예제 #1
파일: graph.py 프로젝트: aestrivex/cvu
def do_opt(adj,mods,option):
    if option=='global efficiency':
        return bct.efficiency_wei(adj)
    elif option=='local efficiency':
        return bct.efficiency_wei(adj,local=True)
    elif option=='average strength':
        return bct.strengths_und(adj)
    elif option=='clustering coefficient':
        return bct.clustering_coef_wu(adj)
    elif option=='eigenvector centrality':
        return bct.eigenvector_centrality_und(adj)
    elif option=='binary kcore':
        return bct.kcoreness_centrality_bu(adj)[0]

    elif option=='modularity':
        return bct.modularity_und(adj,mods)[1]
    elif option=='participation coefficient':
        return bct.participation_coef(adj,mods)
    elif option=='within-module degree':
        return bct.module_degree_zscore(adj,mods)
예제 #2
def do_opt(adj, mods, option):
    if option == 'global efficiency':
        return bct.efficiency_wei(adj)
    elif option == 'local efficiency':
        return bct.efficiency_wei(adj, local=True)
    elif option == 'average strength':
        return bct.strengths_und(adj)
    elif option == 'clustering coefficient':
        return bct.clustering_coef_wu(adj)
    elif option == 'eigenvector centrality':
        return bct.eigenvector_centrality_und(adj)
    elif option == 'binary kcore':
        return bct.kcoreness_centrality_bu(adj)[0]

    elif option == 'modularity':
        return bct.modularity_und(adj, mods)[1]
    elif option == 'participation coefficient':
        return bct.participation_coef(adj, mods)
    elif option == 'within-module degree':
        return bct.module_degree_zscore(adj, mods)
예제 #3
def modularity_and_efficiency(data):
    mod_scores = []
    eff_scores = []
    for i, x in enumerate(data):
        matrix = mp.preprocess_matrix(x)
        mod_score = bct.modularity_und(matrix)[1]
        eff_score = bct.efficiency_wei(matrix)


    return mod_scores, eff_scores
예제 #4
def extract_epoch_graph_features(W):
    import bct

    L = bct.weight_conversion(W, "lengths")
    L[W == 0] = np.inf
    D, _ = bct.distance_wei(L)

    l, eff, ecc, radius, diameter = bct.charpath(D, include_infinite=False)

    return [
        bct.efficiency_wei(W, local=True),
        [l, eff, radius, diameter],
예제 #5
def generate_null(layout, task, session, mask):
    null_dist = pd.DataFrame(index=subjects, columns=["mean", "sdev"])
    avg_corr = avg_corrmat(layout, task, session, mask)
    eff_perm = []
    j = 1
    while j < 3:
        effs = []
        W = null_model_und_sign(avg_corr.values)
        for thresh in np.arange(0.21, 0.31, 0.03):
            thresh_corr = bct.threshold_proportional(W, thresh)
            leff = bct.efficiency_wei(thresh_corr)
        effs_arr = np.asarray(effs)
        leff_auc = np.trapz(effs_arr, dx=0.03, axis=0)
        j += 1
    null_dist.at[(sesh[session], task, conds[i], mask),
                 "mean"] = np.mean(eff_perm)
    null_dist.at[(sesh[session], task, conds[i], mask),
                 "sdev"] = np.std(eff_perm)
    return null_dist
nb_trials = 100
N = 200
k = 4

# Pre-allocate arrays
prob = 10**(-3 * np.random.random(nb_trials))
SWI = np.zeros(nb_trials)
Eglob = np.zeros(nb_trials)
Eloc = np.zeros(nb_trials)

# Calculate statistics
for i, p in enumerate(prob):
    CIJ = NetworkWattsStrogatz(N, k, p)

    SWI[i] = SmallWorldIndex(CIJ)
    Eglob[i] = bct.efficiency_wei(CIJ, local=False)
    Eloc[i] = np.mean(bct.efficiency_wei(CIJ, local=True))

# Plot figures
plt.semilogx(prob, SWI, marker='.', linestyle='none')
plt.xlabel('Rewiring probability')
plt.ylabel('Small World Index')

plt.semilogx(prob, Eglob, marker='.', linestyle='none')
plt.xlabel('Rewiring probability')
plt.ylabel('Global efficiency')
plt.semilogx(prob, Eloc, marker='.', linestyle='none')
        participants = ['c1','c2','c3','c5','c6','c7','c8']
    all_measures = np.empty(shape=[68,len(participants),5])
    adjmats =  np.empty(shape=[68,68,len(participants)])
    counter = 0

    for participant in participants:
        adjmat = sio.loadmat(participant + '_FA.mat')
        adjmat = adjmat['adjacency_matrix']
        labels = get_parcellation_labels(generate_ROI_file(FreeSurfer_ROI_file)).values
        labels,adjmat = remove_non_cortical_ROIs(labels,adjmat)
        all_measures[:,counter,0] = bct.degrees_und(adjmat)
        all_measures[:,counter,1] = bct.strengths_und(adjmat)
        all_measures[:,counter,2] = bct.clustering_coef_wu(adjmat)
        all_measures[:,counter,3] = bct.betweenness_wei(adjmat)
        all_measures[:,counter,4] = bct.efficiency_wei(adjmat,local=True)
        adjmats[:,:,counter] = adjmat
        counter += 1
    mean_measures = np.mean(all_measures,axis=1)
    if group == 'patient':
        patient = pd.DataFrame(mean_measures, index=labels,columns=['patient.NodeDegree','patient.Strength','patient.ClustCoeff','patient.BetweenCent','patient.LocEff'])
        patient_measures = all_measures
        patient_adjmats = adjmats
    elif group == 'control':
        control = pd.DataFrame(mean_measures, index=labels,columns=['control.NodeDegree','control.Strength','control.ClustCoeff','control.BetweenCent','control.LocEff'])
        control_measures = all_measures
        control_adjmats = adjmats
# Getting the expression values
    all_measures = np.empty(shape=[68, len(participants), 5])
    adjmats = np.empty(shape=[68, 68, len(participants)])
    counter = 0

    for participant in participants:
        adjmat = sio.loadmat(participant + '_FA.mat')
        adjmat = adjmat['adjacency_matrix']
        labels = get_parcellation_labels(
        labels, adjmat = remove_non_cortical_ROIs(labels, adjmat)
        all_measures[:, counter, 0] = bct.degrees_und(adjmat)
        all_measures[:, counter, 1] = bct.strengths_und(adjmat)
        all_measures[:, counter, 2] = bct.clustering_coef_wu(adjmat)
        all_measures[:, counter, 3] = bct.betweenness_wei(adjmat)
        all_measures[:, counter, 4] = bct.efficiency_wei(adjmat, local=True)
        adjmats[:, :, counter] = adjmat
        counter += 1

    mean_measures = np.mean(all_measures, axis=1)
    if group == 'patient':
        patient = pd.DataFrame(mean_measures,
                                   'patient.NodeDegree', 'patient.Strength',
                                   'patient.ClustCoeff', 'patient.BetweenCent',
        patient_measures = all_measures
        patient_adjmats = adjmats
    elif group == 'control':
예제 #9
        #steps of 5 or 10 percent
        #citation for integrating over the range is likely in the Fundamentals of Brain Network Analysis book
        #typically done: make sure your metric's value is stable across your range of thresholds
        #the more metrics you use, the more you have to correct for multiple comparisons
        #make sure this is hypothesis-driven and not fishing

        for p in thresh_range:
            ge = []
            cc = []
            ntwk_corrmat_thresh = bct.threshold_proportional(
                network_correlation_matrix, p, copy=True)
            #np.savetxt(join(sink_dir, sessions[i], s, '{0}_corrmat_Laird2011_thresh_{1}.csv'.format(s, p)), ntwk_corrmat_thresh, delimiter=',')
            #measures of interest here
            #global efficiency
            le = bct.efficiency_wei(ntwk_corrmat_thresh)

            #clustering coefficient
            c = bct.clustering_coef_wu(ntwk_corrmat_thresh)

            network[p] = ge
            network_wise[p] = cc

        ntwk_df = pd.Series(network).T
        #ntwk_df.columns = ['total positive', 'total negative', 'efficiency', 'path length', 'modularity']

        ntwk_wise_df = pd.Series(network_wise).T
        #ntwk_wise_df.columns = ['betweenness', 'degree', 'positive weights', 'negative weights',
        #                                                   'community index', 'clustering coefficient']
for subject in subjects:
    cls = np.load(source_folder + "graph_data/%s_classic_pow_post.npy" %

    pln = np.load(source_folder + "graph_data/%s_plan_pow_post.npy" %


for k, band in enumerate(bands.keys()):
    data_cls = []
    for j in range(len(cls_all)):
        tmp = cls_all[j][band]
            np.asarray([bct.efficiency_wei(g) for g in tmp]).mean(axis=0))
    data_pln = []
    for j in range(len(pln_all)):
        tmp = pln_all[j][band]
            np.asarray([bct.efficiency_wei(g) for g in tmp]).mean(axis=0))

    data_cls = np.asarray(data_cls)
    data_pln = np.asarray(data_pln)

    X = np.vstack([data_cls, data_pln])
    y = np.concatenate([np.zeros(len(data_cls)), np.ones(len(data_pln))])

    cv = StratifiedKFold(y, n_folds=6, shuffle=True)

    cv_params = {
예제 #11
def threshold_omst_global_cost_efficiency(mtx, n_msts=None):
    """ Threshold a graph by optimizing the formula GE-C via orthogonal MSTs.

    .. [Dimitriadis2017a] Dimitriadis, S. I., Salis, C., Tarnanas, I., & Linden, D. E. (2017). Topological Filtering of Dynamic Functional Brain Networks Unfolds Informative Chronnectomics: A Novel Data-Driven Thresholding Scheme Based on Orthogonal Minimal Spanning Trees (OMSTs). Frontiers in neuroinformatics, 11.
    .. [Dimitriadis2017n] Dimitriadis, S. I., Antonakakis, M., Simos, P., Fletcher, J. M., & Papanicolaou, A. C. (2017). Data-driven Topological Filtering based on Orthogonal Minimal Spanning Trees: Application to Multi-Group MEG Resting-State Connectivity. Brain Connectivity, (ja).
    .. [Basset2009] Bassett, D. S., Bullmore, E. T., Meyer-Lindenberg, A., Apud, J. A., Weinberger, D. R., & Coppola, R. (2009). Cognitive fitness of cost-efficient brain functional networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(28), 11747-11752.

    mtx : array-like, shape(N, N)
        Symmetric, weighted and undirected connectivity matrix.

    n_msts : int or None
        Maximum number of OMSTs to compute. Default `None`; an exhaustive
        computation will be performed.

    nCIJtree : array-like, shape(n_msts, N, N)
        A matrix containing all the orthogonal MSTs.

    CIJtree : array-like, shape(N, N)
        Resulting graph.

    degree : float
        The mean degree of the resulting graph.

    global_eff : float
        Global efficiency of the resulting graph.

    global_cost_eff_max : float
        The value where global efficiency - cost is maximized.

    cost_max : float
        Cost of the network at the maximum global cost efficiency.
    imtx = np.copy(mtx)
    imtx_uptril = np.copy(mtx)

    N, _ = np.shape(imtx)

    for k in range(N):
        for l in range(k + 1, N):
            imtx_uptril[l, k] = 0.0
    np.fill_diagonal(imtx_uptril, 0.0)

    # Find the number of orthogonal msts according to the desired mean degree
    num_edges = len(np.where(imtx > 0.0)[0])

    if n_msts is None:
        num_msts = np.round(num_edges / (N - 1)) + 1
        num_msts = n_msts
    pos_num_msts = np.round(num_edges / (N - 1))

    if num_msts > pos_num_msts:
        num_msts = pos_num_msts

    CIJnotintree = imtx

    # Keep the N-1 connections of the num_msts MSTs
    num_msts = np.int32(num_msts)
    mst_conn = np.zeros((num_msts * (N - 1), 2))

    nCIJtree = np.zeros((num_msts, N, N))  #, dtype=np.int32)
    omst = np.zeros((num_msts, N, N), dtype=np.float32)

    # Repeat N-2 times
    count = 0
    CIJtree = np.zeros((N, N))

    for no in range(num_msts):
        tmp_mtx = 1.0 / CIJnotintree
        # ugly code ~_~
        graph = nx.from_numpy_matrix(tmp_mtx)
        # graph = nx.Graph()
        # for x in range(N):
        #     for y in range(x+1, N):
        #         graph.add_edge(x, y, weight=tmp_mtx[x][y])
        mst = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(graph)
        links = list(mst.edges())

        new_mst = np.zeros((N, N))
        mst_num_links = len(links)
        for k in range(mst_num_links):
            link1 = links[k][0]
            link2 = links[k][1]

            CIJtree[link1, link2] = imtx[link1, link2]
            CIJtree[link2, link1] = imtx[link1, link2]

            mst_conn[count, 0] = link1
            mst_conn[count, 1] = link2

            new_mst[link1, link2] = imtx[link1, link2]
            new_mst[link2, link1] = imtx[link1, link2]
            count += 1

        iCIJtree = np.ones((N, N))
        iCIJtree[np.where(CIJtree != 0.0)] = 0
        CIJnotintree = CIJnotintree * iCIJtree
        nCIJtree[no, :, :] = CIJtree
        omst[no, :, :] = new_mst

    global_eff_ini = bct.efficiency_wei(imtx_uptril) * 2.0
    cost_ini = np.sum(imtx_uptril[:])

    # Insert the 1st MST
    graph = np.zeros((N, N))
    global_cost_eff = np.zeros((num_msts, 1))
    degrees = np.zeros((num_msts, 1))
    cost = np.zeros((num_msts, 1))

    for k in range(num_msts):
        graph = nCIJtree[k, :, :]

        degree = bct.degrees_und(graph)
        mean_degree = np.mean(degree)
        degrees[k] = mean_degree

        cost[k] = np.sum(graph) / cost_ini

        global_eff = bct.efficiency_wei(graph)
        global_cost_eff[k] = global_eff / global_eff_ini - cost[k]

    # Get the OMST where the formula GE-C is maximized
    indx_max = np.argmax(global_cost_eff)

    # Final output
    degree = degrees[indx_max]
    CIJtree = nCIJtree[indx_max, :, :]
    cost_max = cost[indx_max]
    global_eff = bct.efficiency_wei(1.0 / CIJtree)
    global_cost_eff_max = global_cost_eff[indx_max]

    # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # plt.figure()
    # plt.plot(cost, global_cost_eff)
    # plt.plot(cost_max, global_cost_eff_max, 'b*', label='Max Global Cost Efficiency')
    # plt.title('Economical small-world network at max Global Cost Efficiency')
    # plt.xlabel('Cost')
    # plt.ylabel('Global Cost Efficiency')
    # plt.legend()
    # plt.show()

    # return nCIJtree, CIJtree, degree, global_eff, global_cost_eff_max, cost_max
    return nCIJtree, CIJtree, degree, global_eff, global_cost_eff_max, cost_max, cost, global_cost_eff
예제 #12
파일: graph.py 프로젝트: kaihwang/NCKU
def cal_indiv_graph():
	'''loop through subjects and get PC/WMD/Q/eG/CI'''

	### loop through subjects, 1 to 156

	gordon_files = glob.glob("Data/*Gordon*.netcc")
	yeo_files = glob.glob("Data/*Yeo*.netcc")
	files = gordon_files + yeo_files

	for f in files:
		if f in gordon_files:		
			cmd = "cat %s | tail -n 352 > Data/test" %f 
		if f in yeo_files:
			cmd = "cat %s | tail -n 422 > Data/test" %f #422 for Yeo

		sub = f[5:8]

		# load matrix
		matrix = np.genfromtxt('Data/test',delimiter='\t',dtype=None)
		matrix[np.isnan(matrix)] = 0.0  

		# step through costs, do infomap, return final infomap across cost
		max_cost = .15
		min_cost = .01

		partition = ave_consensus_costs_parition(matrix, min_cost, max_cost)
		partition = np.array(partition) + 1

		# calculate modularity, efficiency?
		Q = cal_modularity_w_imposed_community(matrix,partition)
		Eg = bct.efficiency_wei(matrix)

		# import thresholded matrix to BCT, import partition, run WMD/PC
		PCs = np.zeros((len(np.arange(min_cost, max_cost+0.01, 0.01)), matrix.shape[0]))
		WMDs = np.zeros((len(np.arange(min_cost, max_cost+0.01, 0.01)), matrix.shape[0]))

		for i, cost in enumerate(np.arange(min_cost, max_cost, 0.01)):
			tmp_matrix = threshold(matrix.copy(), cost)
			PCs[i,:] = bct.participation_coef(tmp_matrix, partition)
			WMDs[i,:] = bct.module_degree_zscore(matrix, partition)

		PC = np.mean(PCs, axis=0) # ave across thresholds
		WMD = np.mean(WMDs, axis=0)

		fn = "Graph_output/%s_%s_PC" %(sub, roi)
		np.savetxt(fn, PC)

		fn = "Graph_output/%s_%s_WMD" %(sub, roi)
		np.savetxt(fn, WMD)
		fn = "Graph_output/%s_%s_Q" %(sub, roi)
		np.savetxt(fn, np.array(Q, ndmin=1))

		fn = "Graph_output/%s_%s_Eg" %(sub, roi)
		np.savetxt(fn, np.array(Eg, ndmin=1))

		fn = "Graph_output/%s_%s_Partition" %(sub, roi)
		np.savetxt(fn, partition)
null_dist = pd.DataFrame(index=index, columns=["mean", "sdev"])
for session in sessions:
    print(session, datetime.datetime.now())
    for task in tasks.keys():
        print(task, datetime.datetime.now())
        for i in np.arange(0, len(tasks[task][0]["conditions"])):
            condition = tasks[task][0]["conditions"][i]
            print(condition, datetime.datetime.now())
            for mask in masks:
                print(mask, datetime.datetime.now())
                avg_corr = avg_corrmat(data_dir, subjects, task, condition,
                                       session, mask)
                eff_perm = []
                j = 1
                while j < 3:
                    effs = []
                    W = null_model_und_sign(avg_corr.values)
                    for thresh in np.arange(0.21, 0.31, 0.03):
                        thresh_corr = bct.threshold_proportional(W, thresh)
                        leff = bct.efficiency_wei(thresh_corr)
                    effs_arr = np.asarray(effs)
                    leff_auc = np.trapz(effs_arr, dx=0.03, axis=0)
                    j += 1
                null_dist.at[(sesh[session], task, conds[i], mask),
                             "mean"] = np.mean(eff_perm)
                null_dist.at[(sesh[session], task, conds[i], mask),
                             "sdev"] = np.std(eff_perm)
        null_dist.to_csv(join(sink_dir, "null_dist-local_efficiency.csv"))
def get_graph_metrics(connectivity_vector) :
    # reshape into matrix
    connectivity_matrix = np.reshape(connectivity_vector, (90, 90))
    # convert to networkx graph
    connectivity_graph = nwx.from_numpy_matrix(connectivity_matrix)
    # convert to distance graph as some metrics need this instead
    distance_matrix = connectivity_matrix
    distance_matrix[distance_matrix == 0] = np.finfo(np.float32).eps
    distance_matrix = 1.0 / distance_matrix
    distance_graph = nwx.from_numpy_matrix(distance_matrix)
    # intialise vector of metrics
    metrics = np.zeros((21,))
    # fill the vector of metrics
    # 1 and 2: degree distribution
    degrees = np.sum(connectivity_matrix, axis = 1)
    metrics[0] = np.mean(degrees)
    metrics[1] = np.std(degrees)
    # 3 and 4: weight distribution
    weights = np.tril(connectivity_matrix, k = -1)
    metrics[2] = np.mean(weights)
    metrics[3] = np.std(weights)

    # 5: average shortest path length
    # transform weights to distances so this makes sense    
    metrics[4] = nwx.average_shortest_path_length(distance_graph, weight='weight')

    # 6: assortativity
    metrics[5] = nwx.degree_assortativity_coefficient(connectivity_graph, weight='None')
    # 7: clustering coefficient
    metrics[6] = nwx.average_clustering(connectivity_graph, weight='weight')
    # 8: transitivity
    metrics[7] = nwx.transitivity(connectivity_graph)
    # 9 & 10: local and global efficiency
    metrics[8] = np.mean(bct.efficiency_wei(connectivity_matrix, local=True))
    metrics[9] = bct.efficiency_wei(connectivity_matrix, local=False)
    # 11: Clustering coefficient
    metrics[10] = np.mean(nwx.clustering(connectivity_graph, weight='weight').values())
    # 12 & 13: Betweeness centrality
    metrics[11] = np.mean(nwx.betweenness_centrality(distance_graph, weight='weight').values())
    metrics[12] = np.mean(nwx.current_flow_betweenness_centrality(distance_graph, weight='weight').values())
    # 14: Eigenvector centrality
    metrics[13] = np.mean(nwx.eigenvector_centrality(distance_graph, weight='weight').values())
    # 15: Closeness centrality
    metrics[14] = np.mean(nwx.closeness_centrality(distance_graph, distance='weight').values())
    # 16: PageRank
    metrics[15] = np.mean(nwx.pagerank(connectivity_graph, weight='weight').values())
    # 17: Rich club coefficient
    metrics[16] = np.mean(nwx.rich_club_coefficient(connectivity_graph).values())
    # 18: Density    
    metrics[17] = bct.density_und(connectivity_matrix)[0]
    # 19, 20, 21: Eccentricity, radius, diameter
    spl_all = nwx.shortest_path_length(distance_graph, weight='weight')
    eccs = np.zeros(90,)
    for i in range(90) :
        eccs[i] = np.max(spl_all[i].values())
    metrics[18] = np.mean(eccs)
    metrics[19] = np.min(eccs)
    metrics[20] = np.max(eccs)  
    return metrics
예제 #15
def advanced_network_analysis(graph, kstep=1, sstep=600., outdir=None):
    """ Map structural cores to delineate network modules, and to identify
    hub regions that link distinct clusters.


    The k-core is the largest subnetwork comprising nodes of degree at
    least k.

    The s-core is the largest subnetwork comprising nodes of strength at
    least s.

    The optimal community structure is a subdivision of the
    network into nonoverlapping groups of nodes which maximizes the number
    of within-group edges and minimizes the number of between-group edges.

    The rich club coefficient, R, at level k is the fraction of edges that
    connect nodes of degree k or higher out of the maximum number of edges
    that such nodes might share.

    Network features:

        each node associated k-core number.
        size of s-cores when the s-level increase.
        each node associated s-core number.
        size of s-cores when the s-level increase.
        the computed community structure.
        the objective modularity function optimized q-statistic.
        vector of rich-club coefficients for levels 1 to klevel=the maximum
        degree of the adjacency matrix.
        the global efficiency is the average of inverse shortest path
        length, and is inversely related to the characteristic path length.
        the local efficiency is the global efficiency computed on the
        neighborhood of the node, and is related to the clustering coefficient.

    graph: Graph
        the graph reprensenting the connectome network.
    kstep: int (optional, default 1)
        the k-core size increment.
    sstep: float (optional, default 600.)
        the s-core size increment.
    outdir: str (optional, default None)
        if specified save some snapshots.

    outputs: dict
        the network features.
    snaps: list of file
        the generates snaps.
    adjacency_matrix = numpy.ascontiguousarray(nx.to_numpy_matrix(graph))

    # Efficiency
    global_efficiency = bct.efficiency_wei(adjacency_matrix)
    local_efficiency = bct.efficiency_wei(adjacency_matrix, local=True)

    # K-core decomposition
    k = 0
    kcores = numpy.zeros(adjacency_matrix.shape[0], dtype=int)
    klevels = []
    kxs = []
    processed_indices = set()
    while True:
        if not graph.is_directed():
            kcore, kn, peelorder, peellevel = bct.kcore_bu(adjacency_matrix,
            kcore, kn, peelorder, peellevel = bct.kcore_bd(adjacency_matrix,
        for indices in peelorder:
            new_indices = set(indices) - processed_indices
            processed_indices = processed_indices.union(new_indices)
            kcores[list(new_indices)] = k
        if kn == 0:
        k += 1

    # S-core decompositon
    scores = numpy.zeros(adjacency_matrix.shape[0], dtype=int)
    slevels = []
    sxs = []
    processed_indices = set()
    s = 0
    while True:
        if not graph.is_directed():
            score, sn = bct.score_wu(adjacency_matrix, s)
            raise NotImplementedError
        ff = numpy.where(score == 0)
        for node_index in ff[0]:
            if node_index in processed_indices:
            if not (score[node_index, :] == 0).all():
            scores[node_index] = s
        if sn == 0:
        s += sstep

    # Community detection
    community, qstat = bct.community_louvain(adjacency_matrix,

    # Hub detection
    if not graph.is_directed():
        rich_clubs = bct.rich_club_wu(adjacency_matrix, klevel=None)
        rich_clubs = bct.rich_club_wd(adjacency_matrix, klevel=None)

    # Summarize results in a dictionnary
    params = locals()
    outputs = dict([
        (name, params[name])
        for name in ("kcores", "klevels", "kxs", "scores", "slevels", "sxs",
                     "community", "qstat", "rich_clubs", "global_efficiency",

    # Snaps
    snaps = []
    if outdir is not None:
        import pylab as plt
        if not os.path.isdir(outdir):
            raise ValueError("'{0}' is not a valid directory.".format(outdir))
        for x, measures, label in [(kxs, klevels, "klevels"),
                                   (sxs, slevels, "slevels")]:
            outfile = os.path.join(outdir, label + ".png")
            plt.plot(x, measures, "-bo")
            plt.ylabel("Number of nodes")

    return outputs, snaps
예제 #16
########### testing graph theoretic measures (eff, leff) ############

# geffs = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index, columns=np.arange(0,1,0.1))
for i in df.index:
    corrmat = pd.read_csv(
        join(data_dir, "out", "{0}-phy-corrmat-regionwise.csv".format(i)),
    gw = []
    for p in np.arange(0, 1, 0.1):
        corrmat_thresh = bct.threshold_proportional(corrmat.values, p)
    # geffs.at[i] = gw
    df.at[i, "Global Efficiency Physics"] = np.trapz(gw[4:9], dx=0.1)
    corrmat = pd.read_csv(
        join(data_dir, "out", "{0}-gen-corrmat-regionwise.csv".format(i)),
    gw = []
    for p in np.arange(0, 1, 0.1):
        corrmat_thresh = bct.threshold_proportional(corrmat.values, p)
    # geffs.at[i] = gw
    df.at[i, "Global Efficiency General"] = np.trapz(gw[4:9], dx=0.1)

f, ax = plt.subplots()
def process(data):
    return bct.efficiency_wei(data, local=False)
예제 #18
def localEfficiency(network):
    bct.efficiency_wei(network, local=True)
예제 #19
def main():
    parser = _build_arg_parser()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    assert_inputs_exist(parser, [args.in_length_matrix, args.in_conn_matrix])

    if args.verbose:

    if not args.append_json:
        assert_outputs_exist(parser, args, args.out_json)
        logging.debug('Using --append_json, make sure to delete {} '
                      'before re-launching a group analysis.'.format(

    if args.append_json and args.overwrite:
        parser.error('Cannot use the append option at the same time as '
                     'overwrite.\nAmbiguous behavior, consider deleting the '
                     'output json file first instead.')

    conn_matrix = load_matrix_in_any_format(args.in_conn_matrix)
    len_matrix = load_matrix_in_any_format(args.in_length_matrix)

    if args.filtering_mask:
        mask_matrix = load_matrix_in_any_format(args.filtering_mask)
        conn_matrix *= mask_matrix
        len_matrix *= mask_matrix
    N = len_matrix.shape[0]

    if args.avg_node_wise:
        func_cast = avg_cast
        func_cast = list_cast

    gtm_dict = {}
    betweenness_centrality = bct.betweenness_wei(len_matrix) / ((N - 1) *
                                                                (N - 2))
    gtm_dict['betweenness_centrality'] = func_cast(betweenness_centrality)
    ci, gtm_dict['modularity'] = bct.modularity_louvain_und(conn_matrix,

    gtm_dict['assortativity'] = bct.assortativity_wei(conn_matrix, flag=0)
    gtm_dict['participation'] = func_cast(
        bct.participation_coef_sign(conn_matrix, ci)[0])
    gtm_dict['clustering'] = func_cast(bct.clustering_coef_wu(conn_matrix))

    gtm_dict['nodal_strength'] = func_cast(bct.strengths_und(conn_matrix))
    gtm_dict['local_efficiency'] = func_cast(
        bct.efficiency_wei(len_matrix, local=True))
    gtm_dict['global_efficiency'] = func_cast(bct.efficiency_wei(len_matrix))
    gtm_dict['density'] = func_cast(bct.density_und(conn_matrix)[0])

    # Rich club always gives an error for the matrix rank and gives NaN
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        tmp_rich_club = bct.rich_club_wu(conn_matrix)
    gtm_dict['rich_club'] = func_cast(tmp_rich_club[~np.isnan(tmp_rich_club)])

    # Path length gives an infinite distance for unconnected nodes
    # All of this is simply to fix that
    empty_connections = np.where(np.sum(len_matrix, axis=1) < 0.001)[0]
    if len(empty_connections):
        len_matrix = np.delete(len_matrix, empty_connections, axis=0)
        len_matrix = np.delete(len_matrix, empty_connections, axis=1)

    path_length_tuple = bct.distance_wei(len_matrix)
    gtm_dict['path_length'] = func_cast(path_length_tuple[0])
    gtm_dict['edge_count'] = func_cast(path_length_tuple[1])

    if not args.avg_node_wise:
        for i in empty_connections:
            gtm_dict['path_length'].insert(i, -1)
            gtm_dict['edge_count'].insert(i, -1)

    if args.small_world:
        gtm_dict['omega'], gtm_dict['sigma'] = omega_sigma(len_matrix)

    if os.path.isfile(args.out_json) and args.append_json:
        with open(args.out_json) as json_data:
            out_dict = json.load(json_data)
        for key in gtm_dict.keys():
            if isinstance(out_dict[key], list):
                out_dict[key] = [out_dict[key], gtm_dict[key]]
        out_dict = {}
        for key in gtm_dict.keys():
            out_dict[key] = [gtm_dict[key]]

    with open(args.out_json, 'w') as outfile:
                                format(subject, session, task, conditions[i],
                            delimiter=" ",

                        leff_s = []
                        coef_s = []
                        for p in np.arange(kappa_upper, kappa_lower, 0.02):
                            thresh = bct.threshold_proportional(corrmat,

                            # network measures of interest here
                            # global efficiency
                            le = bct.efficiency_wei(thresh, local=True)

                        leff_s = np.asarray(leff_s)
                        leff = np.trapz(leff_s, dx=0.01, axis=0)

                        for j in np.arange(0, leff.shape[0]):
                            df.at[(subject, session, task, conds[i], mask),
                                  "lEff{0}".format(j), ] = leff[j]
                        lab_notebook.at[(subject, session, task, conds[i],
                                        "end"] = str(datetime.datetime.now())
                    except Exception as e:
                        print(e, subject, session)
                        lab_notebook.at[(subject, session, task, conds[i],
                                         mask), "errors"] = [
def process(data):
    # average first, then calculate. Because calculation is too slow.
    return bct.efficiency_wei(data, local=True)
예제 #22
            "fc left central executive-right central executive {0}".format(condition),
        ] = corrmats[condition][14, 17]
        ge = []
        le = {}
        loceff = {}
        loceff["default mode"] = []
        loceff["left central executive"] = []
        loceff["right central executive"] = []
        for p in thresh_range:
            corrmat_thresh = bct.threshold_proportional(
                corrmats[condition], p, copy=True
            # measures of interest here
            # global efficiency
            geff = bct.efficiency_wei(corrmat_thresh)

            # local efficiency
            leff = bct.efficiency_wei(corrmat_thresh, local=True)
            # print leff[2]
            for network in networks:
                # print network
                # loceff['{0}, {1}'.format(labels[network], condition)].append(leff[network])
            # print loceff
            le["{0}, {1}".format(p, condition)] = loceff

        # print 'global efficiency is {0}'.format(ge)
        df.at[subject, "global efficiency {0}".format(condition)] = np.trapz(ge, dx=0.1)
예제 #23
            np.savetxt(join(sink_dir, sesh[session], subject, '{0}-session-{1}-rest_network_corrmat_craddock2012.csv'.format(subject, session)), craddock_corrmat, delimiter=",")
            #craddock_corrmat = np.genfromtxt(join(sink_dir, session, 'resting-state', subject, '{0}_network_corrmat_craddock2012.csv'.format(subject)), delimiter=",")

            ge_s = []
            ge_c = []
            cp_s = []
            cp_c = []
            md_s = []
            md_c = []
            for p in np.arange(0.1, 1, 0.1):
                ntwk = []
                shen_thresh = bct.threshold_proportional(shen_corrmat, p, copy=True)
                craddock_thresh = bct.threshold_proportional(craddock_corrmat, p, copy=True)
                #network measures of interest here
                #global efficiency
                ge = bct.efficiency_wei(shen_thresh)
                ge = bct.efficiency_wei(craddock_thresh)

                #characteristic path length
                cp = bct.charpath(shen_thresh)
                cp = bct.charpath(craddock_thresh)

                md = bct.modularity_louvain_und(shen_thresh)
                md = bct.modularity_louvain_und(craddock_thresh)
예제 #24
def test_glob_eff():
    x = load_sample(thres=.4)
    geff = bct.efficiency_wei(x)
    print(geff, 1.8784)
    assert np.allclose(geff, 1.8784, atol=1e-4)
예제 #25
def get_true_network_metrics(A):

    #control centrality
    c_c = control_centrality(A)

    cc_fake = np.zeros((100, 1))
    for i in range(0, 100):
        cc_fake[i] = np.mean(control_centrality(generate_fake_graph(A)))

    m_cc_fake = np.mean(cc_fake)
    cc_norm = c_c / m_cc_fake

    # Get identity of node with lowest control centrality
    min_cc_true = np.where(c_c == np.amin(c_c))[0]

    # get synchronizability
    sync = synchronizability(A)

    # normalized sync
    sync_fake = np.zeros((100, 1))
    for i in range(0, 100):
        sync_fake[i] = synchronizability(generate_fake_graph(A))

    m_sync_fake = np.mean(sync_fake)
    sync_norm = sync / m_sync_fake

    # get betweeness centrality
    bc = betweenness_centrality(A)
    bc_fake = np.zeros((100, 1))
    for i in range(0, 100):
        bc_fake[i] = np.mean(betweenness_centrality(generate_fake_graph(A)))

    m_bc_fake = np.mean(bc_fake)
    bc_norm = bc / m_bc_fake

    # Get identity of node with max bc
    max_bc_true = np.where(bc == np.amax(bc))[0]

    # get eigenvector centrality
    ec = bct.eigenvector_centrality_und(A)
    ec_fake = np.zeros((100, 1))
    for i in range(0, 100):
        ec_fake[i] = np.mean(

    m_ec_fake = np.mean(ec_fake)
    ec_norm = ec / m_ec_fake

    # Get identity of node with max ec
    max_ec_true = np.where(ec == np.amax(ec))[0]

    # get edge betweeness centrality
    edge_bc, ignore = bct.edge_betweenness_wei(A)
    edge_bc_fake = np.zeros((100, 1))
    for i in range(0, 100):
        edge_bc_fake[i] = np.mean(
    m_edge_bc_fake = np.mean(edge_bc_fake)
    edge_bc_norm = edge_bc / m_edge_bc_fake

    # get clustering coeff
    clust = bct.clustering_coef_wu(A)
    clust_fake = np.zeros((100, 1))
    for i in range(0, 100):
        clust_fake[i] = np.mean(bct.clustering_coef_wu(generate_fake_graph(A)))

    m_clust_fake = np.mean(clust_fake)
    clust_norm = clust / m_clust_fake

    # Get identity of node with max clust
    max_clust_true = np.where(clust == np.amax(clust))[0]

    # get node strength
    ns = node_strength(A)
    ns_fake = np.zeros((100, 1))
    for i in range(0, 100):
        ns_fake[i] = np.mean(node_strength(generate_fake_graph(A)))

    m_ns_fake = np.mean(ns_fake)
    ns_norm = ns / m_ns_fake

    # Get identity of node with max clust
    max_ns_true = np.where(ns == np.amax(ns))[0]

    #Get true efficiency
    Ci, ignore = bct.modularity_und(A)
    par = bct.participation_coef(A, Ci)

    eff = bct.efficiency_wei(A, 0)
    eff_fake = np.zeros((100, 1))
    for i in range(0, 100):
        eff_fake[i] = (bct.efficiency_wei(generate_fake_graph(A)))

    m_eff_fake = np.mean(eff_fake)
    eff_norm = eff / m_eff_fake

    # Get true transistivity
    trans = bct.transitivity_wu(A)
    trans_fake = np.zeros((100, 1))
    for i in range(0, 100):
        trans_fake[i] = (bct.transitivity_wu(generate_fake_graph(A)))

    m_trans_fake = np.mean(trans_fake)
    trans_norm = trans / m_trans_fake

    # store output results in a dictionary
    results = {}
    results['control_centrality'] = c_c
    results['control_centrality_norm'] = cc_norm
    results['min_cc_node'] = min_cc_true

    # global measure
    results['sync'] = sync
    results['sync_norm'] = sync_norm

    # nodal
    results['bc'] = bc
    results['bc_norm'] = bc_norm
    results['max_bc_node'] = max_bc_true

    # nodal
    results['ec'] = ec
    results['ec_norm'] = ec_norm
    results['max_ec_node'] = max_ec_true

    # nodal
    results['clust'] = clust
    results['clust_norm'] = clust_norm
    results['max_clust_node'] = max_clust_true

    # nodal
    results['ns'] = ns
    results['ns_norm'] = ns_norm
    results['max_ns_node'] = max_ns_true

    # global
    results['eff'] = eff
    results['eff_norm'] = eff_norm

    # global
    results['trans'] = trans
    results['trans_norm'] = trans_norm

    # nodal
    results['par'] = par

    # edge
    results['edge_bc'] = edge_bc
    results['edge_bc_norm'] = edge_bc_norm

    return (results)
nb_trials = 100
N = 200
k = 4

# Pre-allocate arrays
prob = 10**(-3*np.random.random(nb_trials))
SWI   = np.zeros(nb_trials)
Eglob = np.zeros(nb_trials)
Eloc  = np.zeros(nb_trials)

# Calculate statistics
for i, p in enumerate(prob):
  CIJ = NetworkWattsStrogatz(N, k, p)

  SWI[i]   = SmallWorldIndex(CIJ)
  Eglob[i] = bct.efficiency_wei(CIJ, local=False)
  Eloc[i]  = np.mean(bct.efficiency_wei(CIJ, local=True))

# Plot figures
plt.semilogx(prob, SWI, marker='.', linestyle='none')
plt.xlabel('Rewiring probability')
plt.ylabel('Small World Index')

plt.semilogx(prob, Eglob, marker='.', linestyle='none')
plt.xlabel('Rewiring probability')
plt.ylabel('Global efficiency')
plt.semilogx(prob, Eloc, marker='.', linestyle='none')
예제 #27
                                subject, session, task, conditions[i], mask)),
                                                delimiter=' ')

                        ge_s = []
                        cp_s = []
                        md_s = []
                        for p in np.arange(kappa_upper, kappa_lower, 0.01):
                            ntwk = []
                            thresh = bct.threshold_proportional(corrmat,

                            #network measures of interest here
                            #global efficiency
                            ge = bct.efficiency_wei(thresh)

                            #characteristic path length
                            cp = bct.charpath(thresh)

                            md = bct.modularity_louvain_und(thresh)

                        df.at[(subject, session, task, conds[i], mask),
                              'efficiency'] = np.trapz(ge_s, dx=0.01)
                        df.at[(subject, session, task, conds[i], mask),
                              'charpath'] = np.trapz(cp_s, dx=0.01)
                        df.at[(subject, session, task, conds[i], mask),
예제 #28
def graph_estimates(cm, th):

    #dictionary for storing our results
    d = OrderedDict()

    #thresholding moved here for other matrices than MatLab matrices
    #removes negative weights
    cm = bct.threshold_absolute(cm, 0.0)

    cm = threshold_connected(cm, th)

    #for binarizing the connectivity matrices, 
    #we work with weighted so this is turned off
    #bin_cm = bct.binarize(cm)
    #invert the connectivity for computing shortest paths
    cm_inv = bct.invert(cm)

    #modularity_und is found in modularity.py
    modularity_und = bct.modularity_und(cm)

    #the community_affiliation vector that gets input to some of the functions
    community_affiliation = modularity_und[0]
    #distance_wei and charpath is found in distance.py
    distance_wei = bct.distance_wei(cm_inv)
    charpath = bct.charpath(distance_wei[0], False, False)

    #clustering_coef_wu is found in clustering.py
    clustering_coef_wu = bct.clustering_coef_wu(cm)
    avg_clustering_coef_wu = np.mean(clustering_coef_wu)

    #assortativity_wei is found in core.py
    d['assortativity_wei-r'] = bct.assortativity_wei(cm, flag=0)

    #just taking the average of clustering_coef_wu
    d['avg_clustering_coef_wu:C'] = avg_clustering_coef_wu

    d['charpath-lambda'] = charpath[0]
    #d['charpath-efficiency'] = charpath[1]   
    #d['charpath-ecc'] = charpath[2]           
    #d['charpath-radius'] = charpath[3]
    #d['charpath-diameter'] = charpath[4]

    d['clustering_coef_wu-C'] = clustering_coef_wu

    d['efficiency_wei-Eglob'] = bct.efficiency_wei(cm)
    #d['efficiency_wei-Eloc'] = bct.efficiency_wei(cm, True)

    #d['modularity_und-ci'] = modularity_und[0]
    d['modularity_und-Q'] = modularity_und[1]

    d['small_worldness:S'] = compute_small_worldness(cm,

   #transitivity_wu can be found in clustering.py
    d['transitivity_wu-T'] = bct.transitivity_wu(cm)

    #EXAMPLES for local measures and binary measures. Comment in to use. 

    #d['betweenness_wei-BC'] = bct.betweenness_wei(cm_inv)
    # d['module_degree_zscore-Z'] = bct.module_degree_zscore(cm, community_affiliation)
    #d['degrees_und-deg'] = bct.degrees_und(cm)
    #d['charpath-ecc'] = charpath[2]

    # d['clustering_coef_bu-C'] = bct.clustering_coef_bu(bin_cm)
    # d['efficiency_bin-Eglob'] = bct.efficiency_bin(bin_cm)
    # d['efficiency_bin-Eloc'] = bct.efficiency_bin(bin_cm, True)
    #  d['modularity_und_bin-ci'] = modularity_und_bin[0]
    #  d['modularity_und_bin-Q'] = modularity_und_bin[1]
    # d['transitivity_bu-T'] = bct.transitivity_bu(bin_cm)
    #  d['betweenness_bin-BC'] = bct.betweenness_bin(bin_cm)
    #  modularity_und_bin = bct.modularity_und(bin_cm)
    #d['participation_coef'] = bct.participation_coef(cm, community_affiliation)

    ######## charpath giving problems with ecc, radius and diameter
    # np.seterr(invalid='ignore')

    return d
예제 #29
def test_loc_eff():
    x = load_sample(thres=.4)
    leff = bct.efficiency_wei(x, local=True)
    print(np.sum(leff), 315.6225)
    assert np.allclose(np.sum(leff), 315.6225, atol=0.1)
예제 #30
for subject in subjects:
    cls = np.load(source_folder + "graph_data/%s_classic_pow_pln.npy" %

    pln = np.load(source_folder + "graph_data/%s_plan_pow_pln.npy" %


for k, band in enumerate(bands.keys()):
    data_cls = []
    for j in range(len(cls_all)):
        tmp = cls_all[j][band]
                                    for g in tmp]).mean(axis=0))
    data_pln = []
    for j in range(len(pln_all)):
        tmp = pln_all[j][band]
                                    for g in tmp]).mean(axis=0))

    data_cls = np.asarray(data_cls)
    data_pln = np.asarray(data_pln)

    X = np.vstack([data_cls, data_pln])
    y = np.concatenate([np.zeros(len(data_cls)), np.ones(len(data_pln))])

    cv = StratifiedShuffleSplit(y, test_size=0.1)
for subject in subjects:
    cls = np.load(source_folder +
                  "graph_data/%s_classic_pow_pre.npy" % subject).item()

    pln = np.load(source_folder +
                  "graph_data/%s_plan_pow_pre.npy" % subject).item()


for k, band in enumerate(bands.keys()):
    data_cls = []
    for j in range(len(cls_all)):
        tmp = cls_all[j][band]
            np.asarray([bct.efficiency_wei(g) for g in tmp]).mean(axis=0))
    data_pln = []
    for j in range(len(pln_all)):
        tmp = pln_all[j][band]
            np.asarray([bct.efficiency_wei(g) for g in tmp]).mean(axis=0))

    data_cls = np.asarray(data_cls)
    data_pln = np.asarray(data_pln)

    X = np.vstack([data_cls, data_pln])
    y = np.concatenate([np.zeros(len(data_cls)), np.ones(len(data_pln))])

    cv = StratifiedShuffleSplit(y, test_size=0.1)

    cv_params = {
예제 #32
def calc_graph_vector(filename, thresholds) :
    This function calculates graph measures for connectivity matrix loaded from textfile
    and save results under the same name with additional superscript +'_GV' (in same dir
    filename is located)
    Input arguments:                                               
        filename(str):     name of file containing connectivity matrix (txt extension)
        thresholds(list):  list containing thresholds of interest        #
    Kamil Bonna, 14.08.2018 
    #--- check inputs
    import os
    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        raise Exception('{} does not exist'.format(filename))
    if type(thresholds) != list: 
        raise Exception('thresholds should be a list!')
    import numpy as np
    import bct

    #=== inner variables
    N_rep_louvain = 10   # number of Louvain algorithm repetitions
    N_measures = 10      # number of graph measures
    gamma = 1            # Louvain resolution parameter
    #--- load matrix 
    A_raw = np.loadtxt(filename)
    N = A_raw.shape[0]   # number of nodes
    M_sat = N*(N-1)/2    # max number of connections 

    #=== calculate output
    graph_measures = np.zeros([ len(thresholds), N_measures ])  # create empty output matrix
    for thr in range(len(thresholds)) : 
        #--- thresholding 
        A = bct.threshold_proportional( A_raw, p=thresholds[thr], copy=True );
        A[np.nonzero(A<0)] = 0                                  # ensure only positive weights
        M_act = A[np.nonzero(A>0)].shape[0] / 2                 # actual number of nonzero connections
        #--- calculate measures
        #-- mean connection strenght 
        S = np.sum(A)/M_act
        #-- connection strenght std
        Svar = np.std(A[np.nonzero(A)])
        #-- modularity
        [M,Q] = bct.modularity_louvain_und(A, gamma)
        for i in range(N_rep_louvain) :
            [Mt,Qt] = bct.modularity_louvain_und(A, gamma)
            if Qt > Q :
                Q = Qt
                M = Mt
        #-- participation coefficient
        P = np.mean(bct.participation_coef_sign(A, M))
        #-- clustering 
        C = np.mean(bct.clustering_coef_wu(A))
        #-- transitivity 
        T = bct.transitivity_wu(A)
        #-- assortativity
        Asso = bct.assortativity_wei(A)
        #-- global & local efficiency 
        Eglo = bct.efficiency_wei(A)
        Eloc = np.mean(bct.efficiency_wei(A, local=True))
        #-- mean eigenvector centralit
        Eig = np.mean(bct.eigenvector_centrality_und(A))
        #--- write vector to matrix
        graph_measures[thr] = [ S, Svar, Q, P, C, T, Asso, Eglo, Eloc, Eig ]

    #=== save results to file
    np.savetxt( filename[:-4]+'_GV.txt', graph_measures )