예제 #1
def single_projF(gll, gram, samp):
    x = samp(3, 2)
    proj = bc.ProjectionF(x, gll, Nsamps, lambda: samp(1, 2).flatten())
    w = proj.get()
    assert np.all(
        np.fabs(gram(x) - w.dot(w.T)) < 1e-2
    ), "error: projectionF doesn't converge to expectation; max diff = " + str(
        np.fabs(gram(x) - w.dot(w.T)).max())
    assert proj.get(
    ).shape == w.shape, "error: proj.reset() doesn't retain shape"

    is_constant = True
    gtest = gll(x, samp(1, 2).flatten())
    for i in range(10):
        gtest2 = gll(x, samp(1, 2).flatten())
        if np.any(gtest2 != gtest):
            is_constant = False
    if not is_constant:
        assert np.all(np.fabs(w - proj.get()) > 0
                      ), "error: proj.reset() doesn't refresh entries"

    assert proj.get().shape[
        1] == 5, "error: proj.reset(5) doesn't create a new projection with 5 components"
예제 #2
    mu = res.x
    cov = -np.linalg.inv(hess_log_joint(Z, mu))
    t_laplace = time.time() - t0

    cputs = np.zeros((len(anms), n_trials, Ms.shape[0]))
    csizes = np.zeros((len(anms), n_trials, Ms.shape[0]))
    Fs = np.zeros((len(anms), n_trials, Ms.shape[0]))
    Fs_full = np.zeros(n_trials)
    cputs_full = np.zeros(n_trials)

    for tr in range(n_trials):
        print('Trial ' + str(tr + 1) + '/' + str(n_trials))

        print('Computing random projection')
        t0 = time.time()
        proj = bc.ProjectionF(Z, grad_log_likelihood, projection_dim,
                              lambda: np.random.multivariate_normal(mu, cov))
        vecs = proj.get()
        t_projection = time.time() - t0

        print('Running MCMC on the full dataset')
        accept_rate = 1.
        mcmc_attempt = 1
        while (accept_rate < .15 or accept_rate > 0.7):
            t0 = time.time()
            mh_param_init = np.random.multivariate_normal(mu, cov)
            th_samples, accept_rate = mh(
                lambda th: log_joint(Z, th, np.ones(Z.shape[0])),
                lambda th, sig: np.random.multivariate_normal(
                    th, sig * np.eye(D)),
예제 #3
cov = -np.linalg.inv(hess_log_joint(Z, mu))

#we can call post_approx() to sample from the approximate posterior
post_approx = lambda: np.random.multivariate_normal(mu, cov)

#you can replace this step with almost any inference alg: subset MCMC, variational inference, INLA, SGLD, etc

## Step 3: Discretize the Log Likelihood

projection_dim = 500  #random projection dimension, K
#build the discretization of all the log-likelihoods based on random projection
proj = bc.ProjectionF(Z, grad_log_likelihood, projection_dim, post_approx)
#construct the N x K discretized log-likelihood matrix; each row represents the discretized LL func for one datapoint
vecs = proj.get()

## Step 4: Build the Coreset

#build the coreset
M = 100  # use 100 datapoints
giga = bc.GIGA(
)  #do coreset construction using the discretized log-likelihood functions
giga.run(M)  #build the coreset