예제 #1
def finalise(fn, d):
    anonqueue = data.getVar("__anonqueue", d, 1) or []
    body = [x['content'] for x in anonqueue]
    flag = {'python': 1, 'func': 1}
    data.setVar("__anonfunc", "\n".join(body), d)
    data.setVarFlags("__anonfunc", flag, d)
    from bb import build
        t = data.getVar('T', d)
        data.setVar('T', '${TMPDIR}/anonfunc/', d)
        anonfuncs = data.getVar('__BBANONFUNCS', d) or []
        code = ""
        for f in anonfuncs:
            code = code + "    %s(d)\n" % f
        data.setVar("__anonfunc", code, d)
        build.exec_func("__anonfunc", d)
        data.delVar('T', d)
        if t:
            data.setVar('T', t, d)
    except Exception, e:
        bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Parsing,
                     "Exception when executing anonymous function: %s" % e)
예제 #2
    def testExpansion(self):
        # import the data modules
        from bb import data
        from bb import data_smart

        d = data_smart.DataSmart()
        data.setVar('TEST', 'moo', d)
        self.assertEquals(data.getVar('TEST',d), 'moo')

        # standard expansion
        self.assertEquals(data.expand('/usr/bin/${TEST}', d), '/usr/bin/moo' )

        # python expansion
        self.assertEquals(data.expand('result: ${@37*72}', d), 'result: 2664' )

        # shell expansion
        self.assertEquals(data.expand('${TARGET_FOO}', d), '${TARGET_FOO}')

        data.setVar('TARGET_FOO', 'yeah', d)
        self.assertEquals(data.expand('${TARGET_FOO}', d), 'yeah')

        data.setVar('SRC_URI', 'http://oe.handhelds.org/${TARGET_FOO}', d)
        self.assertEquals(data.expand('${SRC_URI}',d), 'http://oe.handhelds.org/yeah')

        data.delVar('TARGET_FOO', d)
        self.assertEquals(data.expand('${SRC_URI}',d), 'http://oe.handhelds.org/${TARGET_FOO}')
예제 #3
    def parseConfigurationFiles(self, prefiles, postfiles):
        data = self.data

        # Parse files for loading *before* bitbake.conf and any includes
        for f in prefiles:
            data = parse_config_file(f, data)

        layerconf = self._findLayerConf()
        if layerconf:
            parselog.debug(2, "Found bblayers.conf (%s)", layerconf)
            data = parse_config_file(layerconf, data)

            layers = (data.getVar('BBLAYERS', True) or "").split()

            data = bb.data.createCopy(data)
            for layer in layers:
                parselog.debug(2, "Adding layer %s", layer)
                data.setVar('LAYERDIR', layer)
                data = parse_config_file(os.path.join(layer, "conf", "layer.conf"), data)


        if not data.getVar("BBPATH", True):
            raise SystemExit("The BBPATH variable is not set")

        data = parse_config_file(os.path.join("conf", "bitbake.conf"), data)

        # Parse files for loading *after* bitbake.conf and any includes
        for p in postfiles:
            data = parse_config_file(p, data)

        # Handle any INHERITs and inherit the base class
        bbclasses  = ["base"] + (data.getVar('INHERIT', True) or "").split()
        for bbclass in bbclasses:
            data = _inherit(bbclass, data)

        # Nomally we only register event handlers at the end of parsing .bb files
        # We register any handlers we've found so far here...
        for var in data.getVar('__BBHANDLERS') or []:
            bb.event.register(var, data.getVar(var))

        if data.getVar("BB_WORKERCONTEXT", False) is None:
        bb.event.fire(bb.event.ConfigParsed(), data)

        if data.getVar("BB_INVALIDCONF") is True:
            data.setVar("BB_INVALIDCONF", False)
            self.parseConfigurationFiles(self.prefiles, self.postfiles)

        self.data = data
        self.data_hash = data.get_hash()
예제 #4
    def testGVar(self):
        # import the data module
        from bb import data
        from bb import data_smart

        d = data_smart.DataSmart()
        data.setVar('TEST', 'testcontents', d )
        self.assertEquals( data.getVar('TEST',d), 'testcontents', 'Setting Variable Failed')
        data.delVar('TEST', d)
        self.assertEquals(data.getVar('TEST', d), None)
예제 #5
def finalise(fn, d):
    anonqueue = data.getVar("__anonqueue", d, 1) or []
    body = [x['content'] for x in anonqueue]
    flag = { 'python' : 1, 'func' : 1 }
    data.setVar("__anonfunc", "\n".join(body), d)
    data.setVarFlags("__anonfunc", flag, d)
    from bb import build
        t = data.getVar('T', d)
        data.setVar('T', '${TMPDIR}/anonfunc/', d)
        build.exec_func("__anonfunc", d)
        data.delVar('T', d)
        if t:
            data.setVar('T', t, d)
    except Exception, e:
        bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "Exception when executing anonymous function: %s" % e)
예제 #6
    def parseConfigurationFiles(self, prefiles, postfiles, mc="default"):
        data = bb.data.createCopy(self.basedata)
        data.setVar("BB_CURRENT_MC", mc)

        # Parse files for loading *before* bitbake.conf and any includes
        for f in prefiles:
            data = parse_config_file(f, data)

        layerconf = self._findLayerConf(data)
        if layerconf:
            parselog.debug(2, "Found bblayers.conf (%s)", layerconf)
            # By definition bblayers.conf is in conf/ of TOPDIR.
            # We may have been called with cwd somewhere else so reset TOPDIR
            data.setVar("TOPDIR", os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(layerconf)))
            data = parse_config_file(layerconf, data)

            layers = (data.getVar('BBLAYERS') or "").split()
            broken_layers = []

            data = bb.data.createCopy(data)
            approved = bb.utils.approved_variables()

            # Check whether present layer directories exist
            for layer in layers:
                if not os.path.isdir(layer):

            if broken_layers:
                    "The following layer directories do not exist:")
                for layer in broken_layers:
                    parselog.critical("   %s", layer)
                parselog.critical("Please check BBLAYERS in %s" % (layerconf))
                raise bb.BBHandledException()

            for layer in layers:
                parselog.debug(2, "Adding layer %s", layer)
                if 'HOME' in approved and '~' in layer:
                    layer = os.path.expanduser(layer)
                if layer.endswith('/'):
                    layer = layer.rstrip('/')
                data.setVar('LAYERDIR', layer)
                data.setVar('LAYERDIR_RE', re.escape(layer))
                data = parse_config_file(
                    os.path.join(layer, "conf", "layer.conf"), data)


            bbfiles_dynamic = (data.getVar('BBFILES_DYNAMIC') or "").split()
            collections = (data.getVar('BBFILE_COLLECTIONS') or "").split()
            invalid = []
            for entry in bbfiles_dynamic:
                parts = entry.split(":", 1)
                if len(parts) != 2:
                l, f = parts
                invert = l[0] == "!"
                if invert:
                    l = l[1:]
                if (l in collections and not invert) or (l not in collections
                                                         and invert):
                    data.appendVar("BBFILES", " " + f)
            if invalid:
                    "BBFILES_DYNAMIC entries must be of the form {!}<collection name>:<filename pattern>, not:\n    %s"
                    % "\n    ".join(invalid))

            layerseries = set((data.getVar("LAYERSERIES_CORENAMES")
                               or "").split())
            collections_tmp = collections[:]
            for c in collections:
                if c in collections_tmp:
                        "Found duplicated BBFILE_COLLECTIONS '%s', check bblayers.conf or layer.conf to fix it."
                        % c)
                compat = set((data.getVar("LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_%s" % c)
                              or "").split())
                if compat and not (compat & layerseries):
                        "Layer %s is not compatible with the core layer which only supports these series: %s (layer is compatible with %s)"
                        % (c, " ".join(layerseries), " ".join(compat)))
                elif not compat and not data.getVar("BB_WORKERCONTEXT"):
                        "Layer %s should set LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_%s in its conf/layer.conf file to list the core layer names it is compatible with."
                        % (c, c))

        if not data.getVar("BBPATH"):
            msg = "The BBPATH variable is not set"
            if not layerconf:
                msg += (
                    " and bitbake did not find a conf/bblayers.conf file in"
                    " the expected location.\nMaybe you accidentally"
                    " invoked bitbake from the wrong directory?")
            raise SystemExit(msg)

        data = parse_config_file(os.path.join("conf", "bitbake.conf"), data)

        # Parse files for loading *after* bitbake.conf and any includes
        for p in postfiles:
            data = parse_config_file(p, data)

        # Handle any INHERITs and inherit the base class
        bbclasses = ["base"] + (data.getVar('INHERIT') or "").split()
        for bbclass in bbclasses:
            data = _inherit(bbclass, data)

        # Nomally we only register event handlers at the end of parsing .bb files
        # We register any handlers we've found so far here...
        for var in data.getVar('__BBHANDLERS', False) or []:
            handlerfn = data.getVarFlag(var, "filename", False)
            if not handlerfn:
                parselog.critical("Undefined event handler function '%s'" %
                raise bb.BBHandledException()
            handlerln = int(data.getVarFlag(var, "lineno", False))
            bb.event.register(var, data.getVar(var, False),
                              (data.getVarFlag(var, "eventmask")
                               or "").split(), handlerfn, handlerln)

        data.setVar('BBINCLUDED', bb.parse.get_file_depends(data))

        return data
예제 #7
    def parseConfigurationFiles(self, prefiles, postfiles):
        data = self.data

        # Parse files for loading *before* bitbake.conf and any includes
        for f in prefiles:
            data = parse_config_file(f, data)

        layerconf = self._findLayerConf(data)
        if layerconf:
            parselog.debug(2, "Found bblayers.conf (%s)", layerconf)
            # By definition bblayers.conf is in conf/ of TOPDIR.
            # We may have been called with cwd somewhere else so reset TOPDIR
            data.setVar("TOPDIR", os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(layerconf)))
            data = parse_config_file(layerconf, data)

            layers = (data.getVar('BBLAYERS', True) or "").split()

            data = bb.data.createCopy(data)
            for layer in layers:
                parselog.debug(2, "Adding layer %s", layer)
                data.setVar('LAYERDIR', layer)
                data = parse_config_file(
                    os.path.join(layer, "conf", "layer.conf"), data)


        if not data.getVar("BBPATH", True):
            msg = "The BBPATH variable is not set"
            if not layerconf:
                msg += (
                    " and bitbake did not find a conf/bblayers.conf file in"
                    " the expected location.\nMaybe you accidentally"
                    " invoked bitbake from the wrong directory?")
            raise SystemExit(msg)

        data = parse_config_file(os.path.join("conf", "bitbake.conf"), data)

        # Parse files for loading *after* bitbake.conf and any includes
        for p in postfiles:
            data = parse_config_file(p, data)

        # Handle any INHERITs and inherit the base class
        bbclasses = ["base"] + (data.getVar('INHERIT', True) or "").split()
        for bbclass in bbclasses:
            data = _inherit(bbclass, data)

        # Nomally we only register event handlers at the end of parsing .bb files
        # We register any handlers we've found so far here...
        for var in data.getVar('__BBHANDLERS') or []:
            bb.event.register(var, data.getVar(var),
                              (data.getVarFlag(var, "eventmask", True)
                               or "").split())

        if data.getVar("BB_WORKERCONTEXT", False) is None:
        bb.event.fire(bb.event.ConfigParsed(), data)

        if data.getVar("BB_INVALIDCONF") is True:
            data.setVar("BB_INVALIDCONF", False)
            self.parseConfigurationFiles(self.prefiles, self.postfiles)

        data.setVar('BBINCLUDED', bb.parse.get_file_depends(data))
        self.data = data
        self.data_hash = data.get_hash()
예제 #8
def handle(fn, d, include = 0):
    global __func_start_regexp__, __inherit_regexp__, __export_func_regexp__, __addtask_regexp__, __addhandler_regexp__, __infunc__, __body__, __bbpath_found__, __residue__
    __body__ = []
    __bbpath_found__ = 0
    __infunc__ = ""
    __classname__ = ""
    __residue__ = []

    if include == 0:
        debug(2, "BB " + fn + ": handle(data)")
        debug(2, "BB " + fn + ": handle(data, include)")

    (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn))

    if ext == ".bbclass":
        __classname__ = root

    if include != 0:
        oldfile = data.getVar('FILE', d)
        oldfile = None

    fn = obtain(fn, d)
    bbpath = (data.getVar('BBPATH', d, 1) or '').split(':')
    if not os.path.isabs(fn):
        f = None
        for p in bbpath:
            p = data.expand(p, d)
            j = os.path.join(p, fn)
            if os.access(j, os.R_OK):
                abs_fn = j
                f = open(j, 'r')
        if f is None:
            raise IOError("file not found")
        f = open(fn,'r')
        abs_fn = fn

    if ext != ".bbclass":
        bbpath.insert(0, os.path.dirname(abs_fn))
        data.setVar('BBPATH', ":".join(bbpath), d)

    if include:
        bb.parse.mark_dependency(d, abs_fn)

    if ext != ".bbclass":
        data.setVar('FILE', fn, d)
        i = (data.getVar("INHERIT", d, 1) or "").split()
        if not "base" in i and __classname__ != "base":
            i[0:0] = ["base"]
        inherit(i, d)

    lineno = 0
    while 1:
        lineno = lineno + 1
        s = f.readline()
        if not s: break
        s = s.rstrip()
        feeder(lineno, s, fn, d)
    if __inpython__:
        # add a blank line to close out any python definition
        feeder(lineno + 1, "", fn, d)
    if ext == ".bbclass":
        if include == 0:
            anonqueue = data.getVar("__anonqueue", d, 1) or []
            for anon in anonqueue:
                data.setVar("__anonfunc", anon["content"], d)
                data.setVarFlags("__anonfunc", anon["flags"], d)
                from bb import build
                    t = data.getVar('T', d)
                    data.setVar('T', '${TMPDIR}/', d)
                    build.exec_func("__anonfunc", d)
                    data.delVar('T', d)
                    if t:
                        data.setVar('T', t, d)
                except Exception, e:
                    bb.debug(1, "executing anonymous function: %s" % e)
            data.delVar("__anonqueue", d)
            data.delVar("__anonfunc", d)
            set_additional_vars(fn, d, include)

            for var in data.keys(d):
                if data.getVarFlag(var, 'handler', d):
                    bb.event.register(data.getVar(var, d))

                if not data.getVarFlag(var, 'task', d):

                deps = data.getVarFlag(var, 'deps', d) or []
                postdeps = data.getVarFlag(var, 'postdeps', d) or []
                bb.build.add_task(var, deps, d)
                for p in postdeps:
                    pdeps = data.getVarFlag(p, 'deps', d) or []
                    data.setVarFlag(p, 'deps', pdeps, d)
                    bb.build.add_task(p, pdeps, d)
예제 #9
    def parseConfigurationFiles(self, prefiles, postfiles):
        data = self.data

        # Parse files for loading *before* bitbake.conf and any includes
        for f in prefiles:
            data = parse_config_file(f, data)

        layerconf = self._findLayerConf(data)
        if layerconf:
            parselog.debug(2, "Found bblayers.conf (%s)", layerconf)
            # By definition bblayers.conf is in conf/ of TOPDIR.
            # We may have been called with cwd somewhere else so reset TOPDIR
            data.setVar("TOPDIR", os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(layerconf)))
            data = parse_config_file(layerconf, data)

            layers = (data.getVar('BBLAYERS', True) or "").split()

            data = bb.data.createCopy(data)
            for layer in layers:
                parselog.debug(2, "Adding layer %s", layer)
                data.setVar('LAYERDIR', layer)
                data = parse_config_file(os.path.join(layer, "conf", "layer.conf"), data)


        if not data.getVar("BBPATH", True):
            msg = "The BBPATH variable is not set"
            if not layerconf:
                msg += (" and bitbake did not find a conf/bblayers.conf file in"
                        " the expected location.\nMaybe you accidentally"
                        " invoked bitbake from the wrong directory?")
            raise SystemExit(msg)

        data = parse_config_file(os.path.join("conf", "bitbake.conf"), data)

        # Parse files for loading *after* bitbake.conf and any includes
        for p in postfiles:
            data = parse_config_file(p, data)

        # Handle any INHERITs and inherit the base class
        bbclasses  = ["base"] + (data.getVar('INHERIT', True) or "").split()
        for bbclass in bbclasses:
            data = _inherit(bbclass, data)

        # Nomally we only register event handlers at the end of parsing .bb files
        # We register any handlers we've found so far here...
        for var in data.getVar('__BBHANDLERS') or []:
            bb.event.register(var, data.getVar(var),  (data.getVarFlag(var, "eventmask", True) or "").split())

        if data.getVar("BB_WORKERCONTEXT", False) is None:
        bb.event.fire(bb.event.ConfigParsed(), data)

        if data.getVar("BB_INVALIDCONF") is True:
            data.setVar("BB_INVALIDCONF", False)
            self.parseConfigurationFiles(self.prefiles, self.postfiles)

        self.data = data
        self.data_hash = data.get_hash()
예제 #10
    def parseConfigurationFiles(self, prefiles, postfiles):
        data = bb.data.createCopy(self.basedata)

        # Parse files for loading *before* bitbake.conf and any includes
        for f in prefiles:
            data = parse_config_file(f, data)

        layerconf = self._findLayerConf(data)
        if layerconf:
            parselog.debug(2, "Found bblayers.conf (%s)", layerconf)
            # By definition bblayers.conf is in conf/ of TOPDIR.
            # We may have been called with cwd somewhere else so reset TOPDIR
            data.setVar("TOPDIR", os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(layerconf)))
            data = parse_config_file(layerconf, data)

            layers = (data.getVar('BBLAYERS', True) or "").split()

            data = bb.data.createCopy(data)
            approved = bb.utils.approved_variables()
            for layer in layers:
                if not os.path.isdir(layer):
                    parselog.critical("Layer directory '%s' does not exist! "
                                      "Please check BBLAYERS in %s" %
                                      (layer, layerconf))
                parselog.debug(2, "Adding layer %s", layer)
                if 'HOME' in approved and '~' in layer:
                    layer = os.path.expanduser(layer)
                if layer.endswith('/'):
                    layer = layer.rstrip('/')
                data.setVar('LAYERDIR', layer)
                data.setVar('LAYERDIR_RE', re.escape(layer))
                data = parse_config_file(
                    os.path.join(layer, "conf", "layer.conf"), data)


        if not data.getVar("BBPATH", True):
            msg = "The BBPATH variable is not set"
            if not layerconf:
                msg += (
                    " and bitbake did not find a conf/bblayers.conf file in"
                    " the expected location.\nMaybe you accidentally"
                    " invoked bitbake from the wrong directory?")
            raise SystemExit(msg)

        data = parse_config_file(os.path.join("conf", "bitbake.conf"), data)

        # Parse files for loading *after* bitbake.conf and any includes
        for p in postfiles:
            data = parse_config_file(p, data)

        # Handle any INHERITs and inherit the base class
        bbclasses = ["base"] + (data.getVar('INHERIT', True) or "").split()
        for bbclass in bbclasses:
            data = _inherit(bbclass, data)

        # Nomally we only register event handlers at the end of parsing .bb files
        # We register any handlers we've found so far here...
        for var in data.getVar('__BBHANDLERS', False) or []:
            handlerfn = data.getVarFlag(var, "filename", False)
            if not handlerfn:
                parselog.critical("Undefined event handler function '%s'" %
            handlerln = int(data.getVarFlag(var, "lineno", False))
            bb.event.register(var, data.getVar(var, False),
                              (data.getVarFlag(var, "eventmask", True)
                               or "").split(), handlerfn, handlerln)

        data.setVar('BBINCLUDED', bb.parse.get_file_depends(data))

        return data
예제 #11
def handle(fn, d, include=0):
    global __func_start_regexp__, __inherit_regexp__, __export_func_regexp__, __addtask_regexp__, __addhandler_regexp__, __infunc__, __body__, __residue__
    __body__ = []
    __infunc__ = ""
    __classname__ = ""
    __residue__ = []

    if include == 0:
        bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "BB " + fn + ": handle(data)")
        bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Parsing,
                     "BB " + fn + ": handle(data, include)")

    (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn))
    base_name = "%s%s" % (root, ext)

    if ext == ".bbclass":
        __classname__ = root
        __inherit_cache = data.getVar('__inherit_cache', d) or []
        if not fn in __inherit_cache:
            data.setVar('__inherit_cache', __inherit_cache, d)

    if include != 0:
        oldfile = data.getVar('FILE', d)
        oldfile = None

    fn = obtain(fn, d)
    bbpath = (data.getVar('BBPATH', d, 1) or '').split(':')
    if not os.path.isabs(fn):
        f = None
        for p in bbpath:
            j = os.path.join(p, fn)
            if os.access(j, os.R_OK):
                abs_fn = j
                f = open(j, 'r')
        if f is None:
            raise IOError("file %s not found" % fn)
        f = open(fn, 'r')
        abs_fn = fn

    if ext != ".bbclass":
        dname = os.path.dirname(abs_fn)
        if bbpath[0] != dname:
            bbpath.insert(0, dname)
            data.setVar('BBPATH', ":".join(bbpath), d)

    if include:
        bb.parse.mark_dependency(d, abs_fn)

    if ext != ".bbclass":
        data.setVar('FILE', fn, d)

    lineno = 0
    while 1:
        lineno = lineno + 1
        s = f.readline()
        if not s: break
        s = s.rstrip()
        feeder(lineno, s, fn, base_name, d)
    if __inpython__:
        # add a blank line to close out any python definition
        feeder(IN_PYTHON_EOF, "", fn, base_name, d)
    if ext == ".bbclass":
        if include == 0:
            anonqueue = data.getVar("__anonqueue", d, 1) or []
            body = [x['content'] for x in anonqueue]
            flag = {'python': 1, 'func': 1}
            data.setVar("__anonfunc", "\n".join(body), d)
            data.setVarFlags("__anonfunc", flag, d)
            from bb import build
                t = data.getVar('T', d)
                data.setVar('T', '${TMPDIR}/', d)
                build.exec_func("__anonfunc", d)
                data.delVar('T', d)
                if t:
                    data.setVar('T', t, d)
            except Exception, e:
                    1, bb.msg.domain.Parsing,
                    "Exception when executing anonymous function: %s" % e)
            data.delVar("__anonqueue", d)
            data.delVar("__anonfunc", d)
            set_additional_vars(fn, d, include)

            all_handlers = {}
            for var in data.getVar('__BBHANDLERS', d) or []:
                # try to add the handler
                handler = data.getVar(var, d)
                bb.event.register(var, handler)

            tasklist = data.getVar('__BBTASKS', d) or []
            bb.build.add_tasks(tasklist, d)

예제 #12
def handle(fn, d, include = 0):
    global __func_start_regexp__, __inherit_regexp__, __export_func_regexp__, __addtask_regexp__, __addhandler_regexp__, __infunc__, __body__, __residue__
    __body__ = []
    __infunc__ = ""
    __classname__ = ""
    __residue__ = []

    if include == 0:
        bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "BB " + fn + ": handle(data)")
        bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "BB " + fn + ": handle(data, include)")

    (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn))
    base_name = "%s%s" % (root,ext)

    if ext == ".bbclass":
        __classname__ = root

    if include != 0:
        oldfile = data.getVar('FILE', d)
        oldfile = None

    fn = obtain(fn, d)
    bbpath = (data.getVar('BBPATH', d, 1) or '').split(':')
    if not os.path.isabs(fn):
        f = None
        for p in bbpath:
            j = os.path.join(p, fn)
            if os.access(j, os.R_OK):
                abs_fn = j
                f = open(j, 'r')
        if f is None:
            raise IOError("file not found")
        f = open(fn,'r')
        abs_fn = fn

    if ext != ".bbclass":
        bbpath.insert(0, os.path.dirname(abs_fn))
        data.setVar('BBPATH', ":".join(bbpath), d)

    if include:
        bb.parse.mark_dependency(d, abs_fn)

    if ext != ".bbclass":
        data.setVar('FILE', fn, d)
        i = (data.getVar("INHERIT", d, 1) or "").split()
        if not "base" in i and __classname__ != "base":
            i[0:0] = ["base"]
        inherit(i, d)

    lineno = 0
    while 1:
        lineno = lineno + 1
        s = f.readline()
        if not s: break
        s = s.rstrip()
        feeder(lineno, s, fn, base_name, d)
    if __inpython__:
        # add a blank line to close out any python definition
        feeder(IN_PYTHON_EOF, "", fn, base_name, d)
    if ext == ".bbclass":
        if include == 0:
            anonqueue = data.getVar("__anonqueue", d, 1) or []
            body = [x['content'] for x in anonqueue]
            flag = { 'python' : 1, 'func' : 1 }
            data.setVar("__anonfunc", "\n".join(body), d)
            data.setVarFlags("__anonfunc", flag, d)
            from bb import build
                t = data.getVar('T', d)
                data.setVar('T', '${TMPDIR}/', d)
                build.exec_func("__anonfunc", d)
                data.delVar('T', d)
                if t:
                    data.setVar('T', t, d)
            except Exception, e:
                bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "executing anonymous function: %s" % e)
            data.delVar("__anonqueue", d)
            data.delVar("__anonfunc", d)
            set_additional_vars(fn, d, include)

            all_handlers = {} 
            for var in data.getVar('__BBHANDLERS', d) or []:
                # try to add the handler
                # if we added it remember the choiche
                handler = data.getVar(var,d)
                if bb.event.register(var,handler) == bb.event.Registered:
                    all_handlers[var] = handler

            for var in data.getVar('__BBTASKS', d) or []:
                deps = data.getVarFlag(var, 'deps', d) or []
                postdeps = data.getVarFlag(var, 'postdeps', d) or []
                bb.build.add_task(var, deps, d)
                for p in postdeps:
                    pdeps = data.getVarFlag(p, 'deps', d) or []
                    data.setVarFlag(p, 'deps', pdeps, d)
                    bb.build.add_task(p, pdeps, d)

            # now add the handlers
            if not len(all_handlers) == 0:
                data.setVar('__all_handlers__', all_handlers, d)

예제 #13
        t = data.getVar('T', d)
        data.setVar('T', '${TMPDIR}/anonfunc/', d)
        anonfuncs = data.getVar('__BBANONFUNCS', d) or []
        code = ""
        for f in anonfuncs:
            code = code + "    %s(d)\n" % f
        data.setVar("__anonfunc", code, d)        
        build.exec_func("__anonfunc", d)
        data.delVar('T', d)
        if t:
            data.setVar('T', t, d)
    except Exception, e:
        bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "Exception when executing anonymous function: %s" % e)
    data.delVar("__anonqueue", d)
    data.delVar("__anonfunc", d)

    all_handlers = {} 
    for var in data.getVar('__BBHANDLERS', d) or []:
        # try to add the handler
        handler = data.getVar(var,d)
        bb.event.register(var, handler)

    tasklist = data.getVar('__BBTASKS', d) or []
    bb.build.add_tasks(tasklist, d)

def handle(fn, d, include = 0):
    global __func_start_regexp__, __inherit_regexp__, __export_func_regexp__, __addtask_regexp__, __addhandler_regexp__, __infunc__, __body__, __residue__
예제 #14
    def parseConfigurationFiles(self, prefiles, postfiles):
        data = bb.data.createCopy(self.basedata)

        # Parse files for loading *before* bitbake.conf and any includes
        for f in prefiles:
            data = parse_config_file(f, data)

        layerconf = self._findLayerConf(data)
        if layerconf:
            parselog.debug(2, "Found bblayers.conf (%s)", layerconf)
            # By definition bblayers.conf is in conf/ of TOPDIR.
            # We may have been called with cwd somewhere else so reset TOPDIR
            data.setVar("TOPDIR", os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(layerconf)))
            data = parse_config_file(layerconf, data)

            layers = (data.getVar('BBLAYERS') or "").split()

            data = bb.data.createCopy(data)
            approved = bb.utils.approved_variables()
            for layer in layers:
                if not os.path.isdir(layer):
                    parselog.critical("Layer directory '%s' does not exist! "
                                      "Please check BBLAYERS in %s" % (layer, layerconf))
                parselog.debug(2, "Adding layer %s", layer)
                if 'HOME' in approved and '~' in layer:
                    layer = os.path.expanduser(layer)
                if layer.endswith('/'):
                    layer = layer.rstrip('/')
                data.setVar('LAYERDIR', layer)
                data.setVar('LAYERDIR_RE', re.escape(layer))
                data = parse_config_file(os.path.join(layer, "conf", "layer.conf"), data)


        if not data.getVar("BBPATH"):
            msg = "The BBPATH variable is not set"
            if not layerconf:
                msg += (" and bitbake did not find a conf/bblayers.conf file in"
                        " the expected location.\nMaybe you accidentally"
                        " invoked bitbake from the wrong directory?")
            raise SystemExit(msg)

        data = parse_config_file(os.path.join("conf", "bitbake.conf"), data)

        # Parse files for loading *after* bitbake.conf and any includes
        for p in postfiles:
            data = parse_config_file(p, data)

        # Handle any INHERITs and inherit the base class
        bbclasses  = ["base"] + (data.getVar('INHERIT') or "").split()
        for bbclass in bbclasses:
            data = _inherit(bbclass, data)

        # Nomally we only register event handlers at the end of parsing .bb files
        # We register any handlers we've found so far here...
        for var in data.getVar('__BBHANDLERS', False) or []:
            handlerfn = data.getVarFlag(var, "filename", False)
            if not handlerfn:
                parselog.critical("Undefined event handler function '%s'" % var)
            handlerln = int(data.getVarFlag(var, "lineno", False))
            bb.event.register(var, data.getVar(var, False),  (data.getVarFlag(var, "eventmask") or "").split(), handlerfn, handlerln)


        return data
예제 #15
    flag = {'python': 1, 'func': 1}
    data.setVar("__anonfunc", "\n".join(body), d)
    data.setVarFlags("__anonfunc", flag, d)
    from bb import build
        t = data.getVar('T', d)
        data.setVar('T', '${TMPDIR}/', d)
        build.exec_func("__anonfunc", d)
        data.delVar('T', d)
        if t:
            data.setVar('T', t, d)
    except Exception, e:
        bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Parsing,
                     "Exception when executing anonymous function: %s" % e)
    data.delVar("__anonqueue", d)
    data.delVar("__anonfunc", d)

    all_handlers = {}
    for var in data.getVar('__BBHANDLERS', d) or []:
        # try to add the handler
        handler = data.getVar(var, d)
        bb.event.register(var, handler)

    tasklist = data.getVar('__BBTASKS', d) or []
    bb.build.add_tasks(tasklist, d)

def handle(fn, d, include=0):
    global __func_start_regexp__, __inherit_regexp__, __export_func_regexp__, __addtask_regexp__, __addhandler_regexp__, __infunc__, __body__, __residue__
예제 #16
    def parseConfigurationFiles(self, prefiles, postfiles, mc = "default"):
        data = bb.data.createCopy(self.basedata)
        data.setVar("BB_CURRENT_MC", mc)

        # Parse files for loading *before* bitbake.conf and any includes
        for f in prefiles:
            data = parse_config_file(f, data)

        layerconf = self._findLayerConf(data)
        if layerconf:
            parselog.debug(2, "Found bblayers.conf (%s)", layerconf)
            # By definition bblayers.conf is in conf/ of TOPDIR.
            # We may have been called with cwd somewhere else so reset TOPDIR
            data.setVar("TOPDIR", os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(layerconf)))
            data = parse_config_file(layerconf, data)

            layers = (data.getVar('BBLAYERS') or "").split()

            data = bb.data.createCopy(data)
            approved = bb.utils.approved_variables()
            for layer in layers:
                if not os.path.isdir(layer):
                    parselog.critical("Layer directory '%s' does not exist! "
                                      "Please check BBLAYERS in %s" % (layer, layerconf))
                parselog.debug(2, "Adding layer %s", layer)
                if 'HOME' in approved and '~' in layer:
                    layer = os.path.expanduser(layer)
                if layer.endswith('/'):
                    layer = layer.rstrip('/')
                data.setVar('LAYERDIR', layer)
                data.setVar('LAYERDIR_RE', re.escape(layer))
                data = parse_config_file(os.path.join(layer, "conf", "layer.conf"), data)


            bbfiles_dynamic = (data.getVar('BBFILES_DYNAMIC') or "").split()
            collections = (data.getVar('BBFILE_COLLECTIONS') or "").split()
            invalid = []
            for entry in bbfiles_dynamic:
                parts = entry.split(":", 1)
                if len(parts) != 2:
                l, f = parts
                if l in collections:
                    data.appendVar("BBFILES", " " + f)
            if invalid:
                bb.fatal("BBFILES_DYNAMIC entries must be of the form <collection name>:<filename pattern>, not:\n    %s" % "\n    ".join(invalid))

            layerseries = set((data.getVar("LAYERSERIES_CORENAMES") or "").split())
            collections_tmp = collections[:]
            for c in collections:
                if c in collections_tmp:
                    bb.fatal("Found duplicated BBFILE_COLLECTIONS '%s', check bblayers.conf or layer.conf to fix it." % c)
                compat = set((data.getVar("LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_%s" % c) or "").split())
                if compat and not (compat & layerseries):
                    bb.fatal("Layer %s is not compatible with the core layer which only supports these series: %s (layer is compatible with %s)"
                              % (c, " ".join(layerseries), " ".join(compat)))
                elif not compat and not data.getVar("BB_WORKERCONTEXT"):
                    bb.warn("Layer %s should set LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_%s in its conf/layer.conf file to list the core layer names it is compatible with." % (c, c))

        if not data.getVar("BBPATH"):
            msg = "The BBPATH variable is not set"
            if not layerconf:
                msg += (" and bitbake did not find a conf/bblayers.conf file in"
                        " the expected location.\nMaybe you accidentally"
                        " invoked bitbake from the wrong directory?")
            raise SystemExit(msg)

        data = parse_config_file(os.path.join("conf", "bitbake.conf"), data)

        # Parse files for loading *after* bitbake.conf and any includes
        for p in postfiles:
            data = parse_config_file(p, data)

        # Handle any INHERITs and inherit the base class
        bbclasses  = ["base"] + (data.getVar('INHERIT') or "").split()
        for bbclass in bbclasses:
            data = _inherit(bbclass, data)

        # Nomally we only register event handlers at the end of parsing .bb files
        # We register any handlers we've found so far here...
        for var in data.getVar('__BBHANDLERS', False) or []:
            handlerfn = data.getVarFlag(var, "filename", False)
            if not handlerfn:
                parselog.critical("Undefined event handler function '%s'" % var)
            handlerln = int(data.getVarFlag(var, "lineno", False))
            bb.event.register(var, data.getVar(var, False),  (data.getVarFlag(var, "eventmask") or "").split(), handlerfn, handlerln)


        return data