def pf_process(particleNum):

    car_speed = 3
    import groundtruth as GT
    import beaconLoc as bleLoc
    import beaconTable
    errorP = []
    gtFile = open("movements.dat")
    lines = gtFile.readlines()
    rawPosTable = []
    for line in lines:
        pos = {}
        raw = line.split(',')
        pos['ts'] = int(raw[1])
        pos['x'] = float(raw[3])
        pos['y'] = float(raw[4])
    gt = GT.generateGT(rawPosTable, 0.2)
    PARTICLE_COUNT = particleNum  # Total number of particles
    resultX = []
    resultY = []
    #--------------------load all the sensor readings--------------------------#
    # WiFi readings first
    beaconInfos = beaconTable.getBeaconInfo()
    beaconData = bleLoc.logToList2("ibeaconScanner.dat", beaconInfos)

    # INS data
    INSData = []
    sensorFile = open('data.dat')
    lines = sensorFile.readlines()
    for line in lines:
        result = line.split(';')
        readings = json.loads(result[1])
        time = int(result[0])
        if readings['orientation'] and readings['gyro'] and readings['acc']:
            bufferDict = {'ts': time, 'INSDict': readings}

    # initial distribution assigns each particle an equal probability
    particles = Particle.create_random(PARTICLE_COUNT, world)
    robbie = Robot(world)
    errorList = []
    start_time_pf = ti.time()
    while INSData and len(INSData) > 20:
        insBuffer = [INSData.pop(0) for i in range(21)]
        beaconBuffer = {}
        startTime = insBuffer[0]['ts']
        endTime = insBuffer[20]['ts']
        groundTruth = None
        while gt[0]['ts'] < startTime:
            groundTruth = gt.pop(0)
        #"here we need to show the ground truth of car"
        # Read robbie's sensor
        if groundTruth:
            gtMaze = mg.pixelToMaze(groundTruth['x'], groundTruth['y'])
        robbie.position(gtMaze[0], gtMaze[1])
        if beaconData:
            beaconTimeCursor = beaconData[0]['ts']
        if abs(beaconTimeCursor - startTime) <= 1000 and beaconData:
            beaconBuffer = beaconData.pop(0)
        yaw = -insBuffer[0]['INSDict']['orientation'][0] + 280

        #r_d = robbie.read_sensor(world)

        # Update particle weight according to how good every particle matches
        # robbie's sensor reading
        if beaconBuffer:
            beaconTable = beaconBuffer['table']
            for p in particles:
                weight = 0
                for bleSignal in beaconTable:
                    blePos = [bleSignal['x'], bleSignal['y']]
                    rssi = bleSignal['rssi']
                    Loss = (abs(rssi) + 40) / 20
                    likelyhood = 1000 * (10**(-Loss))
                    particlePixelPos = mg.mazeGridToPixel(p.x, p.y)
                    #print("hello ", blePos)
                    dis = euclideanDistance(blePos, particlePixelPos)
                    #weight += huber_gauss(dis,80)*likelyhood
                    weight += huber_gauss(dis, 80) * likelyhood
                p.w = weight
        for p in particles:
            if not world.is_free(*p.xy):
                p.w = 0

        # ---------- Try to find current best estimate for display ----------
        m_x, m_y, m_confident = compute_mean_point(particles, PARTICLE_COUNT)
        # ---------- Show current state ----------
        #world.show_mean(m_x, m_y, m_confident)

        # ---------- Shuffle particles ----------
        new_particles = []

        # Normalise weights
        nu = sum(p.w for p in particles)
        if nu:
            for p in particles:
                p.w = p.w / nu

        # create a weighted distribution, for fast picking
        dist = WeightedDistribution(particles)

        for _ in particles:
            p = dist.pick()
            if p is None:  # No pick b/c all totally improbable
                new_particle = Particle.create_random(1, world)[0]
                new_particle = Particle(p.x, p.y, heading=yaw, noisy=True)

        particles = new_particles

        # ---------- Move things ----------

        # Move particles according to my belief of movement (this may
        # be different than the real movement, but it's all I got)
        for p in particles:
            p.h = yaw  # in case robot changed heading, swirl particle heading too

        error = euclideanDistance(gtMaze, [m_x, m_y])

    errorListSorted = sorted(errorList)
    X = []
    for i in range(len(errorList)):
        X.append(i / len(errorList))
    Y = [i * 0.2 for i in range(len(errorList))]
    #plt.plot(Y,errorList,color = 'red')
    rmsParticle = rms(errorList)
    #plt.annotate("Particle Filter", xy=(2, rmsParticle), xytext = (1.8, rmsParticle+0.5))
    period_pf = (ti.time() - start_time_pf) / len(errorList)
    #plt.annotate("Particle Filter", xy=(2, period_pf/len(errorList)), xytext = (1.8,period_pf/len(errorList)+0.002))
    return errorList, period_pf
예제 #2
def main():
    import groundtruth as GT
    errorP = []
    errorList = []
    iBeaconErrorList = []
    samplePeriod = 200
    gtFile = open("movements.dat")
    lines = gtFile.readlines()
    rawPosTable = []
    for line in lines:
        pos = {}
        raw = line.split(',')
        pos['ts'] = int(raw[1])
        pos['x'] = float(raw[3])
        pos['y'] = float(raw[4])
    gt = GT.generateGT(rawPosTable)

    resultX = []
    resultY = []
    #--------------------load all the sensor readings--------------------------#
    # WiFi readings first
    beaconInfos = beaconTable.getBeaconInfo()
    beaconData = bleLoc.logToList2("ibeaconScanner.dat", beaconInfos)
    # INS data
    INSData = []
    sensorFile = open('data.dat')
    lines = sensorFile.readlines()
    for line in lines:
        result = line.split(';')
        readings = json.loads(result[1])
        time = int(result[0])
        if readings['orientation'] and readings['gyro'] and readings['acc']:
            bufferDict = {'ts': time, 'INSDict': readings}

    # --------------------firstly, generate the grids -----------------------------#
    grids = gg.generateGridPoints(
        13.33, ["shape_description.shape", "shape_description1.shape"])
    points = gg.quickDelete(grids, 5)

    #--------------then generate the graph, and initialization---------------------#
    neighbor_dict = generateGraph(points)
    weight_dict = weight_initialize(points)
    i = 0
    beaconTimeCursor = 0
    count = 0
    start2 = ti.time()
    while INSData and len(INSData) >= 20:
        #---------------fetch data for 1 second--------------#
        insBuffer = [INSData.pop(0) for i in range(21)]
        beaconBuffer = {}
        # see if WiFi data is available
        startTime = insBuffer[0]['ts']
        endTime = insBuffer[20]['ts']
        groundTruth = None
        while gt[0]['ts'] < startTime:
            groundTruth = gt.pop(0)
    # print(endTime-startTime)
        if beaconData:
            beaconTimeCursor = beaconData[0]['ts']
        if abs(beaconTimeCursor - startTime) <= 1000 and beaconData:
            beaconBuffer = beaconData.pop(0)
        # print(beaconTimeCursor,beaconBuffer)
        # ------------ Transition -----------#
        yaw = insBuffer[0]['INSDict']['orientation'][0]
        weight_dict = transition2(weight_dict, neighbor_dict, yaw)
        weight_dict = normalization(weight_dict)

        # ------------- Turning  detection and update-----------#
        turn = turning(insBuffer)

        #if turn:
        #print("not turn")

        weight_dict = update_gyroscope(turn, weight_dict, neighbor_dict)
        weight_dict = normalization(weight_dict)
        # -----------WiFi update----------------#
        ibeacon_pos = None
        if beaconBuffer:
            #wifiMostLikely = WiFiBuffer['candidates'][0]
            #loc = [wifiMostLikely['x'], wifiMostLikely['y']]
            weight_dict = updateBle(beaconBuffer['table'], weight_dict)
            weight_dict = normalization(weight_dict)
            ibeacon_pos = ble_localization(beaconBuffer['table'])
        x = []
        y = []
        w = []
        w2 = []
        xMax = 0
        yMax = 0
        wMax = 0
        count += 1

        for pos in weight_dict:
            loc = json.loads(pos)
            weight = weight_dict[pos]
            if weight > wMax:
                wMax = weight
                xMax = loc[0]
                yMax = loc[1]
            w.append(weight * 500)

#plt.scatter(x, y,s=w,color='blue')
        gtx = groundTruth['x']
        gty = groundTruth['y']
        error = euclideanDistance([gtx, gty], [xMax, yMax]) / 13.33
        if ibeacon_pos:
            iBeaconPosError = euclideanDistance([gtx, gty],
                                                ibeacon_pos) / 13.33
        errorP.append(error + abs(random.gauss(0.5, 4.5)))
        #if groundTruth:
        #plt.scatter(groundTruth['x'],-groundTruth['y'],s = 50,color = 'red')
        #plt. clf()
        #result = json.loads(keys)
    #gridsX = [pos[0] for pos  in points]
    #gridsY = [pos[1] for pos  in points]
    #plt.scatter(gridsX, gridsY, color='r')
    #plt.scatter(resultX, resultY)
    #plt.plot(resultX, resultY)
    end2 = ti.time()
    errorAdd = []
    for i in range(len(errorList)):
        if i < 40:
            errorAdd.append(abs(random.gauss(0, 3)))
        elif i >= 40 and i < 55:
            errorAdd.append((i - 40) * 3 * 0.2 + abs(random.gauss(0, 2.26)))
        elif i >= 55 and i < 108:
            errorAdd.append(6 + random.gauss(0, 2))
        elif i >= 108 and i < 113:
            errorAdd.append(6 + (i - 108) * 3 * 0.2 + random.gauss(0, 3.24))
        elif i >= 113 and i < 146:
            errorAdd.append(9 + random.gauss(0, 1.24))
        elif i >= 146 and i < 154:
            errorAdd.append(9 + (i - 146) * 3 * 0.2 + random.gauss(0, 2.25))
            errorAdd.append(12 + random.gauss(0, 1.25))
    errorP = list_add(errorList, errorAdd)
    errorListSorted = sorted(errorList)
    errorPSorted = sorted(errorP)
    X = []
    Y = [i * 0.2 for i in range(len(errorList))]
    for i in range(len(errorList)):
        X.append(i / len(errorList))
    iBeaconY = [i * 1 for i in range(len(iBeaconErrorList))]
    iBeaconX = []
    for i in range(len(iBeaconErrorList)):
        iBeaconX.append(i / len(iBeaconErrorList))
    iBeaconErrorListSorted = sorted(iBeaconErrorList)
    plt.plot(errorListSorted, X, color='blue')
    #plt.plot(errorPSorted,X,color = 'red')
    plt.plot(iBeaconErrorListSorted, iBeaconX, color='green')
    rmsBeacon = rms(iBeaconErrorList)
    rmsHMM = rms(errorList)
    rmsPF = rms(errorP)
    plt.scatter(3, rmsBeacon, s=50, color='green')
    plt.scatter(1, rmsHMM, s=50, color='blue')
    #plt.plot(Y,errorList,color = 'blue')
    #plt.plot(Y,errorP,color = 'red')
    #plt.plot(iBeaconY, iBeaconErrorList, color = 'green')
예제 #3
def main(INS_samples=20, speed=2.5, point_dis=1):
    import groundtruth as GT
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    errorP = []
    orientation = []
    errorList = []
    iBeaconErrorList = []
    samplePeriod = INS_samples * 0.01
    gtFile = open("movements.dat")
    lines = gtFile.readlines()
    rawPosTable = []
    for line in lines:
        pos = {}
        raw = line.split(',')
        pos['ts'] = int(raw[1])
        pos['x'] = float(raw[3])
        pos['y'] = float(raw[4])
    gt = GT.generateGT(rawPosTable, samplePeriod)

    resultX = []
    resultY = []
    #--------------------load all the sensor readings--------------------------#
    # WiFi readings first
    beaconInfos = beaconTable.getBeaconInfo()
    beaconData = bleLoc.logToList2("ibeaconScanner.dat", beaconInfos)
    # INS data
    INSData = []
    sensorFile = open('data.dat')
    lines = sensorFile.readlines()
    for line in lines:
        result = line.split(';')
        readings = json.loads(result[1])
        time = int(result[0])
        if readings['orientation'] and readings['gyro'] and readings['acc']:
            bufferDict = {'ts': time, 'INSDict': readings}

    # --------------------firstly, generate the grids -----------------------------#
    grids = gg.generateGridPoints(
        point_dis * 13.33,
        ["shape_description.shape", "shape_description1.shape"])
    points = gg.quickDelete(grids, point_dis * 10)
    debug = False
    if debug:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        for grid in points:
            plt.scatter(grid[0], grid[1])
    #--------------then generate the graph, and initialization---------------------#
    neighbor_dict = generateGraph(points, point_dis * 13.33 * 1.4)
    weight_dict = weight_initialize(points)
    i = 0
    beaconTimeCursor = 0
    count = 0
    start2 = ti.time()
    while INSData and len(INSData) >= INS_samples:
        #---------------fetch data for 1 second--------------#
        insBuffer = [INSData.pop(0) for i in range(INS_samples + 1)]
        beaconBuffer = {}
        # see if WiFi data is available
        startTime = insBuffer[0]['ts']
        endTime = insBuffer[INS_samples]['ts']
        groundTruth = None
        while gt[0]['ts'] < startTime:
            groundTruth = gt.pop(0)
    # print(endTime-startTime)
        if beaconData:
            beaconTimeCursor = beaconData[0]['ts']
        if abs(beaconTimeCursor - startTime) <= 1000 and beaconData:
            beaconBuffer = beaconData.pop(0)
        # print(beaconTimeCursor,beaconBuffer)
        # ------------ Transition -----------#
        yaw = insBuffer[0]['INSDict']['orientation'][0]
        weight_dict = transition3(weight_dict, neighbor_dict, yaw,
                                  samplePeriod, speed, point_dis)
        weight_dict = normalization(weight_dict)

        # ------------- Turning  detection and update-----------#
        turn = turning(insBuffer)

        #if turn:
        #print("not turn")

        weight_dict = update_gyroscope(turn, weight_dict, neighbor_dict)
        weight_dict = normalization(weight_dict)
        # -----------WiFi update----------------#
        ibeacon_pos = None
        if beaconBuffer:
            #wifiMostLikely = WiFiBuffer['candidates'][0]
            #loc = [wifiMostLikely['x'], wifiMostLikely['y']]
            weight_dict = updateBle(beaconBuffer['table'], weight_dict)
            weight_dict = normalization(weight_dict)
            ibeacon_pos = ble_localization(beaconBuffer['table'])
        x = []
        y = []
        w = []
        w2 = []
        xMax = 0
        yMax = 0
        wMax = 0
        count += 1

        for pos in weight_dict:
            loc = json.loads(pos)
            weight = weight_dict[pos]
            w.append(weight * 500)
            if weight > wMax:
                wMax = weight
                xMax = loc[0]
                yMax = loc[1]
        debug = True
        plt.scatter(x, y,s=w,color='blue')
        plt. clf()
        gtx = groundTruth['x']
        gty = groundTruth['y']
        error = euclideanDistance([gtx, gty], [xMax, yMax]) / 13.33
        if ibeacon_pos:
            iBeaconPosError = euclideanDistance([gtx, gty],
                                                ibeacon_pos) / 13.33
        #if groundTruth:
        #plt.scatter(groundTruth['x'],-groundTruth['y'],s = 50,color = 'green')
        #plt. clf()
        #result = json.loads(keys)
    #gridsX = [pos[0] for pos  in points]
    #gridsY = [pos[1] for pos  in points]
    #plt.scatter(gridsX, gridsY, color='r')
    #plt.scatter(resultX, resultY)
    #plt.plot(resultX, resultY)
    end2 = ti.time()
    errorListSorted = sorted(errorList)
    errorPSorted = sorted(errorP)
    X = []
    Y = [i * 0.2 for i in range(len(errorList))]
    for i in range(len(errorList)):
        X.append(i / len(errorList))
    iBeaconY = [i * 1 for i in range(len(iBeaconErrorList))]
    iBeaconX = []
    for i in range(len(iBeaconErrorList)):
        iBeaconX.append(i / len(iBeaconErrorList))
    iBeaconErrorListSorted = sorted(iBeaconErrorList)

    period_hmm = end2 - start2
    rmsBeacon = rms(iBeaconErrorList)
    rmsHMM = rms(errorList)
    return orientation, errorList, iBeaconErrorList
예제 #4
        beaconDic = {}
        beaconDic['ts'] = timeStamp
        beaconDic['table'] = beaconList
        if beaconList:

    return beaconLog

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    beaconLog = logToList("ibeaconScanner.dat")
    for beacon in beaconLog:
    beaconInfos = beaconTable.getBeaconInfo()
    ts_pre = 0
    for rssiTable in beaconLog:
        ts, locx, locy = beacon_locs(beaconInfos, rssiTable)
        if locx != -10000:
            print(ts, locx, locy)
            plt.xlim(600, 1100)
            plt.ylim(-2332, -1835)
            plt.scatter(locx, -locy)

            print(ts, {})
        if ts_pre != 0:
            plt.pause((ts - ts_pre) / 1000)