detectedflux = float(flux) * float(area) * float(solidangle) * float(selectionefficiency) rateperhour = detectedflux * 60 * 60 n = int(rateperhour * float(numberofhours)) print time.asctime( time.localtime() ), "Cosmic Ray Iron Flux is", flux, "Simulated Area is", area, "Field of View is", solidangle, "Detected Flux is", detectedflux print time.asctime( time.localtime() ), "Rate per hour", rateperhour, "Simulated Hours", numberofhours, "Simulated Events", n with open( "/afs/" + orientation + ".csv", "rb" ) as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=",", quotechar="|") rowcount = 0 for row in reader: rowcount += 1, rowcount, mincount=mincount, text=False, graph=False, output=sourcedata, layout=orientation, number=n), processdata, int(mincount), rowcount, text=False), reconstructdata, rowcount, reconstructiongridwidth, eff) message = str(time.asctime(time.localtime())) + " Completed simulation of " + str(n) + " events!" import os, sys import sendemail as se name = os.path.basename(__file__) se.send(name, message, False)
else: sourcedata= str( + "simulated" + str(cfg.mincount) processdata = str( + "processed"+ str(cfg.mincount) reconstructdata = str( + "reconstructed"+ str(cfg.mincount) with open("orientations/"+ cfg.orientation +".csv", 'rb') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|') rowcount = 0 for row in reader: rowcount +=1 if cfg.simulate: print time.asctime(time.localtime()),"Cosmic Ray Iron Flux is", flux, "Simulated Area is", area, "Field of View is", solidangle, "Detected Flux is", detectedflux print time.asctime(time.localtime()),"Rate per hour", rateperhour, "Simulated Hours", cfg.numberofhours, "Simulated Events", n, rowcount, mincount=cfg.mincount, text=cfg.text, graph=cfg.graph, output=sourcedata, layout=cfg.orientation, number = n), processdata, int(cfg.mincount), rowcount, text=cfg.text), reconstructdata, rowcount, cfg.reconstructiongridwidth, eff) message = str(time.asctime(time.localtime())) + " Completed simulation of " + str(n) + " events!" print message import os, sys import sendemail as se name = os.path.basename(__file__) se.send(name, message) if cfg.plotcut: allcounts =, rowcount, int(cfg.mincount)) sys.path.append('/d6/rstein/Hamburg-Cosmic-Rays/BDT') import BDT, rowcount, int(cfg.mincount), allcounts)
print time.asctime( time.localtime() ), "Rate per hour", rateperhour, "Simulated Hours", numberofhours, "Simulated Events", n with open( "/afs/" + orientation + ".csv", 'rb') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|') rowcount = 0 for row in reader: rowcount += 1, rowcount, mincount=mincount, text=False, graph=False, output=sourcedata, layout=orientation, number=n), processdata, int(mincount), rowcount, text=False), reconstructdata, rowcount, reconstructiongridwidth, eff) message = str(time.asctime( time.localtime())) + " Completed simulation of " + str(n) + " events!" import os, sys import sendemail as se name = os.path.basename(__file__) se.send(name, message, False)
if cfg.simulate: print time.asctime( time.localtime() ), "Cosmic Ray Iron Flux is", flux, "Simulated Area is", area, "Field of View is", solidangle, "Detected Flux is", detectedflux print time.asctime( time.localtime() ), "Rate per hour", rateperhour, "Simulated Hours", cfg.numberofhours, "Simulated Events", n, rowcount, mincount=cfg.mincount, text=cfg.text, graph=cfg.graph, output=sourcedata, layout=cfg.orientation, number=n), processdata, int(cfg.mincount), rowcount, text=cfg.text), reconstructdata, rowcount, cfg.reconstructiongridwidth, eff) message = str(time.asctime( time.localtime())) + " Completed simulation of " + str(n) + " events!" print message import os, sys import sendemail as se name = os.path.basename(__file__) se.send(name, message) if cfg.plotcut: allcounts =, rowcount, int(cfg.mincount)) sys.path.append('/d6/rstein/Hamburg-Cosmic-Rays/BDT') import BDT