def tv_code(self, code, timeout=2): code = regularize(code) try: code = add_iil_holes(code) except: print("Failed to add iil holes.") print(code) return {} tr_dict = {} for tc_id in self.get_tc_id_list(): Holes.init_global_vars() real_output, exp_output = self.run_tc(code, tc_id, timeout) # Debug #if real_output != exp_output: # print(real_output) # print(exp_output) tr_dict[tc_id] = (real_output == exp_output) if "{" in real_output and "{" in exp_output: a, b = None, None try: a = eval(real_output.strip()) except: pass try: b = eval(exp_output.strip()) except: pass #print(a) #print(b) tr_dict[tc_id] = tr_dict[tc_id] or (a == b) return tr_dict
def ofl_refactor_ques(ques_dir_path, timeout, max_depth, sampling_rate, exp_idx, is_resume=False, verbose=False): print("Current Setting:", ques_dir_path, sampling_rate, exp_idx) refactor_dir = ques_dir_path + "/code/refactor" if not os.path.isdir(refactor_dir): os.mkdir(refactor_dir) pickle_path = refactor_dir + "/refactor_sample_" + str(sampling_rate) + \ "_" + str(exp_idx) + ".pickle" if is_resume: if os.path.isfile(pickle_path): return corr_dir_path = ques_dir_path + "/code/correct" ref_dir_path = ques_dir_path + "/code/reference" wrong_dir_path = ques_dir_path + "/code/wrong" buggy_code_list = [] for buggy_file in os.listdir(wrong_dir_path): buggy_file_path = wrong_dir_path + "/" + buggy_file with open(buggy_file_path, "r") as f: buggy_code = buggy_code = regularize(buggy_code) # change code style (tab to space) buggy_code_list.append(buggy_code) corr_path_list = [] if sampling_rate == 100: corr_path_list = shf_corr_path_list(ques_dir_path) elif sampling_rate == 0: corr_path_list = [] else: # sample correct programs import random corr_path_list = shf_corr_path_list(ques_dir_path) l = len(corr_path_list) corr_path_list = corr_path_list[:int(sampling_rate / 100 * l)] corr_code_map = {} for file_name in os.listdir(ref_dir_path): ref_code_path = ref_dir_path + "/" + file_name with open(ref_code_path, "r") as f: ref_code = regularize( corr_code_map[file_name] = ref_code # test correct programs t = Tester(ques_dir_path) pseudo_corr_dir_path = ques_dir_path + "/code/pseudo_correct" if not os.path.isdir(pseudo_corr_dir_path): os.makedirs(pseudo_corr_dir_path) for corr_code_path in corr_path_list: with open(corr_code_path, "r") as f: file_name = corr_code_path.split("/")[-1] corr_code = regularize( tr = t.tv_code(corr_code) if t.is_pass(tr): corr_code_map[file_name] = corr_code else: print("The so-called correct code is not correct.") print(tr) print(corr_code_path) shutil.move(corr_code_path, pseudo_corr_dir_path) print( "Filter Pseudo Corr. Code:", len(corr_path_list) + len(os.listdir(ref_dir_path)), "->", len(list(corr_code_map.values()))) assert(len(list(corr_code_map.values())) > 0) # offline refactoring rpt = Reporter(buggy_code_list) # printing logs rft = Refactoring(corr_code_map, timeout, max_depth, rpt) cluster_list_map = rft.ofl_bfs(csv_report=verbose) # offline breadth-first-search if verbose: # to csv csv_path = ques_dir_path + "/ofl_rfty_" + \ str(sampling_rate) + "_" + \ str(exp_idx) + ".csv" rft.to_csv(csv_path) # extract expression templates, for constant repl in block repair corr_code_list = list(corr_code_map.values()) temp_list, const_list = get_temp_cons_lists(corr_code_list) # store refacotered correct programs to pickle file with open(pickle_path, 'wb') as f: #(cluster_list_map, expression_templates, constant_list) pickle.dump((cluster_list_map, temp_list, const_list, corr_code_list), f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): self.func_map[] = regularize(astunparse.unparse(node))
def gen_rep_code(ss_list, holed_func_code): assert(len(ss_list) > 0) fb_list, fb_score_list = gen_feedback(ss_list) if len(fb_score_list) == 0: return "" choice = fb_score_list.index(max(fb_score_list)) fb = fb_list[choice] rep_code = "" for line in holed_func_code.split("\n"): if "Holes.iil_hole(" in line or \ "Holes.empty_hole(" in line or \ "from basic_framework.holes import *" in line: continue else: hole_sig_str = "Holes.condition_hole(" ind = line.find(hole_sig_str) if ind != -1: front_str = line[:ind] ln = float(line[ind + len(hole_sig_str):].split(",")[0]) rep_code += front_str + fb[ln] + ":\n" continue hole_sig_str = "Holes.assign_hole(" ind = line.find(hole_sig_str) if ind != -1: front_str = line[:ind] ln = float(line[ind + len(hole_sig_str):].split(",")[0]) rep_code += front_str + fb[ln] + "\n" continue hole_sig_str = "Holes.simple_assign_hole(" ind = line.find(hole_sig_str) if ind != -1: front_str = line[:ind] ln = float(line[ind + len(hole_sig_str):].split(",")[0]) rep_code += front_str + fb[ln] + "\n" continue hole_sig_str = "Holes.init_hole(" ind = line.find(hole_sig_str) if ind != -1: front_str = line[:ind] ln = float(line[ind + len(hole_sig_str):].split(",")[0]) rep_code += front_str + fb[ln] + "\n" continue rep_code += line + "\n" final_rep_code = "" line_list = rep_code.split("\n")[:-1] for line in line_list: while True: frt_str = "var_dict[\"" end_str = "\"]" l = line.find(frt_str) if l == -1: break else: r = l + len(frt_str) + line[l + len(frt_str):].find(end_str) line = line[:l] + line[l + len(frt_str):r].strip() + line[r + len(end_str):] final_rep_code += line + "\n" final_rep_code = regularize(final_rep_code) return final_rep_code