예제 #1
def rootDirectoryListing(image_name, image_partition):
    #print("Files: Rendering Template with files for partition: ",
                            #image_name, image_partition)
    image_index = bcawGetImageIndex(str(image_name), False)
    dm = bcaw()
    image_path = image_dir+'/'+image_name
    file_list_root, fs = dm.bcawGenFileList(image_path, image_index,
                                             int(image_partition), '/')
    return file_list_root
예제 #2
def root_directory_list(image_name, image_partition):
    #print("Files: Rendering Template with files for partition: ",
                            #image_name, image_partition)
    image_index = bcawGetImageIndex(str(image_name), False)
    dm = bcaw()
    image_path = image_dir+'/'+image_name
    file_list_root, fs = dm.bcawGenFileList(image_path, image_index,
                                             int(image_partition), '/')
    return render_template('fl_part_temp_ext.html',
예제 #3
def dbBrowseImages():
    global image_dir
    image_index = 0

    # Since image_list is declared globally, empty it before populating
    global image_list
    del image_list[:]

    for img in os.listdir(image_dir):
        if img.endswith(".E01") or img.endswith(".AFF"):
            #print "\n IMAGE: ", img
            global image_list

            # FIXME: Partition info will be added to the metadata info 
            # Till then the following three lines are not necessary.
            dm = bcaw_utils.bcaw()
            image_path = image_dir+'/'+img
            dm.num_partitions = dm.bcawGetNumPartsForImage(image_path, image_index)
            xmlfile = dm.dbGetImageInfoXml(image_path)
            if (xmlfile == None):
                #print("No XML file generated for image info. Returning")
            #print("XML File {} generated for image {}".format(xmlfile, img))

            # Read the XML file and populate the record for this image
            dbrec = bcawGetXmlInfo(xmlfile)

            ## print("D: Adding dbrec session to the DB: ", dbrec)
            dbrec['image_name'] = img

            # Populate the db:
            # Add the created record/session to the DB

            image_index +=1
예제 #4
def listImages():
    global image_dir
    image_index = 0

    # Since image_list is declared globally, empty it before populating
    global image_list
    del image_list[:]
    global image_db
    del image_db [:]

    # Create the DB. FIXME: This needs to be called from runserver.py
    # before calling run. That seems to have some issues. So calling from
    # here for now. Need to fix it.
    session = bcaw_db.bcawdb()

    for img in os.listdir(image_dir):
        if img.endswith(".E01") or img.endswith(".AFF"):
            #print img
            global image_list

            dm = bcaw()
            image_path = image_dir+'/'+img
            dm.num_partitions = dm.bcawGetPartInfoForImage(image_path, image_index)
            idb = bcaw_db.DimacImages.query.filter_by(image_name=img).first()
            ## print("D: IDB: image_index:{}, image_name:{}, acq_date:{}, md5: {}".format(image_index, idb.image_name, idb.acq_date, idb.md5))
            image_index +=1

    # Render the template for main page.
    #print 'D: Image_list: ', image_list
    global num_images
    num_images = len(image_list)

    return image_list
예제 #5
def fileInformation(image_name, image_partition, path):
    #print("Files: Rendering Template for subdirectory or contents of a file: ",
          #image_name, image_partition, path)

    image_index = bcawGetImageIndex(str(image_name), False)
    image_path = image_dir+'/'+image_name

    file_name_list = path.split('/')
    file_name = file_name_list[len(file_name_list)-1]

    #print "D: File_path after manipulation = ", path

    # To verify that the file_name exsits, we need the directory where
    # the file sits. That is if tje file name is $Extend/$RmData, we have
    # to look for the file $RmData under the directory $Extend. So we
    # will call the TSK API fs.open_dir with the parent directory
    # ($Extend in this example)
    temp_list = path.split("/")
    temp_list = file_name_list[0:(len(temp_list)-1)]
    parent_dir = '/'.join(temp_list)

    #print("D: Invoking TSK API to get files under parent_dir: ", parent_dir)

    # Generate File_list for the parent directory to see if the
    dm = bcaw()
    file_list, fs = dm.bcawGenFileList(image_path, image_index,
                                        int(image_partition), parent_dir)

    # Look for file_name in file_list
    for item in file_list:
        ## print("D: item-name={} file_name={} ".format(item['name'], file_name))
        if item['name'] == file_name:
            #print("D : File {} Found in the list: ".format(file_name))
        print("D: File_clicked: File {} not found in file_list".format(file_name))

    if item['isdir'] == True:
        # We will send the file_list under this directory to the template.
        # So calling once again the TSK API ipen_dir, with the current
        # directory, this time.
        file_list, fs = dm.bcawGenFileList(image_path, image_index,
                                        int(image_partition), path)

        # Generate the URL to communicate to the template:
        with app.test_request_context():
            url = api.url_for('api.fileInfo', image_name=str(image_name), partition=image_partition, path=path )

        #print (">> Rendering template with URL: ", url)
        return file_list
        #print("Downloading File: ", item['name'])
        # It is an ordinary file
        f = fs.open_meta(inode=item['inode'])

        # Read data and store it in a string
        offset = 0
        size = f.info.meta.size
        BUFF_SIZE = 1024 * 1024

        total_data = ""
        while offset < size:
            available_to_read = min(BUFF_SIZE, size - offset)
            data = f.read_random(offset, available_to_read)
            if not data:
                #print("Done with reading")

            offset += len(data)
            total_data = total_data+data
            #print "Length OF TOTAL DATA: ", len(total_data)

        mime = MimeTypes()
        mime_type, a = mime.guess_type(file_name)
        generator = (cell for row in total_data
                for cell in row)
        return Response(stream_with_context(generator),
                                    "attachment;filename=" + urllib.quote(file_name) })
                                    #"attachment;filename=" + file_name })
예제 #6

            offset += len(data)
            total_data = total_data+data
            #print "Length OF TOTAL DATA: ", len(total_data)

        mime = MimeTypes()
        mime_type, a = mime.guess_type(file_name)
        generator = (cell for row in total_data
                for cell in row)
        return Response(stream_with_context(generator),
                                    "attachment;filename=" + urllib.quote(file_name) })
                                    #"attachment;filename=" + file_name })
        return render_template('fl_filecat_temp_ext.html',
        #contents = data.decode("utf-8"))
# FIXME: This is never called (since we run runserver.py)
# Remove once confirmed to be deleted
if __name__ == "__main__":
    dm = bcaw()
예제 #7
def dbBuildTableForImage(img, bld_imgdb = False, bld_dfxmldb = False):
    """ This routine builds/adds the DFXML table entry to the DB for the
        specified image. This is needed where a user selects an individual 
        image in the image matrix and opts to add or delete corresponding table.
    table_added = 0
    if bld_imgdb and bld_dfxmldb:
        # table_name set to dfxmlinfo - if it exists, bcaw_images has to be there.
        table_name = "bcaw_dfxmlinfo"
        if bld_imgdb:
            table_name = "bcaw_images"
        elif bld_dfxmldb:
            table_name = "bcaw_dfxmlinfo"
            # if bld_imgdb == False and bld_dfxmldb == False:
            return(-1, "No DB Specified")

    if not img.endswith(".E01") or img.endswith(".AFF"):
        logging.debug('>> Not building Table: Wrong image type: %s', img)
        # print ">> Not building Table: Wrong image type: ", img
        return(-1, "Wrong Image Type")

    # No need to create table if it already exists
    if dbu_does_table_exist_for_img(img, table_name):
        logging.debug('>> Table already exists for image %s', img)
        # print ">> Table already exists for image " , img
        return(-2, "Table entry exists for the image")
        logging.debug('>> Table for image %s does not exist', img)
        # print ">> Table for image {} does not exist: ".format(img)
        table_added += 1

    if bld_imgdb:
        # update the image_matrix
        logging.debug('D: dbBuildTableForImage: Updating the matrix for img_db_exists')
        # print "D: dbBuildTableForImage: Updating the matrix for img_db_exists "

        # By setting image to None, it sets the flags for all images. We don't 
        # do individual flag setting for imgdb.
        image_browse.bcawSetFlagInMatrix('img_db_exists', bld_imgdb, None)

    if bld_dfxmldb:
        logging.debug('D: dbBuildTableForImage: Updating the matrix for dfxml_db_exists')
        # print "D: dbBuildTableForImage: Updating the matrix for dfxml_db_exists "
        image_browse.bcawSetFlagInMatrix('dfxml_db_exists', bld_dfxmldb, img)
    # FIXME: Partition info will be added to the metadata info
    # Till then the following three lines are not necessary.
    image_index = image_browse.bcawGetImageIndex(str(img), False)
    dm = bcaw_utils.bcaw()
    image_path = image_dir+'/'+img
    dm.num_partitions = dm.bcawGetNumPartsForImage(image_path, image_index)
    xmlfile = dm.dbGetImageInfoXml(image_path)
    if (xmlfile == None):
        logging.debug('No XML file generated for image info. Returning')
        # print("No XML file generated for image info. Returning")
        return (-1, "No Image XML File generated")
    logging.debug('XML File %s generated for image', xmlfile)
    # print("XML File {} generated for image {}".format(xmlfile, img))

    dfxmlfile = dm.dbGetInfoFromDfxml(image_path)
    if (dfxmlfile == None):
        logging.debug('>> No DFXML file generated for image info. Returning')
        # print(">> No DFXML file generated for image info. Returning")
        return (-1, "No DFXML generated")

    logging.debug('>> DFXML File %s generated for image', dfxmlfile)
    # print(">> DFXML File {} generated for image {}".format(dfxmlfile, img))

    # Read the XML file and populate the record for this image
    if bld_imgdb:
        dbrec = bcawGetXmlInfo(xmlfile)

        # FIXME: Retained temporarily. Probably not needed.
        dbrec['image_name'] = img
        dbrec['indexed'] = 0 # Just initialize to something

        # Populate the db:
        # Add the created record/session to the DB

        ## print("D: Adding dbrec session to the DB: ", dbrec)
    if bld_dfxmldb:
        d_dbrec = bcawGetDfxmlInfo(dfxmlfile, img)
    if table_added > 0:
        return(0, "New tables added to the DB")
        retstr = "Table entries exist for the image " + img 
        return(0, retstr)
예제 #8
def dbBrowseImages():
    """ This routine is called at initialization, soon after the tables are created.
        It goes through the disk images in image_dir and builds the db tables
        for both image_db and dfxml_db, if they don't already exist.
    global image_dir
    image_index = 0

    # Since image_list is declared globally, empty it before populating
    global image_list
    del image_list[:]

    for img in os.listdir(image_dir):
        if img.endswith(".E01") or img.endswith(".AFF"):
            # print "\n Image: ", img
            ## global image_list

            # Check if table entry already exists for this image:
            if dbu_does_table_exist_for_img(img, 'bcaw_images'):
                logging.debug('>> Table already exists for Image %s', img)
                # print ">> Table already exists for Image ", img
            logging.debug('D: dbBrowseImages: Table does not exist for image. Proceeding.')
            # print "D: dbBrowseImages: Table doesnot exist for img {}. Proceeding.".format(img) 

            # FIXME: Partition info will be added to the metadata info
            # Till then the following three lines are not necessary.
            dm = bcaw_utils.bcaw()
            image_path = image_dir+'/'+img
            dm.num_partitions = dm.bcawGetNumPartsForImage(image_path, image_index)
            xmlfile = dm.dbGetImageInfoXml(image_path)
            if (xmlfile == None):
                logging.debug('No XML file generated for image info. Returning')
                # print("No XML file generated for image info. Returning")
                # FIXME: This was a return stmt, but it should move on to 
                # the next image. So replaced it with continue. Need to test
                # some relevant scenarios to confirm this is what we want.
            logging.debug('XML file %s generated', xmlfile)
            logging.debug('for image %s', img)
            # print("XML File {} generated for image {}".format(xmlfile, img))

            dfxmlfile = dm.dbGetInfoFromDfxml(image_path)
            if (dfxmlfile == None):
                logging.debug('No DFXML file generated for image info. Returning')
                # print("No DFXML file generated for image info. Returning")
            logging.debug('DFXML File %s generated for image', dfxmlfile)
            # print("DFXML File {} generated for image {}".format(dfxmlfile, img))

            # Read the XML file and populate the record for this image
            dbrec = bcawGetXmlInfo(xmlfile)

            ## print("D: Adding dbrec session to the DB: ", dbrec)
            dbrec['image_name'] = img
            dbrec['indexed'] = 0

            # Populate the db: FIXME: See if we need to check if it already exists,
            # or the check for image DB above will suffice as the existance of the
            # image_db is prerequisite for the dfxml db.
            # Add the created record/session to the DB
            ## print "[D2]:dbBrowseImages: Adding session to imgdb - bcawDbSessionAdd "
            image_index +=1

    logging.debug('D: Image_list %s', image_list)