bzt_high_count = 0 _2bzt_count = 0 _2bzt_high_count = 0 _3bzt_count = 0 _3bzt_high_count = 0 _4bzt_count = 0 _4bzt_high_count = 0 _5bzt_count = 0 _5bzt_high_count = 0 _6bzt_count = 0 _6bzt_high_count = 0 sum_chg = 0 ye_zt_count = 0 for item in arr: code = item['code'] # if code != '000760': continue try: ye_item = code_ye_item[code] except: _date = item['date'] ye_items = "select code, date, open, close, high, low, volume from security_data " "where code=%s and date=(select max(date) from security_data where date<%s and code=%s) ", (code, _date, code)) if ye_items is None or ye_items.__len__() == 0: continue else: ye_item = ye_items[0] try: ty_item = code_ty_item[code] except: _date = ye_item['date'] ty_items = "select code, date, open, close, high, low, volume from security_data " "where code=%s and date=(select max(date) from security_data where date<%s and code=%s) ", (code, _date, code)) if ty_items is None or ty_items.__len__() == 0: continue else: ty_item = ty_items[0] try: pre_ty_item = code_pre_ty_item[code] except: _date = ty_item['date'] pre_ty_items = "select code, date, open, close, high, low, volume from security_data " "where code=%s and date=(select max(date) from security_data where date<%s and code=%s) ", (code, _date, code)) if pre_ty_items is None or pre_ty_items.__len__() == 0: continue else: pre_ty_item = pre_ty_items[0] if (_is_yzzt(item, ye_item) == True): yzzt_count = yzzt_count + 1 if (_is_yzdt(item, ye_item) == True): yzdt_count = yzdt_count + 1 if (_is_dt(ye_item, ty_item) == True): dt = dt + 1 if (_is_zrzt(ye_item, ty_item) == True): zrzt = zrzt + 1 lb = _is_lb(code, date, item, ye_item, ty_item) if (lb == 6): _6bzt_count = _6bzt_count + 1 elif (lb == 5): _5bzt_count = _5bzt_count + 1 elif (lb == 4): _4bzt_count = _4bzt_count + 1 elif (lb == 3): _3bzt_count = _3bzt_count + 1 elif (lb == 2): _2bzt_count = _2bzt_count + 1 elif (lb == 1): _1bzt_count = _1bzt_count + 1 if is_zt(item, ye_item) == True: zt_count = zt_count + 1 if is_high_zt(item, ye_item) == True: zt_high_count = zt_high_count + 1 pre_lb = _is_ye_lb(code, date, ye_item, ty_item, pre_ty_item) if pre_lb == 0 and is_high_zt(item, ye_item): _1bzt_high_count = _1bzt_high_count + 1 if pre_lb == 1 and is_high_zt(item, ye_item) == True: _2bzt_high_count = _2bzt_high_count + 1 if pre_lb == 2 and is_high_zt(item, ye_item) == True: _3bzt_high_count = _3bzt_high_count + 1 if pre_lb == 3 and is_high_zt(item, ye_item) == True: _4bzt_high_count = _4bzt_high_count + 1 if pre_lb == 4 and is_high_zt(item, ye_item) == True: _5bzt_high_count = _5bzt_high_count + 1 if pre_lb == 5 and is_high_zt(item, ye_item) == True: _6bzt_high_count = _6bzt_high_count + 1 if is_ye_zt(ye_item, ty_item) == True: today_chg = get_chg(item, ye_item) sum_chg = sum_chg + today_chg ye_zt_count = ye_zt_count + 1 print("Code: " + code + " Date: " + date) zt_success = None if zt_high_count > 0: zt_success = round((zt_count / zt_high_count), 2) _1bzt_success = -1 if _1bzt_high_count > 0: _1bzt_success = round((_1bzt_count / _1bzt_high_count), 2) _2bzt_success = -1 if _2bzt_high_count > 0: _2bzt_success = round((_2bzt_count / _2bzt_high_count), 2) _3bzt_success = -1 if _3bzt_high_count > 0: _3bzt_success = round((_3bzt_count / _3bzt_high_count), 2) _4bzt_success = -1 if _4bzt_high_count > 0: _4bzt_success = round((_4bzt_count / _4bzt_high_count), 2) _5bzt_success = -1 if _5bzt_high_count > 0: _5bzt_success = round((_5bzt_count / _5bzt_high_count), 2) _6bzt_success = -1 if _6bzt_high_count > 0: _6bzt_success = round((_6bzt_count / _6bzt_high_count), 2) today_avg_chg_when_yezt = round((sum_chg / ye_zt_count), 2) print('Date: ' + date + ' yzzt_count: ' + str(yzzt_count) + ' yzdt_count: ' + str(yzdt_count) + ' dt: ' + str(dt) + ' zrzt:' + str(zrzt)) dao.update("delete from market_environment where date=%s", (date)) if pdv is None: dao.update( "insert into market_environment(date, yzzt_count, yzdt_count, dt_count, zrzt_count, " "1bzt_count, 2bzt_count, 3bzt_count, 4bzt_count, 5bzt_count, 6bzt_count, " "1bzt_success, 2bzt_success, 3bzt_success, 4bzt_success, 5bzt_success, 6bzt_success, " "zt_success, today_avg_chg_when_yezt) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", (date, yzzt_count, yzdt_count, dt, zrzt, _1bzt_count, _2bzt_count, _3bzt_count, _4bzt_count, _5bzt_count, _6bzt_count, _1bzt_success, _2bzt_success, _3bzt_success, _4bzt_success, _5bzt_success, _6bzt_success, zt_success, today_avg_chg_when_yezt)) else: dao.update( "insert into market_environment(date, yzzt_count, ye_yzzt_count, yzdt_count, ye_yzdt_count, dt_count, ye_dt_count, zrzt_count, ye_zrzt_count, " "1bzt_count, ye_1bzt_count, 2bzt_count, ye_2bzt_count, 3bzt_count, ye_3bzt_count, 4bzt_count, ye_4bzt_count, 5bzt_count, ye_5bzt_count, 6bzt_count, ye_6bzt_count, " "1bzt_success, ye_1bzt_success, 2bzt_success, ye_2bzt_success, 3bzt_success, ye_3bzt_success, 4bzt_success, ye_4bzt_success, 5bzt_success, ye_5bzt_success, 6bzt_success, ye_6bzt_success, " "zt_success, ye_zt_success, today_avg_chg_when_yezt, ye_today_avg_chg_when_yezt) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s," "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", (date, yzzt_count, pdv[1], yzdt_count, pdv[2], dt, pdv[3], zrzt, pdv[4], _1bzt_count, pdv[5], _2bzt_count, pdv[6], _3bzt_count, pdv[7], _4bzt_count, pdv[8], _5bzt_count, pdv[9], _6bzt_count, pdv[10], _1bzt_success, pdv[11], _2bzt_success, pdv[12], _3bzt_success, pdv[13], _4bzt_success, pdv[14], _5bzt_success, pdv[15], _6bzt_success, pdv[16], zt_success, pdv[17], today_avg_chg_when_yezt, pdv[18])) pdv = (date, yzzt_count, yzdt_count, dt, zrzt, _1bzt_count, _2bzt_count, _3bzt_count, _4bzt_count, _5bzt_count, _6bzt_count, _1bzt_success, _2bzt_success, _3bzt_success, _4bzt_success, _5bzt_success, _6bzt_success, zt_success, today_avg_chg_when_yezt)
# date = row['date'] # volume = ts.get_k_data(code, date, date)['volume'].values[0] # date = fds.preOpenDate(date, 1) # ye_volume = ts.get_k_data(code, date, date)['volume'].values[0] # outstanding = outstanding_code_dict[code] # tr = round(float(volume/outstanding)*100, 2) # ye_tr = round(float(ye_volume/outstanding)*100, 2) # sdao.updateColume(code, row['date'], "ye_tr", str(ye_tr)) # sdao.updateColume(code, row['date'], "tr", str(tr)) # print("Code: " + code + " Date: " + date + " ye_tr: " + str(ye_tr)) # print("Code: " + code + " Date: " + date + " tr: " + str(tr)) for row in rows: code = row['code'] date = row['date'] start = fds.preOpenDate(date, 4) end = date df = ts.get_k_data(code, start, end) total = 0 count = 0 for close in df['close'].values: if count == (df['close'].values.__len__() - 1): open = df['open'].values[count] total = total + open else: total = total + close count = count + 1 ma5_inopen = total / 5 open_ma5_distance_rate = round((open - ma5_inopen) / close * 100, 2) sdao.updateColume(code, row['date'], "open_ma5_distance_rate", str(open_ma5_distance_rate))