예제 #1
    def traceSplitReverse(self, r, inCoordSys=globalCoordSys, forwardCoordSys=None,
                          reverseCoordSys=None, minFlux=1e-3, verbose=False):
        """Assume Rays are coming in from the reverse direction.
        returns forwardRays, forwardCoordSys, reverseRays, reverseCoordSys
        if verbose:
            strtemplate = "traceSplitReverse {:15s} flux = {:18.8f}   nphot = {:10d}"
            print(strtemplate.format(self.name, np.sum(r.flux), len(r)))
        if self.skip:
            return r, None, inCoordSys, None
        transform = batoid.CoordTransform(inCoordSys, self.coordSys)
        r = transform.applyForward(r)

        rForward, rReverse = self.rSplitReverse(r)

        # For now, apply obscuration equally forwards and backwards
        if self.obscuration is not None:
            rForward = self.obscuration.obscure(rForward)
            rReverse = self.obscuration.obscure(rReverse)

        if forwardCoordSys is None:
            forwardCoordSys = self.coordSys
            transform = batoid.CoordTransform(self.coordSys, forwardCoordSys)
            rForward = transform.applyForward(rForward)

        if reverseCoordSys is None:
            reverseCoordSys = self.coordSys
            transform = batoid.CoordTransform(self.coordSys, reverseCoordSys)
            rReverse = transform.applyForward(rReverse)

        return rForward, rReverse, forwardCoordSys, reverseCoordSys
예제 #2
def test_ne():
    objs = [
        batoid.CoordTransform(batoid.CoordSys(), batoid.CoordSys()),
                              batoid.CoordSys(origin=(0, 0, 1)))
예제 #3
def getGlobalRays(traceFull, start=None, end=None, globalSys=globalCoordSys):
    """Calculate an array of ray vertices in global coordinates.

    traceFull : array
        Array of per-surface ray-tracing output from traceFull()
    start : str or None
        Name of the first surface to include in the output, or use the first
        surface in the model when None.
    end : str or None
        Name of the last surface to include in the output, or use the last
        surface in the model when None.
    globalSys : batoid.CoordSys
        Global coordinate system to use.
        Tuple (xyz, raylen) of arrays with shapes (nray, 3, nsurf + 1) and
        (nray,).  The xyz array contains the global coordinates of each
        ray vertex, with raylen giving the number of visible (not vignetted)
        vertices for each ray.
    names = [trace['name'] for trace in traceFull]
        start = 0 if start is None else names.index(start)
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError('No such start surface "{0}".'.format(start))
        end = len(names) if end is None else names.index(end) + 1
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError('No such end surface "{0}".'.format(end))
    nsurf = end - start
    if nsurf <= 0:
        raise ValueError('Expected start < end.')
    nray = len(traceFull[start]['in'])
    # Allocate an array for all ray vertices in global coords.
    xyz = np.empty((nray, 3, nsurf + 1))
    # First point on each ray is where it enters the start surface.
    transform = batoid.CoordTransform(traceFull[start]['inCoordSys'],
    xyz[:, :,
        0] = np.stack(transform.applyForward(*traceFull[start]['in'].r.T),
    # Keep track of the number of visible points on each ray.
    raylen = np.ones(nray, dtype=int)
    for i, surface in enumerate(traceFull[start:end]):
        # Add a point for where each ray leaves this surface.
        transform = batoid.CoordTransform(surface['outCoordSys'], globalSys)
        xyz[:, :,
            i + 1] = np.stack(transform.applyForward(*surface['out'].r.T),
        # Keep track of rays which are still visible.
        visible = ~surface['out'].vignetted
        raylen[visible] += 1
    return xyz, raylen
예제 #4
def test_simple_transform():
    rng = np.random.default_rng(5)
    size = 10_000

    # Worked a few examples out manually
    # Example 1
    coordSys1 = batoid.CoordSys()
    coordSys2 = batoid.CoordSys().shiftGlobal([0, 0, 1])
    rv = randomRayVector(rng, size, coordSys1)
    transform = batoid.CoordTransform(coordSys1, coordSys2)
    rv2 = batoid.applyForwardTransform(transform, rv.copy())
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rv.x, rv2.x)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rv.y, rv2.y)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rv.z - 1, rv2.z)
    # Repeat using toCoordSys
    rv3 = rv.copy().toCoordSys(coordSys2)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rv.x, rv3.x)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rv.y, rv3.y)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rv.z - 1, rv3.z)
    # Transform of numpy array
    x, y, z = transform.applyForwardArray(rv.x, rv.y, rv.z)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rv2.x, x)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rv2.y, y)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rv2.z, z)

    # Example 2
    # First for a single specific point I worked out
    coordSys1 = batoid.CoordSys()
    coordSys2 = batoid.CoordSys(origin=[1, 1, 1], rot=batoid.RotY(np.pi / 2))
    x = y = z = np.array([2])
    vx = vy = vz = np.array([0])
    rv = batoid.RayVector(x, y, z, vx, vy, vz)
    transform = batoid.CoordTransform(coordSys1, coordSys2)
    rv2 = batoid.applyForwardTransform(transform, rv.copy())
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rv2.r, [[-1, 1, 1]])
    # Transform of numpy array
    x, y, z = transform.applyForwardArray(rv.x, rv.y, rv.z)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rv2.x, x)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rv2.y, y)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rv2.z, z)

    # Here's the generalization
    # Also using alternate syntax for applyForward here.
    rv = randomRayVector(rng, size, coordSys1)
    rv2 = transform.applyForward(rv.copy())
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rv2.x, 1 - rv.z)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rv2.y, rv.y - 1)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rv2.z, rv.x - 1)
    rv3 = rv.copy().toCoordSys(coordSys2)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rv3.x, 1 - rv.z)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rv3.y, rv.y - 1)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rv3.z, rv.x - 1)
    # Transform of numpy array
    x, y, z = transform.applyForwardArray(rv.x, rv.y, rv.z)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rv2.x, x)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rv2.y, y)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rv2.z, z)
예제 #5
    def traceSplitReverse(self, r, inCoordSys=globalCoordSys, forwardCoordSys=None,
                          reverseCoordSys=None, minFlux=1e-3, verbose=False):
        if verbose:
            strtemplate = "traceSplitReverse {:15s} flux = {:18.8f}   nphot = {:10d}"
            print(strtemplate.format(self.name, np.sum(r.flux), len(r)))
        if self.skip:
            return r, None, inCoordSys, None

        if forwardCoordSys is None:
            forwardCoordSys = self.items[-1].coordSys
        if reverseCoordSys is None:
            reverseCoordSys = self.items[0].coordSys

        workQueue = [(r, inCoordSys, "reverse", len(self.items)-1)]

        outRForward = []
        outRReverse = []

        while workQueue:
            rays, inCoordSys, direction, itemIndex = workQueue.pop()
            item = self.items[itemIndex]
            if direction == "forward":
                rForward, rReverse, tmpForwardCoordSys, tmpReverseCoordSys = \
                    item.traceSplit(rays, inCoordSys, minFlux=minFlux, verbose=verbose)
            elif direction == "reverse":
                rForward, rReverse, tmpForwardCoordSys, tmpReverseCoordSys = \
                    item.traceSplitReverse(rays, inCoordSys, minFlux=minFlux, verbose=verbose)
                raise RuntimeError("Shouldn't get here!")


            if itemIndex == 0:
                if len(rReverse) > 0:
                    if tmpReverseCoordSys != reverseCoordSys:
                        transform = batoid.CoordTransform(tmpReverseCoordSys, reverseCoordSys)
                if len(rReverse) > 0:
                    workQueue.append((rReverse, tmpReverseCoordSys, "reverse", itemIndex-1))

            if itemIndex == len(self.items)-1:
                if len(rForward) > 0:
                    if tmpForwardCoordSys != forwardCoordSys:
                        transform = batoid.CoordTransform(tmpForwardCoordSys, forwardCoordSys)
                if len(rForward) > 1:
                    workQueue.append((rForward, tmpForwardCoordSys, "forward", itemIndex+1))

        rForward = batoid.concatenateRayVectors(outRForward)
        rReverse = batoid.concatenateRayVectors(outRReverse)
        return rForward, rReverse, forwardCoordSys, reverseCoordSys
예제 #6
def test_ne():
    objs = [
        batoid.CoordTransform(batoid.CoordSys(), batoid.CoordSys()),
        batoid.CoordTransform(batoid.CoordSys(), batoid.CoordSys([0,0,1])),
        batoid.CoordTransform(batoid.CoordSys(), batoid.CoordSys(batoid.RotX(0.1)))
예제 #7
def test_roundtrip():
    rng = np.random.default_rng(57)
    size = 10_000

    for i in range(10):
        coordSys1 = randomCoordSys(rng)
        coordSys2 = randomCoordSys(rng)
        transform = batoid.CoordTransform(coordSys1, coordSys2)

        rv0 = randomRayVector(rng, size, coordSys1)
        rv1 = transform.applyForward(rv0.copy())
        rv2 = transform.applyReverse(rv1.copy())
        rv3 = rv0.copy().toCoordSys(coordSys2).toCoordSys(coordSys1)

        assert rv0.coordSys == coordSys1
        assert rv1.coordSys == coordSys2
        assert rv2.coordSys == coordSys1
        assert rv3.coordSys == coordSys1

        rays_allclose(rv0, rv2)
        rays_allclose(rv0, rv3)

        x, y, z = transform.applyForwardArray(rv0.x, rv0.y, rv0.z)
        x, y, z = transform.applyReverseArray(x, y, z)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(x, rv0.x)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(y, rv0.y)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(z, rv0.z)
예제 #8
def test_HSC_trace():
    fn = os.path.join(batoid.datadir, "HSC", "HSC_old.yaml")
    config = yaml.load(open(fn))
    telescope = batoid.parse.parse_optic(config['opticalSystem'])

    # Zemax has a number of virtual surfaces that we don't trace in batoid.  Also, the HSC.yaml
    # above includes Baffle surfaces not in Zemax.  The following lists select out the surfaces in
    # common to both models.
    HSC_surfaces = [
        3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 28, 29,
    surface_names = [
        'PM', 'G1_entrance', 'G1_exit', 'G2_entrance', 'G2_exit',
        'ADC1_entrance', 'ADC1_exit', 'ADC2_entrance', 'ADC2_exit',
        'G3_entrance', 'G3_exit', 'G4_entrance', 'G4_exit', 'G5_entrance',
        'G5_exit', 'F_entrance', 'F_exit', 'W_entrance', 'W_exit', 'D'

    for fn in [
            "HSC_raytrace_1.txt", "HSC_raytrace_2.txt", "HSC_raytrace_3.txt"
        filename = os.path.join(directory, "testdata", fn)
        with open(filename) as f:
            arr = np.loadtxt(f, skiprows=22, usecols=list(range(0, 12)))
        arr0 = arr[0]
        ray = batoid.Ray(arr0[1] / 1000,
                         arr0[2] / 1000,
        tf = telescope.traceFull(ray)

        i = 0
        for surface in tf:
            if surface['name'] != surface_names[i]:

            s = surface['out']
            v = s.v / np.linalg.norm(s.v)

            transform = batoid.CoordTransform(surface['outCoordSys'],
            s = transform.applyForward(s)
            bt_isec = np.array([s.x, s.y, s.z - 16.0])
            zx_isec = arr[HSC_surfaces[i] - 1][1:4] / 1000
            np.testing.assert_allclose(bt_isec, zx_isec, rtol=0,
                                       atol=1e-9)  # nanometer agreement

            bt_angle = np.array([v[0], v[1], v[2]])
            zx_angle = arr[HSC_surfaces[i] - 1][4:7]
            # direction cosines agree to 1e-9
            np.testing.assert_allclose(bt_angle, zx_angle, rtol=0, atol=1e-9)

            i += 1
예제 #9
파일: optic.py 프로젝트: nregnault/batoid
    def traceInPlace(self, r, inCoordSys=globalCoordSys, outCoordSys=None):
        if self.skip:
            return r, inCoordSys
        transform = batoid.CoordTransform(inCoordSys, self.coordSys)

        # refract, reflect, pass-through - depending on subclass

        if self.obscuration is not None:

        if outCoordSys is None:
            return r, self.coordSys
            transform = batoid.CoordTransform(self.coordSys, outCoordSys)
            return r, outCoordSys
예제 #10
def test_composition():
    rng = np.random.default_rng(577)
    size = 10_000

    for i in range(10):
        coordSys1 = randomCoordSys(rng)
        coordSys2 = randomCoordSys(rng)
        coordSys3 = randomCoordSys(rng)

        assert coordSys1 != coordSys2
        assert coordSys1 != coordSys3


        transform1to2 = batoid.CoordTransform(coordSys1, coordSys2)
        transform1to3 = batoid.CoordTransform(coordSys1, coordSys3)
        transform2to3 = batoid.CoordTransform(coordSys2, coordSys3)


        for j in range(10):
            rv = randomRayVector(rng, size, coordSys1)
            rv_a = transform1to3.applyForward(rv.copy())
            assert rv_a != rv
            assert rv_a.coordSys == coordSys3
            rv_b = transform2to3.applyForward(
            assert rv_b != rv
            assert rv_b.coordSys == coordSys3
                          rv_b), "error with composite transform of RayVector"

            rv = randomRayVector(rng, size, coordSys3)
            rv_a = transform1to3.applyReverse(rv.copy())
            assert rv_a != rv
            assert rv_a.coordSys == coordSys1
            rv_b = transform1to2.applyReverse(
            assert rv_b != rv
            assert rv_b.coordSys == coordSys1
                rv_b), "error with reverse composite transform of RayVector"
예제 #11
파일: optic.py 프로젝트: nregnault/batoid
    def traceReverse(self, r, inCoordSys=globalCoordSys, outCoordSys=None):
        """Trace through optic(s) in reverse.  Note, you may need to reverse the direction
        of rays for this to work.
        if self.skip:
            return r, inCoordSys
        transform = batoid.CoordTransform(inCoordSys, self.coordSys)
        r = transform.applyForward(r)

        r = self.interactReverse(r)

        if self.obscuration is not None:
            r = self.obscuration.obscure(r)

        if outCoordSys is None:
            return r, self.coordSys
            transform = batoid.CoordTransform(self.coordSys, outCoordSys)
            return transform.applyForward(r), outCoordSys
예제 #12
파일: optic.py 프로젝트: nregnault/batoid
    def draw2d(self, ax, **kwargs):
        """ Draw this interface on a 2d matplotlib axis.
        May not work if elements are non-circular or not axis-aligned.
        if self.outRadius is None:
        # Drawing in the x-z plane.
        x = np.linspace(-self.outRadius, -self.inRadius)
        y = np.zeros_like(x)
        z = self.surface.sag(x, y)
        transform = batoid.CoordTransform(self.coordSys, globalCoordSys)
        x, y, z = transform.applyForward(x, y, z)
        ax.plot(x, z, **kwargs)

        x = np.linspace(self.inRadius, self.outRadius)
        y = np.zeros_like(x)
        z = self.surface.sag(x, y)
        transform = batoid.CoordTransform(self.coordSys, globalCoordSys)
        x, y, z = transform.applyForward(x, y, z)
        ax.plot(x, z, **kwargs)
예제 #13
파일: psf.py 프로젝트: nregnault/batoid
def wavefront(optic, theta_x, theta_y, wavelength, nx=32, sphereRadius=None):
    """Compute wavefront.

    optic : batoid.Optic
        Optic for which to compute wavefront.
    theta_x, theta_y : float
        Field of incoming rays (gnomic projection)
    wavelength : float
        Wavelength of incoming rays
    nx : int, optional
        Size of ray grid to generate to compute wavefront.  Default: 32
    sphereRadius : float, optional
        Radius of reference sphere in meters.  If None, then use optic.sphereRadius.

    wavefront : batoid.Lattice
        A batoid.Lattice object containing the wavefront values in waves and
        the primitive lattice vectors of the entrance pupil grid in meters.
    dirCos = gnomicToDirCos(theta_x, theta_y)
    rays = batoid.rayGrid(
        optic.dist, optic.pupilSize,
        dirCos[0], dirCos[1], -dirCos[2],
        nx, wavelength, 1.0, optic.inMedium

    if sphereRadius is None:
        sphereRadius = optic.sphereRadius

    outCoordSys = batoid.CoordSys()
    optic.traceInPlace(rays, outCoordSys=outCoordSys)
    w = np.where(1-rays.vignetted)[0]
    point = np.mean(rays.r[w], axis=0)

    # We want to place the vertex of the reference sphere one radius length away from the
    # intersection point.  So transform our rays into that coordinate system.
    transform = batoid.CoordTransform(
            outCoordSys, batoid.CoordSys(point+np.array([0,0,sphereRadius])))

    sphere = batoid.Sphere(-sphereRadius)

    w = np.where(1-rays.vignetted)[0]
    # Should potentially try to make the reference time w.r.t. the chief ray instead of the mean
    # of the good (unvignetted) rays.
    t0 = np.mean(rays.t[w])

    arr = np.ma.masked_array((t0-rays.t)/wavelength, mask=rays.vignetted).reshape(nx, nx)
    primitiveVectors = np.vstack([[optic.pupilSize/nx, 0], [0, optic.pupilSize/nx]])
    return batoid.Lattice(arr, primitiveVectors)
예제 #14
파일: optic.py 프로젝트: nregnault/batoid
def drawTrace2d(ax, traceFull, start=None, end=None, **kwargs):
    if start is None:
        start = traceFull[0]['name']
    if end is None:
        end = traceFull[-1]['name']
    doPlot = False
    for surface in traceFull:
        if surface['name'] == start:
            doPlot = True
        if doPlot:
            inTransform = batoid.CoordTransform(surface['inCoordSys'],
            outTransform = batoid.CoordTransform(surface['outCoordSys'],
            for inray, outray in zip(surface['in'], surface['out']):
                if not outray.vignetted:
                    inray = inTransform.applyForward(inray)
                    outray = outTransform.applyForward(outray)
                    ax.plot([inray.x, outray.x], [inray.z, outray.z], **kwargs)
        if surface['name'] == end:
예제 #15
파일: optic.py 프로젝트: nregnault/batoid
    def draw3d(self, ax, **kwargs):
        """ Draw this interface on a mplot3d axis.


            ax : mplot3d.Axis
                Axis on which to draw this optic.
        if self.outRadius is None:
        # Going to draw 4 objects here: inner circle, outer circle, sag along x=0, sag along y=0
        # inner circle
        if self.inRadius != 0.0:
            th = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)
            cth, sth = np.cos(th), np.sin(th)
            x = self.inRadius * cth
            y = self.inRadius * sth
            z = self.surface.sag(x, y)
            transform = batoid.CoordTransform(self.coordSys, globalCoordSys)
            x, y, z = transform.applyForward(x, y, z)
            ax.plot(x, y, z, **kwargs)

        #outer circle
        th = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)
        cth, sth = np.cos(th), np.sin(th)
        x = self.outRadius * cth
        y = self.outRadius * sth
        z = self.surface.sag(x, y)
        transform = batoid.CoordTransform(self.coordSys, globalCoordSys)
        x, y, z = transform.applyForward(x, y, z)
        ax.plot(x, y, z, **kwargs)

        #next, a line at X=0
        y = np.linspace(-self.outRadius, -self.inRadius)
        x = np.zeros_like(y)
        z = self.surface.sag(x, y)
        transform = batoid.CoordTransform(self.coordSys, globalCoordSys)
        x, y, z = transform.applyForward(x, y, z)
        ax.plot(x, y, z, **kwargs)
        y = np.linspace(self.inRadius, self.outRadius)
        x = np.zeros_like(y)
        z = self.surface.sag(x, y)
        transform = batoid.CoordTransform(self.coordSys, globalCoordSys)
        x, y, z = transform.applyForward(x, y, z)
        ax.plot(x, y, z, **kwargs)

        #next, a line at Y=0
        x = np.linspace(-self.outRadius, -self.inRadius)
        y = np.zeros_like(x)
        z = self.surface.sag(x, y)
        transform = batoid.CoordTransform(self.coordSys, globalCoordSys)
        x, y, z = transform.applyForward(x, y, z)
        ax.plot(x, y, z, **kwargs)
        x = np.linspace(self.inRadius, self.outRadius)
        y = np.zeros_like(x)
        z = self.surface.sag(x, y)
        transform = batoid.CoordTransform(self.coordSys, globalCoordSys)
        x, y, z = transform.applyForward(x, y, z)
        ax.plot(x, y, z, **kwargs)
예제 #16
파일: optic.py 프로젝트: nregnault/batoid
    def trace(self, r, inCoordSys=globalCoordSys, outCoordSys=None):
        """ Trace a ray through this optical element.


        r : batoid.Ray or batoid.RayVector
            input ray to trace

        inCoordSys : batoid.CoordSys
            Coordinate system of incoming ray(s).  Default: the global coordinate system.

        outCoordSys : batoid.CoordSys
            Coordinate system into which to project the output ray(s).  Default: None,
            which means use the coordinate system of the optic.

            Ray or RayVector, output CoordSys.

        if self.skip:
            return r, inCoordSys
        transform = batoid.CoordTransform(inCoordSys, self.coordSys)
        r = transform.applyForward(r)

        # refract, reflect, pass-through - depending on subclass
        r = self.interact(r)

        if self.obscuration is not None:
            r = self.obscuration.obscure(r)

        if outCoordSys is None:
            return r, self.coordSys
            transform = batoid.CoordTransform(self.coordSys, outCoordSys)
            return transform.applyForward(r), outCoordSys
예제 #17
파일: psf.py 프로젝트: jmeyers314/5planes
def wavefront(optic,
    if rays is None:
        xcos = np.sin(theta_x)
        ycos = np.sin(theta_y)
        zcos = -np.sqrt(1.0 - xcos**2 - ycos**2)

        rays = batoid.rayGrid(optic.dist, optic.pupilSize, xcos, ycos, zcos,
                              nx, wavelength, optic.inMedium)
    if saveRays:
        rays = batoid.RayVector(rays)
    if sphereRadius is None:
        sphereRadius = optic.sphereRadius

    outCoordSys = batoid.CoordSys()
    optic.traceInPlace(rays, outCoordSys=outCoordSys)
    goodRays = batoid._batoid.trimVignetted(rays)
    point = np.array(

    # We want to place the vertex of the reference sphere one radius length away from the
    # intersection point.  So transform our rays into that coordinate system.
    transform = batoid.CoordTransform(
        outCoordSys, batoid.CoordSys(point + np.array([0, 0, sphereRadius])))

    sphere = batoid.Sphere(-sphereRadius)
    goodRays = batoid._batoid.trimVignetted(rays)
    # Should potentially try to make the reference time w.r.t. the chief ray instead of the mean
    # of the good (unvignetted) rays.
    t0 = np.mean(goodRays.t0)

    ts = rays.t0[:]
    isV = rays.isVignetted[:]
    ts -= t0
    ts /= wavelength
    wf = np.ma.masked_array(ts, mask=isV)
    return wf
예제 #18
def test_shift():
    import random
    globalCoordSys = batoid.CoordSys()
    for i in range(30):
        x = random.gauss(0.1, 2.3)
        y = random.gauss(0.1, 2.3)
        z = random.gauss(0.1, 2.3)
        newCoordSys = globalCoordSys.shiftGlobal([x, y, z])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(newCoordSys.xhat, [1,0,0])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(newCoordSys.yhat, [0,1,0])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(newCoordSys.zhat, [0,0,1])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(newCoordSys.origin, [x,y,z])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(newCoordSys.rot, np.eye(3))

        coordTransform = batoid.CoordTransform(globalCoordSys, newCoordSys)

        for j in range(30):
            x2 = random.gauss(0.1, 2.3)
            y2 = random.gauss(0.1, 2.3)
            z2 = random.gauss(0.1, 2.3)
            newNewCoordSys = newCoordSys.shiftGlobal([x2, y2, z2])
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(newNewCoordSys.xhat, [1,0,0])
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(newNewCoordSys.yhat, [0,1,0])
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(newNewCoordSys.zhat, [0,0,1])
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(newNewCoordSys.origin, [x+x2, y+y2, z+z2])
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(newNewCoordSys.rot, np.eye(3))

            newNewCoordSys = newCoordSys.shiftLocal([x2, y2, z2])
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(newNewCoordSys.xhat, [1,0,0])
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(newNewCoordSys.yhat, [0,1,0])
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(newNewCoordSys.zhat, [0,0,1])
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(newNewCoordSys.origin, [x+x2, y+y2, z+z2])
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(newNewCoordSys.rot, np.eye(3))
예제 #19
def test_composition():
    import random

    for i in range(10):
        coordSys1 = randomCoordSys()
        coordSys2 = randomCoordSys()
        coordSys3 = randomCoordSys()

        assert coordSys1 != coordSys2
        assert coordSys1 != coordSys3


        transform1to2 = batoid.CoordTransform(coordSys1, coordSys2)
        transform1to3 = batoid.CoordTransform(coordSys1, coordSys3)
        transform2to3 = batoid.CoordTransform(coordSys2, coordSys3)


        for i in range(10):
            vec3 = randomVec3()
            vec3_a = transform1to3.applyForward(vec3)
            vec3_b = transform2to3.applyForward(transform1to2.applyForward(vec3))
            np.testing.assert_allclose(vec3_a, vec3_b)
            vec3_ra = transform1to3.applyReverse(vec3)
            vec3_rb = transform1to2.applyReverse(transform2to3.applyReverse(vec3))
            np.testing.assert_allclose(vec3_ra, vec3_rb)

            ray = randomRay()
            ray_a = transform1to3.applyForward(ray)
            ray_b = transform2to3.applyForward(transform1to2.applyForward(ray))
            assert ray_isclose(ray_a, ray_b), "error with composite transform of Ray"
            ray_ra = transform1to3.applyReverse(ray)
            ray_rb = transform1to2.applyReverse(transform2to3.applyReverse(ray))
            assert ray_isclose(ray_ra, ray_rb), "error with reverse composite transform of Ray"

            rv = randomRayVector()
            rv_a = transform1to3.applyForward(rv)
            rv_b = transform2to3.applyForward(transform1to2.applyForward(rv))
            assert rays_allclose(rv_a, rv_b), "error with composite transform of RayVector"
            rv_ra = transform1to3.applyReverse(rv)
            rv_rb = transform1to2.applyReverse(transform2to3.applyReverse(rv))
            assert rays_allclose(rv_ra, rv_rb), "error with reverse composite transform of RayVector"

            # Test with numpy arrays
            xyz = rv.x, rv.y, rv.z
            xyz_a = transform1to3.applyForward(*xyz)
            xyz_b = transform2to3.applyForward(*transform1to2.applyForward(*xyz))
            xyz_c = [transform2to3.applyForward(transform1to2.applyForward(r.r)) for r in rv]
            np.testing.assert_allclose(xyz_a, xyz_b)
            np.testing.assert_allclose(xyz_a, np.transpose(xyz_c))
            # Should still work if we reshape.
            xyz2 = rv.x.reshape((2, 5)), rv.y.reshape((2, 5)), rv.z.reshape((2, 5))
            xyz2_a = transform1to3.applyForward(*xyz2)
            xyz2_b = transform2to3.applyForward(*transform1to2.applyForward(*xyz2))
            np.testing.assert_allclose(xyz2_a, xyz2_b)

            # And also work if we reverse
            np.testing.assert_allclose(xyz, transform1to3.applyReverse(*xyz_a))
            np.testing.assert_allclose(xyz, transform1to2.applyReverse(*transform2to3.applyReverse(*xyz_b)))

            # Test in-place on Ray
            ray = randomRay()
            ray_copy = ray.copy()
            assert ray_isclose(ray, ray_copy)

            # in-place reverse on Ray
            ray = randomRay()
            ray_copy = ray.copy()
            assert ray_isclose(ray, ray_copy)

            # Test in-place on RayVector
            rv = randomRayVector()
            rv_copy = rv.copy()
            assert rays_allclose(rv, rv_copy)

            # in-place reverse on RayVector
            rv = randomRayVector()
            rv_copy = rv.copy()
            assert rays_allclose(rv, rv_copy)
예제 #20
    def getXZSlice(self, nslice=0):
        """Calculate global coordinates for an (x,z) slice through this interface.

        The calculation is split into two half slices: xlocal <= 0 and xlocal >= 0.
        When the inner radius is zero, these half slices are merged into one.
        Otherwise, the two half slices are returned separately.

        If the local coordinate system involves any rotation the resulting
        slice may not be calculated correctly since we are really slicing in
        (xlocal, zlocal) then transforming these to (xglobal, zglobal).

        nslice : int
            Use the specified number of points on each half slice. When zero,
            the value will be calculated automatically (and will be 2 for
            planar surfaces).

            Tuple (xz1, xz2) of 1D arrays where xz1=[x1, z1] is the xlocal <= 0
            half slice and xz2=[x2, z2] is the xlocal >= 0 half slice.
        slice = []
        if self.outRadius is None:
            return slice
        if nslice <= 0:
            if isinstance(self.surface, batoid.surface.Plane):
                nslice = 2
                nslice = 50
        # Calculate (x,z) slice in local coordinates for x <= 0.
        x = np.linspace(-self.outRadius, -self.inRadius, nslice)
        y = np.zeros_like(x)
        z = self.surface.sag(x, y)
        # Transform slice to global coordinates.
        transform = batoid.CoordTransform(self.coordSys, batoid.globalCoordSys)
        xneg, yneg, zneg = transform.applyForward(x, y, z)
        if np.any(yneg != 0):
            print('WARNING: getXZSlice used for rotated surface "{0}".'.format(
        # Calculate (x,z) slice in local coordinates for x >= 0.
        x *= -1
        x = x[::-1]
        z[:] = self.surface.sag(x, y)
        # Transform slice to global coordinates.
        xpos, ypos, zpos = transform.applyForward(x, y, z)
        if np.any(ypos != 0):
            print('WARNING: getXZSlice used for rotated surface "{0}".'.format(
        slice.append(np.stack((xpos, zpos), axis=0))
        # Combine x <= 0 and x >= 0 half slices when inner = 0.
        if self.inRadius == 0:
            assert xneg[-1] == xpos[0] and zneg[-1] == zpos[0]
            return (np.stack((np.hstack(
                (xneg, xpos[1:])), np.hstack((zneg, zpos[1:]))),
                             axis=0), )
            return (np.stack((xneg, zneg),
                             axis=0), np.stack((xpos, zpos), axis=0))