예제 #1
    def __init__(self, context):
        permissions = [VIEW_ORDERS_PERMISSION]
        super(ShopPortletOrdersLink, self).__init__(
            context, view_permissions=permissions)
        # check if authenticated user is vendor
        if self.display and not get_vendors_for():
            self.display = False

        # Find the nearest context, where this functionality can be bound to.
        def _find_context(ctx):
            return ctx\
                if ISite.providedBy(ctx) or IVendor.providedBy(ctx)\
                else _find_context(aq_parent(ctx))
        context = _find_context(context)

        if IPloneSiteRoot.providedBy(context):
            self.title = _(
                default=u'Orders (global)'
        elif ISite.providedBy(context):
            self.title = _(
                default=u'Orders (site-wide)'
        elif IVendor.providedBy(context):
            self.title = _(
                default=u'Orders (vendor specific)'

        self.url = '%s/@@orders' % context.absolute_url()
        self.order = 10
        self.cssclass = 'orders'
def vendors_vocab_for(user=None):
    """Vendors vocabulary for given or currently authenticated user.
    vendors = get_vendors_for(user=user)
    vocab = [(IUUID(vendor),
             u'{0} ({1})'.format(vendor.Title(), vendor.absolute_url_path()))
             for vendor in vendors]
    return vocab
예제 #3
def vendors_vocab_for(user=None):
    """Vendors vocabulary for given or currently authenticated user.
    vendors = get_vendors_for(user=user)
    vocab = [(IUUID(vendor), '{0} ({1})'.format(vendor.Title(),
             for vendor in vendors]
    return vocab
예제 #4
 def __call__(self):
     # check if authenticated user is vendor
     if not get_vendors_for():
         raise Unauthorized
     # disable diazo theming if ajax call
     if '_' in self.request.form:
         self.request.response.setHeader('X-Theme-Disabled', 'True')
     return super(RedeemTable, self).__call__()
예제 #5
 def __call__(self):
     # check if authenticated user is vendor
     if not get_vendors_for():
         raise Unauthorized
     # disable diazo theming if ajax call
     if '_' in self.request.form:
         self.request.response.setHeader('X-Theme-Disabled', 'True')
     return super(OrdersTable, self).__call__()
예제 #6
 def __call__(self):
     # check if authenticated user is vendor
     if not get_vendors_for():
         raise Unauthorized
     controller = Controller(self.form, self.request)
     if not controller.next:
         self.rendered_form = controller.rendered
         return self.browser_template(self)
     return controller.next
예제 #7
 def __call__(self):
     # check if authenticated user is vendor
     if not get_vendors_for():
         raise Unauthorized
     controller = Controller(self.form, self.request)
     if not controller.next:
         self.rendered_form = controller.rendered
         return self.browser_template(self)
     return controller.next
예제 #8
 def __init__(self, context, request):
     # acquire desired context
     context = self.acquire_context(context, interfaces=[ISite])
     # call super class constructor
     super(ContactsLink, self).__init__(context, request)
     # check if authenticated user is vendor
     if self.display and not get_vendors_for():
         self.display = False
     # set target URL
     self.url = '{}/@@contacts'.format(context.absolute_url())
예제 #9
 def __init__(self, context, request):
     # acquire desired context
     context = self.acquire_context(context, interfaces=[ISite])
     # call super class constructor
     super(ContactsLink, self).__init__(context, request)
     # check if authenticated user is vendor
     if self.display and not get_vendors_for():
         self.display = False
     # set target URL
     self.url = "{}/@@contacts".format(context.absolute_url())
예제 #10
 def __init__(self, context):
     permissions = [VIEW_ORDERS_PERMISSION]
     super(ShopPortletContactsLink, self).__init__(context, view_permissions=permissions)
     # check if authenticated user is vendor
     if self.display and not get_vendors_for():
         self.display = False
     site = plone.api.portal.get()
     self.url = "%s/@@contacts" % site.absolute_url()
     self.title = _("contacts", default=u"Contacts")
     self.order = 23
     self.cssclass = "bookings"
예제 #11
 def __init__(self, context):
     permissions = [VIEW_ORDERS_PERMISSION]
     super(ShopPortletBookingsInContextLink, self).__init__(
         context, view_permissions=permissions)
     # check if authenticated user is vendor
     if self.display and not get_vendors_for():
         self.display = False
     # Go to appropriate context
     if not IBuyable.providedBy(context) \
             and not IFolder.providedBy(context) \
             and not IPloneSiteRoot.providedBy(context):
         context = context.aq_inner.aq_parent
     self.url = '%s/@@bookings' % context.absolute_url()
     self.title = _('bookings_in_context', default=u'Bookings in Context')
     self.order = 22
     self.cssclass = 'bookings'
예제 #12
 def __init__(self, context):
     permissions = [VIEW_ORDERS_PERMISSION]
     super(ShopPortletOrdersInContextLink, self).__init__(context, view_permissions=permissions)
     # check if authenticated user is vendor
     if self.display and not get_vendors_for():
         self.display = False
     # Go to appropriate context
     if (
         not IBuyable.providedBy(context)
         and not IFolder.providedBy(context)
         and not IPloneSiteRoot.providedBy(context)
         context = context.aq_inner.aq_parent
     self.url = "%s/@@orders" % context.absolute_url()
     self.title = _("orders_in_context", default=u"Orders in Context")
     self.order = 11
     self.cssclass = "orders"
예제 #13
 def __init__(self, context, request):
     # acquire desired context
     context = self.acquire_context(context, interfaces=[IVendor, ISite])
     # call super class constructor
     super(BookingsLink, self).__init__(context, request)
     # check if authenticated user is vendor
     if self.display and not get_vendors_for():
         self.display = False
     # set title by context interface
     if IPloneSiteRoot.providedBy(context):
         self.title = _("bookings_global", default=u"Bookings (global)")
     elif ISite.providedBy(context):
         self.title = _("bookings_site", default=u"Bookings (site-wide)")
     elif IVendor.providedBy(context):
         self.title = _("bookings_vendor",
                        default=u"Bookings (vendor specific)")
     # set target URL
     self.url = "{}/@@bookings".format(context.absolute_url())
예제 #14
 def __init__(self, context, request):
     # acquire desired context
     interfaces = [IBuyable, IFolder, ISite]
     context = self.acquire_context(context, interfaces=interfaces)
     # skip link if context is vendor or site
     if self.context_provides(context, interfaces=[IVendor, ISite]):
         self.display = False
     # call super class constructor
     super(BookingsInContextLink, self).__init__(context, request)
     # check if authenticated user is vendor
     if self.display and not get_vendors_for():
         self.display = False
     # check if buyables in context
     if self.display and not self.buyables_in_context(context):
         self.display = False
     # set target URL
     self.url = '{}/@@bookings'.format(context.absolute_url())
예제 #15
 def __init__(self, context, request):
     # acquire desired context
     interfaces = [IBuyable, IFolder, ISite]
     context = self.acquire_context(context, interfaces=interfaces)
     # skip link if context is vendor or site
     if self.context_provides(context, interfaces=[IVendor, ISite]):
         self.display = False
     # call super class constructor
     super(BookingsInContextLink, self).__init__(context, request)
     # check if authenticated user is vendor
     if self.display and not get_vendors_for():
         self.display = False
     # check if buyables in context
     if self.display and not self.buyables_in_context(context):
         self.display = False
     # set target URL
     self.url = "{}/@@bookings".format(context.absolute_url())
예제 #16
 def __init__(self, context, request):
     # acquire desired context
     context = self.acquire_context(context, interfaces=[IVendor, ISite])
     # call super class constructor
     super(BookingsLink, self).__init__(context, request)
     # check if authenticated user is vendor
     if self.display and not get_vendors_for():
         self.display = False
     # set title by context interface
     if IPloneSiteRoot.providedBy(context):
         self.title = _('bookings_global', default=u'Bookings (global)')
     elif ISite.providedBy(context):
         self.title = _('bookings_site', default=u'Bookings (site-wide)')
     elif IVendor.providedBy(context):
         self.title = _(
             default=u'Bookings (vendor specific)'
     # set target URL
     self.url = '{}/@@bookings'.format(context.absolute_url())
예제 #17
 def __call__(self):
     # check if authenticated user is vendor
     if not get_vendors_for():
         raise Unauthorized
     return super(OrdersTable, self).__call__()
예제 #18
 def __call__(self):
   # check if authenticated user is vendor
   if not get_vendors_for():
       raise Unauthorized
   return super(RedeemView, self).__call__()
예제 #19
 def __call__(self):
     # check if authenticated user is vendor
     if not get_vendors_for():
         raise Unauthorized
     return super(OrdersView, self).__call__()