def on_batch_pushButton_released(self): if not self.layerIsDefined(): return self.batchDialog = BatchDialog() self.batchDialog.exec_() folder = self.batchDialog.ui.lineEdit.text() if not self.batchDialog.command: return if os.path.isdir(folder): return f = [] for file in os.listdir(folder): if (file.endswith('.tif') or file.endswith('.tiff') or file.endswith('.TIF') or file.endswith('.TIFF')): f.append(file) for file in f: self.transform(file, folder)
class mainDockWidget(QtGui.QDockWidget): def __init__(self, iface, parent=None): QtGui.QDockWidget.__init__(self) self.ui = Ui_DockWidget() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.imageList = None self.iface = iface self.dataprList = None self.ui.pushButton.released.connect(self.transform) self.ui.mMapLayerComboBox.setCurrentIndex(-1) self.ui.mMapLayerComboBox.currentIndexChanged.connect( self.layerChanged) self.ui.bandNumberComboBox.currentIndexChanged.connect( self.displayBandNumberChanged) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_batch_pushButton_released(self): if not self.layerIsDefined(): return self.batchDialog = BatchDialog() self.batchDialog.exec_() folder = self.batchDialog.ui.lineEdit.text() if not self.batchDialog.command: return if os.path.isdir(folder): return f = [] for file in os.listdir(folder): if (file.endswith('.tif') or file.endswith('.tiff') or file.endswith('.TIF') or file.endswith('.TIFF')): f.append(file) for file in f: self.transform(file, folder) def layerChanged(self): if not self.layerIsDefined(): return QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor) layer = self.ui.mMapLayerComboBox.currentLayer() passed = self.getData(layer) if not passed: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( self, "Input - error", u"Selected raster is not 8bits formated") QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor) return b = max([1, min([3, layer.bandCount()])]) self.ui.resetBandNumber(b, layer.bandCount()) cI = self.ui.bandNumberComboBox.currentIndex() if cI == floor(b / 2.0): self.displayBandNumberChanged() else: self.ui.bandNumberComboBox.setCurrentIndex(floor(b / 2.0)) QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor) def displayBandNumberChanged(self): if not self.layerIsDefined() or self.dataprList is None: return self.ui.changeBandNumber( self, self.ui.bandNumberComboBox.itemData( self.ui.bandNumberComboBox.currentIndex())) self.ui.changeContent(self) for cb, graphic in zip(self.ui.bandComboboxList, self.ui.graphicList): self.ui.nBarSpinBox.valueChanged.connect( graphic.changeHistogramBarNumber) cb.currentIndexChanged.connect( partial(self.refreshDataInHistogram, graphic, cb)) graphic.refreshSignal.connect(self.updatePreview) dataList = [] for i, graphic in enumerate(self.ui.graphicList): dataList.append( self.dataprList[self.ui.bandComboboxList[i].itemData( self.ui.bandComboboxList[i].currentIndex()) - 1]) self.ui.reinit(dataList) self.updatePreview() def refreshDataInHistogram(self, graphic, combobox): if not self.layerIsDefined(): return dataC = self.dataprList[combobox.itemData(combobox.currentIndex()) - 1] graphic.setData(dataC) graphic.resetHistograms() self.updatePreview() def getData(self, layer): # Open the dataset ds1 = gdal.Open(layer.publicSource(), GA_ReadOnly) self.imageList = [] self.dataprList = [] for i in range(0, layer.bandCount()): band = ds1.GetRasterBand(i + 1) dataType = band.DataType if dataType != 1: band = None ds1 = None return False # Read the data into numpy arrays data = BandReadAsArray(band) self.imageList.append(self.arrayToImage(data[0::10, 0::10])) # The actual calculation self.dataprList.append(numpy.random.choice(data[data[:] > 0], 1000)) band = None data = None ds1 = None return True def currentCBIndex(self, index): return self.ui.bandComboboxList[index].itemData( self.ui.bandComboboxList[index].currentIndex()) - 1 def updatePreview(self): if self.imageList is None: return self.ui.scenePreview.clear() h = self.imageList[0].size[0] w = self.imageList[0].size[1] bgra = empty((w, h, 4), numpy.uint8, 'C') if self.ui.bandNumberComboBox.itemData( self.ui.bandNumberComboBox.currentIndex()) > 1: dataOutList = [] for i, graphic in enumerate(self.ui.graphicList): im = self.imageList[self.currentCBIndex(i)] NewLUT = graphic.transformData(array(range(256))) dataOut = self.imageToArray(im.point(NewLUT)) dataOutList.append(array(dataOut, dtype=uint32)) bgra[..., 0] = dataOutList[2] bgra[..., 1] = dataOutList[1] bgra[..., 2] = dataOutList[0] else: NewLUT = self.ui.graphicList[0].transformData(array(range(256))) dataOut = self.imageToArray( self.imageList[self.currentCBIndex(0)].point(NewLUT)) dataOut = array(dataOut, dtype=uint32) bgra[..., 0] = dataOut bgra[..., 1] = dataOut bgra[..., 2] = dataOut bgra[..., 3].fill(255) fmt = QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB32 dataOut1, dataOut2, dataOut3 = None, None, None im = QtGui.QImage(bgra, h, w, fmt) preview = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(im) preview = preview.scaled(QtCore.QSize(150, 150), QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio, QtCore.Qt.SmoothTransformation) self.ui.scenePreview.addPixmap(preview) self.ui.scenePreview.update() def transform(self, inputFile=None, folder=None): if not self.layerIsDefined(): return if inputFile is None: layer = self.ui.mMapLayerComboBox.currentLayer() fileName = layer.publicSource() outFile = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, "Save File", "", "Images (*.tiff *.TIFF *.tif, *.TIF)") if outFile is None or outFile == '': return if (outFile.endswith('.tif') or outFile.endswith('.tiff') or outFile.endswith('.TIF') or outFile.endswith('.TIFF')): pass else: outFile = outFile + '.tiff' layer = self.ui.mMapLayerComboBox.currentLayer() fileName = layer.publicSource() # If inputFile name is give: else: fileName = folder + '/' + inputFile inputFileSplitted = inputFile.split('.') outFile = folder + '/' + inputFileSplitted[ 0] + '_PLHS.' + inputFileSplitted[1] # Open the dataset ds1 = gdal.Open(fileName, GA_ReadOnly) if self.ui.bandNumberComboBox.itemData(self.ui.bandNumberComboBox.currentIndex()) > 1\ and ds1.RasterCount > 1: bandNum1 = self.currentCBIndex(0) + 1 bandNum2 = self.currentCBIndex(1) + 1 bandNum3 = self.currentCBIndex(2) + 1 band1 = ds1.GetRasterBand(bandNum1) band2 = ds1.GetRasterBand(bandNum2) band3 = ds1.GetRasterBand(bandNum3) # Read the data into numpy arrays data1 = BandReadAsArray(band1) data2 = BandReadAsArray(band2) data3 = BandReadAsArray(band3) dataType = band1.DataType dtype = data1.dtype if dtype != 'uint8': QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( self, "Input - error", u"le fichier d'entrer n'est pas 8bits") return im1 = self.arrayToImage(data1) im2 = self.arrayToImage(data2) im3 = self.arrayToImage(data3) NewLUT1 = self.ui.graphicList[0].transformData(array(range(256))) NewLUT2 = self.ui.graphicList[1].transformData(array(range(256))) NewLUT3 = self.ui.graphicList[2].transformData(array(range(256))) dataOut1 = self.imageToArray(im1.point(NewLUT1)) dataOut2 = self.imageToArray(im2.point(NewLUT2)) dataOut3 = self.imageToArray(im3.point(NewLUT3)) im1 = None im2 = None im3 = None dataOut1 = array(dataOut1, dtype=dtype) dataOut2 = array(dataOut2, dtype=dtype) dataOut3 = array(dataOut3, dtype=dtype) # Write the out file driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") dsOut = driver.Create(outFile, ds1.RasterXSize, ds1.RasterYSize, 3, gdal.GDT_Byte) CopyDatasetInfo(ds1, dsOut) bandOut1 = dsOut.GetRasterBand(1) bandOut2 = dsOut.GetRasterBand(2) bandOut3 = dsOut.GetRasterBand(3) BandWriteArray(bandOut1, dataOut1) BandWriteArray(bandOut2, dataOut2) BandWriteArray(bandOut3, dataOut3) # Close the datasets band1 = None band2 = None band3 = None ds1 = None bandOut1 = None bandOut2 = None bandOut3 = None dsOut = None """ src_ds = gdal.Open(outFile) dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy("/home/gmilani/PLSH_compress.tiff", src_ds, 0, ['COMPRESS=LZW' ]) # Once we're done, close properly the dataset dst_ds = None src_ds = None """ fileInfo = QtCore.QFileInfo(outFile) baseName = fileInfo.baseName() rlayer = QgsRasterLayer(outFile, baseName) QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(rlayer) else: bandNum1 = self.currentCBIndex(0) + 1 band1 = ds1.GetRasterBand(bandNum1) # Read the data into numpy arrays data1 = BandReadAsArray(band1) dataType = band1.DataType dtype = data1.dtype if dtype != 'uint8': QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( self, "Input - error", u"le fichier d'entrer n'est pas 8bits") return im1 = self.arrayToImage(data1) NewLUT1 = self.ui.graphicList[0].transformData(array(range(256))) dataOut1 = self.imageToArray(im1.point(NewLUT1)) im1 = None dataOut1 = array(dataOut1, dtype=dtype) # Write the out file driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") dsOut = driver.Create(outFile, ds1.RasterXSize, ds1.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) CopyDatasetInfo(ds1, dsOut) bandOut1 = dsOut.GetRasterBand(1) BandWriteArray(bandOut1, dataOut1) # Close the datasets band1 = None ds1 = None bandOut1 = None dsOut = None """ src_ds = gdal.Open(outFile) dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy("/home/gmilani/PLSH_compress.tiff", src_ds, 0, ['COMPRESS=LZW' ]) # Once we're done, close properly the dataset dst_ds = None src_ds = None """ fileInfo = QtCore.QFileInfo(outFile) baseName = fileInfo.baseName() rlayer = QgsRasterLayer(outFile, baseName) QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(rlayer) def arrayToImage(self, a): """ Converts a gdalnumeric array to a Python Imaging Library Image. """ i = Image.fromstring('L', (a.shape[1], a.shape[0]), (a.astype('b')).tostring()) return i def imageToArray(self, i): """ Converts a Python Imaging Library array to a gdalnumeric image. """ a = fromstring(i.tostring(), 'b') a.shape =[1],[0] return a @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_help_pushButton_released(self): if == 'nt': # Windows name = os.path.realpath(__file__) name = name.rsplit('\\', 2) url = name[0] + str("/doc/user/build/html/index.html") url.replace("\\", "/") QtGui.QDesktopServices.openUrl(QtCore.QUrl.fromLocalFile(url)) else: # other (unix) name = os.path.realpath(__file__) name = name.rsplit('/', 2) url = name[0] + str("/help/build/html/index.html") QtGui.QDesktopServices.openUrl(QtCore.QUrl(url)) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_auto_pushButton_released(self): if not self.layerIsDefined(): return nodeArray = [] for index, graphic in enumerate(self.ui.graphicList): data0 = self.dataprList[self.currentCBIndex(index)] hr = numpy.histogram(data0, self.ui.nBarSpinBox.value(), range=(0, 255)) countInClasses = hr[0] nodes = [] sumx = 0 for i, count in enumerate(countInClasses): j = 255.0 / len(countInClasses) * (i + 1) deltax = 255.0 * count / len(data0) sumx += deltax nodes.append([(j - 127.5), (50 - sumx / 255.0 * 100)]) nodeArray.append(nodes) self.ui.setNodes(nodeArray) self.updatePreview() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_save_pushButton_released(self): if not self.layerIsDefined(): return fName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "save file dialog", "", "config files (*.xml)") if fName: root = etree.Element("config") root.set("name", "data for PLHS plugin") for i, graphic in enumerate(self.ui.graphicList): layer = etree.SubElement(root, "layer") layer.set("layerID", unicode(i)) layer.set("layerBand", unicode(i)) for item in graphic.breakList: pos1 = item.rect().center() + item.pos() pointElmt = etree.SubElement(layer, "point") xElmt = etree.SubElement(pointElmt, "x") xElmt.text = str(pos1.x()) yElmt = etree.SubElement(pointElmt, "y") yElmt.text = str(pos1.y()) f = etree.ElementTree(root) f.write(fName, pretty_print=True) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_load_pushButton_released(self): if not self.layerIsDefined(): return configFile = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open file", "", "config files (*.xml)") if configFile is None or configFile == '': return else: file = QtCore.QFile(configFile) if (not | QtCore.QIODevice.Text)): QtGui.QMessageBox.warning( QtGui.QDialog(), 'Application', "Cannot read file %s :\n%s." % (file.fileName(), file.errorString())) return False else: doc = QtXml.QDomDocument("EnvironmentML") if (not doc.setContent(file)): file.close() QMessageBox.warning(self, "Error", "Could not parse xml file.") file.close() root = doc.documentElement() if (root.tagName() != "config"): QMessageBox.warning( self, "Error", "Could not parse xml file. Root Element must be <kml/>." ) else: t = self.getNodes(root) if len(t) == 3: self.ui.bandNumberComboBox.setCurrentIndex(1) elif len(t) == 1: self.ui.bandNumberComboBox.setCurrentIndex(0) else: return # must raise error instead nodeArray = [] for list in t: nodeList = [] lc = list[1] for node in lc: n = node[1] nodeList.append([float(n[0][1]), float(n[1][1])]) nodeArray.append(nodeList) self.ui.setNodes(nodeArray) def getNodes(self, node, parent=None): if parent == 'x' or parent == 'y': text = node.firstChild().toText().data() else: text = [] n = node.firstChild() while (not n.isNull()): t = n.nodeName() if n.nodeType() == 1: rec = self.getNodes(n, t) if n.toElement().hasAttribute('layerID'): id = n.toElement().attribute('layerID') band = n.toElement().attribute('layerBand') group = [t, rec, id, band] else: group = [t, rec] text.append(group) n = n.nextSibling() return text def layerIsDefined(self): if self.ui.mMapLayerComboBox.currentLayer() is None: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage(u"PLHS", u"No layer selected", QgsMessageBar.WARNING, 5) return False else: return True
class mainDockWidget(QtGui.QDockWidget): def __init__(self, iface, parent=None): QtGui.QDockWidget.__init__(self) self.ui = Ui_DockWidget() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.imageList = None self.iface = iface self.dataprList = None self.ui.pushButton.released.connect(self.transform) self.ui.mMapLayerComboBox.setCurrentIndex(-1) self.ui.mMapLayerComboBox.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.layerChanged) self.ui.bandNumberComboBox.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.displayBandNumberChanged) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_batch_pushButton_released(self): if not self.layerIsDefined(): return self.batchDialog = BatchDialog() self.batchDialog.exec_() folder = self.batchDialog.ui.lineEdit.text() if not self.batchDialog.command: return if os.path.isdir(folder): return f = [] for file in os.listdir(folder): if (file.endswith('.tif') or file.endswith('.tiff') or file.endswith('.TIF') or file.endswith('.TIFF')): f.append(file) for file in f: self.transform(file, folder) def layerChanged(self): if not self.layerIsDefined(): return QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor) layer = self.ui.mMapLayerComboBox.currentLayer() passed = self.getData(layer) if not passed: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, "Input - error", u"Selected raster is not 8bits formated") QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor) return b = max([1, min([3, layer.bandCount()])]) self.ui.resetBandNumber(b, layer.bandCount()) cI = self.ui.bandNumberComboBox.currentIndex() if cI == floor(b / 2.0): self.displayBandNumberChanged() else: self.ui.bandNumberComboBox.setCurrentIndex(floor(b / 2.0)) QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor) def displayBandNumberChanged(self): if not self.layerIsDefined() or self.dataprList is None: return self.ui.changeBandNumber(self, self.ui.bandNumberComboBox.itemData( self.ui.bandNumberComboBox.currentIndex())) self.ui.changeContent(self) for cb, graphic in zip(self.ui.bandComboboxList, self.ui.graphicList): self.ui.nBarSpinBox.valueChanged.connect(graphic.changeHistogramBarNumber) cb.currentIndexChanged.connect(partial( self.refreshDataInHistogram, graphic, cb)) graphic.refreshSignal.connect(self.updatePreview) dataList = [] for i, graphic in enumerate(self.ui.graphicList): dataList.append(self.dataprList[self.ui.bandComboboxList[i].itemData(self.ui.bandComboboxList[i].currentIndex()) - 1]) self.ui.reinit(dataList) self.updatePreview() def refreshDataInHistogram(self, graphic, combobox): if not self.layerIsDefined(): return dataC = self.dataprList[combobox.itemData(combobox.currentIndex()) - 1] graphic.setData(dataC) graphic.resetHistograms() self.updatePreview() def getData(self, layer): # Open the dataset ds1 = gdal.Open(layer.publicSource(), GA_ReadOnly) self.imageList = [] self.dataprList = [] for i in range(0, layer.bandCount()): band = ds1.GetRasterBand(i + 1) dataType = band.DataType if dataType != 1: band = None ds1 = None return False # Read the data into numpy arrays data = BandReadAsArray(band) self.imageList.append(self.arrayToImage(data[0::10, 0::10])) # The actual calculation self.dataprList.append(numpy.random.choice(data[data[:] > 0], 1000)) band = None data = None ds1 = None return True def currentCBIndex(self, index): return self.ui.bandComboboxList[index].itemData( self.ui.bandComboboxList[index].currentIndex()) - 1; def updatePreview(self): if self.imageList is None: return self.ui.scenePreview.clear() h = self.imageList[0].size[0] w = self.imageList[0].size[1] bgra = empty((w, h, 4), numpy.uint8, 'C') if self.ui.bandNumberComboBox.itemData(self.ui.bandNumberComboBox.currentIndex()) > 1: dataOutList = [] for i, graphic in enumerate(self.ui.graphicList): im = self.imageList[self.currentCBIndex(i)] NewLUT = graphic.transformData(array(range(256))) dataOut = self.imageToArray(im.point(NewLUT)) dataOutList.append(array(dataOut, dtype=uint32)) bgra[..., 0] = dataOutList[2] bgra[..., 1] = dataOutList[1] bgra[..., 2] = dataOutList[0] else: NewLUT = self.ui.graphicList[0].transformData(array(range(256))) dataOut = self.imageToArray(self.imageList[self.currentCBIndex(0)].point(NewLUT)) dataOut = array(dataOut, dtype=uint32) bgra[..., 0] = dataOut bgra[..., 1] = dataOut bgra[..., 2] = dataOut bgra[..., 3].fill(255) fmt = QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB32 dataOut1, dataOut2, dataOut3 = None, None, None im = QtGui.QImage(bgra, h, w, fmt) preview = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(im) preview = preview.scaled(QtCore.QSize(150, 150), QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio, QtCore.Qt.SmoothTransformation) self.ui.scenePreview.addPixmap(preview) self.ui.scenePreview.update() def transform(self, inputFile=None, folder=None): if not self.layerIsDefined(): return if inputFile is None: layer = self.ui.mMapLayerComboBox.currentLayer() fileName = layer.publicSource() outFile = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Save File", "", "Images (*.tiff *.TIFF *.tif, *.TIF)") if outFile is None or outFile == '': return if (outFile.endswith('.tif') or outFile.endswith('.tiff') or outFile.endswith('.TIF') or outFile.endswith('.TIFF')): pass else: outFile = outFile + '.tiff' layer = self.ui.mMapLayerComboBox.currentLayer() fileName = layer.publicSource() # If inputFile name is give: else: fileName = folder + '/' + inputFile inputFileSplitted = inputFile.split('.') outFile = folder + '/' + inputFileSplitted[0] + '_PLHS.' + inputFileSplitted[1] # Open the dataset ds1 = gdal.Open(fileName, GA_ReadOnly) if self.ui.bandNumberComboBox.itemData(self.ui.bandNumberComboBox.currentIndex()) > 1\ and ds1.RasterCount > 1: bandNum1 = self.currentCBIndex(0) + 1 bandNum2 = self.currentCBIndex(1) + 1 bandNum3 = self.currentCBIndex(2) + 1 band1 = ds1.GetRasterBand(bandNum1) band2 = ds1.GetRasterBand(bandNum2) band3 = ds1.GetRasterBand(bandNum3) # Read the data into numpy arrays data1 = BandReadAsArray(band1) data2 = BandReadAsArray(band2) data3 = BandReadAsArray(band3) dataType = band1.DataType dtype = data1.dtype if dtype != 'uint8': QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, "Input - error", u"le fichier d'entrer n'est pas 8bits") return im1 = self.arrayToImage(data1) im2 = self.arrayToImage(data2) im3 = self.arrayToImage(data3) NewLUT1 = self.ui.graphicList[0].transformData(array(range(256))) NewLUT2 = self.ui.graphicList[1].transformData(array(range(256))) NewLUT3 = self.ui.graphicList[2].transformData(array(range(256))) dataOut1 = self.imageToArray(im1.point(NewLUT1)) dataOut2 = self.imageToArray(im2.point(NewLUT2)) dataOut3 = self.imageToArray(im3.point(NewLUT3)) im1 = None im2 = None im3 = None dataOut1 = array(dataOut1, dtype=dtype) dataOut2 = array(dataOut2, dtype=dtype) dataOut3 = array(dataOut3, dtype=dtype) # Write the out file driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") dsOut = driver.Create(outFile, ds1.RasterXSize, ds1.RasterYSize, 3, gdal.GDT_Byte) CopyDatasetInfo(ds1, dsOut) bandOut1 = dsOut.GetRasterBand(1) bandOut2 = dsOut.GetRasterBand(2) bandOut3 = dsOut.GetRasterBand(3) BandWriteArray(bandOut1, dataOut1) BandWriteArray(bandOut2, dataOut2) BandWriteArray(bandOut3, dataOut3) # Close the datasets band1 = None band2 = None band3 = None ds1 = None bandOut1 = None bandOut2 = None bandOut3 = None dsOut = None """ src_ds = gdal.Open(outFile) dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy("/home/gmilani/PLSH_compress.tiff", src_ds, 0, ['COMPRESS=LZW' ]) # Once we're done, close properly the dataset dst_ds = None src_ds = None """ fileInfo = QtCore.QFileInfo(outFile) baseName = fileInfo.baseName() rlayer = QgsRasterLayer(outFile, baseName) QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(rlayer) else: bandNum1 = self.currentCBIndex(0) + 1 band1 = ds1.GetRasterBand(bandNum1) # Read the data into numpy arrays data1 = BandReadAsArray(band1) dataType = band1.DataType dtype = data1.dtype if dtype != 'uint8': QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, "Input - error", u"le fichier d'entrer n'est pas 8bits") return im1 = self.arrayToImage(data1) NewLUT1 = self.ui.graphicList[0].transformData(array(range(256))) dataOut1 = self.imageToArray(im1.point(NewLUT1)) im1 = None dataOut1 = array(dataOut1, dtype=dtype) # Write the out file driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") dsOut = driver.Create(outFile, ds1.RasterXSize, ds1.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) CopyDatasetInfo(ds1, dsOut) bandOut1 = dsOut.GetRasterBand(1) BandWriteArray(bandOut1, dataOut1) # Close the datasets band1 = None ds1 = None bandOut1 = None dsOut = None """ src_ds = gdal.Open(outFile) dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy("/home/gmilani/PLSH_compress.tiff", src_ds, 0, ['COMPRESS=LZW' ]) # Once we're done, close properly the dataset dst_ds = None src_ds = None """ fileInfo = QtCore.QFileInfo(outFile) baseName = fileInfo.baseName() rlayer = QgsRasterLayer(outFile, baseName) QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(rlayer) def arrayToImage(self, a): """ Converts a gdalnumeric array to a Python Imaging Library Image. """ i=Image.fromstring('L',(a.shape[1],a.shape[0]), (a.astype('b')).tostring()) return i def imageToArray(self, i): """ Converts a Python Imaging Library array to a gdalnumeric image. """ a = fromstring(i.tostring(), 'b') a.shape =[1],[0] return a @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_help_pushButton_released(self): if == 'nt': # Windows name = os.path.realpath(__file__) name = name.rsplit('\\', 2) url = name[0] + str("/doc/user/build/html/index.html") url.replace("\\", "/") QtGui.QDesktopServices.openUrl(QtCore.QUrl.fromLocalFile(url)) else: # other (unix) name = os.path.realpath(__file__) name = name.rsplit('/', 2) url = name[0] + str("/help/build/html/index.html") QtGui.QDesktopServices.openUrl(QtCore.QUrl(url)) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_auto_pushButton_released(self): if not self.layerIsDefined(): return nodeArray = [] for index, graphic in enumerate(self.ui.graphicList): data0 = self.dataprList[self.currentCBIndex(index)] hr = numpy.histogram(data0, self.ui.nBarSpinBox.value(), range=(0, 255)) countInClasses = hr[0] nodes = [] sumx = 0 for i, count in enumerate(countInClasses): j = 255.0 / len(countInClasses) * (i + 1) deltax = 255.0 * count / len(data0) sumx += deltax nodes.append([(j - 127.5), (50 - sumx / 255.0 * 100)]) nodeArray.append(nodes) self.ui.setNodes(nodeArray) self.updatePreview() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_save_pushButton_released(self): if not self.layerIsDefined(): return fName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "save file dialog" , "", "config files (*.xml)"); if fName: root = etree.Element("config") root.set("name", "data for PLHS plugin") for i, graphic in enumerate(self.ui.graphicList): layer = etree.SubElement(root, "layer") layer.set("layerID", unicode(i)) layer.set("layerBand", unicode(i)) for item in graphic.breakList: pos1 = item.rect().center() + item.pos() pointElmt = etree.SubElement(layer, "point") xElmt = etree.SubElement(pointElmt, "x") xElmt.text = str(pos1.x()) yElmt = etree.SubElement(pointElmt, "y") yElmt.text = str(pos1.y()) f = etree.ElementTree(root) f.write(fName, pretty_print=True) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_load_pushButton_released(self): if not self.layerIsDefined(): return configFile = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open file" , "", "config files (*.xml)"); if configFile is None or configFile == '': return else: file = QtCore.QFile(configFile) if (not | QtCore. QIODevice.Text)): QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(QtGui.QDialog(), 'Application', "Cannot read file %s :\n%s." % (file.fileName(), file.errorString())) return False else: doc = QtXml.QDomDocument("EnvironmentML") if(not doc.setContent(file)): file.close() QMessageBox.warning( self, "Error", "Could not parse xml file.") file.close() root = doc.documentElement() if(root.tagName() != "config"): QMessageBox.warning( self, "Error", "Could not parse xml file. Root Element must be <kml/>.") else: t = self.getNodes(root) if len(t) == 3: self.ui.bandNumberComboBox.setCurrentIndex(1) elif len(t) == 1: self.ui.bandNumberComboBox.setCurrentIndex(0) else: return # must raise error instead nodeArray = [] for list in t: nodeList = [] lc = list[1] for node in lc: n = node[1] nodeList.append([float(n[0][1]), float(n[1][1])]) nodeArray.append(nodeList) self.ui.setNodes(nodeArray) def getNodes(self, node, parent=None): if parent == 'x' or parent == 'y' : text = node.firstChild().toText().data() else: text = [] n = node.firstChild() while (not n.isNull()): t = n.nodeName() if n.nodeType() == 1: rec = self.getNodes(n, t) if n.toElement().hasAttribute('layerID'): id = n.toElement().attribute('layerID') band = n.toElement().attribute('layerBand') group = [t, rec, id, band] else: group = [t, rec] text.append(group) n = n.nextSibling() return text def layerIsDefined(self): if self.ui.mMapLayerComboBox.currentLayer() is None: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage(u"PLHS", u"No layer selected", QgsMessageBar.WARNING, 5) return False else: return True