예제 #1
파일: table_final.py 프로젝트: pasky/cocopf
def val_rank(pds, dim=None, funcId=None, groupby=None):
    if groupby is None: groupby = np.median
    pfsize = len(pds.algds.keys())

    try: # funcId is array?
        # _pds_plot_iterator[] uses funcId only for things we don't care for
        fakeFuncId = funcId[0]

        manyranking = np.array([pds.ranking((dim, i), groupby) for i in funcId])
        rankcount = np.shape(manyranking[0])[1] - 1
        amanyranking = ra.alignArrayData(ra.VArrayMultiReader(manyranking))
        budget = amanyranking[:,0]
        rankings = np.hsplit(amanyranking[:,1:], len(funcId))
        avgranking = np.average(rankings, axis=0)
        ranking = np.vstack([budget, avgranking.T]).T

    except TypeError: # funcId is scalar
        fakeFuncId = funcId
        ranking = pds.ranking((dim, funcId), groupby)

    ranks = []
    i = 0
    for (kind, name, ds) in _pds_table_iterator(pds, dim, fakeFuncId):
        i += 1
    return ranks
예제 #2
def val_rank(pds, dim=None, funcId=None, groupby=None):
    if groupby is None: groupby = np.median
    pfsize = len(pds.algds.keys())

    try:  # funcId is array?
        # _pds_plot_iterator[] uses funcId only for things we don't care for
        fakeFuncId = funcId[0]

        manyranking = np.array(
            [pds.ranking((dim, i), groupby) for i in funcId])
        rankcount = np.shape(manyranking[0])[1] - 1
        amanyranking = ra.alignArrayData(ra.VArrayMultiReader(manyranking))
        budget = amanyranking[:, 0]
        rankings = np.hsplit(amanyranking[:, 1:], len(funcId))
        avgranking = np.average(rankings, axis=0)
        ranking = np.vstack([budget, avgranking.T]).T

    except TypeError:  # funcId is scalar
        fakeFuncId = funcId
        ranking = pds.ranking((dim, funcId), groupby)

    ranks = []
    i = 0
    for (kind, name, ds) in _pds_table_iterator(pds, dim, fakeFuncId):
        ranks.append(tuple(ranking[-1, 1 + i]))
        i += 1
    return ranks
예제 #3
    def alignData(i0, i1):
        """Returns two arrays of fevals aligned on function evaluations.

        res = readalign.alignArrayData(
            readalign.HArrayMultiReader([i0.evals, i1.evals]))
        idx = 1 + i0.nbRuns()
        data0 = res[:, np.r_[0, 1:idx]]
        data1 = res[:, np.r_[0, idx:idx + i1.nbRuns()]]
        return data0, data1
예제 #4
    def alignData(i0, i1):
        """Returns two arrays of fevals aligned on function evaluations.

        res = readalign.alignArrayData(readalign.HArrayMultiReader([i0.evals,
        idx = 1 + i0.nbRuns()
        data0 = res[:, np.r_[0, 1:idx]]
        data1 = res[:, np.r_[0, idx:idx+i1.nbRuns()]]
        return data0, data1
예제 #5
파일: pproc.py 프로젝트: zhuqingling/cocopf
    def ranking(self, dimfun, groupby, ftarget=10**-8):
        Produce a set of function evaluation ranks over all algorithms
        and strategies.

        Returns a set of rows where each row contains a budget as first
        element and ranks for individual algorithms and strategies
        as the second element (in the order of the strategies in the
        output of algds_dimfunc(), and stratds_dimfunc() respectively).

        The ranks are always computed based on function values after
        a particular budget.  If multiple algorithms reach ftarget,
        they are ranked by the order in which they did.
        nameds = list(
        count = len(nameds)

        # Produce "fv" items, one per dataset, containing single function value
        # for each budget
        fvset = []
        for (name, ds) in nameds:
            budgets = ds.funvals[:, 0]
            f1vals = np.maximum(groupby(ds.funvals[:, 1:], axis=1), ftarget)
            fv = np.transpose(np.vstack([budgets, f1vals]))

        # Align the "fv" items by budget and merge them
        fva = ra.alignArrayData(ra.VArrayMultiReader(fvset))
        budgets = fva[:, 0]

        # Assign function values and rank them
        # However, we want to resolve eventual ties by ranking first
        # converging function first. So we do a trick and rewrite ftarget
        # values in increasing convergence sort order.
        values = fva[:, 1:].copy()
        firstconv = np.ones(count) * (np.size(budgets) + 1
                                      )  # runlength+1 is default
        for i in range(count):  # XXX: drop the loop
                firstconv[i] = np.nonzero(values[:, i] == ftarget)[0][0]
            except IndexError:
                continue  # no rewriting needed
        firstconvranks = ss.mstats.rankdata(firstconv)
        for i in range(count):
            r = firstconvranks[i]
            values[firstconv[i]:, i] = ftarget - (1 - r / count) * ftarget

        ranks = ss.mstats.rankdata(values, axis=1)

        return np.transpose(np.vstack([budgets, ranks.T]))
예제 #6
파일: pplot.py 프로젝트: pasky/cocopf
def fval_by_budget(ax, pds, baseline_ds=None, baseline_label="", dim=None, funcId=None, groupby=None):
    Plot a classic "convergence plot" that shows how the function value
    approaches optimum as time passes, in terms of raw performance.

    groupby is the method of aggregating results of multiple instances --
    a callable, stringable object, GroupByMedian by default.

    By default, raw function values (as difference to optimum) are shown,
    but relative values to some baseline dataset can be shown instead.
    if groupby is None: groupby = GroupByMedian()
    pfsize = len(pds.algds.keys())

    if baseline_ds:
        baseline_budgets = baseline_ds.funvals[:, 0]
        baseline_funvals = groupby(baseline_ds.funvals[:, 1:], axis=1)
        baseline_safefunvals = np.maximum(baseline_funvals, 10**-8) # eschew zeros
        # fvb is matrix with each row being [budget,funval]
        baseline_fvb = np.transpose(np.vstack([baseline_budgets, baseline_safefunvals]))

    for (kind, name, ds, style) in _pds_plot_iterator(pds, dim, funcId):
        #print name, ds
        budgets = ds.funvals[:, 0]
        funvals = groupby(ds.funvals[:, 1:], axis=1)

        # Throw away funvals after ftarget reached
            limit = np.nonzero(funvals < 10**-8)[0][0] + 1
        except IndexError:
            limit = np.size(budgets)+1
        budgets = budgets[:limit]
        funvals = funvals[:limit]

        fvb = np.transpose(np.vstack([budgets[:limit], funvals[:limit]]))

        if baseline_ds:
            # Relativize by baseline
            fvba = ra.alignArrayData(ra.VArrayMultiReader([fvb, baseline_fvb]))
            budgets = fvba[:, 0]
            funvals = fvba[:, 1] / fvba[:, 2]

        style['markevery'] = 16
        ax.loglog(budgets, funvals, label=name, basex=pfsize, **style)
    if baseline_ds:
        ax.set_yticks([1], minor=True)
    ax.set_ylabel(_fval_label(baseline_ds, baseline_label, str(groupby)))
    if baseline_ds:
        ax.yaxis.grid(True, which = 'minor')
예제 #7
    def append(self, o):
        """Redefines the append method to check for unicity."""

        if not isinstance(o, DataSet):
            raise Exception()
        isFound = False
        for i in self:
            if i == o:
                isFound = True
                tmp = set(i.dataFiles).symmetric_difference(set(o.dataFiles))
                #Check if there are new data considered.
                if tmp:
                    i.funvals = alignArrayData(
                        VArrayMultiReader([i.funvals, o.funvals]))
                    i.finalfunvals = numpy.r_[i.finalfunvals, o.finalfunvals]
                    i.evals = alignArrayData(
                        HArrayMultiReader([i.evals, o.evals]))
                    i.maxevals = numpy.r_[i.maxevals, o.maxevals]
                    if getattr(i, 'pickleFile', False):
                        i.modsFromPickleVersion = True

                    for j in dir(i):
                        if isinstance(getattr(i, j), list):
                            getattr(i, j).extend(getattr(o, j))

                    if getattr(i, 'pickleFile', False):
                        i.modsFromPickleVersion = False
                    elif getattr(o, 'pickleFile', False):
                        i.modsFromPickleVersion = False
                        i.pickleFile = o.pickleFile
        if not isFound:
            list.append(self, o)
예제 #8
파일: pproc.py 프로젝트: pasky/cocopf
    def ranking(self, dimfun, groupby, ftarget=10**-8):
        Produce a set of function evaluation ranks over all algorithms
        and strategies.

        Returns a set of rows where each row contains a budget as first
        element and ranks for individual algorithms and strategies
        as the second element (in the order of the strategies in the
        output of algds_dimfunc(), and stratds_dimfunc() respectively).

        The ranks are always computed based on function values after
        a particular budget.  If multiple algorithms reach ftarget,
        they are ranked by the order in which they did.
        nameds = list(itertools.chain(self.algds_dimfunc(dimfun), self.stratds_dimfunc(dimfun)))
        count = len(nameds)

        # Produce "fv" items, one per dataset, containing single function value
        # for each budget
        fvset = []
        for (name, ds) in nameds:
            budgets = ds.funvals[:,0]
            f1vals = np.maximum(groupby(ds.funvals[:, 1:], axis=1), ftarget)
            fv = np.transpose(np.vstack([budgets, f1vals]))

        # Align the "fv" items by budget and merge them
        fva = ra.alignArrayData(ra.VArrayMultiReader(fvset))
        budgets = fva[:,0]

        # Assign function values and rank them
        # However, we want to resolve eventual ties by ranking first
        # converging function first. So we do a trick and rewrite ftarget
        # values in increasing convergence sort order.
        values = fva[:,1:].copy()
        firstconv = np.ones(count) * (np.size(budgets)+1) # runlength+1 is default
        for i in range(count): # XXX: drop the loop
                firstconv[i] = np.nonzero(values[:,i] == ftarget)[0][0]
            except IndexError:
                continue # no rewriting needed
        firstconvranks = ss.mstats.rankdata(firstconv)
        for i in range(count):
            r = firstconvranks[i]
            values[firstconv[i]:, i] = ftarget - (1-r/count)*ftarget

        ranks = ss.mstats.rankdata(values, axis=1)

        return np.transpose(np.vstack([budgets, ranks.T]))
예제 #9
파일: pplot.py 프로젝트: pasky/cocopf
def rank_by_budget(ax, pds, dim=None, funcId=None, groupby=None):
    Plot each algorithm/method's rank evolving as budget increases.

    groupby is the method of aggregating results of multiple instances --
    a callable, stringable object, GroupByMedian by default.

    Note that funcId may be an array of id numbers; in that case,
    an average rank over listed functions is taken.
    if groupby is None: groupby = GroupByMedian()
    pfsize = len(pds.algds.keys())

    try: # funcId is array?
        # _pds_plot_iterator[] uses funcId only for things we don't care for
        fakeFuncId = funcId[0]

        manyranking = np.array([pds.ranking((dim, i), groupby) for i in funcId])
        rankcount = np.shape(manyranking[0])[1] - 1
        amanyranking = ra.alignArrayData(ra.VArrayMultiReader(manyranking))
        budget = amanyranking[:,0]
        rankings = np.hsplit(amanyranking[:,1:], len(funcId))
        avgranking = np.average(rankings, axis=0)
        ranking = np.vstack([budget, avgranking.T]).T

    except TypeError: # funcId is scalar
        fakeFuncId = funcId
        ranking = pds.ranking((dim, funcId), groupby)

    i = 0
    for (kind, name, ds, style) in _pds_plot_iterator(pds, dim, fakeFuncId):
        if kind != 'algorithm' and kind != 'strategy':
        #print name, ds
        budgets = ranking[:,0]
        ranks = ranking[:,1+i]

        style['markevery'] = 64
        ax.plot(budgets, ranks, label=name, **style)
        i += 1

    ax.set_ylabel('Rank by '+str(groupby).title()+' Function Value')
    ax.set_xscale('log', basex=pfsize)
def generateData(ds0, ds1):
    #Align ert arrays on targets
    array0 = numpy.vstack([ds0.target, ds0.ert]).transpose()
    array1 = numpy.vstack([ds1.target, ds1.ert]).transpose()
    data = readalign.alignArrayData(readalign.HArrayMultiReader([array0, array1]))

    adata = data[data[:, 0]<=10, :]
        adata = adata[adata[:, 0]>=1e-8, :]
    except IndexError:
        #empty data

    targets = adata[:, 0]
    ert0 = adata[:, 1]
    ert1 = adata[:, 2]

    return targets, ert0, ert1
예제 #11
    def __init__(self, dslist):
        """Instantiate one algorithm portfolio data set.
        :param dict dslist: list of :py:class:`pproc.DataSetList`

        def _conv_evals(evals, algnb, maxevals):
            if evals > maxevals[algnb]:
                return np.nan
            res = 0.
            mevals = np.asarray(maxevals)
            if evals > len(maxevals) or not isinstance(evals, int):
                smevals = np.sort(mevals)
                for i in smevals:
                    res += min(evals - 1, i)
                for i in range(1, evals):
                    res += np.sum(i <= mevals)
            res += np.sum(evals <= mevals[:algnb+1])
            return res

        # Checking procedure
        d = set()
        f = set()
        trials = []
        for i in dslist:
        if len(f) > 1 or len(d) > 1:
            raise Usage('%s: Expect the data of algorithms for only one '
                        'function and one dimension.' % (dslist))
        elif trials[1:] != trials[:-1]:
            # this check will be superfluous if we find that all instances
            # are equivalent.
            # raise Usage('%s: Expect the data to have the same instances.'
            #             % (dslist))
            warnings.warn('portfolio will be generated from algorithm with different instances')

        self.dim = d.pop()
        self.funcId = f.pop()
        algId = []
        comment = []
        for i in dslist:
        self.algId = tuple(algId)
        self.comment = tuple(comment)

        # Data handling
        nbruns = dslist[0].nbRuns() # all data sets have the same #runs
        corresp = [[]] * len(dslist)
        if False:
            # find correspondence with respect to first element in dslist
            dictref = dslist[0].createDictInstance()
            for i, ds in enumerate(dslist):
                tmpdict = ds.createDictInstance()
                for j in sorted(dictref):
            for i in range(len(dslist)):
                corresp[i] = range(nbruns)
        self.instancenumbers = trials.pop()
        maxevals = []
        finalfunvals = []
        evals = []
        funvals = []
        for i in range(nbruns):
            tmpmaxevals = []
            tmpfinalfunvals = []
            tmpevals = []
            tmpfunvals = []
            for j, ds in enumerate(dslist):
                tmpevals.append(ds.evals[:, np.r_[0, corresp[j][i]+1]])
                tmpfunvals.append(ds.funvals[:, np.r_[0, corresp[j][i]+1]].copy())
            tmpevals = ra.alignArrayData(ra.HArrayMultiReader(tmpevals))
            tmpres = []
            for j in tmpevals:
                tmp = []
                for k, e in enumerate(j[1:]):
                    tmp.append(_conv_evals(e, k, tmpmaxevals))
            evals.append(np.column_stack((tmpevals[:, 0], tmpres)))

            for j, a in enumerate(tmpfunvals):
                for k in range(len(a[:, 0])):
                    a[k, 0] = _conv_evals(a[k, 0], j, tmpmaxevals)
            tmpfunvals = ra.alignArrayData(ra.VArrayMultiReader(tmpfunvals))
            tmpres = []
            for j in tmpfunvals:
            funvals.append(np.column_stack((tmpfunvals[:, 0], tmpres)))
        self.maxevals = np.array(maxevals)
        self.finalfunvals = np.array(finalfunvals)
        self.evals = ra.alignArrayData(ra.HArrayMultiReader(evals))
        self.funvals = ra.alignArrayData(ra.VArrayMultiReader(funvals))
예제 #12
파일: bestalg.py 프로젝트: anneauger/coco
    def __init__(self, dictAlg):
        """Instantiate one best algorithm data set.
        :keyword dictAlg: dictionary of datasets, keys are algorithm
                          names, values are 1-element

        # values of dict dictAlg are DataSetList which should have only one
        # element which will be assigned as values in the following lines.
        d = set()
        f = set()
        for i in dictAlg.values():
            d |= set(j.dim for j in i)
            f |= set(j.funcId for j in i)

        if len(f) > 1 or len(d) > 1:
            Usage('Expect the data of algorithms for only one function and '
                  'one dimension.')

        f = f.pop()
        d = d.pop()

        dictMaxEvals = {}
        dictFinalFunVals = {}
        tmpdictAlg = {}
        for alg, i in dictAlg.iteritems():
            if len(i) == 0:
                warnings.warn('Algorithm %s was not tested on f%d %d-D.'
                              % (alg, f, d))
            elif len(i) > 1:
                warnings.warn('Algorithm %s has a problem on f%d %d-D.'
                              % (alg, f, d))

            tmpdictAlg[alg] = i[0] # Assign ONLY the first element as value
            dictMaxEvals[alg] = i[0].maxevals
            dictFinalFunVals[alg] = i[0].finalfunvals

        dictAlg = tmpdictAlg

        sortedAlgs = dictAlg.keys()
        # algorithms will be sorted along sortedAlgs which is now a fixed list

        # Align ERT
        erts = list(np.transpose(np.vstack([dictAlg[i].target, dictAlg[i].ert]))
                    for i in sortedAlgs)
        res = readalign.alignArrayData(readalign.HArrayMultiReader(erts, False))

        resalgs = []
        reserts = []
        # For each function value
        for i in res:
            # Find best algorithm
            curerts = i[1:]
            assert len((np.isnan(curerts) == False)) > 0
            currentbestert = np.inf
            currentbestalg = ''
            for j, tmpert in enumerate(curerts):
                if np.isnan(tmpert):
                    continue # TODO: don't disregard these entries
                if tmpert == currentbestert:
                    # TODO: what do we do in case of ties?
                    # look at function values corresponding to the ERT?
                    # Look at the function evaluations? the success ratio?
                elif tmpert < currentbestert:
                    currentbestert = tmpert
                    currentbestalg = sortedAlgs[j]

        dictiter = {}
        dictcurLine = {}
        resDataSet = []

        # write down the #fevals to reach the function value.
        for funval, alg in zip(res[:, 0], resalgs):
            it = dictiter.setdefault(alg, iter(dictAlg[alg].evals))
            curLine = dictcurLine.setdefault(alg, np.array([np.inf, 0]))
            while curLine[0] > funval:
                    curLine = it.next()
                except StopIteration:
            dictcurLine[alg] = curLine.copy()
            tmp = curLine.copy()
            tmp[0] = funval

        setalgs = set(resalgs)
        dictFunValsNoFail = {}
        for alg in setalgs:
            if not dictAlg[alg].isBiobjective():
                for curline in dictAlg[alg].funvals:
                    if (curline[1:] == dictAlg[alg].finalfunvals).any():
                        # only works because the funvals are monotonous
                dictFunValsNoFail[alg] = curline.copy()

        self.evals = resDataSet
        # evals is not a np array but a list of arrays because they may not
        # all be of the same size.
        self.maxevals = dict((i, dictMaxEvals[i]) for i in setalgs)
        self.finalfunvals = dict((i, dictFinalFunVals[i]) for i in setalgs)
        self.funvalsnofail = dictFunValsNoFail
        self.dim = d
        self.funcId = f
        self.algs = resalgs
        self.algId = 'Virtual Best Algorithm'
        self.comment = 'Combination of ' + ', '.join(sortedAlgs)
        self.ert = np.array(reserts)
        self.target = res[:, 0]

        bestfinalfunvals = np.array([np.inf])
        for alg in sortedAlgs:
            if np.median(dictAlg[alg].finalfunvals) < np.median(bestfinalfunvals):
                bestfinalfunvals = dictAlg[alg].finalfunvals
                algbestfinalfunvals = alg
        self.bestfinalfunvals = bestfinalfunvals
        self.algbestfinalfunvals = algbestfinalfunvals
예제 #13
파일: bestalg.py 프로젝트: SunRuoxi/gpeda
    def __init__(self, dictAlg):
        """Instantiate one best algorithm data set.
        :keyword dictAlg: dictionary of datasets, keys are algorithm
                          names, values are 1-element

        # values of dict dictAlg are DataSetList which should have only one
        # element which will be assigned as values in the following lines.
        d = set()
        f = set()
        for i in dictAlg.values():
            d |= set(j.dim for j in i)
            f |= set(j.funcId for j in i)

        if len(f) > 1 or len(d) > 1:
            Usage('Expect the data of algorithms for only one function and '
                  'one dimension.')

        f = f.pop()
        d = d.pop()

        dictMaxEvals = {}
        dictFinalFunVals = {}
        tmpdictAlg = {}
        for alg, i in dictAlg.iteritems():
            if len(i) == 0:
                warnings.warn('Algorithm %s was not tested on f%d %d-D.'
                              % (alg, f, d))
            elif len(i) > 1:
                warnings.warn('Algorithm %s has a problem on f%d %d-D.'
                              % (alg, f, d))

            tmpdictAlg[alg] = i[0] # Assign ONLY the first element as value
            dictMaxEvals[alg] = i[0].maxevals
            dictFinalFunVals[alg] = i[0].finalfunvals

        dictAlg = tmpdictAlg

        sortedAlgs = dictAlg.keys()
        # algorithms will be sorted along sortedAlgs which is now a fixed list

        # Align ERT
        erts = list(np.transpose(np.vstack([dictAlg[i].target, dictAlg[i].ert]))
                    for i in sortedAlgs)
        res = readalign.alignArrayData(readalign.HArrayMultiReader(erts))

        resalgs = []
        reserts = []
        # For each function value
        for i in res:
            # Find best algorithm
            curerts = i[1:]
            assert len((np.isnan(curerts) == False)) > 0
            currentbestert = np.inf
            currentbestalg = ''
            for j, tmpert in enumerate(curerts):
                if np.isnan(tmpert):
                    continue # TODO: don't disregard these entries
                if tmpert == currentbestert:
                    # TODO: what do we do in case of ties?
                    # look at function values corresponding to the ERT?
                    # Look at the function evaluations? the success ratio?
                elif tmpert < currentbestert:
                    currentbestert = tmpert
                    currentbestalg = sortedAlgs[j]

        dictiter = {}
        dictcurLine = {}
        resDataSet = []

        # write down the #fevals to reach the function value.
        for funval, alg in zip(res[:, 0], resalgs):
            it = dictiter.setdefault(alg, iter(dictAlg[alg].evals))
            curLine = dictcurLine.setdefault(alg, np.array([np.inf, 0]))
            while curLine[0] > funval:
                    curLine = it.next()
                except StopIteration:
            dictcurLine[alg] = curLine.copy()
            tmp = curLine.copy()
            tmp[0] = funval

        setalgs = set(resalgs)
        dictFunValsNoFail = {}
        for alg in setalgs:
            for curline in dictAlg[alg].funvals:
                if (curline[1:] == dictAlg[alg].finalfunvals).any():
                    # only works because the funvals are monotonous
            dictFunValsNoFail[alg] = curline.copy()

        self.evals = resDataSet
        # evals is not a np array but a list of arrays because they may not
        # all be of the same size.
        self.maxevals = dict((i, dictMaxEvals[i]) for i in setalgs)
        self.finalfunvals = dict((i, dictFinalFunVals[i]) for i in setalgs)
        self.funvalsnofail = dictFunValsNoFail
        self.dim = d
        self.funcId = f
        self.algs = resalgs
        self.algId = 'Virtual Best Algorithm of BBOB'
        self.comment = 'Combination of ' + ', '.join(sortedAlgs)
        self.ert = np.array(reserts)
        self.target = res[:, 0]

        bestfinalfunvals = np.array([np.inf])
        for alg in sortedAlgs:
            if np.median(dictAlg[alg].finalfunvals) < np.median(bestfinalfunvals):
                bestfinalfunvals = dictAlg[alg].finalfunvals
                algbestfinalfunvals = alg
        self.bestfinalfunvals = bestfinalfunvals
        self.algbestfinalfunvals = algbestfinalfunvals
예제 #14
    def __init__(self, dictAlg):

        # values of dict dictAlg are DataSetList which should have only one
        # element which will be assigned as values in the following lines.
        d = set()
        f = set()
        for i in dictAlg.values():
            d |= set(j.dim for j in i)
            f |= set(j.funcId for j in i)

        if len(f) > 1 or len(d) > 1:
                'Expect the data of algorithms for only one function and one dimension.'

        f = f.pop()
        d = d.pop()

        dictMaxEvals = {}
        dictFinalFunVals = {}
        tmpdictAlg = {}
        for alg, i in dictAlg.iteritems():
            if len(i) != 1:
                # Special case could occur?
                txt = ('Algorithm %s has problem in this case: f%d %d-D.' %
                       (alg, f, d))

            tmpdictAlg[alg] = i[0]  # Assign the first element as value for alg
            dictMaxEvals[alg] = i[0].maxevals
            dictFinalFunVals[alg] = i[0].finalfunvals

        dictAlg = tmpdictAlg

        sortedAlgs = dictAlg.keys()
        # get a fixed list of the algs, algorithms will be sorted along sortedAlgs

        #Align ERT
        erts = list(
            numpy.transpose(numpy.vstack([dictAlg[i].target, dictAlg[i].ert]))
            for i in sortedAlgs)
        res = readalign.alignArrayData(readalign.HArrayMultiReader(erts))

        resalgs = []
        reserts = []
        #Foreach function value
        for i in res:
            #find best algorithm
            curerts = i[1:]
            assert len((numpy.isnan(curerts) == False)) > 0

            currentbestert = numpy.inf
            currentbestalg = ''
            #currentbestval = dictMaxEvals[alg]
            for j, tmpert in enumerate(curerts):
                if numpy.isnan(tmpert):
                if tmpert == currentbestert:
                    # in case of tie? TODO: look at function values corresponding to the ERT?
                    # Look at the function evaluations? the success ratio?
                elif tmpert < currentbestert:
                    currentbestert = tmpert
                    currentbestalg = sortedAlgs[j]


        dictiter = {}
        dictcurLine = {}
        resDataSet = []
        #write down the #fevals to reach the function value.
        for funval, alg in zip(res[:, 0], resalgs):
            it = dictiter.setdefault(alg, iter(dictAlg[alg].evals))
            curLine = dictcurLine.setdefault(alg, numpy.array([numpy.inf, 0]))

            while curLine[0] > funval:
                    curLine = it.next()
                except StopIteration:
            dictcurLine[alg] = curLine.copy()
            tmp = curLine.copy()
            tmp[0] = funval

        setalgs = set(resalgs)
        dictFunValsNoFail = {}
        for alg in setalgs:
            for curline in dictAlg[alg].funvals:
                if (curline[1:] == dictAlg[alg].finalfunvals).any():
                    # only works because the funvals are monotonous
            dictFunValsNoFail[alg] = curline.copy()

        self.evals = resDataSet
        # evals is not a numpy array but a list of arrays because they may not
        # all be of the same size.
        self.maxevals = dict((i, dictMaxEvals[i]) for i in setalgs)
        self.finalfunvals = dict((i, dictFinalFunVals[i]) for i in setalgs)
        self.funvalsnofail = dictFunValsNoFail
        self.dim = d
        self.funcId = f
        # What if some algorithms don't have the same number of runs
        # How do we save maxfunevals (to compute the ERT...?)
        self.algs = resalgs
        self.algId = 'Virtual Best Algorithm of BBOB 2009'
        self.comment = 'Combination of ' + ', '.join(algs)
        self.ert = numpy.array(reserts)
        self.target = res[:, 0]
        #return resds

        bestfinalfunvals = numpy.array([numpy.inf])
        for alg in sortedAlgs:
            if numpy.median(dictAlg[alg].finalfunvals) < numpy.median(
                bestfinalfunvals = dictAlg[alg].finalfunvals
                algbestfinalfunvals = alg
        self.bestfinalfunvals = bestfinalfunvals
        self.algbestfinalfunvals = algbestfinalfunvals