예제 #1
    def __init__(self, module, standalone=True):
        """ Init with a module as a string or a registered one. """
        if isinstance(module, str):
            import basf2
            self.module = basf2.register_module(module)
            self.module = module
        self.standalone = standalone

        #: Template for the table beginning
        self.table_beginning_html = """<table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;
                                       border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0px;">"""

        #: Template for the table cell
        self.td_html = "style=\"padding: 10px;\""

        #: Template for the row of parameters
        self.table_row_parameters = """<tr><td {td_style}>{param.name}</td>
                                      <td{color_text} {td_style}>{param.values}</td>
                                      <td style="color: gray; {td_style}>{param.default}</td></tr>"""

        #: Template for the row with help
        self.table_row_help = """<tr><td {td_style}>{param.name}</td>
                                      <td {td_style}>{param.type}</td>
                                      <td {td_style}>{param.values}</td>
                                      <td style="color: gray; {td_style}>{param.description}</td></tr>"""

        #: Template for the simple row
        self.table_row_html_single = """<tr><td colspan="4" {td_style}>{text}</td></tr>"""

        #: Template for the table title
        self.table_title_html = """<thead><td colspan="4" style="text-align: center;
예제 #2
    def prepare(self):
        A function to prepare a path with the modules given in path.
        if self.path:
            # Append the needed ToFileLogger module
            created_path = basf2.create_path()
            file_logger_module = basf2.register_module("ToFileLogger")
            file_logger_module.param("fileName", self.log_file_name)

            # Copy the modules from the path
            for module in self.path.modules():

            # Add the progress python module

            # Add the print collections python module

            self.path = created_path

            self.is_valid = False
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, module, standalone=True):
        """ Init with a module as a string or a registered one. """
        if isinstance(module, str):
            import basf2
            self.module = basf2.register_module(module)
            self.module = module
        self.standalone = standalone

        #: Template for the table beginning
        self.table_beginning_html = """<table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;
                                       border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0px;">"""

        #: Template for the table cell
        self.td_html = "style=\"padding: 10px;\""

        #: Template for the row of parameters
        self.table_row_parameters = """<tr><td {td_style}>{param.name}</td>
                                      <td{color_text} {td_style}>{param.values}</td>
                                      <td style="color: gray; {td_style}>{param.default}</td></tr>"""

        #: Template for the row with help
        self.table_row_help = """<tr><td {td_style}>{param.name}</td>
                                      <td {td_style}>{param.type}</td>
                                      <td {td_style}>{param.values}</td>
                                      <td style="color: gray; {td_style}>{param.description}</td></tr>"""

        #: Template for the simple row
        self.table_row_html_single = """<tr><td colspan="4" {td_style}>{text}</td></tr>"""

        #: Template for the table title
        self.table_title_html = """<thead><td colspan="4" style="text-align: center;
    def prepare(self):
        A function to prepare a path with the modules given in path.
        if self.path:
            # Append the needed ToFileLogger module
            created_path = basf2.create_path()
            file_logger_module = basf2.register_module("ToFileLogger")
            file_logger_module.param("fileName", self.log_file_name)

            # Copy the modules from the path
            for module in self.path.modules():

            # Add the progress python module

            # Add the print collections python module

            self.path = created_path

            self.is_valid = False
예제 #5
def simulation(input_file, output_file):
    my_path = b2.create_path()
    print(f"Number of processes: {b2.get_nprocesses()}")

    # load input ROOT file
    ma.inputMdst(environmentType="default", filename=input_file, path=my_path)
        Loads the specified ROOT (DST/mDST/muDST) files with the RootInput module.

        The correct environment (e.g. magnetic field settings) are determined from the specified environment type.
        The currently available environments are:

        - 'MC5': for analysis of Belle II MC samples produced with releases prior to build-2016-05-01.
          This environment sets the constant magnetic field (B = 1.5 T)
        - 'MC6': for analysis of Belle II MC samples produced with build-2016-05-01 or newer but prior to release-00-08-00
        - 'MC7': for analysis of Belle II MC samples produced with build-2016-05-01 or newer but prior to release-00-08-00
        - 'MC8', for analysis of Belle II MC samples produced with release-00-08-00 or newer but prior to release-02-00-00
        - 'MC9', for analysis of Belle II MC samples produced with release-00-08-00 or newer but prior to release-02-00-00
        - 'MC10', for analysis of Belle II MC samples produced with release-00-08-00 or newer but prior to release-02-00-00
        - 'default': for analysis of Belle II MC samples produced with releases with release-02-00-00 or newer.
          This environment sets the default magnetic field (see geometry settings)
        - 'Belle': for analysis of converted (or during of conversion of) Belle MC/DATA samples
        - 'None': for analysis of generator level information or during simulation/my_reconstruction of
          previously generated events

        Note that there is no difference between MC6 and MC7. Both are given for sake of completion.
        The same is true for MC8, MC9 and MC10

            environmentType (str): type of the environment to be loaded
            filename (str): the name of the file to be loaded
            path (basf2.Path): modules are added to this path
            skipNEvents (int): N events of the input files are skipped
            entrySequences (list(str)): The number sequences (e.g. 23:42,101) defining
                the entries which are processed for each inputFileName.
            parentLevel (int): Number of generations of parent files (files used as input when creating a file) to be read

    # In case of conflict with geometry, you may use this line instead:
    # analysis_main.add_module("RootInput", inputFileName='B2A101-Y4SEventGeneration-evtgen.root')

    # simulation

    # my_reconstruction

    # dump in MDST format
    mdst.add_mdst_output(path=my_path, mc=True, filename=output_file)

    # Show progress of processing
    progress = b2.register_module("ProgressBar")

    # Process the events
        if binID < 46:
            binID += 1
            weightInfo = {}
            weightInfo["Weight"] = float(random.randint(0, 100)) / 100
            weightInfo["StatErr"] = float(random.randint(100, 200)) / 100
            weightInfo["SystErr"] = float(10)
        tableIDSpec.append([[weightInfo, make_2D_bin(xbin, ybin)], binID])

# And of course let's define out-of-range bin info
outOfRangeWeightInfo = {}
outOfRangeWeightInfo["Weight"] = -1
outOfRangeWeightInfo["StatErr"] = -1
outOfRangeWeightInfo["SystErr"] = -1

# Now, let's configure table creator
addtable = b2.register_module('ParticleWeightingLookUpCreator')
addtable.param('tableIDSpec', tableIDSpec)
addtable.param('outOfRangeWeight', outOfRangeWeightInfo)
addtable.param('experimentHigh', 1000)
addtable.param('experimentLow', 0)
addtable.param('runHigh', 1000)
addtable.param('runLow', 0)
addtable.param('tableName', "ParticleReweighting:TestMomentum")

addtable2 = b2.register_module('ParticleWeightingLookUpCreator')
addtable2.param('tableIDNotSpec', tableIDNotSpec)
addtable2.param('outOfRangeWeight', outOfRangeWeightInfo)
addtable2.param('experimentHigh', 1000)
addtable2.param('experimentLow', 0)
addtable2.param('runHigh', 1000)
addtable2.param('runLow', 0)
예제 #7

db_location = os.getenv('BELLE2_EXAMPLES_DATA_DIR') + '/database/'
b2.use_local_database(db_location + 'database.txt',

# We know what weight info will be added (see B2A904),
# so we add aliases and add it ot tools
va.variables.addAlias('Weight', 'extraInfo(' + weight_table_id + '_Weight)')
va.variables.addAlias('StatErr', 'extraInfo(' + weight_table_id + '_StatErr)')
va.variables.addAlias('SystErr', 'extraInfo(' + weight_table_id + '_SystErr)')
va.variables.addAlias('binID', 'extraInfo(' + weight_table_id + '_binID)')

# We configure weighing module
reweighter = b2.register_module('ParticleWeighting')
reweighter.param('tableName', weight_table_id)
reweighter.param('particleList', 'pi+:gen')

pivars = ['p', 'pz', 'Weight', 'StatErr', 'SystErr', 'binID']

# Saving variables to ntuple
output_file = 'B2A905-ApplyWeightsToTracks.root'

# Process the events
예제 #8
# load input ROOT file
# ma.inputMdst(environmentType='default',
#             filename=b2.find_file('B2pi0D_D2hh_D2hhh_B2munu_evtgen.root', 'examples', False),
#             path=my_path)

my_path.add_module("RootInput", inputFileName='event_gen.root')

# Without loadGearbox the program will run just fine.
# ma.loadGearbox(path=my_path)

# simulation

# reconstruction
# Not sure what is reconstructed here.

# dump in MDST format
mdst.add_mdst_output(path=my_path, mc=True, filename='sim_recon.root')

# Show progress of processing
progress = b2.register_module('ProgressBar')

# Process the events

# print out the summary