예제 #1
class RobotControl(object):
    Class used to interface with the rover. Gets sensor measurements through ROS subscribers,
    and transforms them into the 2D plane, and publishes velocity commands.
    def __init__(self, tag_poses, poselist_base2cam, pose_init, wheelbase, wheel_radius):
        Initialize the class
        Inputs: (all loaded from the parameter YAML file)
        pos_init - (3,) Numpy array specifying the initial position of the robot,
            formatted as usual as (x,y,theta)
        pos_goal - (3,) Numpy array specifying the final position of the robot,
            also formatted as (x,y,theta)

        # Initialize BaseController object: sends velocity commands and receives odometry measurements from Arduino
        self._base_controller = BaseController()

        # Initialize AprilTagLocalization object: broadcasts the static pose transforms
        # and calculates the base_link pose in map frame from on Apriltag detections
        self._apriltag_localization = AprilTagLocalization(tag_poses, poselist_base2cam)

        self._kalman_filter = KalmanFilter(pose_init, wheelbase, wheel_radius)
        self._diff_drive_controller = DiffDriveController()

        # Initialize cmd_vel publisher
        self._cmd_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher("cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size=10)

        self._br = tf.TransformBroadcaster()

    def process_measurements(self, goal):
        Main loop of the robot - where all measurements, control, and estimation
        are done.
        odom_meas = self._base_controller.get_measurement() # current wheel angles (wheel_angle_left, wheel_angle_right)
        tag_meas = self._apriltag_localization.get_measurement() # calculated robot pose(s) based on Apriltag detections (x, y, theta)
        # Debug
        # print 'wheel_angle_left = ', self._base_controller._wheel_angle_left
        # print 'wheel_angle_right = ', self._base_controller._wheel_angle_right
        # print 'odom_meas = ', odom_meas
        # print 'tag_meas = ', tag_meas
        # odom_meas = None
        # tag_meas = None
        # Do KalmanFilter step
        pose_est = self._kalman_filter.step_filter(odom_meas, tag_meas)
        # print 'pose_est = ', pose_est
        # print 'goal = ', goal
        poselist_map2base_ekf = [pose_est[0], pose_est[1], 0, 0, 0, pose_est[2]]
        pubFrame(self._br, pose = poselist_map2base_ekf, frame_id = '/base_link_ekf', parent_frame_id = '/map')

        at_goal = False
        v, omega, at_goal = self._diff_drive_controller.compute_vel(pose_est, goal)
        cmd_vel_msg = Twist()
        cmd_vel_msg.linear.x = v
        cmd_vel_msg.angular.z = omega
        # self._cmd_vel_pub.publish(cmd_vel_msg)
        # self._base_controller.command_velocity(v, omega)

        return at_goal

    def shutdown(self):
        rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + "Navigation shutting down.")