예제 #1
def test_cvepet3():  # {{{1
    """3-point bending CVEPET3 panel"""
    L = 200  # mm
    B = 50  # mm
    h = 26  # mm
    t = 2.5  # mm
    E = 43820  # MPa
    G = 8 * 1.5  # MPa, schuim met siktsels
    P = -150  # N
    H = h + 2 * t
    Ix = B * (H**3 - h**3) / 12
    A = B * h
    results = bm.solve(L, (0, L), bm.Load(force=P, pos=L / 2),
                       np.ones(L + 1) * E * Ix,
                       np.ones(L + 1) * G * A,
                       np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2, -np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2, False)
    bending_bm = results.y[int(L / 2)]
    bending_formula = P * L**3 / (48 * E * Ix)
    results = bm.solve(L, (0, L), bm.Load(force=P, pos=L / 2),
                       np.ones(L + 1) * E * Ix,
                       np.ones(L + 1) * G * A,
                       np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2, -np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2, True)
    total_bm = results.y[int(L / 2)]
    total_formula = bending_formula + (1.5 * P / 2 * L / 2) / (G * A)
    reldiff = abs((bending_bm - bending_formula) / bending_formula)
    assert reldiff < 0.005
    reldifft = abs((total_bm - total_formula) / total_formula)
    assert reldifft < 0.02
예제 #2
def test_cvepet3():  # {{{1
    """3-point bending CVEPET3 panel"""
    L = 200  # mm
    B = 50  # mm
    h = 26  # mm
    t = 2.5  # mm
    E = 43820  # MPa
    G = 8 * 1.5  # MPa, schuim met siktsels
    P = -150  # N
    H = h + 2 * t
    Ix = B * (H**3 - h**3) / 12
    A = B * h
    problem = {
        'length': L,
        'EI': np.ones(L + 1) * E * Ix,
        'GA': np.ones(L + 1) * G * A,
        'top': np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2,
        'bot': -np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2,
        'supports': (0, L),
        'shear': False,
        'loads': bm.Load(force=P, pos=L / 2)
    bending_bm = problem['y'][int(L / 2)]
    bending_formula = P * L**3 / (48 * E * Ix)
    problem["shear"] = True
    total_bm = problem['y'][int(L / 2)]
    total_formula = bending_formula + (1.5 * P / 2 * L / 2) / (G * A)
    reldiff = abs((bending_bm - bending_formula) / bending_formula)
    assert reldiff < 0.005
    reldifft = abs((total_bm - total_formula) / total_formula)
    assert reldifft < 0.02
예제 #3
def test_supported_pointloads():  # {{{1
    """Ends supported beam with three equidistant point loads"""
    problem = {
        np.ones(L + 1) * E * Ix,
        np.ones(L + 1) * G * A,
        np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2,
        -np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2,
        'supports': (0, L),
        'loads': [
            bm.Load(force=P, pos=L / 4),
            bm.Load(force=P, pos=L / 2),
            bm.Load(force=P, pos=3 * L / 4)
    deflection_bm = problem['y'][int(L / 2)]
    deflection_formula = 19 * P * L**3 / (384 * E * Ix)
    reldiff = abs((deflection_bm - deflection_formula) / deflection_formula)
    assert reldiff < 0.005
예제 #4
def test_supported_triangl():  # {{{1
    """Ends supported beam with triangle load"""
    problem = {'length': L, 'EI': np.ones(L+1)*E*I, 'GA': np.ones(L+1)*G*A,
               'top': np.ones(L+1)*H/2, 'bot': -np.ones(L+1)*H/2,
               'supports': (0, L), 'shear': False,
               'loads': bm.TriangleLoad(force=P, start=0, end=L)}
    deflection_bm = problem['y'][int(0.519*L)]
    deflection_formula = 0.01304*P*L**3/(E*I)
    reldiff = abs((deflection_bm-deflection_formula)/deflection_formula)
    assert reldiff < 0.005
예제 #5
def test_supported_central_pointload():  # {{{1
    """Ends supported beam with central point load"""
    problem = {'length': L, 'EI': np.ones(L+1)*E*I, 'GA': np.ones(L+1)*G*A,
               'top': np.ones(L+1)*H/2, 'bot': -np.ones(L+1)*H/2,
               'supports': (0, L), 'shear': False,
               'loads': bm.Load(force=P, pos=L/2)}
    deflection_bm = problem['y'][L/2]
    deflection_formula = P*L**3/(48*E*I)
    reldiff = abs((deflection_bm-deflection_formula)/deflection_formula)
    assert reldiff < 0.005
예제 #6
def test_supported_distributed():  # {{{1
    """Ends supported beam with distributed load"""
    problem = {'length': L, 'EI': np.ones(L+1)*E*I, 'GA': np.ones(L+1)*G*A,
               'top': np.ones(L+1)*H/2, 'bot': -np.ones(L+1)*H/2,
               'supports': (0, L), 'shear': False,
               'loads': bm.DistLoad(force=P, start=0, end=L)}
    deflection_bm = problem['y'][L/2]
    deflection_formula = 5*P*L**3/(384*E*I)
    reldiff = abs((deflection_bm-deflection_formula)/deflection_formula)
    assert reldiff < 0.005
예제 #7
def test_clamped_pointload():  # {{{1
    """Clamped beam with point load at end"""
    problem = {'length': L, 'EI': np.ones(L+1)*E*I, 'GA': np.ones(L+1)*G*A,
               'top': np.ones(L+1)*H/2, 'bot': -np.ones(L+1)*H/2,
               'shear': False, 'supports': None,
               'loads': bm.Load(force=P, pos=L)}
    deflection_bm = problem['y'][L]
    deflection_formula = P*L**3/(3*E*I)
    reldiff = abs((deflection_bm-deflection_formula)/deflection_formula)
    assert reldiff < 0.005
예제 #8
def test_clamped_moment_end():
    """Begin clamped, moment load at end."""
    M = 500 * 1000
    problem = {
        'length': L,
        'EI': np.ones(L + 1) * E * Ix,
        'GA': np.ones(L + 1) * G * A,
        'top': np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2,
        'bot': -np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2,
        'shear': False,
        'supports': None,
        'loads': bm.MomentLoad(M, pos=L)
    deflection_bm = problem['y'][L]
    deflection_formula = M * L**2 / (2 * E * Ix)
    reldiff = abs((deflection_bm - deflection_formula) / deflection_formula)
    assert reldiff < 0.005
예제 #9
def test_clamped_pointload():  # {{{1
    """Clamped beam with point load at end"""
    results = bm.solve(L, None, bm.Load(force=P, pos=L),
                       np.ones(L + 1) * E * Ix,
                       np.ones(L + 1) * G * A,
                       np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2, -np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2, False)
    deflection_bm = results.y[L]
    deflection_formula = P * L**3 / (3 * E * Ix)
    reldiff = abs((deflection_bm - deflection_formula) / deflection_formula)
    assert reldiff < 0.005
예제 #10
def test_supported_moment_begin():
    """Ends supported beam with moment load at begin."""
    M = 500 * 1000
    x = 422
    problem = {
        'length': L,
        'EI': np.ones(L + 1) * E * Ix,
        'GA': np.ones(L + 1) * G * A,
        'top': np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2,
        'bot': -np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2,
        'supports': (0, L),
        'shear': False,
        'loads': bm.MomentLoad(M, 0)
    deflection_bm = problem['y'][x]
    deflection_formula = 0.0642 * M * L**2 / (E * Ix)
    reldiff = abs((deflection_bm - deflection_formula) / deflection_formula)
    assert reldiff < 0.005
예제 #11
def test_supported_moment_both():
    """Ends supported beam with moment load at both ends."""
    M = 500 * 1000 / 2
    problem = {
        'length': L,
        'EI': np.ones(L + 1) * E * Ix,
        'GA': np.ones(L + 1) * G * A,
        'top': np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2,
        'bot': -np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2,
        'supports': (0, L),
        'shear': False,
        'loads': [bm.MomentLoad(M, 0),
                  bm.MomentLoad(-M, L)]
    deflection_bm = problem['y'][int(L / 2)]
    deflection_formula = 6 * M * L**2 / (48 * E * Ix)
    reldiff = abs((deflection_bm - deflection_formula) / deflection_formula)
    assert reldiff < 0.005
예제 #12
def test_supported_triangl():  # {{{1
    """Ends supported beam with triangle load"""
    results = bm.solve(L, (0, L), bm.TriangleLoad(force=P, start=0, end=L),
                       np.ones(L + 1) * E * Ix,
                       np.ones(L + 1) * G * A,
                       np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2, -np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2, False)
    deflection_bm = results.y[int(0.519 * L)]
    deflection_formula = 0.01304 * P * L**3 / (E * Ix)
    reldiff = abs((deflection_bm - deflection_formula) / deflection_formula)
    assert reldiff < 0.005
예제 #13
def test_supported_distributed():  # {{{1
    """Ends supported beam with distributed load"""
    results = bm.solve(L, (0, L), bm.DistLoad(force=P, start=0, end=L),
                       np.ones(L + 1) * E * Ix,
                       np.ones(L + 1) * G * A,
                       np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2, -np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2, False)
    deflection_bm = results.y[int(L / 2)]
    deflection_formula = 5 * P * L**3 / (384 * E * Ix)
    reldiff = abs((deflection_bm - deflection_formula) / deflection_formula)
    assert reldiff < 0.005
예제 #14
def test_supported_central_pointload():  # {{{1
    """Ends supported beam with central point load"""
    results = bm.solve(L, (0, L), bm.Load(force=P, pos=L / 2),
                       np.ones(L + 1) * E * Ix,
                       np.ones(L + 1) * G * A,
                       np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2, -np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2, False)
    deflection_bm = results.y[int(L / 2)]
    deflection_formula = P * L**3 / (48 * E * Ix)
    reldiff = abs((deflection_bm - deflection_formula) / deflection_formula)
    assert reldiff < 0.005
예제 #15
def test_clamped_distributed():  # {{{1
    """Clamped beam with distributed load"""
    results = bm.solve(L, None, bm.DistLoad(force=P, start=0, end=L),
                       np.ones(L + 1) * E * Ix,
                       np.ones(L + 1) * G * A,
                       np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2, -np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2, False)
    deflection_bm = results.y[L]
    deflection_formula = P * L**3 / (8 * E * Ix)
    reldiff = abs((deflection_bm - deflection_formula) / deflection_formula)
    assert reldiff < 0.005
예제 #16
def test_clamped_moment_end():
    """Begin clamped, moment load at end."""
    M = 500 * 1000
    results = bm.solve(L, None, bm.MomentLoad(M, pos=L),
                       np.ones(L + 1) * E * Ix,
                       np.ones(L + 1) * G * A,
                       np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2, -np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2, False)
    deflection_bm = results.y[L]
    deflection_formula = M * L**2 / (2 * E * Ix)
    reldiff = abs((deflection_bm - deflection_formula) / deflection_formula)
    assert reldiff < 0.005
예제 #17
def test_supported_moment_begin():
    """Ends supported beam with moment load at begin."""
    M = 500 * 1000
    x = 422
    results = bm.solve(L, (0, L), bm.MomentLoad(M, 0),
                       np.ones(L + 1) * E * Ix,
                       np.ones(L + 1) * G * A,
                       np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2, -np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2, False)
    deflection_bm = results.y[x]
    deflection_formula = 0.0642 * M * L**2 / (E * Ix)
    reldiff = abs((deflection_bm - deflection_formula) / deflection_formula)
    assert reldiff < 0.005
예제 #18
def test_supported_moment_both():
    """Ends supported beam with moment load at both ends."""
    M = 500 * 1000 / 2
    results = bm.solve(
        L, (0, L),
        [bm.MomentLoad(M, 0), bm.MomentLoad(-M, L)],
        np.ones(L + 1) * E * Ix,
        np.ones(L + 1) * G * A,
        np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2, -np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2, False)
    deflection_bm = results.y[int(L / 2)]
    deflection_formula = 6 * M * L**2 / (48 * E * Ix)
    reldiff = abs((deflection_bm - deflection_formula) / deflection_formula)
    assert reldiff < 0.005
예제 #19
def test_supported_pointloads():  # {{{1
    """Ends supported beam with three equidistant point loads"""
    results = bm.solve(L, (0, L), [
        bm.Load(force=P, pos=L / 4),
        bm.Load(force=P, pos=L / 2),
        bm.Load(force=P, pos=3 * L / 4)
                       np.ones(L + 1) * E * Ix,
                       np.ones(L + 1) * G * A,
                       np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2, -np.ones(L + 1) * H / 2, False)
    deflection_bm = results.y[int(L / 2)]
    deflection_formula = 19 * P * L**3 / (384 * E * Ix)
    reldiff = abs((deflection_bm - deflection_formula) / deflection_formula)
    assert reldiff < 0.005