def align_pipe(fastq_file, pair_file, ref_file, names, align_dir, config): """Perform piped alignment of fastq input files, generating sorted output BAM. """ pair_file = pair_file if pair_file else "" out_file = os.path.join(align_dir, "{0}-sort.bam".format(names["lane"])) samtools = config_utils.get_program("samtools", config) bwa = config_utils.get_program("bwa", config) resources = config_utils.get_resources("samtools", config) num_cores = config["algorithm"].get("num_cores", 1) # adjust memory for samtools since used alongside alignment max_mem = config_utils.adjust_memory(resources.get("memory", "2G"), 3, "decrease") rg_info = novoalign.get_rg_info(names) if not utils.file_exists(out_file): novoalign.check_samtools_version(config) with utils.curdir_tmpdir() as work_dir: with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file: tx_out_prefix = os.path.splitext(tx_out_file)[0] cmd = ("{bwa} mem -M -t {num_cores} -R '{rg_info}' -v 1 {ref_file} " "{fastq_file} {pair_file} " "| {samtools} view -b -S -u - " "| {samtools} sort -@ {num_cores} -m {max_mem} - {tx_out_prefix}") cmd = cmd.format(**locals()), "bwa mem alignment from fastq: %s" % names["sample"], None, [do.file_nonempty(tx_out_file)]) return out_file
def align_bam(in_bam, ref_file, names, align_dir, config): """Perform direct alignment of an input BAM file with BWA using pipes. This avoids disk IO by piping between processes: - samtools sort of input BAM to queryname - bedtools conversion to interleaved FASTQ - bwa-mem alignment - samtools conversion to BAM - samtools sort to coordinate """ out_file = os.path.join(align_dir, "{0}-sort.bam".format(names["lane"])) samtools = config_utils.get_program("samtools", config) bedtools = config_utils.get_program("bedtools", config) bwa = config_utils.get_program("bwa", config) resources = config_utils.get_resources("samtools", config) num_cores = config["algorithm"].get("num_cores", 1) max_mem = resources.get("memory", "768M") rg_info = novoalign.get_rg_info(names) if not utils.file_exists(out_file): novoalign.check_samtools_version() with utils.curdir_tmpdir() as work_dir: with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file: tx_out_prefix = os.path.splitext(tx_out_file)[0] prefix1 = "%s-in1" % tx_out_prefix cmd = ("{samtools} sort -n -o -l 0 -@ {num_cores} -m {max_mem} {in_bam} {prefix1} " "| {bedtools} bamtofastq -i /dev/stdin -fq /dev/stdout -fq2 /dev/stdout " "| {bwa} mem -p -M -t {num_cores} -R '{rg_info}' -v 1 {ref_file} - " "| {samtools} view -b -S -u - " "| {samtools} sort -@ {num_cores} -m {max_mem} - {tx_out_prefix}") cmd = cmd.format(**locals()), "bwa mem alignment from BAM: %s" % names["sample"], None, [do.file_nonempty(tx_out_file)]) return out_file
def align_bam(in_bam, ref_file, names, align_dir, config): """Perform direct alignment of an input BAM file with BWA using pipes. This avoids disk IO by piping between processes: - samtools sort of input BAM to queryname - bedtools conversion to interleaved FASTQ - bwa-mem alignment - samtools conversion to BAM - samtools sort to coordinate """ out_file = os.path.join(align_dir, "{0}-sort.bam".format(names["lane"])) samtools = config_utils.get_program("samtools", config) bedtools = config_utils.get_program("bedtools", config) bwa = config_utils.get_program("bwa", config) resources = config_utils.get_resources("samtools", config) num_cores = config["algorithm"].get("num_cores", 1) # adjust memory for samtools since used for input and output max_mem = config_utils.adjust_memory(resources.get("memory", "1G"), 3, "decrease") rg_info = novoalign.get_rg_info(names) if not utils.file_exists(out_file): novoalign.check_samtools_version(config) with utils.curdir_tmpdir() as work_dir: with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file: tx_out_prefix = os.path.splitext(tx_out_file)[0] prefix1 = "%s-in1" % tx_out_prefix cmd = ("{samtools} sort -n -o -l 0 -@ {num_cores} -m {max_mem} {in_bam} {prefix1} " "| {bedtools} bamtofastq -i /dev/stdin -fq /dev/stdout -fq2 /dev/stdout " "| {bwa} mem -p -M -t {num_cores} -R '{rg_info}' -v 1 {ref_file} - " "| {samtools} view -b -S -u - " "| {samtools} sort -@ {num_cores} -m {max_mem} - {tx_out_prefix}") cmd = cmd.format(**locals()), "bwa mem alignment from BAM: %s" % names["sample"], None, [do.file_nonempty(tx_out_file)]) return out_file