예제 #1
파일: preprocess.py 프로젝트: jksr/beta2
	print( '\tPreparing bbin file' )
	# check geo file
	geofn = pdbfn[:-4]+'.geo'
	if not os.path.isfile( geofn ):
		print( '\tFile '+pdbcode+'.geo not found. ' +pdbcode+ ' ignored\n' )

	# write bbin file
	bbinfn = pdbfn[:-4]+'.bbin'
	if os.path.isfile(bbinfn) and not args['overwrite']:
		print( '\tFile '+pdbcode+'.bbin exists. Nothing changed.\n' )
		bbtmio.write_bbin_file(pdbfn, geofn)
		print( '\tFile '+pdbcode+'.bbin written.\n' )
	bbin_data = bbtmio.read_bbin_file(bbinfn)

	# write balls and sticks file
	print( '\tPreparing .balls and .sticks files' )
	ball_ori_fn = pdbfn[:-4]+'_origin.balls'
	stick_fn = pdbfn[:-4]+'.sticks'
	if os.path.isfile(ball_ori_fn) and os.path.isfile(stick_fn) and not args['overwrite']:
		print( '\tFile '+pdbcode+'_origin.balls and .sticks exist. Nothing changed.\n' )
		os.system('exec/barrel.out '+pdbfn[:-4]+'.bbin')
		print( '\tFile '+pdbcode+'_origin.balls and .sticks written.\n' )
	ball_data = bbtmio.read_ball_file(ball_ori_fn)
	# temporary file, register for cleaning
예제 #2
파일: test.py 프로젝트: jksr/beta
	ks3 = np.array( [ 1.31824322, 0.88899824, 0.9253788 , 0.72740754, 2.81697644, 0.66983903, 0.36771102] )
	ks = np.mean(np.vstack((ks1,ks2,ks3)), axis=0)
	def get_k(cls, btype, a1type, a2type):
		return 100 if btype=='SP' else 100000000 * np.dot( cls.kta.get_assign_vec(a1type, a2type, btype), cls.ks )

for coden in testset:
	ses = bbtmdsm.StiffnessEquSys('../../../data/testdata/'+coden+'.balls.ideallarge.ext', '../../../data/testdata/'+coden+'.sticks.ideallarge.ext', testkassigner )
	u =  ses.u.reshape(ses.u.shape[0]/3, 3)
	ideallargecoords = bbtmio.get_ball_coords( bbtmio.read_ball_file('../../../data/testdata/'+coden+'.balls.ideallarge') )
	pdbcoords = bbtmio.get_ball_coords( bbtmio.read_ball_file('../../../data/'+coden+'_pdb.balls') )

	afteru = ideallargecoords + u

	newafteru = bbtmio.recenter_coord_mat(afteru, bbtmio.read_bbin_file('../../../data/'+coden+'.bbin'))

	bbtmio.write_ball_file( bbtmio.set_ball_coords( bbtmio.read_ball_file('../../../data/testdata/'+coden+'.balls.ideallarge'), newafteru ), coden+'.balls.au')

	dummy,newpdbcoords = bbtmio.align_coordmat(pdbcoords, newafteru)
	disp = newafteru - newpdbcoords
	rmsd = np.mean(np.square(np.linalg.norm(disp, axis=1))) ** 0.5
	print coden, disp.shape[0], rmsd