예제 #1
    def merge_walls(obstacles):
        Creates new artificial obstacles to enable diagonal walls.
        :param obstacles: all obstacles within sight
        :return: set of new imaginary obstacles
        new_obstacles = set()
        diag_dist = Vision._distance(Cell(0,0), Cell(1,1))
        for o1 in obstacles:
            for o2 in obstacles:
                if Vision._distance(o1, o2) == diag_dist:
                    new_obstacles.add(Cell( (o1.x+o2.x)/2 , (o1.y+o2.y)/2 ))

        return new_obstacles
예제 #2
def test_borders(game, hero):

    bf = game.battlefield
    assert bf.unit_facings[hero] is Facing.NORTH

    bf.move(hero, Cell(1, 1))
    vision = Vision(bf)
    cells_seen_before = vision.std_seen_cells(hero)

    bf.move(hero, Cell(7, 7))
    cells_seen_after = vision.std_seen_cells(hero)

    assert len(cells_seen_after) < len(cells_seen_before)
    assert Cell(8, 8) not in cells_seen_after
예제 #3
def test_walls_diag_block(hero, game, steel_wall):

    bf = game.battlefield
    bf.unit_locations = {}
    bf.units_at = {}
    bf.place(hero, Cell(1, 1))
    assert bf.unit_facings[hero] is Facing.NORTH

    bf.place(steel_wall.clone(), Cell(1, 2))
    bf.place(steel_wall.clone(), Cell(2, 1))

    vision = Vision(bf)
    cells_seen = vision.std_seen_cells(hero)

    assert Cell(2, 2) not in cells_seen
예제 #4
    def std_vision_field(sight_range, facing, cell_from, bf):
        w = bf.h
        h = bf.h

        v1 = (sight_range * 2 / 3) * 1j
        v2 = sight_range

        c1 = facing * v1 + cell_from.complex
        c2 = facing * (v2 - v1) + cell_from.complex

        xmin, xmax = min(c1.real, c2.real), max(c1.real, c2.real)
        ymin, ymax = min(c1.imag, c2.imag), max(c1.imag, c2.imag)

        xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = [int(x) for x in [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]]
        xmin = max(0, xmin)
        ymin = max(0, ymin)
        xmax = min(w - 1, xmax)
        ymax = min(h - 1, ymax)

        visible_cells = set()
        if facing.real:
            metric = Vision.dist_eliptic_y
            metric = Vision.dist_eliptic_x

        for x in range(xmin, xmax + 1):
            for y in range(ymin, ymax + 1):
                cell = Cell(x, y)
                if metric(cell_from, cell) <= sight_range:

        return visible_cells
예제 #5
def test_units_no_diag_block(hero, game, pirate_band):

    bf = game.battlefield
    bf.unit_locations = {}
    bf.units_at = {}
    bf.place(hero, Cell(1, 1))
    assert bf.unit_facings[hero] is Facing.NORTH

    p1 = pirate_band[0]
    p2 = pirate_band[1]
    bf.place(p1, Cell(1, 2))
    bf.place(p2, Cell(2, 1))

    vision = Vision(bf)
    cells_seen = vision.std_seen_cells(hero)

    assert Cell(2, 2) in cells_seen
def test_backstab(game, hero, pirate):

    bf = game.battlefield

    bf.move(hero, Cell(1, 1))
    bf.place(pirate, Cell(1, 2))
    bf.unit_facings[hero] = Facing.NORTH
    bf.unit_facings[pirate] = Facing.NORTH

    ae = AttackEvent(pirate, hero)

    assert not ae.is_backstab
    assert ae.is_blind

    bf.unit_facings[pirate] = Facing.SOUTH
    ae = AttackEvent(pirate, hero)
    assert not ae.is_backstab
    assert not ae.is_blind

    bf.unit_facings[hero] = Facing.SOUTH
    ae = AttackEvent(pirate, hero)
    assert ae.is_backstab
    assert not ae.is_blind
예제 #7
def test_direction(game, hero):

    bf = game.battlefield
    assert bf.unit_facings[hero] is Facing.NORTH

    vision = Vision(bf)
    bf.unit_locations = {}
    bf.units_at = {}
    bf.place(hero, Cell(4, 4))
    cells_seen_before = vision.std_seen_cells(hero)

    bf.unit_facings[hero] = Facing.SOUTH
    cells_seen_after = vision.std_seen_cells(hero)

    assert len(cells_seen_after) == len(cells_seen_before)
    assert cells_seen_before != cells_seen_after
예제 #8
def test_visibility(game, hero):

    bf = game.battlefield
    bf.unit_locations = {}
    bf.units_at = {}
    bf.place(hero, Cell(1, 1))
    assert bf.unit_facings[hero] is Facing.NORTH

    vision = Vision(bf)
    cells_seen = vision.std_seen_cells(hero)

    assert Cell(0, 0) not in cells_seen
    assert Cell(7, 7) not in cells_seen
    assert Cell(7, 0) not in cells_seen
    assert Cell(0, 7) not in cells_seen

    assert Cell(1, 1) in cells_seen
    cell = Cell(1, int(1 + hero.sight_range))
    assert cell in cells_seen
    cell = Cell(1 + int(hero.sight_range), 1)
    assert cell not in cells_seen
def obstacle(game):
    obstacle = Obstacle("dummy", 500, 0, None, None)
    game.add_obstacle(obstacle, Cell(1, 2))
    return obstacle